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The quest for a low-carbon energy transition has grown in recent years as concerns about the effects of climate change have grown. In this context, several governments around the world are concerned about hydrogen's possible role in a decarbonized energy system. As a result, this paper will provide a high-level overview of the hydrogen value chain, as well as an analysis of current and emerging trends in the global hydrogen market, particularly in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), which are considered the cornerstone of the current global energy system traditional fossil fuel. Egypt, as a case study, could instruct other emerging countries in general, and natural gas suppliers in particular, how to maximize gains by switching from current imports to blue hydrogen made from natural gas. Policymakers who are responsible for Egypt's national hydrogen strategy should focus on global energy insights, international experience, and natural gas-sourced blue hydrogen as a step to renewables-sourced green hydrogen.  相似文献   

Power engineers are expected to play a pivotal role in transforming buildings into smart and energy-efficient structures, which is necessary since buildings are responsible for a considerable amount of the total energy consumption. To fulfil this role, a holistic approach in education is required, tackling subjects traditionally related to other engineering disciplines. In this context, USE Efficiency is an inter-institutional and interdisciplinary educational programme implemented in nine European Universities targeting energy efficiency in buildings. The educational programme effectively links professors, students, engineers and industry experts, creating a unique learning environment. The scope of the paper is to present the methodology and the general framework followed in the USE Efficiency programme. The proposed methodology can be adopted for the design and implementation of educational programmes on energy efficiency and sustainable development in higher education. End-of-course survey results showed positive feedback from the participating students, indicating the success of the programme.  相似文献   

The authors have proposed a method of reducing the energy consumption in residential buildings by providing household members with information on energy consumptions in their own houses. An on-line interactive “energy-consumption information system” that displays power consumptions of, at most, 18 different appliances, power and city-gas consumption of the whole house and room temperature, for the purpose of motivating energy-saving activities has been constructed and the effectiveness of the system investigated by installing it in 10 residential buildings. The experiment showed that energy-saving consciousness was raised and energy consumption was in fact reduced by the energy-saving activities of the household members. In this paper, the system is described in detail and the effectiveness of reducing energy-consumption of the whole house and for space heating will be discussed. Also the energy-saving activities in a certain household are shown by using load duration curves.  相似文献   

The EU Green Paper on energy efficiency calls for action to decrease energy use and thus achieve increased competitiveness, fulfil the environmental targets and increase security of supply. In this comment, we examine the role the EU Commission suggest that energy efficiency, and policies supporting energy efficiency, takes. The policies and the suggestions are qualitatively elaborated upon in the light of the goal of a common European electricity market. We suggest that the rationales for the energy efficiency measures are weak, and that the suggested goals of increased competitiveness, environmental targets, and security of supply are best reached with the direct measures especially designed for each goal. Some of the energy efficiency measures may counter-act other direct policies. Further, The Green Paper measures may prove detrimental to the European Electricity market insofar as the policies suggested could lead to a policy fatigue among the electricity consumers.  相似文献   

Replacing incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescents (CFLs) has traditionally been seen as a cost effective means of promoting energy conservation. Recently, however, the magnitude of energy savings associated with CFLs has been called into question. Specifically, recent findings suggest an “interactive effect” associated with the replacement of incandescent light bulbs with CFLs in the residential sector. In this scenario, the reduced wattage of CFLs, relative to incandescent bulbs, generates less heat, which in turn, requires additional natural gas usage during the heating season. Engineering studies suggest the magnitude of the effect is significant in energy terms, which implies that the energy savings associated with CFLs may be significantly overstated. In this paper, we use billing analysis to test for the presence of interactive effects. Our analysis is based on a comprehensive dataset that includes monthly household electricity and natural gas usage, the number of CFL bulbs installed, the installation date, and a set of household characteristics. Our results suggest that CFLs do indeed save electricity. However, we do not find any support for the hypothesis that CFLs cause increased usage of natural gas.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the evaluation of the effectiveness of an energy efficiency program in eastern North Carolina. This subject program is focused on improved construction methods for residential housing. The program incorporates proven energy saving technologies, construction procedures, onsite inspections, and design construction methodologies in new residential construction. The analysis compared the energy usage associated with the houses built in conjunction with the energy efficiency program (test group) with similar new residential construction unrelated to the program (control group). Several statistical methods were employed to establish differences between the energy efficiency program participants and the control group. The analysis provides significant support for the effectiveness of this energy efficiency program and supports the suitability of similar efforts for inclusion in plans for renewable energy offsets and energy efficiency standards.  相似文献   

The building sector is among the largest energy users while offering cost-effective means of reducing energy use. Dynamics of energy efficiency improvements in the building stock are very slow due to the long life span of buildings and barriers such as high investment cost. A list of general policy measures to overcome the barriers to energy efficiency improvements in the Mediterranean (MED) area was proposed by regional experts in the framework of the MARIE project. These measures could be considered as a first draft of the MED buildings energy efficiency strategy. This study assesses the potential impacts of such measures, so as to inform on their effectiveness. The MARIE measures result in larger energy savings than an equally ambitious strategy based on ‘conventional measures’. However, the benefits of MARIE arrive slowly and show large variations among regions depending on the characteristics of their current building stock.  相似文献   

This paper discussed a comparative study of several state-of-art methods for determining building energy consumption benchmark. A new approach, which combined the idea of “building benchmark” and “operational benchmark” in its rating system, was proposed. A case study was conducted which applied the proposed approach to benchmarking an existing office building in Tianjin. Besides, the calculation of benchmarks of the reference building model and real building model using the rating method in eQUEST was also considered. Furthermore, the simulation results of the reference building model were taken as the baseline to divide real office buildings into different energy performance grades.  相似文献   

This paper discusses in detail specific barriers to establishing energy efficiency policies in Croatian public buildings that affect the realisation of energy efficiency projects. Barriers were discovered after years of collaboration with public institutions in Croatia, especially at a local level. Although the information presented in this paper relates specifically to the geographical areas of Splitsko- Dalmatinska and Dubrovacko-Neretvanska counties in Croatia, the research can be generalised to the country as a whole. The paper also analyses the important role of the United Nations Development Programme in encouraging proactive energy efficiency policies in public buildings in Croatia. Finally, a new organisational framework is proposed to eliminate existing barriers and to establish a system which will lead to the effective realisation of energy efficiency projects in buildings. The research presented in this paper should also be useful to countries facing similar barriers to energy investments.  相似文献   

Energy consumption and energy intensity reduction opportunities are quite different from one enterprise to another. It is necessary to understand how much energy is used at individual enterprise, where the most energy is consumed and what the best opportunities are to invest in energy efficiency. Auditing energy efficiency was recently undertaken in one of the top 1000 largest Chinese enterprises. The objectives of this paper are to fill a gap in the literature of auditing energy efficiency for a Chinese manufacturing enterprise and to share the audited energy efficiency results. This paper concludes that if the enterprise invests USD 1.9 million to improve energy efficiency, the investment will be recovered in about 18 months. The net present value of the investment would be about USD 9.8 million at a discount rate of 12%. The investment will reduce a large amount of energy consumption at the enterprise based on its figures in 2008, including 15% of electricity, 40% of fuel oil, and 54% of diesel. Carbon reduction is also very cost-effective. Investment of one dollar in the enterprise will help cut carbon emission by 7.95 kg per year and generate $5.3 net revenue in the economic lifetime of the invested technology.  相似文献   

This design is intended to revive and utilize fundamental principles of tall buildings into a modern design of an 80-story residential tower in Doha. The main goal in this design is to create an innovative and next generation sustainable tower design specifically for the Middle East by taking advantage of cutting-edge technologies while respecting the traditional way of living that reflects the cultural roots. The design utilizes a vertical exterior cable system which is used as a shading device and contributes significantly to the structural lateral load resistance.  相似文献   

Energy market integration (EMI) in the ASEAN region is a promising solution to relieve the current immobilization of its renewable energy resources and would serve the fast increasing demand for electricity in the region. EMI could be further extended with coordinated policies in carbon pricing, renewable energy portfolio standards (RPS), and feed-in-tariffs (FIT) in the ASEAN countries. Using a linear dynamic programming model, this study quantitatively assesses the impacts of EMI and the above-mentioned policies on the development of renewable energy in the power generation sector of the region, and the carbon emissions reduction achievable with these policies. According to our results, EMI is expected to significantly promote the adoption of renewable energy. Along with EMI, FIT appears to be more cost-effective than RPS and is recommended for the ASEAN region, albeit political barriers for policy coordination among the countries might be a practical concern. In addition, an RPS of 30% electricity from renewable sources by 2030, which is considered politically a “low-hanging fruit”, would achieve moderate improvements in carbon emissions reductions and renewable energy development, while incurring negligible increases in the total cost of electricity.  相似文献   

Within the multi-functionality of educational buildings, the energy conservation potential can be very different. In addition, among different retrofitting solutions investigated involving interventions on the building envelope, ventilation strategies, artificial lighting systems as well as equipment upgrading, different saving potential would come from different aspects. The opportunities for energy saving potential from the overall point of view and from the detailed aspect view of different retrofitting solutions would be very useful and important for building renovation decision making. This study presents a detailed retrofitting study of two different educational buildings. One represents a building with average occupancy variation and containing mainly offices and labs. The other one represents a building with high occupancy variation and containing mainly lecture rooms and studios. This comparison of the results gives an idea of the different energy saving potential for different types of educational buildings. Principal component analysis is also adopted to investigate the detailed performance of one of the buildings which is influenced stronger by these retrofitting solutions.  相似文献   

A new type of rural residential building that is ecological, energy efficient and comfortable was designed. Research on the new building was sponsored by the Post-disaster Reconstruction Project in Daping Village, Sichuan Province. Based on field investigation and quantitative analysis, an appropriate design strategy and technology is presented, including climatic design strategies, local material use and building energy simulation.  相似文献   

Trigeneration or combined heat, cooling and power (CHCP) is becoming an increasingly important energy option, particularly on a small-scale basis (below 1 MWe), with several alternatives nowadays available for the cooling power production and the coupling to cogeneration systems. This paper deals with the introduction of a suitable framework for assessing the energy saving performance of trigeneration alternatives, orientated towards energy planning studies and the development of regulatory policies. In particular, a new generalized performance indicator—the trigeneration primary energy saving (TPES)—is introduced and discussed, with the aim of effectively evaluating the primary energy savings from different CHCP alternatives. The potential of the TPES indicator is illustrated through specific analyses run over different combinations of trigeneration equipment, providing numerical examples based on time-domain simulations to illustrate the dependence of the energy saving characteristics on the CHCP system configurations and equipment, as well as on the loading levels. In addition, the key aspect of adequately establishing the reference efficiencies for the conventional separate production of electrical, thermal and cooling power is addressed in detail. This aspect affects both equipment selection and potential profitability of the considered solutions under the outlook of receiving financial incentives.  相似文献   

以构建能源消耗模型为切入点,剖析我国高校的用能现状、特点及发展趋势,对我国高校的节能潜力进行量化分析,提出我国高校开展能效管理的策略。  相似文献   

With a focus on the residential sector, this paper explores the likelihood of the UK government meeting its energy targets. The paper contends that energy policy needs to take into account the interplay of four major factors: an ageing population of increasing diversity; a cultural inclination for older housing much of which is thermally inefficient; levels of fuel poverty; and the inexorable rise of consumer spending on leisure related services and goods. Decisions made by older households (both the poorer and the better off) may be critical to the success of energy policy. Among the better off the changing expectations of the baby boomers, with their predilection for consumption and travel, may have particular impact. The paper concludes that much of the reduction in carbon footprint made by older people’s choices in heating and insulation may be offset, not only by increasing domestic thermal comfort, but also potentially by increasing consumables in the home and other consumer lifestyle choices. What could be achieved at best, may be a shift in energy mix.  相似文献   

The current study investigates a holistically developed solar energy system combined with a ground-sourced heat pump system for stand-alone usage to produce power, heat, and cooling along with domestic hot water for residential buildings. An integrated system is proposed where three types of building-integrated photovoltaic plant orientation are considered and integrated with a vertical-oriented ground-sourced heat pump system as well as an anion exchange membrane electrolyser for hydrogen-based energy storage along with proton exchange membrane fuel cells. The ground-sourced heat pump system covers the heating requirements and exploits the available thermal energy under the ground. Hydrogen subsystem enables the integrated system to be used anytime by compensating the peak periods with stored hydrogen via fuel cell and exploiting the excess energy to produce hydrogen via electrolyser. The photovoltaic plant orientations are extensively designed by considering geometries of three different applications, namely, rooftop photovoltaic, building-integrated photovoltaic façade and photovoltaic canopy. The shading and geometrical losses of photovoltaic applications are extensively identified and considered. In addition, the openly available high-rise building load profiles are obtained from the OpenEI network and are modified accordingly to utilize in the current study. The building requirements are considered for 8760 h annually with meteorological data and energy usage characteristics of the selected regions. The integrated system is assessed via thermodynamic-based approach from energy and exergy points of views. In order to increase generality, the proposed building energy system is analyzed for five different cities around the globe. The obtained results show that a 20-floor building with approximately 62,680 m2 residential area needs between 550 kWp and 1550 kWp of a photovoltaic plant in five different cities. For Ottawa, Canada, the overall energy and exergy efficiencies are found as 18.76% and 10.49%, respectively, in a typical meteorological year. For the city of Istanbul in Turkey, a 20-floor building is found to be self-sufficient by only using the building's surface area with a 495 kWp BIPV façade and a 90 kWp rooftop PV.  相似文献   

This article develops indicators to monitor energy efficiency developments in the food and tobacco industry based on physical production data at the firm level provided by the statistics office of the Netherlands in a confidential basis. We measure energy efficiency by using an energy efficiency indicator which is the aggregate specific energy consumption. Our results show that the food and tobacco industry has improved their energy efficiency indicator in primary terms by about 1% per year (uncertainty range between 0.9 and 1.3). In terms of final energy, there has been a decrease on the indicator for final demand of fuels of about 1.8% p.a. while there has been no improvement in the indicator for final demand of electricity. The development in energy efficiency is coherent with the reported implementation rate of energy conservation projects. We conclude that the type and the quality of the data compiled by Statistics Netherlands for the food sector is sufficient to develop indicators as required by energy and climate policy.  相似文献   

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