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使用HYSYS建立了轻烃分馏系统的仿真模型,并通过对比模拟数据与实际运行数据,验证了物性参数和模型的可靠性。最后,利用HYSYS对轻烃分馏系统进行模拟优化,提出了增加缠绕管换热器的换热面积、膨胀机取代J-T阀,以及进一步改进换热网络的建议,从而在不增加能耗的前提下可以大幅度提高轻烃产量。  相似文献   

中原油田石油化工总厂轻烃装置操作参数优化,通过优化降低干气加工损失,提高装置产品C4、C5收率,提高装置经济效益。  相似文献   

天然气轻烃回收装置工艺优化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文以某套轻烃浅冷回收装置为研究对象,运用HYSIM烃类工艺模拟软件,对其进行了工艺参数的优化。同时,还考察了原料气的轻重程度不同对最优工艺参数的影响。结果表明:重原料组成时,装置的操作压力可适当降低;轻原料组成时,适当提高装置的操作压力可使轻烃的收率达到最大,实现以最小的能耗获得最大的C 组分收率这一优化目标。  相似文献   

以回收轻烃为目的的深冷装置中,当轻烃收率要求较高时,就需要达到一定的冷凝温度才能达到高产烃,高收率的目的。然而天然气中的CO2成为制约制冷温度的最大障碍。当CO2含量较高时(CO2含量大于1.5%mol),CO2在低温区极易发生冻堵。本文就如何在轻烃回收装置中有效的防止CO2冻堵谈一下自己的看法:  相似文献   

通过对A气田气质组分的连续观测,气田产气中的C3和C4烃类组分总体呈上升趋势,该气田B处理站目前采用J-T阀节流+注醇防冻的处理工艺,受限于制冷温度的限制,在保证外输气烃水露点的条件下,难以对C3、C4组分充分回收,造成资源的浪费。同时A气田周边的石化厂对C3和C4的需求较大。本文以A天然气田气为原料,提出了回收C3和C4的深冷轻烃分离回收工艺流程-直接换热工艺(DHX),通过使用Aspen HYSYS软件模拟,综合考虑轻烃回收率、系统功耗、冷箱传热温差等因素,优化操作参数,提高资源利用率,并为气田开发提高效益。  相似文献   

陈天洪  朱江 《化工进展》2015,34(7):2092-2096
通过对现有低压天然气(0.3~1.6MPa)轻烃回收方法比较, 提出一种新的改进吸附回收工艺, 降低生产消耗, 提高轻烃的收率。本工艺采用两段变温变压吸附(T-PSA)方法相结合, 第一段T-PSA主要脱除原料气中水分, 第二段T-PSA主要回收原料气中的轻烃, 回收的轻烃以压力不低于1.6MPa的液相混烃作为产品, 保证烃露点要求, 满足储运安全。本工艺具有较高的轻烃收率, 丙烷和丁烷收率均大于94%, 较目前常采用的深冷回收方法和一段变温吸附法的轻烃收率提高了30%~40%, 带来明显的经济效益, 同时本工艺较外冷回收方法, 操作弹性更大, 适用性更强, 特别适合小规模生产或需要经常搬迁的生产环境。因此, 改进吸附回收工艺非常值得推广应用。  相似文献   

在回顾轻烃回收技术现状及发展趋势的基础上,对目前油田轻烃回收装置工艺流程进行了分析,并对当前油田轻烃回收装置操作工艺进行了方案的选择。  相似文献   

随着科技的发展和社会的进步,节能减排措施越来越受到社会和企业的关注。本文针对某企业应用的轻烃浅冷回收装置进行分析和研究,充分考虑到天然气轻重程度对工艺参数的影响,有效地使用了HYSIM烃类工艺的模拟软件进行了参数优化。结果表明,调节最优的增压机出口压力以及蒸发器出口温度,能够有效地提升轻烃的回收率。  相似文献   

本文根据轻烃回收工艺原理,和日常生产中遇到的问题,进行分析与讨论,摸索优化操作方法,提高液化气产品质量与收率。随着天然气开发的综合利用,保证合格的管输气,根据现场与生产实际,在工艺变更的基础上提高操作技能,做到安全、环保、节能、减排同步提升。  相似文献   

液化天然气冷量利用与轻烃分离集成优化   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
为充分利用进口液化天然气(LNG)湿气中的C2+轻烃资源,以流程模拟软件为工具,通过对现有轻烃分离流程的换热网络进行优化设计,开发出了一种LNG冷量利用与轻烃分离相集成的优化工艺流程。此流程轻烃回收率高达95%以上,而且能够将质量分数25%左右的液体甲烷进行低压储存,大大提升了轻烃分离装置的调峰能力;同时通过回收LNG的冷量将分离获得的C2+轻烃液体过冷,使之能够保持低压液相,有利于轻烃的储存、运输和销售。  相似文献   

Although the super cold separator applied to the system for CO2 recovery from flue gas can produce pure CO2 liquid, the CO2 recovery efficiency is low. Therefore, the addition of a PSA plant was considered for the secondary CO2 recovery from the noncon‐densing gas to improve the efficiency. The PSA plant was operated for adsorption at the same pressure as that of the super cold separator and for desorption at the atmospheric pressure. From both the simulation and the experimental data, it was confirmed that CO2 could be concentrated from 50% in the noncondensing gas to 70% in the recovery gas by the PSA plant and the CO2 recovery efficiency of the plant was about 90%.  相似文献   

SO2 in the flue gas has high recovery value. In the process of adsorption purification of flue gas, condensation method can be applied to purify SO2 in the desorbed gas into high-purity liquid product. In this paper, an experimental study on the recovery of SO2 with condensation method was carried out by using the SO2-rich desorbed gas as the feed gas with the concentration of 7%—12% in Handan Steel sintering machine desulfurization process. The effects of process parameters such as the SO2 concentration of the feed gas, condensation pressure and temperature on the recovery rate and the SO2 concentration in the exhaust gas from the outlet of the condenser were investigated. The results show that the recovery rate increases with increasing SO2 concentration in the source gas and condensation pressure, and decreasing condensation temperature. The SO2 concentration in the exhaust gas is a -1 power function of the pressure, and decreases exponentially as condensation temperature decreasing. The highest possible inlet SO2 concentration should be used as the design basis for the condenser. In practice, the reasonable upper limit of pressure should be determined in conjunction with the expected recovery rate, and the strategy of reducing condensation temperature at low-pressure level for increasing the SO2 recovery rate should be adopted. The research results can provide reference for the resource utilization of SO2 in the process of flue gas adsorption and desulfurization.  相似文献   

烟气中SO2具有高回收价值,在吸附法净化烟气过程中,可采用冷凝法对解吸气中SO2提纯为高纯度液态产品。基于邯钢烧结机烟气活性炭吸附脱硫工艺中的富硫解吸气,进行了冷凝法回收SO2的实验研究。重点考察了SO2气源浓度、压力和冷凝温度等工艺参数对回收率和冷凝排出气SO2浓度的影响。结果显示,回收率随气源浓度、压力的升高和冷凝温度的减小而升高;排出气SO2浓度是压力的-1次幂函数,并随冷凝温度的降低而呈指数型函数降低;设计冷凝器时要以可能出现的最高浓度为设计依据,实际生产时应结合预期回收率确定合理的压力上限,尽量采用以低压策略为基础降低温度的措施提升回收率。研究结果可为烟气吸附脱硫过程中SO2的资源化提供参考。  相似文献   

提高浅冷回收装置轻烃收率的技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以大庆油田某套浅冷回收装置为对象,通过模拟计算研究了温度、压力对轻烃收率的影响,分析装置所存在的问题,提出了具体的工艺技术改造措施。结果表明:在对原装置不作重大改造的前提下,通过回收外输干气冷量,增加水冷设备等,轻烃收率大幅提高,丙烷收率增加了17%,改造方案合理。  相似文献   

针对基于钠基固体吸附剂的燃烧后脱碳技术应用于燃煤电厂后综合能耗偏高的问题,本文提出与供热机组结合的碳捕集/供热双机组系统,利用低温热网回水回收系统低品位余热。依据双机组的抽汽混合与否构建了两种系统流程,分析了两种不同方案下的系统性能。研究结果表明,在有效回收脱碳系统碳酸化反应余热后,独立抽汽方案中碳捕集综合能耗从4.05GJ/t CO2降低至1.26GJ/t CO2,而混合抽汽方案中碳捕集综合能耗降低至1.13GJ/t CO2,同时双机组系统的热网供热量较单供热机组分别增加了67.5%和72.8%,经济效益显著。分析了混合抽汽方案的系统中碳捕集综合能耗随相关运行参数变化的规律,发现碳酸化反应温度和热网回水温度因为能够直接影响系统余热利用程度因而更易对碳捕集综合能耗产生影响。  相似文献   


This paper aims at modeling and optimizing a Middle East-based commercial natural gas liquid (NGL) recovery and fractionation plant, using a predictive process simulator. NGL units are known to be highly energy-intensive as steam-based heating and refrigeration-based cryogenic cooling are critical requirements for their operation. Indeed, these units govern the degree of profitability of gas plants especially during low natural gas price scenarios. As a result, this study explores the ways of improving the performance of NGL units through a deterministic optimization analysis. A steady state model of the plant is built using gPROMS process builder followed by validation using plant data to ensure the model accuracy. A mixed integer nonlinear programming optimization problem is formulated with the objective of maximizing the net revenue of the plants by means of manipulating various decision variables such as feed gas temperature, column operating pressure, feed stage location, reflux and boil up ratios subject to specific process constraints. Optimization problem is solved using outer approximation equality relaxation augmented penalty algorithm. It is determined that the process optimization yields an additional revenue of 4.1 MM USD annually due to ~22% increase in Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) production, ~6% increase in Naphtha production, and ~16% reduction in steam consumption in the reboiler of the columns.  相似文献   

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