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(R,R) ZX-5 has been proven to have positive effects on choroidal blood flow without affecting the sclera and ciliary bodies in New Zealand white rabbits. This study was designed to investigate the mechanisms of (R,R) ZX-5 on improving the choroidal blood flow and promoting NO production. HUVECs (human umbilical vein endothelial cells) were used to determine the production of eNOS, p-eNOS, AKT and Erk1/2 by Western blot analysis. iNOS and eNOS mRNA levels were investigated by RT-PCR and the effect of (R,R) ZX-5 on NO production were determined by eNOS activity assay. We found (R,R) ZX-5 upregulated protein expression of eNOS and iNOS, increased NO production, and reduced ERK and Akt protein level. Therefore, (R,R) ZX-5 may promote the choroidal blood flow in New Zealand white rabbits without affecting the blood flow in the iris or ciliary bodies via increasing NO production. These results suggest that (R,R) ZX-5 may function to cure and prevent Age-related macular degeneration (AMD).  相似文献   

Background: Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of blindness in the elderly. Choroidal neovascularization (CNV) is the major pathologic feature of neovascular AMD. Oxidative damages and the ensuing chronic inflammation are representative of trigger events. Hydrogen gas (H2) has been demonstrated as an antioxidant and plays a role in the regulation of oxidative stress and inflammation. This experiment aimed to investigate the influence of H2 inhalation on a mouse model of CNV. Methods: Laser was used to induce CNV formation. C57BL/6J mice were divided into five groups: the control group; the laser-only group; and the 2 h, 5 h, and 2.5 h/2.5 h groups that received laser and H2 inhalation (21% oxygen, 42% hydrogen, and 37% nitrogen mixture) for 2 h, 5 h, and 2.5 h twice every day, respectively. Results: The severity of CNV leakage on fluorescence angiography showed a significant decrease in the H2 inhalation groups. The mRNA expression of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha and its immediate downstream target vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) showed significant elevation after laser, and this elevation was suppressed in the H2 inhalation groups in an inhalation period length-related manner. The mRNA expression of cytokines, including tumor necrosis factor alpha and interlukin-6, also represented similar results. Conclusion: H2 inhalation could alleviate CNV leakage in a laser-induced mouse CNV model, and the potential mechanism might be related to the suppression of the inflammatory process and VEGF-driven CNV formation.  相似文献   

Biotransformation of ten α-haloacetophenones in the growing culture of the strain Rhodotorula rubra KCh 82 has been carried out. Nine of the substrates underwent an effective enantioselective reduction to the respective (R)-alcohols according to Prelog’s rule, with the exception of 2-chloro-1,2-diphenylethan-1-one that was not transformed by this strain. The expected reduction proceeded without dehalogenation, leading to the respective (R)-halohydrins in high yields. The use of this biocatalyst yielded (R)-2-bromo-1-phenyl-ethan-1-ol (enantiomeric excess (ee) = 97%) and its derivatives: 4''-Bromo- (ee = 99%); 4''-Chloro- (ee > 99%); 4''-Methoxy- (ee = 96%); 3''-Methoxy- (ee = 93%); 2''-Methoxy- (ee = 98%). There were also obtained and characterized 2,4''-dichloro-, 2,2'',4''-trichloro- and 2-chloro-4''-fluoro-phenyetan-1-ol with >99% of enantiomeric excesses.  相似文献   

Poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB), a linear polymer of R-3-hydroxybutyrate (R-3HB), is a fundamental constituent of biological cells. Certain prokaryotes accumulate PHB of very high molecular weight (10,000 to >1,000,000 residues), which is segregated within granular deposits in the cytoplasm; however, all prokaryotes and all eukaryotes synthesize PHB of medium-chain length (~100–200 residues) which resides within lipid bilayers or lipid vesicles, and PHB of short-chain length (<12 residues) which is conjugated to proteins (cPHB), primarily proteins in membranes and organelles. The physical properties of cPHB indicate it plays important roles in the targeting and folding of cPHB-proteins. Here we review the occurrence, physical properties and molecular characteristics of cPHB, and discuss its influence on the folding and structure of outer membrane protein A (OmpA) of Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

We found two NADH-dependent reductases (QNR and bacC) in Microbacterium luteolum JCM 9174 (M. luteolum JCM 9174) that can reduce 3-quinuclidinone to optically pure (R)-(−)-3-quinuclidinol. Alcohol dehydrogenase from Leifsonia sp. (LSADH) was combined with these reductases to regenerate NAD+ to NADH in situ in the presence of 2-propanol as a hydrogen donor. The reductase and LSADH genes were efficiently expressed in E. coli cells. A number of constructed E. coli biocatalysts (intact or immobilized) were applied to the resting cell reaction and optimized. Under the optimized conditions, (R)-(−)-3-quinuclidinol was synthesized from 3-quinuclidinone (15% w/v, 939 mM) giving a conversion yield of 100% for immobilized QNR. The optical purity of the (R)-(−)-3-quinuclidinol produced by the enzymatic reactions was >99.9%. Thus, E. coli biocatalysis should be useful for the practical production of the pharmaceutically important intermediate, (R)-(−)-3-quinuclidinol.  相似文献   

One of the biggest prerequisites for pregnancy is the fertilization step, where a human haploid spermatozoon interacts and penetrates one haploid oocyte in order to produce the diploid zygote. Although fertilization is defined by the presence of two pronuclei and the extraction of the second polar body the process itself requires preparation of both gametes for fertilization to take place at a specific time. These preparations include a number of consecutive biochemical and molecular events with the help of specific molecules and with the consequential interaction between the two gametes. These events take place at three different levels and in a precise order, where the moving spermatozoon penetrates (a) the outer vestments of the oocyte, known as the cumulus cell layer; (b) the zona pellucida (ZP); where exocytosis of the acrosome contents take place and (c) direct interaction of the spermatozoon with the plasma membrane of the oocyte, which involves a firm adhesion of the head of the spermatozoon with the oocyte plasma membrane that culminates with the fusion of both sperm and oocyte membranes (Part I). After the above interactions, a cascade of molecular signal transductions is initiated which results in oocyte activation. Soon after the entry of the first spermatozoon into the oocyte and oocyte activation, the oocyte’s coat (the ZP) and the oocyte’s plasma membrane seem to change quickly in order to initiate a fast block to a second spermatozoon (Part II). Sometimes, two spermatozoa fuse with one oocyte, an incidence of 1%–2%, resulting in polyploid fetuses that account for up to 10%–20% of spontaneously aborted human conceptuses. The present review aims to focus on the first part of the human sperm and oocyte interactions, emphasizing the latest molecular and cellular mechanisms controlling this process.  相似文献   

Extracts of Amphimallon solstitiale (L.), a well known, widely distributed and rather common European scarab beetle, were analyzed by GC-MS and GC-EAD. Acetoin -(R):(S) < 9:1 - as well as 2,3-butanediol -(2R,3R):(2S,3S) :meso = 1:1:9 - were present in extracts of both males and females. Although (2S,3S)-butanediol did not show any EAD activity, the other compounds elicited strong responses exclusively with male antennae. In contrast, several EAD active green leaf volatiles were detected equally well by male and female antennae. During preliminary field bioassays, (R)-acetoin was highly attractive to swarming males, whereas neither rac-acetoin nor the 2,3-butanediols showed activity. Therefore, (R)-acetoin is the female sex pheromone of A. solstitiale.  相似文献   

Studies have begun to reveal significant connections between the gut microbiome and various retinal diseases, including age-related macular degeneration (AMD). As critical supporting tissues of the retina, the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and underlying choroid play a critical role in retinal homeostasis and degeneration. However, the relationship between the microbiome and RPE/choroid remains poorly understood, particularly in animal models of AMD. In order to better elucidate this role, we performed high-throughput RNA sequencing of RPE/choroid tissue in germ-free (GF) and specific pathogen-free (SPF) mice. Furthermore, utilizing a specialized laser-induced choroidal neovascularization (CNV) model that we developed, we compared CNV size and inflammatory response between GF and SPF mice. After correction of raw data, 660 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified, including those involved in angiogenesis regulation, scavenger and cytokine receptor activity, and inflammatory response—all of which have been implicated in AMD pathogenesis. Among lasered mice, the GF group showed significantly decreased CNV lesion size and microglial infiltration around CNV compared to the SPF group. Together, these findings provide evidence for a potential gut–RPE/choroidal axis as well as a correlation with neovascular features of AMD.  相似文献   

(R,R)-salen-based polymer fluorescence sensor P-1 could be synthesized by the polymerization of 5,5′-(isoquinoline-5,8-diylbis(ethyne-2,1-diyl))-bis(3-tert-butyl-2-hydroxybenzaldehyde) (M-1) with (R,R)-1,2-diaminocyclohexane (M-2) via nucleophilic addition-elimination reaction, and (R,R)-salan-based polymer sensor P-2 could be obtained by the reduction reaction of P-1 with NaBH4. The fluorescence response behaviors of two chiral polymers P-1 and P-2 on Zn2+ were investigated by fluorescence spectra. The fluorescence intensities of P-1 and P-2 can exhibit gradual enhancement upon addition of Zn2+. Compared with other cations, such as Na+, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, Fe3+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Ag+, Cd2+, Cr3+ and Pb2+, Zn2+ can lead to the pronounced fluorescence enhancement as high as 22.8-fold for P-1 and 3.75-fold for P-2, respectively. The results show that P-1 and P-2 incorporating (R,R)-salen/salan moieties as receptors in the polymer main chain backbone can exhibit high sensitivity and selectivity for Zn2+ detection.  相似文献   

There are four stereoisomers of both 3-methyl-octan-4-ol, the aggregation pheromone of the African palm weevil,Rhynchophorus phoenicis (F.) and 5-methyl-octan-4-ol, the aggregation pheromone of the palmetto weevil,Rhynchophorus cruentatus (F.). Synthetic stereoisomers of 3-methyl-octan-4-ol and 5-methyl-octan-4-ol were baseline-separated on a Cyclodex-B fused silica column. Use of this column in gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) and GC-mass spectrometric (GC-MS) analyses revealed that only one stereoisomer, (3S,4S)-3-methyl-octan-4-ol and (4S,5S)-5-methyl-octan-4-ol, is produced by maleR. phoenicis and maleR. cruentatus, respectively, and elicits good antennal responses by conspecific male and female weevils. In field trapping experiments, withR. phoenicis in Côte d'Ivoire andR. cruentatus in Florida, (3S,4S)-3-methyl-octan-4-ol and (4S,5S)-5-methyl-octan-4-ol strongly enhanced attraction of fresh palm tissue, whereas other stereoisomers were behaviorally benign. Stereoisomeric 3-methyl-octan-4-ol and 5-methyl-octan-4-ol may be utilized to monitor and/or manage populations of these two palm weevils.  相似文献   

The compound (3R*,5S*,6R*)-3,5-dimethyl-6-(methylethyl)-3, 4,5,6-tetrahydropyran-2-one was identified as a sex pheromone component ofM. grandii. Laboratory and field bioassays demonstrated that it elicits flight initiation, upwind anemotaxis, and casting in male wasps. The compound acts synergistically with (Z)-4-tridecenal, a previously identified sex pheromone component of femaleM. grandii, to increase male response to the aldehyde component. The source of the lactone was determined to be the mandibular glands of male and female wasps. At eclosion a majority of male-female and female-only cocoon masses released the lactone and attracted male wasps. Male-only cocoon masses were not attractive at eclosion and the lactone component was either not released or released at below-threshold concentration. Mating was observed to occur following eclosion in laboratory and field studies.  相似文献   

In a recent study, evidence was presented that females of the aphidophagous midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Rondi) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) release a sex pheromone to attract mates. Our objectives were to identify and bioassay the pheromone. Coupled gas chromatographic-electroantennographic detection(GC-EAD) analyses of untreated and hydrogenated pheromone extract on three fused-silica columns (DB-5, DB-23, DB-210) revealed a single compound that elicited responses from male antennae. Retention index calculations of this candidate pheromone (CP) suggested that it was a di-acetate. Considering that most of the presently identified cecidomyiid pheromones consist of a 13-carbon chain with (at least) one acetate group in C2, we synthesized 2,6-, 2,7-, 2,8-, 2,9-, 2,10-, 2,11-, and 2,12-diacetoxytridecane. In GC analyses of these compounds, only 2,7-diacetoxytridecane cochomatographed with CP on all columns. In laboratory two-choice experiments with stereospecifically synthesized stereoisomers, only (2R,7S)-diacetoxytridecane elicited significant anemotatic responses by male A. aphidimyza. In trapping experiments in greenhouse compartments, only traps baited with (2R,7S)-diacetoxytridecane captured significant numbers of male A. aphidimyza, clearly revealing the absolute configuration of the pheromone. Failure of the stereoisomeric mixture (containing all four stereoisomers including the pheromone) to attract males is due to inhibitory characteristics of the (2R,7R)- and (2S,7R)-stereoisomers. The pheromone of zoophagous A. aphidimyza resembles those from phytophagous cecidomyiid midges, suggesting a common, diet-independent pathway for pheromone biosyntheses.  相似文献   

Kerh Li Liu  Suat Hong Goh 《Polymer》2008,49(3):732-741
Well-defined biodegradable amphiphilic triblock copolymers consisting of atactic poly[(R,S)-3-hydroxybutyrate] (PHB) and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) as the side hydrophobic block and middle hydrophilic block were synthesized via ring opening polymerization of (R,S)-β-butyrolactone from PEG macroinitiators and characterized using NMR, GPC, FT-IR, XRD, DSC and TG analyses. The controlled synthesis was made possible by the facile synthesis of pure PEG macroinitiators through a TEMPO-mediated oxidation. Constituting 40-70 wt% of the copolymer content, PHB blocks grown were amorphous while PEG formed crystalline phase when segment was sufficiently long. While hindering PEG crystallization, atactic PHB mixed well with amorphous PEG to give single Tg in all the copolymers. The copolymers exhibited two-step thermal degradation profile starting with PHB degradation from 210 to 300 °C, then PEG from 350 to 450 °C.  相似文献   

Two components were identified from aeration extracts of the virgin female Madeira mealybug, Phenacoccus madeirensis as trans-(1R,3R)-chrysanthemyl (R)-2-methylbutanoate and (R)-lavandulyl (R)-2-methylbutanoate (with a ratio of 3:1) by a combination of gas chromatography retention time matches, mass spectrometry, and microchemical tests. The structures and chirality of the compounds were confirmed by comparing with synthetic compounds. The synthetic trans-(1R,3R)-chrysanthemyl (R)-2-methylbutanoate was highly attractive to males in laboratory bioassays; the synthetic (R)-lavandulyl (R)-2-methylbutanoate was weakly attractive. No synergistic effect was observed when the mixture of the two compounds was tested.  相似文献   

以光学纯的(1R,2R)-1,2-二苯基乙二醇和1-甲基-2-氯甲基咪唑盐酸盐为原料,通过醚化保护、取代、脱保护等一系列反应,合成了一种新颖的含氮、氧的手性配体(1R,2R)-2-((1-甲基咪唑基)甲氧基)-1,2-二苯基乙醇,并将其应用于二乙基锌对苯甲醛不对称加成反应中,所得产物e.e.值38%.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to evaluate the protective effect of 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furfural (5-HMF) on acute alcohol-induced liver oxidative injury in mice. 5-HMF, a maillard reaction product, was isolated from the fruits of Schisandra chinensis for animal experiments. Experimental ICR mice were pretreated with different doses of 5-HMF (7.5, 15, and 30 mg/kg) for seven days by gavage feeding. Biochemical markers and enzymatic antioxidants from serum and liver tissue were examined. Our results showed that the activities of ALT (alanine aminotransferase), AST (aspartate transaminase), TC (total cholesterol), TG (triglyceride), L-DLC (low density lipoprotein) in serum and the levels of MDA (malondialdehyde) in liver tissue, decreased significantly (p < 0.05) in the 5-HMF-treated group compared with the alcohol group. On the contrary, enzymatic antioxidants CAT (catalase), GSH-Px (glutathione peroxidase), and GSH SOD (superoxide dismutase) were markedly elevated in liver tissue treated with 5-HMF (p < 0.05). Furthermore, the hepatic levels of pro-inflammatory response marker tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) were significantly suppressed (p < 0.05). Histopathological examination revealed that 5-HMF (30 mg/kg) pretreatment noticeably prevented alcohol-induced hepatocyte apoptosis and fatty degeneration. It is suggested that the hepatoprotective effects exhibited by 5-HMF on alcohol-induced liver oxidative injury may be due to its potent antioxidant properties.  相似文献   

A novel cycloaliphatic monomer for polyimides (PI), 1S,2S,4R,5R-cyclohexanetetracarboxylic dianhydride (H′-PMDA) is proposed in this work. H′-PMDA shows high polymerizability with various diamines in contrast to its isomer, i.e., conventional hydrogenated pyromellitic dianhydride (H-PMDA) and leads to highly flexible and colorless PI films with very high Tg's. In particular, the combinations with rigid structures of diamines give rise to PIs with significantly decreased coefficients of thermal expansion (CTE) owing to high extents of in-plane chain orientation induced by thermal imidization, whereas the H-PMDA-based counterparts do not. The decreased CTE reflects structural rigidity/linearity of the H′-PMDA-based diimide units as supported by liquid crystallinity observed in the corresponding model compound. Solution casting of a chemically imidized PI derived from H′-PMDA and 2,2′-bis(trifluoromethyl)benzidine (TFMB) results in a lower CTE than that of the thermally imidized counterpart, suggesting the presence of a self-orientation phenomenon during solvent evaporation. The mechanism is proposed in this work. H′-PMDA/TFMB and its copolymer systems can be useful as plastic substrates in image display devices and/or novel coating-type optical compensation films.  相似文献   

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