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The quality of the supervisory working alliance should be related to the quality of the counseling working alliance and to trainee adherence to a treatment model. After each of 4 supervision sessions, 75 trainees completed the Supervisory Working Alliance Inventory, and, after each counseling session, their clients completed the Working Alliance Inventory. Judges rated portions of the videotaped counseling sessions with an adherence measure. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to analyze these nested data (repeated measures of trainees nested within supervisors). As hypothesized, the trainee's perception of the supervisory alliance was significantly related to the client's perception of the counseling alliance and to aspects of treatment adherence. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the supervision literature. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Measured the effectiveness of A. P. Goldstein's (1973) Structured Learning Training (SLT) for teaching confrontation skills to 56 trainees varying in conceptual development (Paragraph Completion Test). Both a self-instruction approach and a standard implementation of SLT were effective for teaching confrontation skills. When trainees' conceptual level (CL) was considered, the approaches proved differentially effective (as measured by pencil-and-paper tests). Self-instruction SLT was more effective with high CL trainees than with low CL trainees; guided-instruction SLT proved more effective than self-instruction SLT with low CL trainees in each treatment. Further, differences due to instructional approach and CL failed to reach significance when the dependent variable was assessed via taped role play. Findings suggest the need for multiple ways of assessing skills as well as multiple approaches for instruction. Further investigation seems necessary to specify the variables involved in maximizing the effect of instruction. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine patients' reports of positive quality of life over the course of multiple forms of psychotherapy and disorders. Data from 5 studies using a common assessment battery were pooled to evaluate the magnitude of change in positive quality of life and explore the relation of change in positive quality of life to change in symptoms and how these relations vary by disorder. Positive quality of life was measured at intake, termination, and during 2 posttreatment visits 6 and 12 months following termination. Results revealed that positive quality of life improved moderately over the course of psychotherapy and was sustained through follow-up. Levels of positive quality of life and the degree of change in positive quality of life varied considerably by disorder. There were also moderately sized correlations between changes in positive quality of life and changes in symptomatic response and interpersonal functioning from intake to termination. Implications of the findings for clinical practice and future research are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assessed the relative contributions of modeling and instructions to training of counselor empathy in a factorial design incorporating 2 instruction conditions (instructions or no instructions) and 3 modeling conditions (high-empathy model, low-empathy model, or no model). Ss were 68 clergymen from various religious denominations. Ss wrote responses to a taped client in Phase 1, a training phase, and conducted an interview with a client (actor) in Phase 2, a generalization phase. Instructions had no effect on empathy offered by Ss, but Ss hearing a high-empathy model showed significantly higher empathy in Phase 1 responses than all other Ss. Findings were not significant in Phase 2. Reasons for lack of generalization and implications for further research and training are noted. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined changes in counseling skills by comparing pre- and postsemester counseling interviews of 13 trained graduate student counselors and 13 graduate students in a no-treatment control condition. Dependent measures included the Counselor and Client Verbal Response Category Systems, the therapist intentions list by C. E. Hill and K. E. O'Grady (see record 1985-15615-001), the client reactions system by Hill et al (see record 1989-18876-001), and the session evaluation questionnaire by W. B. Stiles and J. S. Snow (see record 1984-15583-001). When compared to the graduate students in the no-treatment control condition, the trained graduate student counselors decreased their use of the assessment intention and the question response mode and increased their use of the explore intention and the minimal encouragers response mode. The student clients seen by the trained graduate student counselors showed parallel changes in response modes and session evaluation. I conclude that these changes reflected those expected from training in interpersonal-dynamic therapy. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared the effectiveness of 2 different in-service training workshops for counselors. 18 male and 15 female secondary school counselors with a mean age of 37.3 yrs and mean counseling experience of 6.3 yrs served as Ss. 22 Ss were given a 16-hr Carkhuff-type refresher in facilitative interpersonal process plus 8 hrs either of sensitivity experiences or traditional didactic learning. 11 volunteers whose schedules could not be accommodated served as controls. Pre-post criteria of relationship skill were assessed in actual and simulated interviews. Results demonstrate the usefulness of Carkhuff-based training supplemented by group encounter as a professional-skills enhancer, and underscored the transferability of sensitivity training gains to counseling. It is concluded that the interpersonal learning that occurs in a sensitivity context may be a more valuable resource in real-life counseling situations than the learning effected by didactic materials. (17 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study utilized a theory-specific measure to examine client relational change over the course of time-limited dynamic psychotherapy in 84 Ss (aged 26–64 yrs). Specifically, this study examined change and stability in clients' attachment style. Categorical and dimensional ratings attachment styles were obtained. Pretreatment and posttreatment measures of attachment styles were then examined in association with Global Assessment Scale (GAS) scores and symptoms. Results show that at posttreatment, a significant number of clients were evaluated as having changed from an insecure to a secure attachment style. Additionally, the sample as a whole demonstrated significant changes toward increased secure attachment. Significant relationships were also found among changes in attachment style, GAS scores, and symptom levels. Implications for psychodynamic/interpersonal psychotherapy research and practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the nature and scope of course work and practica training available within all 108 American Psychological Association-approved clinical and counseling psychology programs and 125 departments of counselor education granting the doctorate. Findings indicate that at least two-thirds of all faculty and students believe that there is departmental support for marriage and family therapy (MFT) training. 66% of clinical and counseling psychology departments and 33% of counselor education departments were offering some MFT course work. Few new MFT faculty additions were being planned or anticipated, and in most departments offering MFT, few new course offerings were being considered. Thus, there was a discrepancy between the strong support generated for MFT training and the actual courses available to students. Strategies are suggested for increasing MFT training in these settings. (11 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

30 female undergraduates were given training in making complaints, small talk, and saying no to unreasonable requests. Significant improvement occurred in all 3 areas; however, there was significantly more improvement for making complaints than for saying no to unreasonable requests. Ss seen by a male counselor changed significantly more than Ss seen by a female counselor. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The responses of 67 counselors to 21 widely varying client statements were rated on eight dimensions (dominance, approach–avoidance, focus on affect, immediacy, breadth vs. specificity, meeting client's demands, verbosity, and confrontation). The counselors were divided into three experience levels (beginning students [n?=?24], advanced students [n?=?23], and doctoral level professionals [n?=?20]), and their responses were compared. We hypothesized that student counselors would evidence different amounts of these variables than would the doctoral counselors. This hypothesis was supported on the dimensions of dominance, immediacy, meeting client's demands, verbosity, and confrontation. It was also hypothesized that response flexibility would differ across the experience levels. On the dimensions of dominance, meeting client demands, and confrontation, doctoral counselors were more flexible than were advanced student counselors. The results indicate that students focus on learning and honing the use of certain counseling skills. In the process of doing this, they tend to apply them in a rigid manner. Doctoral counselors appear more able to apply their skills flexibly depending on the situation. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In this study with a total of 92 Caucasian female counselor trainees, Ss' verbal behavior change was viewed as being dependent on the training program components, i.e., verbal, written, and model presentations. Specific hypotheses were derived concerning the quantitative production of the target verbal behavior given the training program design. Ss were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 experimental groups: (a) control group; (b) lecture presentation; (c) lecture and reading presentation; and (d) lecture, reading, and model presentation. After exposure to the training program detailing restatement, Ss responded to 10 audiorecorded client statements. One-way analyses of variance demonstrated that the lecture presentation produced a significant increase of target verbal behavior, as did the addition of reading. Model presentation after the 2 symbolic model presentations did not cause a significant increase in production. Implications of symbolic modeling for counselor training and research are discussed. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated a category system of emotion words used in training beginning counselors to respond appropriately to client emotions. 10 experienced counselors (mean age 45.7 yrs), 32 counseling students (mean age 30.7 yrs), and 38 noncounselors (mean age 25.7 yrs) performed a free sort of 45 emotion words selected from categories labeled "depressed," "fearful," and "angry" proposed by D. C. Hammond et al (1977). Free sorts for each group of Ss were compared with the categories proposed by Hammond et al and with each other by means of quadratic assignment. Empirically derived intensity categories used by the Ss in each group also were identified. Comparisons were statistically significant, suggesting that Ss' categories were similar to the hypothesized categories. The categories used by each group, however, were more similar to each other than to the hypothesized categories. Fewer than 20% of the words were classified reliably across the 4 category systems. Use of the proposed category system in counselor training, therefore, would not be expected to improve counselors' ability to accurately identify and label client emotions. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined an important but rarely investigated aspect of the dissemination process: the intensity of training provided to practitioners. Counselors in 57 schools were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 conditions: Coping Power–training plus feedback (CP-TF), Coping Power–basic training (CP-BT), or a comparison condition. CP-TF counselors produced reductions in children’s externalizing behavior problems and improvements in children’s social and academic skills in comparison to results for target children in both the comparison and the CP-BT conditions. Training intensity was critical for successful dissemination, although the implementation mechanism underlying this effect remains unclear, as condition effects were not significant for completion of session objectives but were significant for the quality of counselors’ engagement with children. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Describes a study with 40 White and 40 Black 14-17 yr old female delinquents. A 2 * 2 * 2 factorial analysis of variance was performed on each of 3 preference criteria: personal-social, educational, and vocational (Counselor Preference Scale). Findings indicate that the strongest preference for a counselor occurred when counseling was related to educational-vocational matters. Significant F ratios revealed that White Ss preferred the Black counselor over the White counselor in terms of the personal-social criterion. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the interpersonal influence process within an actual counseling context over an average of 8 sessions. Counselors were either beginning or advanced practicum students or doctoral interns (n?=?27); clients were 31 students who sought counseling at a university center. Before and after counseling Ss completed the Counselor Rating Form, the Expectations about Counseling measure, and the Counselor Perceptions Questionnaire. Results indicate that (a) the actual counselor experience level did not affect client perceptions of the counselor; (b) perceived counselor expertness, attractiveness, and trustworthiness changed over time, but not in the same direction across counselors; (c) different levels of client need did not affect clients' perceptions of counselor characteristics; and (d) counselors rated as highly attractive indicated they had more therapeutic power over clients than counselors rated as moderately attractive. (46 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

48 8th–9th grade Black males, selected for their aggressive classroom behavior, were randomly assigned to professional or peer counselor assertive training groups, professional or peer counselor discussion groups, and a no-treatment control group. All Ss were administered a pretest and posttest battery measuring assertive skill level, anger level, a projective assessment of aggression, and classroom aggressive behavior. Results suggest that professional counselors and peer counselors are equally effective in teaching assertive skills and that Ss who learn assertive responses will exhibit significantly less aggressive behavior. (14 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Assessed the influence of counselor (C) gender (male or female), C sex role orientation (traditional or egalitarian), S's sex role orientation (masculine, feminine, or androgynous), and client problem type (sex role related or not sex role related) on female Ss' judgments of their comfort with disclosing to Cs and their perceptions of the C's attractiveness, expertness, and trustworthiness. Results show that (a) S's ratings of comfort in disclosing was greater with female rather than male and with egalitarian rather than traditional Cs; (b) female egalitarian Cs were perceived as most expert, whereas female traditional Cs were perceived as least expert, and (c) male traditional Cs were perceived as least trustworthy. The presence of C gender and C sex role effects and the absence of effects as a function of problem type and Ss' sex role orientation are discussed. Suggestions are made concerning the need for more consistent definition of sex role orientation and designation of problem type. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted a study with a 2?×?3 factorial design, the factors being status of counselor (paraprofessional vs professional) and counselor response type (high-intimacy self-disclosing, low-intimacy self-disclosing, and self-involving). Perceptions of and responses to the counselor by 180 female undergraduates were assessed. High self-disclosing and self-involving counselors were rated as more expert and trustworthy than the low self-disclosing counselor. Paraprofessionals were rated as more attractive and trustworthy than professionals. Ss' responses to high self-disclosing and self-involving counselors contained more client self-referents than responses to the low self-disclosing counselors. Responses to the low self-disclosing counselor were more likely to be phrased in the past and future and contained more counselor-focused statements than responses to the high self-disclosing or self-involving counselor. Responses to the high self-disclosing counselor contained more affective words and fewer counselor references than responses to the self-involving or low self-disclosing counselors. (24 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the relative influence of counselor behavior (as defined by levels of the facilitative core conditions) and of counselor status (as indicated in an introduction) on Ss' perceptions of the counselor. 120 undergraduates viewed a videotaped segment of 1 of 2 staged interviews after receiving an introduction to a high-status or low-status counselor or no introduction at all. Ss then rated their perceptions of the counselor on 3 instruments, which contained 6 scorable factors: Counselor Warmth, Counselor Competence, Counseling Climate, Counselor Comfort, Client Satisfaction, and General Counselor Appeal. Counselor behavior produced a main effect on each of the 6 dependent measures, while counselor introduction produced a main effect on only Counselor Competence and Counselor Comfort. (39 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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