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A forensic study was conducted to identify the cause of the premature cracking on three recently completed projects that were built with the same design. Nondestructive [ground penetration radar, falling weight deflectometer (FWD), GeoGauge, and Portable FWD], nuclear density gauge, dynamic cone penetration, and extensive laboratory tests were performed. It was found that the initial stiffness of the treated base was found to be excessively high by FWD backcalculation. Some sections of the backcalculated base moduli were over 20.7?GPa. This indicates that the layer is excessively brittle for a base material, similar to lean concrete. Six specimens (that were made without a mellowing period) exhibited cracks. There was no cracking for six specimens that had two days of mellowing. It was concluded that the culprit of the transverse cracking in the main lanes was the shrinkage of lime treated base layers. The longitudinal cracks are related to the edge drying and the transverse cracks are related to the insufficient mellowing period. Based on the findings of this study, the District implemented a 2-day mellowing period for Quicklime treated caliche base. Three newly constructed pavements (age 8, 5, and 2?months) were surveyed. No cracking can be observed so far, and the District thinks the cracking problem has been mitigated by the 2-day mellowing period. Without the mellowing period, cracking had normally occurred 1?to?2?months after construction..  相似文献   

An investigation was conducted to determine the root cause of the premature pavement failure. The premature pavement failure occurred in the form of rutting and alligator cracking. Although the affected portion was repaired by removing and replacing the top 75-mm asphalt concrete (AC), the repaired AC experienced recurring rutting and alligator cracking in a few weeks. Through extensive field and lab testing, it was found that the weak base is the root cause of the premature failure and the brittleness of the AC is secondary. However, both the base and AC were built according to plan and met the current material and field density requirements. It was concluded that density alone for construction quality control is not sufficient, as it was not able to protect against premature failures from occurring. Although there are many different ways to minimize premature failures, an immediate action is to include proof rolling in construction quality control. Proof rolling has been used with success to ensure proper compaction and to locate unstable areas, as the stability is greatly influenced by the degree of densification achieved during compaction.  相似文献   

The Specific Pavement Study–1 pavement test section on US281 in south Texas comprise the largest Strategic Highway Research Program experimental site in the United States. The project was opened to traffic in 1997, and performance has been poor. Three of these test sections developed deep rutting within 1 year. Their surfaces were milled to restore ride quality. Three years after construction, 14 of the sections had 10 mm or more rutting. A forensic study was initiated by the Texas Department of Transportation to identify the cause of the problem. Nondestructive testing was conducted with both the falling weight deflector and ground penetrating radar. No structural problems were detected with either device, both indicating that the base and subbase layers were strong. A field investigation was initiated; the original plan was to cut nine trenches, however, after four trenches were cut, the problematic layer was identified and the trenching operation was terminated. Dynamic cone penetrometer, stiffness gauge, seismic pavement analyzer, and nuclear density gauge tests were then conducted on top of the base and subgrade layers. The trench profiles indicated that the rutting was coming primarily from the top 50-mm (2-inch) asphalt-concrete layer. Asphalt cores were taken from both rutted and nonrutted sections and bag samples of the base were tested in laboratory. The binder was recovered, and the asphalt content and penetration, aggregate gradation, and type were determined. The cause of the problem was traced to a change in aggregate screening, and also an excess of asphalt in the top layer.  相似文献   

This paper presents a semianalytical method for the prediction of interlaminar stresses and displacements near the free edges and ply cracks in general angle-ply laminates subjected to biaxial extensions and/or in plane shear deformation. The method is based on a state space representation of the three-dimensional equations of elasticity. Numerical solutions are obtained by using layer refinement in the through thickness direction and Fourier series expansion in the other directions. By this approach, an angle-ply laminate may be composed of an arbitrary number of monoclinic layers and each layer may have different material property and thickness. This method guarantees continuous fields of all interlaminar stresses across interfaces between material layers. Numerical results are compared with those obtained from other methods. It is found that the theory provides a satisfactory approximation to the stress singularities near the free edges and ply cracks. Numerical solutions for antisymmetric laminates under extension and general laminates under shearing are new in the literature and can be used as benchmarks for validating new models.  相似文献   

After only 2 months in service, the frontage road of US 290 developed a series of depressions that caused a very poor ride. The main cause of the premature failure was attributed to disintegration of the cement treated base (CTB) layer. This was attributed to two primary factors: (1) a very coarse gradation of the aggregate used in the CTB layer which produced a mix that was prone to segregation during placement; and (2) the CTB layer was placed in two lifts, which were not well bonded together. Another contributing factor was the lack of bond between the CTB and the hot mix asphalt (HMA) surface layer. Secondary factors include high air voids in the HMA layer and low HMA layer thickness. The material, when prepared carefully in the lab at the design cement content, passed the strength requirement of 2.07?MPa. But this coarse mix appears to have been difficult to place correctly in the field. The coarsely graded aggregate used on this project appears to be prone to segregation, either during placement or compaction. The ground penetration radar results (with confirmation by core samples) indicated that most of the problems were at the bottom of the upper CTB lift. The CTB was placed in two lifts and very poor condition was found between the two CTB layers. This problem was coupled with a thin, porous, and poorly bonded HMA layer that permitted moisture to enter the CTB layer. Similar failures have also been reported recently on other CTB projects in Houston.  相似文献   

Current practice does not recommend stabilizing high sulfate-bearing soils using calcium-based stabilizers due to high potential swell and low retained unconfined compressive strength. In this technical note, a series of tests has demonstrated that a combination of lime and fly ash (Class F) proved to be the most suitable stabilizer for a high sulfate-bearing soil, and a combination of lime and slag seemed to be the most effective stabilizer for a moderate sulfate-bearing soil in terms of retained unconfined compressive strength and three-dimensional free swell potential.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental study designed to investigate the effect of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) wraps on corrosion activity and concrete cracking in chloride-contaminated concrete cylinders. Thirty-five concrete cylinders, each having 102?mm diameter and 204?mm height, concentrically reinforced with one steel reinforcing bar, were subjected to accelerated corrosion exposure for 80?days. Test parameters included level of applied potential, presence of FRP wraps, and bar diameter. The corresponding current and concrete expansion were continuously monitored throughout the corrosion exposure. At the end of the test, the steel bars were extracted, cleaned of rust, and weighed to determine the actual steel mass loss. The results showed that, for the same applied fixed potential, FRP wraps effectively reduced the corresponding current, the concrete expansion, and the steel mass loss. For the same applied potential, the current density increased as the bar diameter decreased. For the same corrosion depth, the circumferential expansion of the cylinder caused by corrosion decreased as the concrete cover-to-bar diameter ratio (c/d) increased.  相似文献   

Currently, estimations of the crack width in the deck slab of bridges given by codes of practice are based on either theoretical or empirical approaches considering mainly the monotonic loading behavior. However, cracking in reinforced tensile members is highly influenced by the loading history (including both the loading and unloading processes) because of the irreversible nonlinear behavior of bond and of tensile response of concrete, resulting into residual cracks of non-negligible width. This paper investigates the influence of this phenomenon and presents a physical model describing it. An analytical model is developed and its results are compared to various tests with good agreement. Finally, a simple design formula is derived and recommendations for its application to practical cases are proposed.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to identify the cause of the punchouts observed on Interstate Highway 30 (IH-30), and to identify possible rehabilitation alternatives. Several nondestructive tests, as well as coring and trenching, were conducted in both distressed and nondistressed areas. Middepth horizontal cracks were found during routine repair and by the trenching performed in this study. It is believed that due to temperature variation at an early stage, horizontal cracks developed at the middepth interface between the steel and concrete. The truck traffic caused the horizontal cracks to deteriorate further. Repetitive truck traffic and thermal loading forced the concrete to crack vertically from the middepth where there were horizontal cracks. The closely spaced transverse and longitudinal cracks, along with the delamination, caused punchouts. Although the problem is not imminent, an immediate seal plus a 75 mm heavy-duty stone matrix asphalt (SMA) overlay will probably provide the most cost-effective remedy for this section of IH-30. Existing distressed areas should be repaired before the rehabilitation. To slow the deterioration, the district should use a latex modified chip seal or asphalt rubber seal (AC15-5TR) followed by a 75 mm heavy duty SMA. This is to provide bonding between the concrete and SMA overlay. If the district chooses to do nothing at this time, it will become costly in 2–3 years if current environmental and traffic conditions hold. The cost to repair a severely deteriorated continuously reinforced concrete pavement (CRCP) would be several times more than the 75 mm heavy duty SMA overlay.  相似文献   

A variety of hot mix asphalt mixtures are used in highway and runway pavement construction. Each mixture caters to specific needs. Mixtures differ from one another in the type and percentage of aggregates and asphalt used, and their response can be markedly different, and thus there is a need to develop constitutive models that can differentiate between the different kinds of mixtures. In this paper, we outline a general procedure for the constitutive modeling of bituminous mixtures. We illustrate the efficacy of this approach by means of an application to sand asphalt. The governing equations for this special problem reduce to a stiff nonlinear ordinary differential equation and this is solved numerically using Gear’s method. We compare the results of the predictions of the model that we have developed with the compressive creep experiments carried out by Wood and Goetz on a typical sand asphalt mixture and find them to be in good agreement.  相似文献   

Corrosion-induced cracks in reinforced concrete (RC) structures degrade the stiffness of the cover concrete. The stiffness degradation is mainly caused by the softening in the stress-strain relation in the cracked concrete. Limited efforts have been made to model the cracking and the corresponding effects on the cover concrete, despite of its importance in assessing and modeling the behavior of RC structures. This paper proposes a stiffness degradation factor to model the stiffness degradation of the cover concrete subject to cracking. The proposed factor is computed in terms of the cracking strain corresponding to the maximum opening of the concrete cracks based on an energy principle applied to a fractured RC structure. The time to cracking of the cover concrete is then determined as the time from the corrosion initiation needed by the crack front to reach the outer surface of the cover concrete. The proposed stiffness degradation factor and the method to compute the time to cracking are illustrated through two numerical examples. The times to cracking of the cover concrete that are predicted using the proposed method are in agreement with the measured values from laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

A procedure is presented for analyzing postconstruction deformation of seepage barriers due to changes in the pore pressure regime after seepage barrier construction. The procedure uses the changes in pore pressures calculated by finite-element seepage analyses to calculate changes in buoyancy and seepage forces that occur as a result of seepage barrier construction. When the buoyancy and seepage forces are applied to a finite-element soil-structure interaction model, the result is an effective-stress analysis that rigorously models seepage effects. This paper discusses application of the procedure to five dams to calculate postconstruction deformation and stresses in seepage barriers. The results of the analyses indicate that deformation due to pore pressure regime changes is a likely mechanism causing cracking in rigid seepage barriers.  相似文献   

Brittle fracture results in unplanned loss of service, very costly repairs, concern regarding the future safety of the structure, and potential loss of life. These types of failures are most critical when there is no evidence of fatigue cracking leading up to the fracture and the fracture origin is concealed from view. Hence, the failure occurs without warning and the details are, essentially, noninspectable. In these cases, it appears desirable to take a proactive approach and introduce preventative retrofits to reduce the potential for future crack development. These efforts will help ensure that the likelihood of unexpected fractures is minimized. This paper examines the behavior of two bridge structures in which brittle fractures have developed in recent times, discusses the causes of the failures, and offers suggested design strategies for prevention and retrofit mitigation techniques. In situations where considerable uncertainty exists in the prediction of accumulated damage or in the ability to reliably inspect critical details, preemptive retrofit strategies appear to be highly desirable.  相似文献   

Ronan Point Apartment Tower Collapse and its Effect on Building Codes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the early morning hours of May 16, 1968, the occupant of apartment 90 on the 18th floor of the 22-story Ronan Point apartment tower, in London, lit a match to brew her morning cup of tea. The resulting gas explosion initiated a partial collapse of the structure that killed four people and injured 17 (one of whom subsequently died). On investigation, the apartment tower was found to be deeply flawed in both design and construction. The existing building codes were found to be inadequate for ensuring the safety and integrity of high-rise precast concrete apartment buildings. The Larsen–Nielson building system, intended for buildings with only six stories, had been extended past the point of safety. The tower consisted of precast panels joined together without a structural frame. The connections relied, in large part, on friction. The apartment tower lacked alternate load paths to redistribute forces in the event of a partial collapse. When the structure was dismantled, investigators found appallingly poor workmanship at the critical connections between the panels. Subsequently, building codes in many countries have adopted structural integrity or “robustness” provisions that may be directly traced to the Ronan Point collapse.  相似文献   

介绍了宝钢气喷旋冲烧结烟气脱硫技术的研发背景,工艺与关键设备研发情况,并系统阐述了工业试验研究与工程化技术总成情况。详细介绍了工程化应用情况,以实际烧结脱硫工程为例,对干湿法烧结烟气脱硫装置的运行情况和技术经济指标进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

研究了1050~1150℃固溶处理对20 kg真空感应炉熔炼的690镍基合金(%:0.020C、29.93Cr、9.82Fe、0.19Al、0.25 Ti、0.023Nb、0.012Mo、0.004 2N)1.0mm冷轧板的组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明,当固溶温度从1050℃提高至1100℃,平均晶粒尺寸呈线性增长,从12μm提高到29μm,超过1100℃时晶粒尺寸快速增长,1150℃时平均晶粒尺寸达58μm;1090℃以上固溶处理时,合金中富铬碳化物完全溶解;690镍基合金主要强化机制为细晶强化,随固溶温度升高,合金室温抗拉和屈服强度分别从780 MPa和400 MPa降至662.5 MPa和250MPa,伸长率由40%提高至51.75%。  相似文献   

用化学方法净化选矿废水中的有毒物质,加强废水的治理利用,既节省选矿药剂,使其达到国家排放标准,又有利于保护环境。  相似文献   

用挤压铸造方法制备Mullite/Al-4.0Cu复合材料及其基体合金。用硬度测试(HB)、差示扫描量热仪(DSC)和透射电镜(TEM)等手段,研究了温度对复合材料及其基体合金时效行为的影响,结果表明:复合材料和基体合金具有相似的时效硬化曲线及相同的时效析出序列,随时效温度的升高,峰值硬度降低、时析析出过程加快;莫来石纤维除了能明显提高Al-4.0Cu合金的时效硬度外,还能加速其时效析出进程,但对GP区的形成具有明显的抑制作用,而对θ相的析出影响不大。  相似文献   

李阳  李莎  王岩 《特殊钢》2013,34(3):64-66
研究了1 000~1 150℃固溶处理对GH4700合金(/%:0.05C、25Cr、20Co、1.65Nb、1.47Al、1.69Ti,余Ni)组织及力学性能的影响:结果表明,1 180℃挤压空冷后Φ89 mm×15 mm GH4700管材的抗拉、屈服强度和伸长率分别为1 150 MPa、780 MPa和36%;合金在1 000~1 060℃固溶处理,随着温度的提高,γ’相逐渐溶入基体,合金晶粒明显长大,强度显著降低,塑性显著升高;在1 090~1 150℃随着温度的提高,晶粒长大趋势不明显,合金强度和塑性的变化趋势放缓。1 150℃固溶处理后GH4700合金抗拉强度800 MPa,屈服强度330 MPa,伸长率65%。  相似文献   

杜晓东 《特殊钢》2003,24(6):20-22
所试验的电冶金铁基碳化钨颗粒复合耐磨材料(%:40WC,0.60C,1.80Cr,0.70Mo)的碳化物相为WC,(Fe3W3)C和Cr23C6,铸态材料经900℃退火后的硬度为HRC45,经1150℃淬火,1.50℃回火后复合材料中碳化物分布均匀,其韧性和耐磨性均高于1050℃淬火,1.50℃回火的材料性能。  相似文献   

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