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引人预算态度、预算激励变量,采用问卷调查法分析管理者的预算参与行为与管理绩效的关系,并构建了结构方程模型.研究发现:管理者预算参与与管理绩效成正相关,而这种正相关又受到预算激励的调节作用,即预算激励既直接调节管理者预算参与与管理绩效的关系,也通过管理者对预算的态度这一中介变量间接调节管理者预算参与与管理绩效的关系. 相似文献
本文首先界定了高校学生组织的属性,在分析我国高校学生组织管理现状的基础上,提出了通过对高校学生组织权力的优化,配套制度和支撑体系的完善,自我管理模式的创新来实现高校学生组织的管理绩效提高和学生组织管理者的管理能力的提升,从而实现我国高校行政管理效能的提升. 相似文献
在我国政治体制不断深化改革的背景下,政府绩效评估的公民参与问题成为社会关注的一个热点,公民参与对于提高政府工作效率有重要意义,也是我国建立服务型政府的基础,近年来我国的公民参与已经取得了一定的成效,但是依然存在着参与形式单一,参与意识薄弱,参与制度不完善等问题,因此需要从公民意识、制度建立等方面做出努力. 相似文献
王浩 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,31(3)
按照时间先后顺序回顾了上世纪50年代以来以英美为代表的西方发达国家在预算参与方面的主要研究文献,从研究方法、预算参与与组织环境、预算参与与组织管理绩效等方面进行了简要的评述,得出如下结论:组织环境的变动性对预算参与产生重要影响,预算参与通过强化一些媒介因素来提高组织管理绩效。并提出了对我国预算参与理论研究和预算参与实践的启示和建议。 相似文献
浅谈全面预算管理对黄金企业发展的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
文中通过对中国黄金总公司所属黄金企业经营现状的分析,提出全面预算管理的观念、理论和实施方法,论述了全面预算管理对黄金企业发展的重要影响。 相似文献
林丽琼 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2011,(12)
人力资源是当今社会最重要的资源,如何更有效的利用这一宝贵资源,需要我们对绩效管理进行深入的分析探索,只有理论上研究的透彻后,才能从理论上升到实践,对现实中各种企业的人力资源进行有效运用,本文对绩效管理进行深入分析,同时介绍一种绩效管理的有效工具. 相似文献
财务预算管理是企业管理的重要手段,是在预测和决策的基础上,围绕企业战略目标,对一定时期内资金的取得和投放,各项收入和支出、经营成果及其分配等资金运作所作的具体措施.本文阐述了财务预算管理的定义并结合工作实际总结了财务预算管理中存在的问题和改进的措施. 相似文献
随着现代企业制度的推行,财务管理中心地位的确立,企业财务管理的作用越来越重要. 相似文献
浅析管理流程再造与组织扁平化 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
管理流程再造是以流程为导向的新型管理模式 ,组织内部实行“扁平化”结构。管理流程再造克服了传统组织结构的信息流通不畅、管理成本大、效率低及信息传递易失真等弊端 ,追求短流程、高效率的目标 ,可迅速理顺管理职能 ,从而提高企业的竞争力 相似文献
企业推行全面预算管理,可促进企业经营决策的科学化,明确工作目标,使企业管理方式由直接管理转向间接管理,正确评价各级各部门的工作效绩。推行全面预算管理的基本方法是预算组织设置、预算的编制、预算的执行与监督、预算执行结果的评估与考核、信息的反馈与预算调整。预算目标的制定要符合实际,预算管理要始终坚持贯穿“一条线”原则,以提高预算管理的可操作性,使考核结果客观公正、科学合理。 相似文献
Daniel N. Farhey 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2010,24(4):345-352
The diagnostic concept of the structural deficiency of bridges is an essential engineering and management consideration with implications of performance. The structural deficiency analysis reflects the constructed system performance at the serviceability limit states. This paper analyzes trends in the structural deficiency of bridge inventory on the basis of material kind. A multiple-criteria diagnostic approach defines measures for condition, durability, and longevity performances and determines the overall equivalent performance. Thus, the structural performance levels reflect the structural reliability and vulnerability indices for bridge serviceability. The application of the approach analyzes the raw database of the entire bridge inventory in the United States. This comprehensive operational experience provides a national network-level comparative basis. The comparison suggests a relative need for improvements in one or more areas, such as design details or maintenance level, to increase the desirability of bridge construction materials. The results support more objective bridge management and decision making on distribution of funds, updating of policies, perfection of practices, and trade-off analyses for design, construction, maintenance, and replacement. 相似文献
Automobile accident reports and full-scale crash tests of existing breakaway cable terminals (BCTs) indicated their poor performance during end-on impacts. This paper presents results of a feasibility study, which was conducted to identify problems with existing BCTs. The nonlinear, explicit, dynamic finite-element code LS-DYNA was used in the investigation of BCT design problems. Several problems were identified in the past during the full-scale crash tests. These problems became clearly visible when computational mechanics analyses were used. In addition to severe vehicle damage, vehicular impact induced dangerous, large deceleration peaks and uncontrolled vehicle trajectories. Analysis of actual crash tests and LS-DYNA data led to the conclusion that the terminal is too stiff along its longitudinal direction and fails to smoothly control dissipation of the vehicle kinetic energy. Therefore, the major objective of the research was to soften the existing system by weakening the rail in strategically located areas. The paper describes the design retrofit process, which was continuously guided by computational mechanics analyses. Specific retrofit recommendations emerged at the end of this process and they are described in the paper. Full-scale crash tests are recommended to confirm expected benefits of the proposed retrofit. 相似文献
高伟 《冶金设备管理与维修》2013,(6):52-53
以如何提高起重运输设备运行稳定性和发挥设备潜能为课题,应用全员参与管理模式,把设备零缺陷作为管理追求的目标。相关全员围绕起重机管理,以岗位责任为基础,展开发现问题、解决问题直至预防问题的活动,把严、细、实贯彻到具体管理工作中去,持续提高起重设备管理水平。 相似文献
Structural equation modeling (SEM) is a frequently used data-analytic technique in psychopathology research. This popularity is due to the unique capabilities and broad applicability of SEM and to recent advances in model and software development. Unfortunately, the popularity and accessibility of SEM is matched by its complexities and ambiguities. Thus, users are often faced with difficult decisions regarding a variety of issues. This special section is designed to increase the effective use of SEM by reviewing recently developed modeling capabilities, identifying common problems in application, and recommending appropriate strategies for analysis and evaluation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved) 相似文献
The establishment of trust has been identified as the most critical factor that facilitates partnering success. As such, management should direct their efforts and energy to enhance trust effectively and systematically. It is hypothesized that partners’ trust level is positively related to their performance, permeability, and relational bonding and can be system based. This paper reports the use of the structural equation modeling technique to test this hypothesis. Project-based data on partnering success and the relative importance of the four trust factors were collected through a questionnaire survey, and the level of partnering success was assessed by the achievement of the preset project targets. The findings of the study support the hypothesized positive relationship between the partners’ trust level and partnering success. In addition, performance, permeability, and relational bonding were found to make significant contributions toward parties’ trust level. 相似文献
Keith Molenaar Simon Washington James Diekmann 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》2000,126(4):268-277
This paper presents the results of a structural equation model (SEM) for describing and quantifying the fundamental factors that affect contract disputes between owners and contractors in the construction industry. Through this example, the potential impact of SEM analysis in construction engineering and management research is illustrated. The purpose of the specific model developed in this research is to explain how and why contract related construction problems occur. This study builds upon earlier work, which developed a disputes potential index, and the likelihood of construction disputes was modeled using logistic regression. In this earlier study, questionnaires were completed on 159 construction projects, which measured both qualitative and quantitative aspects of contract disputes, management ability, financial planning, risk allocation, and project scope definition for both owners and contractors. The SEM approach offers several advantages over the previously employed logistic regression methodology. The final set of structural equations provides insight into the interaction of the variables that was not apparent in the original logistic regression modeling methodology. 相似文献