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文本知识发现:基于信息抽取的文本挖掘蝌 总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9
In the general context of Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Discovery in Text (KDT), which uses TextMining techniques to extract and induce hidden knowledge from unstructured text data, surges in the data and naturallanguage processing research. KDT is a multi-discipline of Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning, Natural Lan-ing with a stressing on its IE (Information Extraction)-based induction and specific sublanguage fields oriented prac-tices. 相似文献
文本知识发现:基于信息抽取的文本挖掘 总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11
1.引言大家熟知,所谓“数据丰富但知识缺乏“的现状导致了数据挖掘(Data Mining)技术研究的兴起,数据挖掘又称数据库知识发现(Knowledge Discovery in Databases)是从海量的结构化信息中抽取或挖掘隐含信息和知识的重要方法和途径。数据挖掘技术已相当成熟。因为除了结构化的数据之外,在数字化信息中更多地存在大量自由、非结构化或半结构化的文本信息如新闻文章、电子书本、电子图书馆藏、Web页面内容、Email、文档数据库等,显然手工处理需要花费大量的人力物力,并且具有不确定性。所以出现了从文本中发现知 相似文献
基于知识元语义网格平台的知识发现研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
文章讨论了Internet的增长和普及带来的科学研究对象和方法的巨大变化,科学家在跨领域合作研究过程中对数据的语义和复杂度要求越来越高,寻找关联方式发现知识成为科学家所面临的最严峻的挑战。面对这一挑战,文章提出构建知识元语义网格平台,实现以知识元为知识单位的知识发现服务体系结构。文章对基于网格的知识发现概念、网格的知识服务结构、基于知识元的语义网格知识发现基本模型作了研究。 相似文献
知识发现在CRM中的应用 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
企业在广泛应用CRM(Customer Relationship Management)对客户信息进行管理的同时,如何进一步提高CRM系统数据资源利用率是本文的重要论题。本文利用知识发现的相关技术以及数据库查询语言对隐藏在大量客户信息中的知识发现算法进行描述,并在此基础上结合CRM系统给出了知识发现的求解过程和结果。 相似文献
在分析与研究已有研究成果的基础上,该文提出了知识发现状态空间统一模型UMKDSS,将结构化数据挖掘与复杂类型数据挖掘联系起来,成为知识发现领域的一种统一框架理论,为复杂类型数据挖掘提供理论指导。 相似文献
范例推理中的知识发现技术 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
范例推理中有许多相关的知识 ,相应地有知识获取过程 ,其中也存在一定程度的知识获取瓶颈问题 .本文着重探讨在范例推理系统中引入一系列可以使用的知识发现技术 ,以期提高范例推理系统的知识获取的自动化程度 ;本文针对提出的两类算法 ,进行了实验与讨论 相似文献
铁路货票蕴含着极为丰富的信息资源,它是铁路生产经营管理的重要基础数据。该文从3个方面对货票数据进行了知识挖掘。运用集合理论构造关系数据库特征关联模型,描述了特征规则知识的表达,提出了算法,并对实际的货票数据进行了知识挖掘,分析了知识对营销的启示;运用聚类知识挖掘模型,从货物运距、货物运价号和客户对公司的收入贡献等方面探讨了货运市场的细分,挖掘出来的知识明确了铁路货运目标市场的选择;运用ARIMA模型对货票数据进行了季节性知识挖掘,用1999年—2005年的历史数据估算2006年的货运量。 相似文献
张丽芳 《数字社区&智能家居》2009,(21)
该文在介绍网格知识发现概念的基础上,提出了网格知识发现架构设计的基本原则和组件,设计了一种新型的网格知识发现框架,并在此架构上分析了集中式数据挖掘和分布式数据挖掘的全过程,最后给出了工作展望。 相似文献
实验提出了一种基于词频统计的蛋白质关系知识发现方法,该方法首先通过生物命名实体识别技术识别出蛋白质实体,然后统计共出现频率,形成候选实体对,从而发现最有可能的实体关联。 相似文献
摘 归纳了最新的数据挖掘和知识发现方法的理论和应用进展,详细总结了研究和应用的一些关键技术,最后对数据挖掘和知识发现将来的理论发展趋势和应用趋势做出了展望。 相似文献
实验提出了一种基于词频统计的蛋白质关系知识发现方法,该方法首先通过生物命名实体识别技术识别出蛋白质实体,然后统计共出现频率,形成候选实体对,从而发现最有可能的实体关联。 相似文献
Knowledge Discovery in Complex Objects 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Learning concepts and rules from structured (complex) objects is a quite challenging but very relevant problem in the area of machine learning and knowledge discovery. In order to take into account and exploit the semantic relationships that hold between atomic components of structured objects, we propose a knowledge discovery process, which starts from a set of complex objects to produce a set of related atomic objects (called contexts). The second step of the process makes use of the concatenation product to get a global context in which binary relations of individual contexts coexist with relations produced by the application of some operators to individual contexts. The last step permits the discovery of concepts and implication rules using the concept lattice as a framework in order to discover and interpret nontrivial concepts and rules that may relate different components of complex objects. This paper focuses on two main steps of the knowledge discovery process, namely data mining and interpretation. 相似文献
韩燕 《数字社区&智能家居》2007,2(8):513-514
数据挖掘与知识发现是一个以数据库、人工智能、数理统计、可视化四大支柱技术为基础,多学科交叉、渗透、融合形成的新的交叉学科,其研究内容十分广泛。从数据挖掘与知识发现的概念开始入手,对数据挖掘技术常见的方法进行了分类讲解,同时比较了不同种方法之间的优缺点。 相似文献
办公自动化系统的发展方向是以知识管理为核心的办公自动化系统,知识发现、知识提取是其中重要的技术。基于语义相关性提出了一种知识发现的模型.并根据TextTiling算法给出了其实现方法。 相似文献
Stanley Loh José Palazzo M. de Oliveira Mauricio A. Gameiro 《Applied Intelligence》2003,18(3):357-366
This paper presents a Text Mining approach for discovering knowledge in texts to later construct decision support systems. Text mining can take advantage of knowledge stored in textual documents, reducing the effort for knowledge acquisition. The approach consists in performing a mining process on concepts present in texts instead of working with words. The assumption is that concepts represent real world events and characteristics better than words, allowing the understanding and the explanation of the reasoning used in decision processes. The proposed approach extracts concepts expressed in natural phrases, and then analyzes their distributions and associations. Concepts distributions and associations are used to characterize classes or situations. After the discovery process, the obtained knowledge can be embedded in automated systems to classify elements or to suggest actions or solutions to problems. In this paper, experiments using the approach in a psychiatric domain are discussed. Concepts extracted from textual medical records represent patients' symptoms, signals and social/behavior characteristics. An automatic system was constructed with the approach: a classifier whose goal is to help physicians in disease diagnoses. Results from this system show that the approach is feasible for constructing decision support systems with satisfactory performance. 相似文献
Susan Bridges Julia Hodges Bruce Wooley Donald Karpovich George Brannon Smith 《Applied Intelligence》1999,11(2):135-148
Knowledge discovery from image data is a multi-step iterative process. This paper describes the procedure we have used to develop a knowledge discovery system that classifies regions of the ocean floor based on textural features extracted from acoustic imagery. The image is subdivided into rectangular cells called texture elements (texels); a gray-level co-occurence matrix (GLCM) is computed for each texel in four directions. Secondary texture features are then computed from the GLCM resulting in a feature vector representation of each texel instance. Alternatively, a region-growing approach is used to identify irregularly shaped regions of varying size which have a homogenous texture and for which the texture features are computed. The Bayesian classifier Autoclass is used to cluster the instances. Feature extraction is one of the major tasks in knowledge discovery from images. The initial goal of this research was to identify regions of the image characterized by sand waves. Experiments were designed to use expert judgements to select the most effective set of features, to identify the best texel size, and to determine the number of meaningful classes in the data. The region-growing approach has proven to be more successful than the texel-based approach. This method provides a fast and accurate method for identifying provinces in the ocean floor of interest to geologists. 相似文献
介绍了从关系数据库中可以发现的知识 ,提出一个知识发现系统的抽象模型 ,讨论了可以发现的知识种类 ,并指出了实现KDD系统时将要出现的一些问题。 相似文献
随着社会的发展,人们对因果关系的研究越来越受到重视,但到目前为止基本都是从现有的知识中寻找因果关系,存在无法发现更深层次的关系和规律的缺陷。为此,我们利用有限自动机可以精确地刻画软件系统或其子系统的行为的特性,从有限自动机入手,运用知识发现的方法,针对需要解决的问题挖掘出更深层次的因果关系和规律,将知识发现理论与因果关系的研究有机结合,较系统地形成因果关系的理论和方法,建立因果状态空间,形成基于知识发现的因果自动机的初步理论框架,以解决和发现不同形态下的因果关系。 相似文献