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Two studies examined the possibility that unsolicited help can function as a low-ability cue. In Experiment 1, children 5–12 years old viewed videotaped teaching sessions depicting two boys working on a set of math problems. One boy received assistance from a help giver (teacher or peer); the other received no such help. Participants then judged both students"" ability and effort. In Experiment 2, children 4–12 years old viewed one videotape and then made inferences about attributions, affects, and expectancies of the students. They also indicated which of the two they would prefer as a workmate. All children except 4–5-year-olds in Experiment 2 inferred that the helped student was lower in ability than his nonhelped counterpart. Age-related differences in young children""s judgments about affects, expectancies, and preferred work mate showed the same developmental pattern. The implications of these findings for the development of attributional understanding and for communicating low ability in the classroom are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Learning-disabled students received instructions about both summarization strategies and their personal beliefs about causality that were designed to improve reading comprehension. 75 upper elementary school students were assigned to 4 treatment groups. The main experimental condition received attributional retraining on paired-associate and sort-recall tasks (which were unrelated to the target comprehension tests), instructions on the use of a summarization strategy, attributional statements about the efficacy of the instructed strategy, and posttests by which we assessed reading skills and general attributional beliefs. Students in another experimental condition received an identical treatment package without prior attributional retraining on unrelated paired-associate and sort-recall tasks but with attributional statements embedded in the summarization strategy. Ss in one control condition received strategy training (without attributional retraining), whereas those in the other received neither strategy nor attribution instructions. Results suggested that attributional training enhanced the maintenance of the summarization strategy and selectivity facilitated generalization. Domain-specific attributional beliefs seemed to provide important orientating and perseverating characteristics that enhanced goal-directed, strategic processing in learning-impaired students. In spite of performance improvements, however, long-standing, antecedent attributional beliefs were unaltered by program-specific attributional training. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

College students and psychiatric rehabilitees performed a manual dexterity task in which consistent success or failure was maipulated over four consecutive task trials. Contrasting predictions for the use of casual attributions (luck, task difficulty, effort, and ability) following Trial 1 and Trial 4 for the two populations were derived from Heider's balance theory and "naive theory of action". Consistent with native theory, students who succeeded and rehabilitees who succeeded used unstable attributions only college students who failed used stable attributions to account for these trial outcomes, whereas students who failed and rehabilitees who failed made significant changes in their attributional patterns from Trial 1 to Trial 4. Results are discussed regarding intervention with psychiatric rehabilitees and other groups with severe achievement difficulties.  相似文献   

This study examined the extent to which causal attributions were predictive of depressed mood in college students who experienced a negative event. In a replication and extension of a study by Metalsky, Abramson, Seligman, Semmel, and Peterson (1982), we evaluated students' attributional style and their attributions for an examination performance in the college classroom. Additionally, an indirect probe was used to assess unsolicited attributions. Subjects were asked about their plans to prepare for the next examination in order to test for the motivational deficits predicted by the reformulated learned helplessness (RLH) model. Unlike Metalsky et al., attributional style did not predict depressed mood following a disappointing examination performance. Attributions for the particular examination performance were predictive of depressed mood for students who were disappointed in their examination performance. Few subjects, 31%, gave attributions in response to the indirect probe, and there was no support for the prediction that unexpected negative events would lead to subjects' making more attributions. Internal, stable, and global attributions for poor examination performance resulted in students making more plans to study for the next examination, a finding contrary to what is predicted by the RLH model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated 89 college students' attributions about the activity preferences of able-bodied vs physically disabled peers and evaluated the effects of imagined empathy on attributional patterns and attitudes toward disabled people. Ss were asked to predict the responses of either a male or a female able-bodied or wheelchair-user college student to items on a 20-item questionnaire offering choices between gregarious–nongregarious activities and between active–passive activities. Results indicate that there was considerable variability in able-bodied students' attributions about disabled peers' activity preferences. Previous contact with disabled people was unrelated either to attitudes toward disabled people or to activity preference attributions. Asking students to imagine empathy for a disabled peer was not an effective technique to change either attributional patterns or attitudes toward disabled people. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although many students struggle with career-related issues in college, comparatively few engage the career services offered by their academic institutions for help with their difficulties. In addition, there is little research on the factors influencing students’ decisions to engage in counseling for career-related issues, making it difficult to develop programs to enhance students’ use of career counseling services. The present study examines the relationships between the stigma associated with help seeking and attitudes toward engaging in career counseling. Participants were 509 college students who completed measures of stigma and attitudes toward career counseling. Structural equation modeling results indicated that public and personal stigmas were linked to self-stigma, which in turn was linked to attitudes toward seeking career counseling. Sixty percent of the variance in self-stigma and 42% of the variance in attitudes was accounted for in the model. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested an attributional model of motivation and performance following failure. 63 college students were preselected on the basis of their attributional styles for interpersonal failures, as measured by the Attributional Style Assessment Test. Ss in the 2 preselected groups (character-style vs behavioral-style attributors) were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 experimental manipulations of attributions for failure at an interpersonal persuasion task: (a) no manipulation, (b) ability/trait manipulation (which parallels the character-style), or (c) strategy/effort manipulation (which parallels the behavior style). Subsequently, Ss engaged in a blood drive task over the telephone, trying to persuade other students to donate blood. Success expectancies, motivation, and actual performance were assessed. As predicted, Ss who made strategy-/effort-type attributions, whether by experimental manipulation or by preselection, expected more success, expected more improvement with practice, displayed higher levels of motivation, and performed better at the task than did Ss who made ability-/trait-type attributions. Implications for the treatment of such clinical symptoms as loneliness and depression are discussed. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Attributional retraining is a therapeutic method for reinstating psychological control that may be useful for improving students' achievement in the college classroom. After attributional retraining or no training, internal- and external-locus students observed a videotaped lecture presented by either a low- or a high-expressive instructor in a simulated college classroom. One week later they wrote a test on the lecture and on a homework assignment. Attributional retraining improved external, but not internal, students' performance on both the lecture and homework tests. Expressive instruction also enhanced lecture- and homework-related achievement in external students but not in internal students. These results suggest that cognitive factors influencing students' perceived control (e.g., internal/external locus) must be taken into consideration when remedial interventions for academic achievement are developed. The results are interpreted within a social cognition framework. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assessed the effects of a 4-wk workshop designed to enhance the awareness of 60 college women about sex role and career factors and to expand their sex role attitudes and self-concepts. During the workshop, portions of a 28-min videotape were presented to Ss and discussed each wk in small groups. The videotape presentation is a direct application of a model depicting factors affecting both sex role socialization and career decision-making processes. Treatment effects were assessed by means of 5 career and sex-role instruments in a pretest/posttest control-group design. Results indicate that treatment Ss spent more time thinking about their career planning, described themselves as being more "masculine," and reported investigative, social, and enterprising careers as being more appropriate career choices than control Ss. The workshop appears to have expanded Ss' "masculine" sex role self-concepts and changed their attitudes about the appropriateness of 2 stereotypic masculine career areas (investigative and enterprising). (59 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this study we tested an attributional model of expressed emotion (EE) among Mexican-American families. A sample of 46 key family members of schizophrenic patients was measured on 3 dimensions: affect toward patient, controllability attributions, and level of EE. Consistent with an attributional model, it was found that high EE families (defined on the basis of critical comments) viewed the illness and associated symptoms as residing within the patient's personal control, more so than did low EE families. Also, attributions held by family members were to be related to their affective reactions. Specifically, family members who perceived the patient as having control over the symptoms of schizophrenia tended to express greater negative emotions such as anger and annoyance toward the patient than did family members who viewed the symptoms as beyond the patient's personal control. An examination of the types of affects found and their relationship to EE status is discussed, along with implications for this research. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The attributional reformulation of the learned helplessness model of depression proposes that causal attributions about negative outcomes play a causal role in reactive depression. This research tested this hypothesis by studying the causal role of attributions in depression in 180 college students. On 2 occasions separated by 1 mo, Ss were administered a battery of tests that included an attributional style questionnaire and the Beck Depression Inventory. The attributional dimensions of internality, stability, and globality were correlated with depression; when the possible causal role of attributions was tested through the use of cross-lagged panel correlational analysis, the hypothesis that stability and globality attributions for bad outcomes might be causes of depression was supported. There was no support, however, for the hypothesis that internal attributions for bad outcomes are a cause of depression. Evidence was also found that unstable attributions for good outcomes may function as a cause of depression. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Explored whether the attitudes of men toward the career development of women could be affected by the observation of 1 of 2 videotapes (D. Dege et al, 1980) that dealt with issues in career development and socialization for men or women. 90 undergraduate males were randomly assigned to 1 of the 2 treatment groups or to a control group. Outcome measures were the Attitudes Toward Women Scale (AWS) and a personalized attitudes scale (PAS) developed for this study. There were no significant treatment effects on the AWS. The group that viewed the videotape on men was significantly more liberal on the PAS items than were the other groups. A correlation between the scores on the AWS and the PAS was statistically significant. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Students' understanding of attributional self-presentation strategies that facilitate adults' and peers' social approval in achievement situations was examined. In Exp 1, 8th-grade students were asked to predict how success and failure due to ability (high vs low) and effort (high vs low) would affect peer popularity and teacher liking. Students recognized that attributions elicit different responses depending on their audience and achievement outcome. In Exp 2, the same participants rated the likelihood of communicating 4 attributions (ability, effort, exam fairness, and luck) as a reason of their own imagined exam performance to peers, teachers, and parents. Consistent with the results of Exp 1, the students varied their explanations according to the outcome and the audience. The results of the 2nd experiment were also replicated with college students. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the effect of contextual variation on depressive attributional style in 42 psychiatric inpatients divided into depressed (mean age 36.43 yrs) and control (mean age 30.52 yrs) groups on the basis of their responses to the Beck Depression Inventory. Ss received 20%, 50%, or 80% reinforcement on a task. Three measurement variables were evaluated: (a) when the attributions were produced (during vs after the task), (b) how the attributions were made (generating vs selecting influences), and (c) who provided the dimensional scores (Ss vs raters). The expected group differences on the attributional composite occurred only under the 20 and 50% reinforcement conditions. Group differences were demonstrated only when Ss made attributions after the task (when Ss selected attributions from a list). However, when the Ss generated their own influences after the task, group differences emerged only when they and not the raters provided the dimensional scores. Findings suggest that depressive attributional style is dependent on contextual factors and parameters of measurement. (31 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This laboratory study assessed the effectiveness of warning messages intended to aid in the control of gambling. Participants were 120 undergraduate students from an urban state university who reported previous gambling activity. They were recruited to play a computerized roulette game with imaginary money. Money left at the end of play was exchanged for raffle tickets for a prize drawing. Participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 conditions. In the warning-message condition, participants received an educational component discussing common irrational beliefs expressed by gamblers and, while playing roulette, viewed brief messages that addressed irrational gambling beliefs. In the control condition, participants received an educational component on the history of roulette but no warning messages. Participants in the warning-message condition reported significantly fewer irrational beliefs and demonstrated less risky gambling behavior than those in the control condition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A model of a recovery process from depression that is compatible with the hopelessness theory of depressive onset is proposed. This model predicts that depressives who have an enhancing attributional style for positive events (i.e., make global, stable attributions for such events) will be more likely to regain hopefulness and, thereby, recover from depression, when positive events occur. This prediction was tested by following a group of depressed college students longitudinally for 6 weeks. Although neither positive events alone nor attributional style alone predicted reduction in hopelessness, depressives who both showed the enhancing attributional style for positive events and experienced more positive events showed dramatic reductions in hopelessness which were accompanied by remission of depressive symptoms. Thus, attributional style for positive events may be a factor that enables some depressives to recover when positive events occur in their lives. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study investigated concern about HIV infection, knowledge about HIV/AIDS, and mode of transmission on willingness to work with and sympathy expressed towards a coworker with AIDS. 120 undergraduate students were randomly assigned to one of 12 groups in a 3 x 4 between-subjects design. Subjects viewed one of three 12 min. videotapes, including one videotape designed to increase concern, one designed to increase information, and a control videotape of music. Participants then read one of four scenarios about training a new employee. The scenarios varied the mode of HIV transmission (unknown, heterosexual contact, homosexual contact, or blood transfusion). Analysis showed that the ratings of willingness to work with or sympathy toward the HIV-positive coworker made after the videotape were not higher than those of other groups; however, significantly greater sympathy was reported for coworkers with unknown means of transmission than for coworkers who had contracted the virus through homosexual activity and more sympathy was also shown for coworkers who had contracted AIDS through blood transfusion than for employees who became infected through any type of sexual activity. Findings are discussed in terms of the AIDS literature and suggestions for employers.  相似文献   

This study was part of a longitudinal study of factors related to persistence in a science-related career. Participants (N?=?173; 97 women and 76 men) were a subsample of matched participants from the 1980 and 1990 phases of data collection in the midwestem United States who in 1980, while in high school, aspired to a science, math, or technology career. By 1990, 36% of women and 46% of men had persisted in a science-related career. Structural equation model testing indicated that for women persistence was related to the number of elective high school science courses taken and that women who had higher career commitment were more likely to have switched aspirations to another career field. For men, persistence was related to their 1980 and 1990 career aspiration level and needing and obtaining financial support for college. For men these relationships also incorporated the largely indirect effects of high school science grade point average. Implications for counseling include encouraging interested adolescent girls to take elective science courses and nurturing aspiration level in adolescent boys who have science ability and are interested in a science career. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Determining who would benefit from treatment interventions is an important issue for psychology in general and self-help approaches in particular. Holland high-point code and self-directed search (Holland, 1985b) scale scores were used to predict benefit from a self-help career counseling intervention for 52 students undecided as to career. Outcome was assessed by means of changes on the Vocational Identity Scale of Holland's My Vocational Situation (Holland, Daiger, & Power, 1980). Participants with realistic, investigative, or conventional high-point codes showed greater changes in vocational identity when compared with participants with artistic, social, or enterprising high-point codes. The results also indicated that higher scores on the Realistic, Investigative, and Conventional scales were related to greater changes in vocational identity. The results are discussed in relation to self-help for career concerns and the self-help field in general. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Depressive and nondepressive college students attributed causality for positive and negative events that happened to either themselves, a close other, or a typical student. Depressives made less optimistic attributions than nondepressives when explaining events that happened to themselves. However, depressives and nondepressives generally made similar attributions about others; both groups were optimistic when explaining events that happened to their best friend or romantic partner and less optimistic when explaining events that happened to the typical student. The results indicate that depressives do not treat close others as extensions of the self, at least in terms of their attributional patterns. Furthermore, depressives were aware of the extent to which their attributions benefitted or harmed the desired identity of the actor. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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