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In the stroboscopic version of the Pulfrich effect a filter is able to induce depth shifts in a target as if the latter were moving continuously, rather than merely occupying a series of discrete positions. This was examined in a further series of experiments, in which a visual alignment technique was used to measure the perceived visual direction of an apparently moving target in intervals between its presentations. Results showed that the target has approximately the visual direction that it would have if it were moving continuously. This "filling in" of apparent motion was shown to occur before the level of stereopsis. The possible influence of tracking eye movements is discussed.  相似文献   

Lakatos (1993) reported interesting data that indeed support "the hypothesis that the extent of spatial separation between successive sound events directly affects the perception of time intervals between these events" (p. 139). The present comment is an attempt to show that, as far as the horizontal plane is concerned, Lakatos's hypothesis was already answered qualitatively by Axelrod and coworkers (Axelrod & Guzy, 1968; Axelrod, Guzy, & Diamond, 1968) in their studies of attention shifting, and by ten Hoopen and coworkers, who quantified the amount of "interaural time dilation" (Akerboom, ten Hoopen, Olierook, & van der Schaaf, 1983; ten Hoopen, 1982; ten Hoopen, Vos, & Dispa, 1982). Nonetheless, Lakatos's study is very worthwhile. It originated from the realm of "apparent motion paradigms," but I will argue that the study rather used an "auditory streaming paradigm," and that the data is a welcome contribution to elucidate how the perceptual processes of auditory stream formation and interaural time dilation interact.  相似文献   

A point-like stimulus was presented in a clockwise or counterclockwise sequence at 3, 4, 6, or 12 uniformly spaced locations around a circle in visual, tactile, or auditory space. In 4 experiments, the simulators were (a) light-emitting diodes in the frontal plane, (b) mechanical stimulators on the palm, (c) airpuff nozzles around the head, and (d) loudspeakers around the head. For each spatial separation and stimulus-onset asynchrony (SOA) between successive stimuli around the circle, participants reported the direction of motion. Within each modality, the SOA required for 75% accurate discrimination of direction increased with the spatial separations. A time–distance constraint akin to Korte's third law of visual apparent motion can thus be obtained from responses that are objectively classifiable as correct or incorrect (without relying on subjective reports of "goodness" of apparent motion). Moreover, this time-distance constraint evidently generalizes across sensory modalities. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The inverse relationship between the visible persistence of a briefly presented stimulus and its intensity is well established for static displays. However, with non-static displays, this relationship is only partially reported by previous studies. In order to clarify this topic, we investigated the effect of luminance on the visible persistence of a stimulus in apparent motion. Assuming that persistence duration is a normally distributed random variable, we studied whether the mean persistence of a stimulus could be systematically varied by varying its luminance. Our paradigm permits evaluation of this effect without changing the temporal interval between two successive presentations of the stimulus, thus avoiding the potential influence of this latter factor on persistence. Our results show that the inverse intensity effect still occurs at each of the successive locations of a stimulus in apparent motion. In addition, we provide evidence that increasing the spatial separation between the successive presentations, and decreasing the background luminance, result both in longer persistence duration. Altogether, these findings favour the hypothesis that persistence is actively suppressed by inhibitory interactions between adjacent neural zones.  相似文献   

Traces the historical development of the notion that two processes mediate apparent motion percepts, examines evidence regarding their existence, and summarizes associated characteristics. The short-range process is assumed to reflect the activity of low-level directionally selective motion detectors, have a relatively small spatial integration range, and be favored by short stimulus durations and interstimulus intervals. The long-range process is thought to reflect higher order perceptual activity, match stimulus elements over relatively large retinal distances, and be favored by longer stimulus durations and interstimulus intervals. Criteria for associating different percepts with functionally different processes are advanced and applied. The theoretical status of the two-process distinction is examined, and a heuristic model of motion perception is presented. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The percepts evoked by sequential stimulation of sites in close spatial proximity (< or = 2.5 cm) on the face were studied. Both method-of-limits and magnitude-estimation procedures were used to identify and characterize alterations in the percepts produced by systematic changes in the temporal and spatial parameters of the sequence. Each site was stimulated by a vertically oriented row of miniature vibrating probes. Apparent motion was consistently perceived when the delay between the onsets of sequentially activated rows (interstimulus onset interval, or ISOI) fell within a relatively narrow range of values, the lower limit of which approximated 5 msec. Both the upper limit and the perceived smoothness and continuity of the motion percepts (goodness of motion) increased with the duration for which each row stimulated the skin over the range evaluated, 15-185 msec. For the successive activation of only two rows, goodness of motion was not influenced by changes in their separation from 0.4 to 2.5 cm. The ISOI values at which magnitude estimates of goodness of motion were highest increased with the duration for which each row stimulated the skin. As such, maximum goodness of motion decreased with increases in the apparent velocity of motion. When the number of sequentially activated rows was increased from two to four or more, the quality of the motion percepts improved. For the successive activation of multiple closely spaced rows, values of ISOI at which numerical estimates of goodness of motion were highest approximated integral fractions of the duration for which each row stimulated the skin. In this situation, the probes rose and fell in a regular, step-locked rhythm to simulate an edge-like or rectangular object moving across the skin. The goodness of motion so attained was relatively independent of the apparent velocity of motion.  相似文献   

Three experiments evaluated an imputed pitch velocity model of the auditory kappa effect. Listeners heard 3-tone sequences and judged the timing of the middle (target) tone relative to the timing of the 1st and 3rd (bounding) tones. Experiment 1 held pitch constant but varied the time (T) interval between bounding tones (T = 728, 1,000, or 1,600 ms) in order to establish baseline performance levels for the 3 values of T. Experiments 2 and 3 combined the values of T tested in Experiment 1 with a pitch manipulation in order to create fast (8 semitones/728 ms), medium (8 semitones/1,000 ms), and slow (8 semitones/1,600 ms) velocity conditions. Consistent with an auditory motion hypothesis, distortions in perceived timing were larger for fast than for slow velocity conditions for both ascending sequences (Experiment 2) and descending sequences (Experiment 3). Overall, results supported the proposed imputed pitch velocity model of the auditory kappa effect. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

A nonspeech pattern identification task was used to study the role of spatial separation of sources on auditory masking in multisource listening environments. The six frequency patterns forming the signal set were comprised of sequences of eight 60-ms tone bursts. Bursts of masking sounds were played synchronously with the signals. The main variables in the study were (1) the difference in spatial separation in the horizontal plane between signals and maskers and (2) the nature of the masking produced by the maskers. Spatial separation of signal and masker ranged from 0-180 degrees. The maskers were of two types: (1) a sequence of eight 60-ms bursts of Gaussian noise intended to produce predominantly peripherally based "energetic masking" and (2) a sequence of eight 60-ms bursts of eight-tone complexes intended to produce primarily centrally based "informational masking." The results indicated that identification performance improved with increasing separation of signal and masker. The amount of improvement depended upon the type of masker and the center frequency of the signal patterns. Much larger improvements were found for spatial separation of the signal and informational masker than for the signal and energetic masker. This was particularly apparent when the acoustical advantage of the signal-to-noise ratio in the more favorable of the two ears (the ear nearest the signal) was taken into account. The results were interpreted as evidence for an important role of binaural hearing in reducing sound source or message uncertainty and may contribute toward solving the "cocktail party problem."  相似文献   

The short- and long-range apparent motion processes are discussed in terms of the statistical properties of images. It is argued that the short-range process, exemplified by the random-dot kinematogram, is primarily sensitive to the dipole statistics, whereas the long-range process, exemplified by illusory occlusion, is treated by the visual system primarily in terms of the tripole and higher statistical correlation functions. The studies incorporate the balanced dot, which is a unique stimulus element that permits high pass filtering while preserving detailed positional information. Low spatial frequencies are shown to be critical for texture segregation in random-dot kinematograms, independent of the grain size or number density of texture elements. Illusory path perception in the long-range process is shown not to require low spatial frequencies, but is sensitive rather to global temporal phase coherency. These results are interpreted in terms of the respective roles of the power and phase spectra in perceptual organization. The construction of balanced dots is discussed in detail. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The precision of velocity coding for moving stimuli of different spatial frequencies was assessed by measuring velocity discrimination thresholds for a 1-c/deg grating paired with a grating whose spatial frequency ranged from 0.25 to 4 c/deg and for grating pairs of the same spatial frequency (0.25, 1, and 4 c/deg). The gratings always moved upward, with velocities ranging from 0.5 to 16 deg/sec. Velocity discrimination was as precise for stimuli that varied in spatial frequency by +/- 2 octaves (0.25 vs. 1 c/deg and 4 vs. 1 c/deg) as for stimuli of the same spatial frequency, for specific ranges of velocity that depended on the spatial and, therefore, the temporal frequencies of the stimuli. Compared with a 1-c/deg grating, the perceived velocity of 4-c/deg gratings was about 1.3 times faster and that of 0.25-c/deg gratings was about 1.3 times slower. Although these perceived velocity biases imply variation of velocity-signal processing among spatial frequency channels, the discrimination results indicate that the motion-sensing system can compare signals across different spatial frequency channels to make fine velocity discrimination within appropriate temporal frequency limits.  相似文献   

Short-term memory for the timing of irregular sequences of signals has been said to be more accurate when the signals are auditory than when they are visual. No support for this contention was obtained when the signals were beeps vs flashes (Exps 1 and 3) nor when they were sets of spoken vs typewritten digits (Exps 4 and 5). On the other hand, support was obtained both for beeps vs flashes (Exps 2 and 5) and for repetitions of a single spoken digit vs repetitions of a single typewritten digit (Exp 6) when the Ss silently mouthed a nominally irrelevant item during sequence presentation. Also, the timing of sequences of auditory signals, whether verbal (Exp 7) or nonverbal (Exps 8 and 9), was more accurately remembered when the signals within each sequence were identical. The findings are considered from a functional perspective. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present study examines whether the direction of gaze can influence sound lateralization. For this purpose, dichotic stimuli with variable interaural level difference (ILD) were presented under different conditions of visual fixation. In experiment 1, subjects with their head fixed directed their gaze to a given target, simultaneously adjusting the ILD of continuous pure tone or noise stimuli so that their location was perceived in the median plane of the head. The auditory adjustments were significantly correlated with gaze direction. During eccentric fixation, the psychophysical adjustments to the median plane shifted slightly toward the direction of gaze. The magnitude of the shift was about 1-3 dB, over a range of fixation angles of 45 degrees to either side. The eye position effect, measured as a function of pure-tone frequency, was most pronounced at 2 kHz and showed a tendency to decrease at lower and higher frequencies. The effect still occurred, although weaker, even when the eyes were directed to eccentric positions in darkness and without a fixation target. In experiment 2, the adjustment method was replaced by a two-alternative forced-choice method. Subjects judged whether sound bursts, presented with variable ILDs, were perceived on the left or right of the median plane during fixation of targets in various directions. Corresponding to experiment 1, the psychometric functions shifted significantly with gaze direction. However, the shift was only about half as large as that found in experiment 1. The shift of the subjective auditory median plane in the direction of eccentric gaze, observed in both experiments, indicates that dichotic sound is localized slightly to the opposite side, i.e., to the left when the gaze is directed to the right and vice versa. The effect may be related to auditory neurons which exhibit spatially selective receptive fields that shift with eye position.  相似文献   

Presents 2 experiments that show that the continuity property may underlie 2 seemingly unrelated perceptual phenomena: attentional capture by abrupt visual onset and the appearance of bistable apparent motion displays. In Exp 1, 30 Ss reported the appearance of a bistable apparent-motion (or Ternus) display and engaged in visual search for a prespecified target; on each trial 1 element was briefly flickered off and back on. The time course of the gap duration effect in the visual search task was very similar to that for the Ternus display. In Exp 2, with 15 Ss, the possibility that the presence of an abrupt offset caused the results of Exp 1 was ruled out, since the reactions times (RTs) for the single- and double-offset conditions were similar. Results suggest that the interruption of spatiotemporal continuity may be the underlying mechanism that produces these 2 seemingly unrelated perceptual phenomena. (French abstract) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Describes further evidence for a new neural network theory of biological motion perception. The theory clarifies why parallel streams V1→V2, V1→MT, and V1→V2→MT exist for static form and motion form processing among the areas V1, V2, and MT of visual cortex. It also suggests that the static form system generates emergent boundary segmentations whose outputs are insensitive to direction-of-contrast and to direction-of-motion, whereas the motion form system generates emergent boundary segmentations whose outputs are insensitive to direction-of-contrast but sensitive to direction-of-motion. Data on short- and long-range apparent motion percepts are explained including beta, split, gamma and reverse-contrast gamma, and delta motions, as well as visual inertia. Also included are the transition from group motion to element motion in response to a Ternus display as the interstimulus interval (ISI) decreases; group motion in response to a reverse-contrast Ternus display even at short ISIs; speed-up of motion velocity as interflash distance increases or flash duration decreases dependence of the transition from element motion to group motion on stimulus duration and size, various classical dependencies between flash duration, spatial separation, ISI, and motion threshold known as Korte's laws; dependence of motion strength on stimulus orientation and spatial frequency; short-range and long-range form–color interactions; and binocular interactions of flashes to different eyes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a paradigm for which 2 distinct patterns are perceived for the same stimulus, perceptual hysteresis (persistence of a percept despite parameter change to values favoring the alternative pattern) and temporal stability (persistence despite intrinsic propensities toward spontaneous change) are interdependent. Greater persistence during parameter change reduces temporal stability, slowing the rate of parameter change reduces hysteresis by increasing opportunity for spontaneous change, and increasing temporal stability (by enlarging the stimulus) increases hysteresis. Hysteresis results in the perception of parametrically disfavored patterns; a parameter can influence a percept without specifying it. The visual system thus exhibits time-dependent behavior analogous to dynamical behavior observed in other systems, both physical and biological, for which there is competition among alternative patterns that vary in relative stability. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

把作平面运动的实际刚体概念扩展成一个作平面运动的抽象质点系,以此为动系,用刚体平面运动理论来求解无载体牵连点在平面上的合成运动问题,并对此解法加以验证.  相似文献   

A prospective study was designed to determine the impact of surgical timing on postoperative motion and stability following anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstructive surgery. The study population was limited to acute ACL ruptures from downhill skiing undergoing arthroscopic ACL surgery without arthrotomy or surgical intervention for other ligamentous structures; 185 patients were entered into four separate groups based on the time interval from injury to surgery. Motion and stability were tested at multiple time points from the index surgery and adverse events were recorded. We found no statistical difference in restoration of extension or flexion in any group at any time point. KT-1000 data at 12 months showed a side-to-side difference of < or = 3 mm in 94%, with 6% showing a side-to-side difference of > 3 and < or = 5 mm. We conclude that, in this population, by using modern arthroscopic surgical techniques and an aggressive postoperative physical therapy protocol, motion and stability can be restored in a high percentage of patients and that surgical success is independent of the timing of surgery.  相似文献   

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