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Assessed the influence of counselor (C) gender (male or female), C sex role orientation (traditional or egalitarian), S's sex role orientation (masculine, feminine, or androgynous), and client problem type (sex role related or not sex role related) on female Ss' judgments of their comfort with disclosing to Cs and their perceptions of the C's attractiveness, expertness, and trustworthiness. Results show that (a) S's ratings of comfort in disclosing was greater with female rather than male and with egalitarian rather than traditional Cs; (b) female egalitarian Cs were perceived as most expert, whereas female traditional Cs were perceived as least expert, and (c) male traditional Cs were perceived as least trustworthy. The presence of C gender and C sex role effects and the absence of effects as a function of problem type and Ss' sex role orientation are discussed. Suggestions are made concerning the need for more consistent definition of sex role orientation and designation of problem type. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Explored the effects of counselor gender, participant gender, and high or low credibility introduction on 8th graders' perceptions of counselor expertness, attractiveness, trustworthiness, and confidence in the counselor. 240 male and female Ss listened to an audiotape of a high or low credibility introduction and to a counseling session with a male or female counselor and then completed a modified Counselor Rating Form and the Help with Specific Problems Scale. Multivariate and univariate ANOVAs yielded significant main effects for Participant Gender and Credibility Introduction and a significant interaction effect for Counselor Gender?×?Credibility Introduction. Results are compared with studies of adult Ss, and a new scheme for classifying types of credibility cues is proposed. (39 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Found that counselor individual differences in cognitive complexity (CC), but not preferences for client problems, moderate the cognitive processes that lead to bias in clinical judgment. A particularly robust and unambiguous clinical bias, known as diagnostic overshadowing (S. Reiss et al; see record 1982-25973-001), was selected for study. Consistent with behavior decision (R. Nisbett and L. Ross, 1980) and complexity theories (J. Bieri et al, 1966), counseling psychologists with lower CC were more likely to form biased clinical judgments than were counseling psychologists with higher CC (N?=?119). Implications of the significant and nonsignificant results for research in clinical judgment and for counselor education and practice are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the effects and the relative contribution of 3 counselor behaviors (nonverbal behavior, jargon, and attire) on perceived expertness and attractiveness. In a factorial design, 120 undergraduates observed an interview with a counselor performing in 1 of 8 combinations of responsive or unresponsive nonverbal behavior, professional or layman's jargon, and formal or casual attire. Ss rated the perceived expertness and attractiveness of the counselor using the Counselor Rating Form. ANOVAs revealed that all 3 independent variables significantly affected the 2 rated dimensions. Nonverbal behavior accounted for most of the variance and differentially affected ratings of expertness and attractiveness, while jargon and attire were much inferior in their relative contribution to Ss' perceptions. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Employed a multifactor 2 (high and low need) by 2 (expert and inexpert role) by 2 (interviewers) fixed effects design to evaluate the effects of S perceived need and interviewer role on an S's opinions and behaviors. 90 female undergraduates attended a 20-min counseling analog interview in which they discussed their problem-solving skills. During this time the interviewer attempted to alter Ss' ratings of their problem-solving skills as well as 2 extrainterview behaviors. Following the interview, Ss rated the interviewer on a counselor rating form, responded to 2 problem-solving inventories, and were given the opportunity to engage in 2 self-help activities outside of the interview. The results indicate that the roles were perceived as intended and resulted in the intended opinion changes. Perceived interviewer expertness did influence Ss to engage in certain self-help activities, but the scope of those behaviors was limited. Contrary to earlier postulations, differential S need did not affect interviewer's ability to influence Ss' opinions or behaviors. Additional research is needed to test the theoretical formula regarding counselor power, as well as to explore the range of effects of perceived counselor expertness. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Employed a 2 * 2 factorial design in a counseling-analog investigation to evaluate the effects of environmental cues of competence (such as diplomas and awards) and the sex of the counselor on perceived expertness. 64 undergraduates were interviewed and subsequently completed a semantic-differential questionnaire which contained a 6-item scale of perceived expertness. Results indicate that diplomas and awards significantly influenced the S's initial perception of counselor expertness. Contrary to previous research, the sex of the counselor did not influence the initial perceptions of the Ss. It is suggested that further research is needed on the duration of the effects of the diplomas, the sex of the counselor, and the existence of such effects in additional populations and settings. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

An experimental design was used to test the hypothesis that clients who perceived their counselors as holding etiology attributions similar to their own would rate their counselors' credibility higher than clients who perceived their counselors as holding dissimilar attributions. 40 undergraduate volunteers participated as clients in counseling role-plays with 11 graduate student counselors. At the end of the 3-session counseling analogue experience, each client was exposed to a mock counselor questionnaire on which the counselor's etiology attributions were manipulated to either agree or disagree with the client's etiology attributions. Results indicated that clients in the similarity of etiology attribution condition rated their counselors to be more credible sources of help than did clients in the dissimilarity of etiology attribution condition. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tests of 2 cognitive style dimensions (serialism–holism and field dependence–independence; measured by the Gandlemuller Test and the Group Embedded Figures Test, respectively) were administered to 60 counselor trainees in graduate clinical and counseling psychology programs and 60 volunteer clients drawn from a university-level applied psychology course. 32 counselor–client pairs matched or mismatched on the 2 dimensions were formed. Counselor and client pairs engaged in 2 50-min therapy sessions that focused on client self-enhancement. In independent rating sessions, matching effects for field dependence–independence were obtained in clients' subjective ratings of improvement in self-exploration skills and in clients' and counselors' subjective ratings of the ease of relating with each other. Implications and applications for achieving maximum counselor–client compatibility in a person–environment interaction model are discussed. (32 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined the effects of counselor note-taking behavior on participants' impressions of a counselor during a career counseling session. A total of 140 participants (70 men and 70 women) rated 1 of 2 videotapes designed to credibly simulate a real career counseling interview. Note-taking was the independent variable. Results of this study suggest that whether a counselor is observed in a note-taking or non-note-taking condition has no significant effect on perceived counselor expertness, attractiveness, or trustworthiness. However, there was a significantly greater willingness of the participants to see the counselor who refrained from note-taking. Results offer tentative suggestions for those counselors who choose to take notes during a career counseling session. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a completely crossed, factorial design, 186 Mexican American college students were exposed to a counselor introduction that identified her as either Mexican American or Canadian American, followed by an audiotape-recorded bogus counseling session in which the counselor either spoke English only or English combined with cues of Spanish-speaking ability. After listening to the tape-recorded counseling session, participants rated the counselor's credibility and cross-cultural competence. No effect was found on ratings for counselor language or counselor ethnicity. However, ratings of both counselor credibility and cross-cultural competence were found to be a function of participants' bilingual ability. Combined with evidence of a similar relationship between generation since immigration and ratings of the counselor, these findings suggest that, as Mexican Americans acculturate, their perceptions of counselor credibility and cross-cultural competence diminish. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the perception of counselor attractiveness and persuasiveness through the expression of nonverbal behavior. Ss were 20 male and 20 female psychology undergraduates. 2 male and female counselors were trained to portray "affiliative" manner and "unaffiliative" manner. In a repeated measures design, Ss saw 4 different counselors and then rated them on scales measuring perceived attractiveness and persuasiveness. Results indicate that counselors in the affiliative manner condition were perceived as significantly more attractive and persuasive than counselors in the unaffiliative condition. Ss attributed greater attractiveness and persuasiveness to the same nonverbal cues encoded into the roles. (15 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

189 Mexican-American community college students identified as low, medium, or high in acculturation were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 possible stimulus conditions generated by crossing 2 counselor introductions (Mexican American or Anglo American) with 2 tape-recorded counseling simulations (culturally responsive or culturally unresponsive). A significant cultural sensitivity effect was found for perceptions of cultural competence. Highest ratings of cultural competence were obtained when the counselor was portrayed as culturally responsive and lowest ratings when the counselor was portrayed as culturally unresponsive, regardless of counselor ethnicity or participant acculturation. All other main and interaction effects for perceived counselor credibility and cultural competence were nonsignificant. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Tested the effects of 2 levels of counselor similarity and expertness and 2 types of clients' problems on perceptions of the counselor's competence in an analog study. The basis for client-counselor similarity was age and student status; the basis for expertness was experience and training. Ss were 311 18-27 yr old undergraduates. They were given 1 of 8 biographical sketches of the counselor's background to read; then they heard a segment of a single taped interview. Counselor competence was assessed by evaluations on a 16-item Likert scale. It was hypothesized that suggestions of client-counselor similarity would facilitate perceptions of competence for affiliative problems, whereas suggestions of counselor expertness would facilitate perceptions of competence for academic problems. Suggestions of expertness led to higher evaluations of counselors for both problems. Findings support the importance of counselor credentials in determining clients' initial impressions of counselors. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Used a 3?×?2?×?2 factorial design to study the effects of S acculturation (low, medium, or high), counselor ethnicity (Anglo-American or Mexican-American), and counseling style (directive or nondirective) on Mexican-American Ss' perceptions of and willingness to see a counselor. Within acculturation levels, Ss were randomly assigned to view stimulus materials (in which the counselor's ethnicity was varied) and to listen to tape recordings of a simulated counseling session (in which the counseling style was varied). No evidence was found of an acculturation effect for any dependent variable. However, Ss gave higher credibility ratings and were more willing to see a counselor who was Mexican American for personal, academic, and vocational concerns. Also, more positive ratings were given to the directive counseling style than the nondirective counseling style. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent research has supported the application of cognitive-behavioral theory to the field of counselor training and supervision. The present study examined the effects of teaching counselor trainees a cognitive self-instruction strategy vs clinical hypothesis knowledge. Ss were 32 students in graduate prepracticum courses. Three training conditions and a placebo control were compared on dependent measures of Ss' internal dialog and quality of clinical hypothesis formulation. Results indicate that acquiring a cognitive self-instruction strategy increased Ss' ability to perform the conceptual portion of selected counseling tasks. However, there was no evidence that clinical hypothesis knowledge was associated with similar increases in conceptual ability. (42 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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