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近年,城市市场品牌云集,竞争激烈,而农村市场随着国家扶农政策的出台、人均生活水平的提高,消费能力日益提高。据统计去年随着农民收入创出自1997年以来最高增幅,农村消费市场也出现了多年少有的增长。今年上半年,我国县及县以下实现社会消费品零售总额达到了9727亿元,同比增长11.1%。受消费增长影响,酒水消费提升,平均消费价格提升0.5元,达13.3元。而城市白酒消费市场有容量限  相似文献   

今日的上海,已是全国最大的商业、金融中心.是全国消费的前沿。上海市场开放程度比其他地区高,消费者的消费水平也相应较强,特别是在2010世博会的带动下,上海市场饮料消费形势喜人,全面提高城市饮品的消费水平。经过20多年的发展.上海地区的饮料品种渐趋多样化,且不断有新品上市。  相似文献   

一项调查显示,当前我国农村纺织品市场远远落后于城市纺织品市场,其中高档纺织品的人均消费量,城市是农村的3—5倍.农村将是国内最大的纺织品市场,尚待进一步开发.当前,农村纺织品市场少,农民的消费产品大多数是城市淘汰的纺织品;农村成衣率不高,仅占服装消费的30%;大部分乡镇纺织企业和服装企业规模小,设备陈旧,工艺落后,产品质量低,对农村市场缺乏引导.  相似文献   

基本背景:一个正在快速发展和变化的人口大国 在食物消费上的明显变化: 1、消费结构出现显著变化:城市恩格尔系数32%,农村46%; 2、食物需求发生显著改变:肉、奶、鱼和果蔬消费大幅度增加; 3、工业食品比重快速增加:2006年消费500亿包方便面,农村市场占70%[第一段]  相似文献   

前不久,笔者到澳大利亚布里斯班探亲,期间顺道漫步悉尼、布里斯班、黄金海岸、阳光海岸部分市场,出于职业的好奇目光,尤为关心我国特别是上海轻工出口产品市场销售情况,所见所闻,感慨颇多。 悉尼是澳大利亚最大城市,商业和金融中心。布里斯班是昆士兰首府,著名的旅游城市。这两个城市毗邻的黄金海岸和阳光海岸是旅游名胜,连绵不断的海岸线上,形成了许多天然泳场,夏天,碧波万倾,波涛滚滚,游人如织。但是,这些城市有个共同特点,工业占国民经济比重很小,是典型的消费城市。  相似文献   

2003年,为推进全国"三绿工程"建设,建立确保农副产品和食品安全的流通网络体系,国家认证认可监督管理委员会与商务部联合推出《农副产品绿色批发市场》(GB/T19220—2003)、《农副产品绿色零售市场》(GB/T19221—2003)两个标准及《绿色市场认证管理办法》《绿色市场认证实施规则》.绿色市场认证开始作为一种新的认证制度正式启动。  相似文献   

近期影响生猪市场的几个因素:首先,近期北方的粮食主产区大都处于农忙季节,很多农民工开始返乡,在一定的程度上充实了农村的消费群体和消费资金,这是近期农村消费中的一个变化,也是近期北方当地屠宰量有所增加的主要原因,当然,同时也会在一定程度上削弱城市猪肉消费量。其次,从6月开始至12月31日,冷冻猪肉的进口关税将从12%下调至6%,这将会在一定程度上刺激进口猪肉的增加,并帮助拉低肉价,但是由于中国消费者喜欢新鲜或冷藏猪肉而不喜欢冷冻猪肉,因此这个措施不会产生大的影响。  相似文献   

随着农村经济市场的繁荣,各种农副产品加工机械和饲料加工机械得到迅速发展,市场的需求量不断增加。但这类机械的通用性和配套性差,农民搞多种项目经营重复投资大,负担重,不利于农村经济的发展。因此,发展农副产品加工组合机,一机多能,  相似文献   

在启动消费、扩大市场需求的过程中,许多珠宝企业虽采取了不少措施,但却收效甚微.然而,有些珠宝企业经营者不断创新经营思维和营销策略,使得市场消费不断扩大.其中,"定制营销"与"6C理念"的营销创新与实践,开阔了经营视野,受到珠宝业界和消费者的重视和赞誉.  相似文献   

众所周知,我们的地球世界之所以这样丰富多彩,是因为地球具有重要的两极即南北极在影响着地球的气候、环境的变化。同理,我们的市场正如地球一样也具有两极即城市极和农村极,正是他们的相互作用,才带来了市场的变幻万千和魅力无限。当然,城市极有城市极的特点,农村极有农村极的个性,就农村极消费市场和主体消费特点来看,和城市极具有明显的区别。  相似文献   

报导了美国主要干酪产品的市场现状。除了提供详细的市场统计数据外,对产品的创新、销售渠道、进出口市场、国外市场动态、消费者分布以及生产商的市场分配方面也作了讨论。随着产品在食用方便、包装形式和材料方面的创新,在未成年人和西班牙语系消费市场上的增长,以及在风味、品种和优质干酪产品的开发,干酪的销售额在未来几年里将呈稳定增长的趋势。  相似文献   

肉类区域品牌现状及发展策略分析——以北京市场为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
区域品牌的发展问题正逐步为理论界所重视。本文结合肉类行业对肉类区域品牌的发展进行了分析研究,通过对北京市场上肉类品牌以及消费者的肉类购买行为进行市场调研,并应用SWOT模型对肉类区域品牌进行了全面分析,针对肉类企业提出了发展区域品牌的策略建议。  相似文献   

In most African countries, spatial dispersion of production and consumption often results in high transaction costs that prevent farmers from accessing markets and causes asymmetry in price transmission. The objective of this study was to provide the baseline information on local rice price transmission between paired producer and consumer markets in Benin and Mali. To achieve this, we used Enders and Siklos’s threshold models on monthly price series from 2000 to 2010 to examine the nature of price transmission between selected markets in the surplus zones and the nearest important consumption markets. The results for Benin indicated that price transmission between markets in the surplus zone and the consumption markets was asymmetric, probably because of the prevalence of high transaction costs. These results showed that increases in price in the surplus-zone market were more quickly transmitted to the consumer market than decreases in price. Conversely, the results for Mali indicated symmetric price transmission between the market in the surplus zone and the consumer market, suggesting the prevalence of lower transaction costs. These results highlight the need for policies aiming to lower transaction costs observed in selected local rice markets in Benin. Specific policies, such as investment in public infrastructure, e.g. roads, could promote the vertical integration of local rice production with marketing. This would be crucial to achieving rice farmers’ food security and hence their wellbeing.  相似文献   

<正> 随着入世的不断深入,中国啤酒产业的发展已经进入成熟阶段。2006年全年我国规模以上啤酒制造行业实现累计工业总产值87亿元左右,比2005年增长16%左右,全年实现累计产品销售收入84亿元左右,比2005年增长16%左右,产销率为95%左右,全年实现累计利润总额  相似文献   

鲜切蔬菜加工保鲜与冷藏链   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
齐正  李保国  孟祥  吴亚卿 《食品科技》2006,31(9):259-262
鲜切蔬菜以其新鲜、方便、营养、无公害等特点,近年来的消费量增加很快。但鲜切蔬菜所涉及到的产业链较长、技术流程复杂,在研发鲜切蔬菜加工和保鲜问题上,整体的技术难度较大。对鲜切蔬菜的保鲜加工工艺和冷藏链的最新研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

Toward Textiles     
Susan Snodgrass 《Textile》2013,11(3):306-313

Wool textiles play such an integral part in British history that it is surprising wool makes up such a low percentage of the global fiber market. With the price noticeably more than cotton, wool is perhaps viewed as more of a premium product, confined to niche markets. Another view is that in today's modern world of man-made synthetics and fast fashion, wool no longer has a place. However, there are plenty of signs that wool is making a comeback as a twenty-first-century fibre. Wool's message—good looks, comfort, longevity, and sustainability, along with its many new developments and end uses— should resonate with a new generation of consumers.  相似文献   

尽管皮芯复合短纤维因为在中国有超过10万t/a的产量而具有最大的复合纤维市场份额,但是现在非织造布上复合超细短纤维的应用已经是不可忽视的.复合超细短纤维非织造布正进入顶级消费品市场,中国正在变成继日本和欧美之后重要的复合超细短纤维应用的重要成员之一.  相似文献   

To ensure a high level of consumer protection, the European Union has in the past years published several regulations setting very low limits for a given number of food contaminants (pesticides, mycotoxins, heavy metals) in many agricultural products (cereals, oilseeds, dry fruits, coffee, spices, etc). These new regulations regarding the sanitary quality of agricultural products, compel both economic operators and officials of different EU member states to set up sampling plans and rigorous analyses aimed at checking whether a product lot complies with the required standards prior to its release on the market. While the laboratory analysis management today is outstanding thanks to the validated and efficient detection methods and procedures available for quality assurance in laboratories (accreditation), this is not necessarily true of the sampling operation, which seems to be the weak link in the sanitary control system for agricultural products. The sampling operation is often the main source of error when assessing the sanitary quality of a lot of agricultural commodities, with both commercial (downgrading of the product) and sanitary (marketing of a product which poses a health risk for the consumer) consequences. Therefore, it is essential for the operators involved to be aware of the significance and difficulties of the sampling operation, which requires important equipment and human resources. Furthermore, drawing up specific standards and guidelines, as well as setting up quality assurance procedures, at the level in charge of carrying out this delicate and important operation, are necessary.  相似文献   

通过对当前家居装饰业消费市场的分析,并对装饰行业中的报务与产品竞争力的比较,指出从“服务”转向“产品”为主导的战略转型将为中国家居装饰业带来巨大的机遇。  相似文献   

通过酸、甜口感,颜色、体态的调配,经品评确立出适合消费者口味的酸甜酱的产品配方。确定了生产工艺流程,制定了控制品质的产品质量标准。  相似文献   

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