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Surface energy often significantly influences the deformation and failure behavior of materials and devices at the nanoscale. However, how it alters the local deformation around a crack tip remains unclear. In the present paper, we investigate the surface effects on the near-tip fields of a mode-I blunt crack (or notch). The theory of surface elasticity is incorporated into the finite element method. It is found that when the curvature radius of the crack root shrinks to nanometers, surface effects considerably affect the local stress distributions near the crack tip. We also calculate the J-integral, which is almost independent of surface effects except when the integral path approaches the crack tip. This demonstrates that surface effects are localized in a small zone around the crack tip, where the classical fracture mechanics solutions neglecting surface effects should be modified.  相似文献   

Crack stability is discussed as affected by their presence in statically-indeterminate beams, frames, rings, etc. loaded into the plastic range. The stability of a crack in a section, which has become plastic, is analyzed with the remainder of the structure elastic and with subsequent additional plastic hinges occurring. The reduction of energy absorption characteristics for large deformations is also discussed. The methods of elastic-plastic tearing instability are incorporated to show that in many cases the fully plastic collapse mechanism must occur for complete failure.  相似文献   

The present work is aimed at studying the fracture behavior of a series of vulcanized natural rubber/organoclay samples obtained by melt blending. A fracture mechanics approach based on J-testing was adopted to evaluate the material resistance to crack initiation and propagation from a J-resistance curve as experimentally obtained by a single specimen procedure. The basis of the method and the experimental procedure adopted are described. Further, the effect of the organoclay content within the elastomeric matrix on the fracture properties is analyzed. It is found that the capability of the organoclay to improve fracture resistance is rate dependent indicating the viscoelastic character of the fracture process in such filled systems.  相似文献   

The paper considers a general interface delamination and crack kinking from an inclined core junction in a sandwich beam. This particular problem is relevant for a newly developed peel-stopper component for sandwich structures.A finite element model (FEM) was developed and calibrated against a known model by He and Hutchinson. The numerically and analytically determined solution coefficients were in a perfect agreement with each other, so the necessary generalisation of results can be obtained through the application of FEM-analyses. The FE-model was used to determine solution coefficients for a number of interface compositions of practical interest. As expected some of the coefficients were quite sensitive to the specific material combination, which confirms that accurate solution strategies are important.The solution coefficients obtained were further applied to the analysis of the crack propagation and kinking process in three different sandwich beam configurations, each of which contained an inclined junction of 20°, 30°, or 40°. The objective was to examine how the core junction angle and the fracture mechanical properties of the sandwich components influenced the crack kinking tendency. The latter is vital for the design and functionality of a newly developed peel-stopper. It was shown that smaller core junction angles will lead to longer crack propagation (delamination) along the core-core interface prior to a possible kinking. The physical insight obtained is essential for optimal design of peel-stoppers.  相似文献   

This paper describes crack growth resistance simulation in a ceramic/metal functionally graded material (FGM) using a cohesive zone ahead of the crack front. The plasticity in the background (bulk) material follows J2 flow theory with the flow properties determined by a volume fraction based, elastic-plastic model (extension of the original Tamura-Tomota-Ozawa model). A phenomenological, cohesive zone model with six material-dependent parameters (the cohesive energy densities and the peak cohesive tractions of the ceramic and metal phases, respectively, and two cohesive gradation parameters) describes the constitutive response of the cohesive zone. Crack growth occurs when the complete separation of the cohesive surfaces takes place. The crack growth resistance of the FGM is characterized by a rising J-integral with crack extension (averaged over the specimen thickness) computed using a domain integral (DI) formulation. The 3-D analyses are performed using WARP3D, a fracture mechanics research finite element code, which incorporates solid elements with graded elastic and plastic properties and interface-cohesive elements coupled with the functionally graded cohesive zone model. The paper describes applications of the cohesive zone model and the DI method to compute the J resistance curves for both single-edge notch bend, SE(B), and single-edge notch tension, SE(T), specimens having properties of a TiB/Ti FGM. The numerical results show that the TiB/Ti FGM exhibits significant crack growth resistance behavior when the crack grows from the ceramic-rich region into the metal-rich region. Under these conditions, the J-integral is generally higher than the cohesive energy density at the crack tip even when the background material response remains linearly elastic, which contrasts with the case for homogeneous materials wherein the J-integral equals the cohesive energy density for a quasi-statically growing crack.  相似文献   

The paper deals with calculations of the J-integral for a plate weakened by U-notches under Mode I bending loading in the case of a material obeying a linear elastic law. The main aim of the study is to suggest some new equations suitable for calculations of the J-integral under bending loading. Although some closed-form solutions exist in the literature based on elliptic integrals, some expressions, simple to be implemented, are useful as a rapid engineering tool.  相似文献   

The present work proposes a method for elastic-plastic fracture mechanics analysis of the circumferential through-wall crack in weldment joining elbows and attached straight pipes, subject to in-plane bending. Heterogeneous nature of weldment is not explicitly considered and thus, the proposed method assumes cracks in homogeneous materials. Based on small strain finite element limit analyses using elastic-perfectly plastic materials, closed-form limit loads for circumferential through-wall cracks between elbows and straight pipes under bending are given. Then applicability of the reference stress-based method to approximately estimate J and crack opening displacement (COD) is evaluated. It was found that the limit moments for circumferential cracks between elbows and attached straight pipes can be much lower than those for cracks in straight pipes, particularly for a crack length of less than 30% of the circumference; this result is of great interest in practical cases. This result implies that, if one assumes that the crack locates in the straight pipe, limit moments could be overestimated significantly, and accordingly, reference stress-based J and COD could be significantly overestimated. For the leak-before-break analysis, accurate J and COD estimation equations based on the reference stress approach are proposed.  相似文献   

This paper presents finite element solutions for elastic-plastic J for circumferentially cracked pipes under combined mechanical and thermal loads in terms of the V/Vo factor used within the failure assessment diagram approach. Systematic analyses suggest that the two major variables affecting V/Vo are the relative magnitude of the secondary stress and the primary load magnitude. It has been found that the variations with these parameters obtained from the FE results agree well with current R6 predictions for modest thermal loads and low primary loads. For larger thermal stresses, the R6 predictions are overly conservative and more accurate predictions are suggested.  相似文献   

Inter-fibre failure under compression transverse to the fibres is studied at micromechanical level. Interfacial fracture mechanics concepts, associated to both the open model and the contact model, are applied. A numerical study is performed using the boundary element method aimed at explaining the origin and evolution of the damage at micromechanical level, considered as fibre-matrix interface cracks. Assuming that the damage starts as small debonds originated by shear stresses at the position where their maximum values are reached, it has been found that the crack shows different morphologies at both tips: an open one and a closed one with a large contact zone. Then the interface crack grows unstably in mixed mode only on the open tip side until this growth changes to stable, once the crack closes at this tip, with the generation of a contact zone.  相似文献   

Finite element computations are performed to analyze the phenomena of edge cracking and crack bifurcation in two ceramic laminates composed by tensile thick layers and compressive thin layers. The difference between these two laminates is the thickness of the compressive thin layers. Experimental results performed by one of the authors in previous works show that edge cracks exist in only one laminate, while crack bifurcation occurs in both laminates under bending. To understand the cracking phenomena observed in experiments, the energy release rates are calculated. Numerical results show that the initiation of crack bifurcation can be explained by the near-tip J-integral, provided that micro-cracks exist near the crack tip.  相似文献   

Surface crack-tip stress fields in a tensile loaded metallic liner bonded to a structural backing are developed using a two-parameter J-T characterization and elastic-plastic modified boundary layer (MBL) finite element solutions. The Ramberg-Osgood power law hardening material model with deformation plasticity theory is implemented for the metallic liner. In addition to an elastic plate backed surface crack liner model, elastic-plastic homogeneous surface crack models of various thicknesses were tested. The constraint effects that arise from the elastic backing on the thin metallic liner and the extent to which J-T two parameter solutions characterize the crack-tip fields are explored in detail. The increased elastic constraint imposed by the backing on the liner results in an enhanced range of validity of J-T characterization. The higher accuracy of MBL solutions in predicting the surface crack-tip fields in the bonded model is partially attributed to an increase in crack-tip triaxiality and a consequent increase in the effective liner thickness from a fracture standpoint. After isolating the effects of thickness, the constraint imposed by the continued elastic linearity of the backing significantly enhanced stress field characterization. In fact, J and T along with MBL solutions predicted stresses with remarkable accuracy for loads beyond full yielding. The effects of backing stiffness variation were also investigated and results indicate that the backing to liner modulus ratio does not significantly influence the crack tip constraint. Indeed, the most significant effect of the backing is its ability to impose an elastic constraint on the liner. Results from this study will facilitate the implementation of geometric limits in testing standards for surface cracked tension specimens bonded to a structural backing.  相似文献   

A crack in a thin adhesive elastic-perfectly plastic layer between two identical isotropic elastic half-spaces is considered. Uniformly distributed normal stress is applied to the substrates at infinity. First, stress distribution in the cohesive zones and the J-integral values are defined numerically by the finite element method (FEM). Further, a mathematical formulation of the problem is given and its analytical solution is proposed. It is assumed that, at the crack continuations, there exist cohesive zones. The interlayer thickness is neglected since it is much smaller than the crack length. The distribution of the normal stress, which was obtained by means of the FEM, is now approximated by a piecewise-constant function and assumed to be applied at the faces of the cohesive zones. The formulated problem is solved analytically and an equation for determination of the cohesive zone lengths is derived. Also, closed expressions for the crack tip opening displacement and for the J-integral are obtained in an analytical form. These parameters are found with respect to the values of the normal stress applied at infinity. Finally, a universal approximating function, which describes the stress distribution in the cohesive zones, is constructed. This function depends on the ratio between the interlayer thickness and the crack length and on the ratio between the normal stress applied at infinity and the yield limit of the interlayer’s material. Once again, the problem is solved analytically, but this time for the stress distribution prescribed by the universal approximating function. The cohesive zone lengths, the values of the crack tip opening displacement and of the J-integral are calculated. A comparative analysis of the obtained results is carried out. A good agreement of the J-integral values calculated by means of the developed analytical models and by the associated finite element analysis is demonstrated.  相似文献   

A predictive method for remaining component lifetime evaluation consists in integrating the crack growth law of the material considered in a finite element step-by-step process. So, as part of a linear elastic fracture mechanics analysis, the determination of the stress intensity factor distribution is a crucial point. The aim of the present work is to test several existing numerical techniques reported in the literature. Both the crack opening displacement extrapolation method and the J-integral approach are applied in 2D and 3D ABAQUS finite element models. The results obtained by these various means on CT specimens and cracked round bars are in good agreement with those found in the literature. Nevertheless, since the knowledge of the field near the crack tip is not required in the energetic method, the J-integral calculations seem to be a good technique to deal with the fatigue growth of general cracks.  相似文献   

The present study introduces the concept of structural intensity, which can be interpreted as power flux, into fracture mechanics. It is derived theoretically that the normal component of the structural intensity along crack edge equals J-integral. SI is the power flux or vector representation of the J-integral at the crack tip. Using the finite element method, the structural intensity can be easily calculated. The numerically calculated structural intensity is adopted to visualize the J-integral of a crack tip. Directional power flow path and magnitude at the crack tip is demonstrated schematically with the structural intensity, which facilitates convenient evaluation of the crack propagation status.  相似文献   

This paper reports finite element analyses for an axially loaded cylinder with three different types of thermal stress. The magnitudes of the thermal and mechanical loadings are varied and creep crack tip parameters are evaluated for part-through-wall and fully penetrating defects with a range of sizes. The relaxation rate for the creep crack tip parameter is examined in detail and is found to depend on the magnitudes of the mechanical and thermal loads and on whether or not there is plasticity on initial loading. Simplified formulae are developed for describing the rate of relaxation by a modified redistribution time.  相似文献   

It is well known that conventional GE/EPRI method over-estimates the J-integral and crack opening displacement (COD)1 in the elastic to fully plastic transition zone. The present paper investigates this issue and attempts to rectify this error. An improved GE/EPRI method is proposed with the modifications of α (Ramberg-Osgood coefficient) term in the equation of plastic J and COD. The proposed method has been experimentally and numerically validated.  相似文献   

An energy-based fracture mode has been derived for the mode-I crack branching and kinking. The classic Ji-integral has been further explored by a new partial integral path and the analytical solution of the energy release rate for crack branching and kinking from a mode-I crack tip has been established. The crack branching/kinking angle has also been analytically derived. It shows that the Griffith’s theorem and conservation law can be applied to both mode-I crack extension and mode-I crack branching and kinking. The branching mechanism for quasi-static mode-I crack has been theoretically investigated. The branching toughness and the K-based criterion for crack branching have been defined. The crack branching phenomena predicted by the present model are in well agreement with the experimental observations reported in the literatures.  相似文献   

The contact fatigue damages on the rail surface, such as head check, squats are one of the growing problems. Fracture of rail can be prevented by removing the crack before it reaches the critical length. Therefore, the crack growth rate needs to be estimated precisely according to the conditions of the track and load. In this study, we have investigated the crack growth behavior on rail surface by using the twin-disc tests and the finite element analysis. We have verified the relationship between the crack growth rate and the variety of parameters as cracks grow from the initiation stage.  相似文献   

This paper provides a simplified engineering J estimation method for semi-elliptical surface cracked plates in tension, based on the reference stress approach. Note that the essential element of the reference stress approach is the plastic limit load in the definition of the reference stress. However, for surface cracks, the definition of the limit load is ambiguous (“local” or “global” limit load), and thus the most relevant limit load (and thus reference stress) for the J estimation should be determined. In the present work, such limit load solution is found by comparing reference stress based J results with those from extensive 3-D finite element (FE) analyses. Based on the present FE results, the global limit load solution proposed by Goodall for surface cracked plates in combined bending and tension was modified, in the case of tension loading only, to account for a weak dependence on w/c and was defined as the reference normalizing load. Validation of the proposed equation against FE J results based on actual experimental tensile data of a 304 stainless steel shows excellent agreements not only for the J values at the deepest point but also for those at an arbitrary point along the crack front, including at the surface point. Thus the present results provide a good engineering tool for elastic-plastic fracture analyses of surface cracked plates in tension.  相似文献   

This investigation is aimed to examine the monotonic and cyclic fracture behaviour of AISI 304LN stainless steel and its weldments, in order to assess their integrity under seismic loading conditions. The monotonic fracture resistance of the steel has been determined using standard J-integral technique; whereas the cyclic fracture resistance has been evaluated using periodic unloading to different extents fixed by pre-determined R-ratio. Comparison of the fracture toughness values of the steel estimated under monotonic and cyclic loading indicates that the latter could be as low as one-fifth of the former. The observed degradation in cyclic fracture resistance has been attributed to crack tip re-sharpening during cyclic loading.  相似文献   

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