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纳米晶体量子点最有前途的应用领域是在生物体系中作为荧光探针,量子点的光学特性与传统的有机荧光染料相比有明显的优越性,如具有宽的激发光谱、窄的发射光谱、高的荧光量子产率,寿命更长等优点。本文评述了作为生物荧光探针的量子点的合成及用于生物探针时的量子点表面修饰技术的最新进展。  相似文献   

以巯基乙酸为修饰剂,在水相中制备稳定的CdTe量子点,利用单因素法和正交试验设计研究了pH值、反应时间、反应温度、反应物浓度比等合成条件对CdTe量子点荧光光谱性质的影响。以CdTe量子点为荧光探针,探讨了Hg2+离子与量子点的荧光猝灭作用:在pH6.24的KH2PO4-Na2HPO4缓冲溶液中,Hg2+离子浓度在10~150 ng/mL范围与量子点荧光猝灭强度呈现良好的线性关系,相关系数r=0.994 5,检出限8.7 ng/mL,CdTe纳米荧光探针可用于Hg2+等的测定。  相似文献   

采用碳二亚胺法偶联系统素多克隆抗体和水溶性CdSe/ZnS量子点,制备了系统素量子点免疫荧光探针( antiSys-CdSe/ZnS),并对该探针的特异性和荧光特性进行了研究.结果表明,antiSys-CdSe/ZnS和系统素多克隆抗体的中点效价分别为1∶3.21×104和1∶9.45×104,两者对系统素的免疫识别能力近似;体系中硼酸缓冲液的pH为9.0时,antiSys-CdSe/ZnS量子点荧光探针溶液的荧光强度最强,其荧光强度约为原量子点荧光强度的47%;在牛血清白蛋白(BSA)存在时,antiSys-CdSe/ZnS 的荧光强度明显增加;当体系中含有1% BSA时,antiSys-CdSe/ZnS溶液的稳定性和荧光强度最佳.  相似文献   

采用液相反应法在水介质中合成巯基乙酸封端的CdSe/CdS核壳结构量子点,基于Cu2+对量子点荧光的猝灭效应,以CdSe/CdS核壳量子点为荧光探针定量检测水溶液中Cu2+的浓度。研究结果表明:Cu2+的浓度为0.5~60μmol/L时,CdSe/CdS量子点的荧光强度与Cu2+的浓度成良好的分段线性关系,浓度检测限为0.06μmol/L;该荧光探针对Cu2+的检测具有高选择性;对实际自来水样品中Cu2+的检测结果准确可靠;量子点的淬灭机理为动态淬灭。  相似文献   

三聚氰胺是一种重要的氮杂环有机化工原料,其分子式含氮量为66%左右,被广泛运用于木材、造纸、纺织、皮革等行业,还可以作阻燃剂、减水剂、甲醛清洁剂等,但由于食品和饲料工业蛋白质含量测试方法的缺陷,而三聚氰胺又无味不易发现,所以常被不法商人用作食品添加剂,以提升食品检测中的蛋白质含量指标,人体在长期或反复摄入三聚氰胺后会造成泌尿系统损坏,肾部结石等严重后遗症。因此精准检测三聚氰胺是非常有必要的,本文合成了一种聚合物点/金纳米簇比率荧光探针,可应用于三聚氰胺的实物检测,结果表明该荧光探针对三聚氰胺的选择性和抗干扰性良好,在0~20 μM有良好的线性关系,检测限为0.23 μM。  相似文献   

采用胶体化学法于水相中直接合成了荧光CdS量子点(QDs)。利用XRD、TEM、UV-Vis、FL等表征手段对所制得样品的结构和形貌进行分析。  相似文献   

为了探究石墨烯量子点(GQDs)在水和乙醇中的溶解性和荧光性能以及其在荧光加密防伪中的应用,文中在碱性条件下,通过热解柠檬酸法制备了石墨烯量子点,并利用透射电镜、X-射线衍射、红外、紫外和荧光等方法对其进行了表征和分析。研究结果表明:在水和乙醇中,GQDs均能发出亮绿色的光,且在乙醇中荧光性能更好;将1.0 mg GQDs和2.0 mL乙醇及1.0 mL甘油混合,制备得到GQDs油性荧光墨水,其书写效果在紫外光照射下显现荧光图案,可用于荧光防伪。  相似文献   

作为生物荧光标记物的量子点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
与传统的有机染料相比,量子点具有强度高、稳定性好、能够用一种波长的光源激发多种波长荧光的特性.由于可以与抗体等生物分子共价结合,量子点可作为很好的荧光探针用于各种标记性研究.本文阐述了量子点的特性、在合成及生物结合方面的最新进展以及量子点在生物医药学中的应用.  相似文献   

制备了一种新型的阿霉素-量子点-叶酸纳米复合物,作为荧光探针进入目标癌细胞可以产生荧光和毒性,用来对癌细胞靶向成像和输送药物。当靶向叶酸受体诱导纳米复合物进入细胞,细胞内谷胱甘肽断裂复合物,该复合物在细胞内显示了较强的荧光和毒性。  相似文献   

It is extremely important for bacteria detection in many fields,such as medical diagnosis and food safety.In this paper,streptavidin functionalized quantum dots(SA-QDs),as a nano-fluorescent probe,were used to attach with Escherichia coli(E.coli) for the detection and identification of bacteria with immunoreactions and biotin-streptavidin affinity.Fluorescent images of the bacteria and the fluorescence intensity were used to evaluate the conjugation effect with different incubation time.Our results showed that 20 min is a reasonable incubation time for the SA-QDs coupling to E.coli cells.The fluorescent images,which produce a greatly amplified and enhanced signal of E.coli cells,were obtained through the immunological amplification and fluorescent probe enrichment steps.In addition,the bleaching process of SA-QDs without any encapsulation at room temperature was clearly observed during 10 min of being excited.Our work provided a modularized sample treatment method using SA-QDs as a nano-fluorescent probe in cellular imaging and bio-labeling.  相似文献   

This work mainly investigated the influences of some factors, such as, synthesis methods, precursor alteraatives, and vacuum heat-treating process, etc, on the fluorescent characteristics of the semiconductor quantum dots synthesized by aqueous phase. The research results indicate that the fluorescent characteristic of water- solution sample prepared from Na2 SO3 precursor was sensitive to water bath heating time, and specially, its photohuninescence spectrum shows the unique phenomenon of double excitation and emission peaks. Meanwhile, the fluorescent characteristic of water- solution sample prepared from NaBH4 precursor is slightly influenced by water bath heating time, and the sugface of CdSe quantum dots could be passivated by the excessive amount of NaBH4 precursor, which results in the effective decrease of surface traps and great enhancement of quantum yield. Furthermore, the fluorescent emission peaks of samples could be sharpened by vacuum heat-treating process, with its spectral full width at half of maximum (FWHM) around 30- 40 run, so the emission peaks become redshifi, of which the intensity greatly increases.  相似文献   

量子点特性及荧光标记应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
量子点是直径在1~100 ml的一类半导体纳米粒子.与传统的有机荧光标记物相比,具有独特的光谱特性和良好的光化学稳定性,是一种理想的荧光标记物.本文概述了量子点基本知识及特性、标记方法以及在生物材料荧光标记中的应用及发展前景.量子点在荧光分析领域将开辟一种新的方法,在分析领域的应用也将对生命科学研究产生重要的影响.  相似文献   

在有效质量近似下,采用有限差分的方法研究了自组装耦合量子点中类氢杂质的结合能随量子点结构参数(量子点尺寸和量子点间距)和杂质位置的变化规律,并计算了外加磁场对此规律的影响。结果表明:杂质结合能随着结构的变化呈现出复杂的变化趋势;杂质位于其中一个量子点的中心位置时,体系的结合能最强;外加磁场将提高杂质的结合能,但量子点结构和杂质位置不同其影响也不同。  相似文献   

通过微波辐射技术,过度金属钴离子可以成功地掺杂到CdS量子点内部.由于钴离子占据了量子点的中心位置,随着辐射时间的增加,钴离子逐渐向外渗透扩散,伴随此过程,掺杂后的量子点的紫外吸收峰和荧光发射峰都相应地发生了红移.通过X射线衍射和高分辨投射电镜表征发现,掺杂后的晶体依然为立体闪锌矿结构,并且具有量子点的晶体特征;经过紫外吸收和荧光光谱表征发现,与CdS量子点相比,除了荧光光谱的发射峰范围扩宽了50 nm,荧光稳定性和化学稳定性得到了很大的提高.  相似文献   

A rapid, ultrasensitive and convenient fluorescence measurement technology based on the enhancement of the fluorescence intensity resulting from the interaction of functionalized CdSe/CdS quantum dots (QDs) with bovine serum albumin (BSA) was proposed. The citrate-stabilized CdSe/CdS (QDs) were synthesized by using Se powder and Na2S as precursors instead of any pyrophoric organometallic precursors. The modified CdSe/CdS QDs are brighter and more stable against photobleaching in comparison with organic fluorophores. At pH 7.0, the fluorescence signal of CdSe/CdS is enhanced by increasing the concentration of BSA in the range of 0.1–10 μg/mL, and the low detection limit is 0.06 μg/mL. A linear relationship between the enhanced fluorescence peak intensity (ΔF) and BSA concentration (c) is established using equation ΔF=50.7c+16.4 (R=0.996 36). Results of determination for BSA in three synthetic samples are identical with the true values, and the recovery (98.9%–102.4%) and relative standard deviation (RSD, 1.8%–2.5%) are satisfactory.  相似文献   

次氯酸根(ClO-)作为消毒剂和漂白剂的有效成分,常用于的人类生产和生活中。在狭小密闭空间内使用含有次氯酸根的消毒剂存在一定安全隐患,同时ClO-在体内的参与人体的多项生命活动,过量的ClO-存在于人体会对人体的免疫系统造成极大危害,诱发多种疾病。因此检测ClO-是十分必要的。本文采用一锅法,以聚乙烯亚胺为配体合成一种硫化镉量子点荧光探针实现对ClO- 的检测,结果显示,探针对ClO- 的识别具有较高的选择性和抗干扰能力,其检测范围在0~40 nmol/L,检测限为0.5 nmol/L。  相似文献   

The effcts of various InGaAs layers on the structural and optical properties of InAs self-assembled quantum dots( QDs ) grown by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE) were investigated. The emission wavelength of 1317 nm was obtained by embedding InAs QDs in InGaAs / GaAs quantum well. The temperature-dependent and time-resolved photoluminescence ( TDPL and TRPL ) were used to study the dynomic characteristics of carriers. InGaAs cap layer may improve the quality of quantum dots for the strain relaxation around QDs, which results in a stronger PL inteasity and an increase of PL peak lifetime up to 170 K. We found that InGaAs buffer layer may reduce the PL peak lifetime of InAs QDs, which is due to the buffer layer accelerating the carrier migration. The results also show that InGaAs cap layer can increase the temperature point when the thermal reemission and nonradiative recombination contribute significantly to the carrier dynamics.  相似文献   

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