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Wireless Personal Communications - Moving target tracking of sensor networks is an important application. The sensor nodes cooperate in the networks to discover the target, and the target’s... 相似文献
Range-Based Sleep Scheduling (RBSS) for Wireless Sensor Networks 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Sleep scheduling in a wireless sensor network is the process of deciding which nodes are eligible to sleep (enter power-saving
mode) after random deployment to conserve energy while retaining network coverage. Most existing approaches toward this problem
require sensor’s location information, which may be impractical considering costly locating overheads. This paper proposes
range-based sleep scheduling (RBSS) protocol which needs sensor-to-sensor distance but no location information. RBSS attempts
to approach an optimal sensor selection pattern that demands the fewest working (awake) sensors. Simulation results indicate
that RBSS is comparable to its location-based counterpart in terms of coverage quality and the reduction of working sensors.
Yang-Min ChengEmail: |
文中设计了一种基于休眠调度策略的无线传感网络分簇协议.该协议计算出簇首最佳比例和网络瞬时剩余能量,采用固定簇首数目与剩余能量估计的方法对网络进行分簇,在成簇后的数据传送阶段采用蚁群算法计算出节点的唤醒概率,最后通过仿真实验与LEACH、SEP协议进行了比较.实验结果表明:该协议在对目标保持较好探测效果的前提下能更均匀的消耗网络的能量,从而延长网络的生命周期. 相似文献
Resource allocation under spectrum sensing based dynamic spectrum sharing strategy is a critically important issue for cognitive radio networks (CRNs), because they need to not only satisfy the interference constraint caused to the primary users (PUs), but also meet the quality-of-service (QoS) requirements for the secondary users (SUs). In this paper, we develop the optimal spectrum sensing based resource allocation scheme for the delay QoS constrained CRNs. Specifically, we aim at maximizing the maximum constant arrival rate of the SU that can be supported by the time-varying service process subject to the given statistical delay QoS constraint. In our derived power allocation scheme, not only the average transmit and interference power constraints are considered, but also the impact of the PUs?? transmission to the CRNs and the PUs?? spectrum-occupancy probability are taken into consideration. Moreover, the spectrum sensing errors are also taken into consideration. Simulation results show that, (1) the effective capacity of the secondary link decreases when the statistical delay QoS constraint becomes stringent; (2) given the QoS constraint, the effective capacity of the secondary link varies with the interference power constraint and the SNR of the primary link. 相似文献
针对传统节点休眠调度算法中覆盖率低、活跃节点数量多以及能量消耗不均匀的问题,基于可信信息覆盖模型,提出一种基于粒子群优化算法(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)的无线传感网络节点休眠调度算法.算法充分利用可信信息覆盖模型的优势构建最优的可信信息覆盖集合和簇头候选集合,从可信信息覆盖集合和簇... 相似文献
Optimizing Lifetime for Continuous Data Aggregation With Precision Guarantees in Wireless Sensor Networks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
《Networking, IEEE/ACM Transactions on》2008,16(4):904-917
Selection and rotation of cluster head (CH) is a well known optimization problem in hierarchical Wireless sensor networks (WSNs), which affects its overall network performance. Population-based metaheuristic particularly Artificial bee colony (ABC) has shown to be competitive over other metaheuristics for solving optimization problems in WSNs. However, its search equation contributes to its insufficiency due to poor exploitation phase and low convergence rate. This paper, presents an improved artificial bee colony (iABC) metaheuristic with an improved search equation, which will be able to search an optimal solution to improve its exploitation capabilities moreover, in order to increase the global convergence of the proposed metaheuristic, an improved approach for population sampling is introduced through Student’s-t distribution. The proposed metaheuristic maintain a balance between exploration and exploitation search abilities with least memory requirements, with the use of first of its kind compact Student’s-t distribution, which is particularly suitable for WSNs limited hardware environment. Further utilising the capabilities of the proposed metaheuristic, an improved artificial bee colony based clustering and scheduling (iABC-CS) scheme is introduced, to obtain optimal cluster heads (CHs) along with optimal CH scheduling in WSNs. Simulation results manifest that iABC-CS outperform over other well known clustering algorithms on the basis of packet delivery ratio, energy consumption, network lifetime and end to end delay. 相似文献
Davide Scazzoli Atul Kumar Navuday Sharma Maurizio Magarini Giacomo Verticale 《International Journal of Wireless Information Networks》2017,24(3):268-277
Reliability and precise timestamping of events that occur are two of the most important requirements for mission critical wireless sensor networks. Accurate timestamping is obtained by synchronizing the nodes to each other while reliability can be obtained by eliminating single points of failure (SPF). In this paper, we address the SPF problem of a ZigBee-based wireless sensor network by means of using multiple coordinators with different personal area network identifiers (PAN IDs). We propose a solution where members of a network switch from one coordinator to another in case of failure by changing their respective PAN ID. We verify experimentally that our solution provides gains in terms of recovery speed and, therefore, synchronization accuracy with respect to a solution proposed in the literature. 相似文献
Wireless Personal Communications - The network life of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) relies on the limited energy of non-rechargeable batteries used at the sensor node. Hence, maximum energy... 相似文献
Energy-Efficient Scheduling for Wireless Sensor Networks 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
《Communications, IEEE Transactions on》2005,53(8):1333-1342
We consider the problem of minimizing the energy needed for data fusion in a sensor network by varying the transmission times assigned to different sensor nodes. The optimal scheduling protocol is derived, based on which we develop a low-complexity inverse-log scheduling (ILS) algorithm that achieves near-optimal energy efficiency. To eliminate the communication overhead required by centralized scheduling protocols, we further derive a distributed inverse-log protocol that is applicable to networks with a large number of nodes. Focusing on large-scale networks with high total data rates, we analyze the energy consumption of the ILS. Our analysis reveals how its energy gain over traditional time-division multiple access depends on the channel and the data-length variations among different nodes. 相似文献
Recent research on statistical multiplexing has provided many new insights into the achievable multiplexing gain in QoS networks. However, usually, these results are stated in terms of the gain experienced at a single switch, and evaluating the statistical multiplexing gain in a general network remains a difficult challenge. In this paper we describe two distinct network designs for statistical end-to-end delay guarantees, referred to as class-level aggregation and path-level aggregation. These designs illustrate an inherent trade-off between attainable statistical multiplexing gain and the ability to support delay guarantees. The key characteristic of both designs is that they do not require, and instead, intentionally avoid, consideration of the correlation between flows at multiplexing points inside the network. Numerical examples are presented for a comparison of the statistical multiplexing gain achievable by the two designs. The class-level aggregation design is shown to yield very high achievable link utilizations while simultaneously achieving desired statistical guarantees on delay. 相似文献
From a multimedia applications perspective, there is an ever increasing demand for wireless devices with higher bandwidth
to support high data rate flows. One possible solution to support the demand for higher bandwidth is to utilize the full spectrum
by simultaneously using multiple channels for transmission. Recent approval by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
has led to considerable interest in exploiting Ultra Wideband (UWB) access on an unlicensed basis in the 3.1--10.6 GHz band.
Currently, the IEEE TG802.15.3a standards group is in the process of developing an alternative high-speed link layer design
conformable with the IEEE 802.15.3 Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) multiple access (MAC) protocol. One of the proposals,
based on the concept of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), divides the spectrum into multiple bands and achieves
channelization through the use of different time-frequency codes. These multiple channels can help satisfy the increasing
demand for higher bandwidth in order to support high data rate multimedia applications. In this paper, we present a QoS-aware,
multi-channel scheduling algorithm that simultaneously utilizes the various channels available in the UWB network.
Aniruddha Rangnekar is a doctoral student in the Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering at the University of Maryland, Baltimore
County. He received the B.E. degree in Computer Engineering from the University of Pune, India in 1998 and a M.S. in Computer
Science from the University of Maryland, Baltimore County in 2001. From January 2002 to date, he has been involved in graduate
research in University of Maryland, Baltimore County. During the summer of 2004, he worked as the MAC development engineer
at Staccato Communications, San Diego, CA. His current interests are in the areas of wireless ad hoc networks, multicast routing
protocols, ultra wideband communications and MAC protocol development. He is a member of the MACSim group of the Multiband
OFDM alliance (MBOA).
Krishna M. Sivalingam is an Associate Professor in the Dept. of CSEE at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Previously, he was with the School
of EECS at Washington State University, Pullman from 1997 until 2002; and with the University of North Carolina Greensboro
from 1994 until 1997. He has also conducted research at Lucent Technologies' Bell Labs in Murray Hill, NJ, and at AT&T Labs
in Whippany, NJ. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Computer Science from State University of New York at Buffalo in
1994 and 1990 respectively; and his B.E. degree in Computer Science and Engineering in 1988 from Anna University, Chennai
(Madras), India. While at SUNY Buffalo, he was a Presidential Fellow from 1988 to 1991.
His research interests include wireless networks, optical wavelength division multiplexed networks, and performance evaluation.
He holds three patents in wireless networks and has published several research articles including more than thirty journal
publications. He has published an edited book on Wireless Sensor Networks in 2004 and edited books on optical WDM networks
in 2000 and 2004. He served as a Guest Co-Editor for special issues of the ACM MONET journal on “Wireless Sensor Networks”
in 2003 and 2004; and an issue of the IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications on optical WDM networks (2000). He
is co-recipient of the Best Paper Award at the IEEE International Conference on Networks 2000 held in Singapore. His work
has been supported by several sources including AFOSR, NSF, Cisco, Intel and Laboratory for Telecommunication Sciences. He
is a member of the Editorial Board for ACM Wireless Networks Journal, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, Ad Hoc and Sensor
Wireless Networks Journal, and KICS Journal of Computer Networks.
He serves as Steering Committee Co-Chair for the International Conference on Broadband Networks (BroadNets) that was created
in 2004. He is currently serving as General Co-Vice-Chair for the Second Annual International Mobiquitous conference to be
held in San Diego in 2005 and as General Co-Chair for the First International Conference on Security and Privacy for Emerging
Areas in Communication Networks to be held in Athens, Greece in Sep. 2005. He served as Technical Program Co-Chair for the
First IEEE Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks (SECON) held at Santa Clara, CA in 2004; as General
Co-Chair for SPIE Opticomm 2003 (Dallas, TX) and for ACM Intl. Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications (WSNA)
2003 held in conjunction with ACM MobiCom 2003 at San Diego, CA; as Technical Program Co-Chair of SPIE/IEEE/ACM OptiComm conference
at Boston, MA in July 2002; and as Workshop Co-Chair for WSNA 2002 held in conjunction with ACM MobiCom 2002 at Atlanta, GA
in Sep 2002. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and a member of ACM. 相似文献
Minh Hoang Phung Kee Chaing Chua Mohan G. Motani M. Tung Chong Wong 《Communications, IEEE Transactions on》2007,55(6):1191-1201
In order to meet the requirements of real-time applications, Optical Burst Switched backbone networks need to provide quantitative edge-to-edge loss guarantees to traffic flows. For this purpose, there have been several proposals based on the relative differentiation quality of service (QoS) model. However, this model has an inherent difficulty in communicating information about internal network states to the edge in a timely manner for making admission control decisions. In this paper, we propose an absolute QoS framework to overcome this difficulty. The key idea is to offer quantitative loss guarantees at each hop using a differentiation mechanism and an admission control mechanism. The edge-to-edge loss requirement is then translated into a series of small per-node loss probabilities that are allocated to the intermediate core nodes. The framework includes a preemptive differentiation scheme, a node-based admission control scheme and an edge-to-edge reservation scheme. The schemes are analyzed and evaluated through simulation. It is shown that the framework can effectively offer quantitative edge-to-edge loss guarantees under various traffic conditions. 相似文献
Sheng-Tzong Cheng Jia-Shing Shih Chih-Lun Chou Gwo-Jiun Horng Chi-Hsuan Wang 《Wireless Personal Communications》2013,70(2):847-868
Distributed source coding (DSC) can be used to compress multiple correlated sensor measurements. These sensors send their compressed data to a central station for joint decoding. However, the issue on designing an optimal transmission scheduling scheme of DSC packets for WSNs have not been well addressed in the literature. In this work, we proposed a novel DSC coding scheme—hierarchical coding scheme, which exploits inter-node coding dependency in sensing-driven and correlated manner. In addition, the interaction between hierarchical coding topology and transmission is considered. We optimize the transmission schedule of DSC nodes to achieve better decoding quality. Our approach can be practically applied to any WSN topologies with correlated source coding nodes. Simulation shows that our work can achieve higher decoding accuracy and compression rate than previous approaches, and the decoding accuracy would not have much degradation under the error-prone wireless environment. 相似文献
提供QoS保证的比例公平调度改进算法及其应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
优化分配有限的无线资源以提高系统容量,同时为不同用户的不同业务提供服务质量保障,是未来无线通信的关键问题之一.传统的比例公平(PF)算法是系统吞吐量与公平性的折中,没有考虑用户的QoS需求.对传统的PF算法作一些改进,根据用户的目标速率设置不同的加权值.根据时延设置不同的历史平均窗长,以提供一定的QoS保证;并分析了该算法在多天线多载波系统下行链路中的性能.仿真结果表明改进的PF算法能根据用户需求提供QoS保证,同时获得多用户分集增益. 相似文献
提出一个以信息调度为基础的分布式的QoS(DQBI)体系结构。该结构可以在移动Ad Hoc网络中为实时传输和尽力而为传输提供QoS保证。DQBI模型改进了整个系统信息端到端的延迟性能,并且通过使用请求允许接入控制和拥塞控制机制来处理网络的拥塞。最后,仿真比较了MQRD结构和DQBI结构,发现DQBI结构可以更好地确保实时流和尽力而为流实现它们期望的服务水平。 相似文献
We develop opportunistic scheduling policies for cognitive radio networks that maximize the throughput utility of the secondary (unlicensed) users subject to maximum collision constraints with the primary (licensed) users. We consider a cognitive network with static primary users and potentially mobile secondary users. We use the technique of Lyapunov optimization to design an online flow control, scheduling, and resource allocation algorithm that meets the desired objectives and provides explicit performance guarantees. 相似文献
关于WSNs中QoS的研究以前都是孤立的,或是特定在某些功能层上的研究,或是特别指定某些应用场景的研究。而论文根据WSNs的参考体系结构,分层讨论了QoS需求的定义以及低层QoS需求对高层QoS需求的影响,从而得出一个整体的QoS框架,然后根据各个QoS需求之间的关系,分析它们之间是否有权衡点以及怎样找到这种权衡关系,以便深入理解WSNs中各QoS需求的互相作用。当无线传感器网络中存在需要考虑QoS支持的业务时,应用设计者能够参照制定详细的QoS需求,系统工程师可以参考评估各个QoS需求之间的权衡关系,从而进行网络的整体设计。 相似文献