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流域管理中的公众参与机制   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
分析我国流域管理体制现状,认为公众参与机制是流域统一管理革新的必要保障,提出流域管理的理论依据为市场信托理论、环境公共财产理论、环境权理论、市民社会理论,探讨公众参与机制在流域管理中贯彻实现的两种主要途径:流域委员会制与董事会制。  相似文献   

This study introduces the emerging integrated ecosystem management approach known as Payments for Watershed Services (PWS) as utilized for lake and reservoir basin governance. PWS is built on the central concept of providing economic incentives to watershed stakeholders to assist in management efforts. It channels conservation payments from downstream payers to finance conservation activities conducted by upstream payees. The upstream conservation activities are expected to enhance ecosystem functions, thereby improving water‐related ecosystem services desired by downstream stakeholders. Information on 163 PWS projects in 34 developing countries through the year 2008 was collected and analysed, including their common goals, processes, outcomes, scientific assumptions and socioeconomic rationales. This study recognized one unique PWS characteristic, namely the role of intermediary organizations (i.e. brokers) in integrating the economic incentives of upstream payees and downstream payers in order to facilitate their transactions by means of contracts. Although 75% of the reviewed PWS projects have focused on rivers, and only 10% have considered lakes and reservoirs, the similarity of the intermediary functions performed by lake management organizations and PWS intermediary organizations suggests a greater potential for the future application of PWS designs in lake basins. Drawing on components in the field of New Institutional Economics to interpret the intermediary function within the PWS framework, a three‐part PWS design with 15 steps is proposed in this study for lake basin governance, with a Costa Rican PWS scheme serving as an illustration. This study seeks to communicate the scientific and socioeconomic frontiers for developing locally suitable and integrated watershed governance structures to lake management organizations and other watershed stakeholder groups.  相似文献   

为了研究跨界地区流域的综合管理问题,以云贵川3省交界处的赤水河流域为个案,运用利益相关者理论和共生理论的定性分析方法,对赤水河流域内的利益相关者作了界定,并分析了他们之间的共生关系和共生驱动力。结果表明:要实现流域的可持续发展,既需要政府、公众、社会组织的多方协力,也需要高效的合作机制和健全的法律法规。  相似文献   

流域综合治理方案制定的基本理论及技术框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对我国流域综合治理方案制定过程中理论和技术框架缺失问题,从宏观、中观、微观尺度探索提出了流域综合治理方案制定的基础理论,即宏观的可持续发展理论、中观的流域“自然社会”二元水循环理论以及微观的“木桶理论”;构建了流域综合治理方案制定的基本原则,即流域统筹、单元控制、系统均衡;以流域面临的水问题为导向,系统构建了由机理分析、量化模拟、规划集成和方案确定4个关联耦合层次构成的流域综合治理方案制定技术框架;对流域综合治理方案制定主要层次的未来发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

Lake Malawi is the southernmost of the Great Rift Valley Lakes of Africa and boasts the world's greatest freshwater fish biodiversity. Along with its basin, the lake provides many benefits to the country of Malawi. Settlements, agriculture and fishing are some of the major uses of the lake basin, making community involvement a necessary component of its management. With the use of key informant interviews, questionnaire survey, document review and site observations, this study demonstrates the applicability of the Integrated Lake Basin Management framework in the Lake Malawi Basin in regard to stakeholder participation. The main objective was to assess the participation of stakeholders, especially local communities, in the management of the lake basin. The framework applied in this study is discussed. The study findings indicate strong to very strong stakeholder participation, with notably high levels of awareness and women's involvement. Enhancing the understanding of the complex nature of lake basin issues, especially those related to the linkages between the water body and the basin, is a topic requiring further attention.  相似文献   

从流域治理协调机构、流域治理机制、流域治理法治化等3个方面对国内外流域治理进行了综述,并构建我国现代流域治理体系框架:建立全国性流域协调机构,实行流域集中统一治理,化解流域治理中的"集体行动困境";推进流域治理法治化,完善以流域为单位的综合立法原则,健全整体性的流域治理法律法规内容,加强联合执法力度,促进立法、行政、司...  相似文献   

我国水土保持小流域综合治理模式研究   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:13  
小流域综合治理是我国水土保持生态建设的基础和核心。通过治理,改善了农村的生产生活条件,促进了区域经济发展,提高了区域防洪能力,改善了生态环境。但在新时期,小流域综合治理同时面临发展机遇和挑战。应该找准定位,以人与自然和谐相处为工作核心,以重点工程建设为龙头,加快水土流失治理步伐,增强水土保持发展活力。  相似文献   

The Río Loco watershed in southwestern Puerto Rico is a site where significant coastal development has taken place and water is currently used for residential purposes, power generation and agricultural production. Competing uses and resulting tradeoffs have led to conflict among the watershed's stakeholders, and a proposed natural resource conservation measure in the area has exacerbated conflict to the point where it can be described as intractable. We propose a two‐phase conflict resolution scheme: the first phase requires gaining tractability by reframing the problem considering mainly diagnostic parameters, and the second phase outlines a series of processes that may help manage conflict once the problem becomes tractable. We conducted two focus groups with key stakeholders in the Río Loco watershed, including farmers and conservationists representing NGO's, public and private organizations to assess current frames. Through the reframed interests, we conclude innovative institutions or flexible organizations will be able to provide a new arena where conversations take place, thus, creating a space for a more inclusive and democratic process to manage the watershed in the short and long term, and at the same time increasing chances of maintaining problems within the realm of tractability.  相似文献   

引进参与式理念,充分调动农户的积极性,发挥农户在项目实施中的主体地位,是英国赠款中国小流域治理管理项目的主要实现途径。在对流域进行充分调查分析的基础上进行流域规划设计,创新整合贫困山区小流域治理管理的有效形式和最佳途径。通过参与式方法进行流域调查、收集资料,从人力资本、自然资本、物质资本、金融资苓、社会资本5个方面进行分析,剖析小流域治理的能力问题,帮助流域内群众分析致贫的原因,全面了解和分析农民的生计及变化过程。  相似文献   

The international consensus on the need for integrated approaches for managing water resources has led to a plethora of integrated frameworks and strategies. The development of management plans for lakes and their drainage basins is part of the ‘integrated management’ agenda. Challenging questions, however, arise in regard to what integration actually means within the context of planning processes and systems, and for the management plans themselves. The limited literature on lake management planning emphasizes the need for a lead agency for planning and implementation. A relevant question is how does lake management planning relate to planning by local governments, national government departments and other stakeholder groups. The integrated lake management efforts in Uganda have led to the development of lake management plans that build on, and complement, existing local government processes and plans. Lessons from early lake management experiences indicate that establishing clear linkages in the planning processes, and within the plans themselves between lake management structures and local government, is essential for sustainability, coordination and resource mobilization. The development of lake management plans also strengthens existing local government planning systems, by providing a forum for sharing information, ideas and lessons. The lake management planning also supports the introduction of local governments to participatory, community‐based planning, as well as promoting intersectoral coordination.  相似文献   

流域水资源管理问题复杂,亟需探索科学的管理模式及管理体系.在总结国内外流域水资源管理经验的基础上,论述了流域水资源协同管理的必要性,提出了流域水资源协同管理模式,并阐述了该模式的主要特点;从组织体系、内容体系、制度体系3方面构建了流域水资源协同管理体系.最后,以沁河流域为例,针对其水资源开发利用及管理方面存在的问题,构...  相似文献   

土石坝安全监测信息管理系统开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了《土石坝安全监测分析评价预报系统》的信息管理系统.该系统包括数据库子系统、预处理子系统、图形/图像子系统.该系统为水库安全评价的及时性、准确性提供了保证,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

以抚仙湖流域为研究区域,通过系统收集分析流域多年水量水质监测数据,诊断流域保护与发展面临的主要矛盾,并基于流域一体化管理思想,提出了流域保护与发展的可能路径:1创新抚仙湖流域生态文明示范区行政管理体制,从发展思路确立抚仙湖流域实施"严格环境保护、创新生态发展"的转型战略,真正树立和实现"大景区"环境保护和"大旅游"产业发展的生态文明建设理念;2在全面实现生态发展战略的前提下,建议将流域实施分区管控,调减农业用地面积,积极发展现代观光农业和旅游业;3通过生态搬迁,优化城乡布局,实施抚仙湖流域全域"大旅游景区"战略,实现生态资源-资产-资本的良性转化。  相似文献   

Watershed management has evolved during the 1990s in Bangladesh. However, it has not yet achieved much exposure in the country, even though wetlands play a very significant role in its ecology, economy and stakeholder livelihoods. Several watershed management programmes have been initiated in the country with a co‐management and participatory approach, but in a piecemeal basis. Many wetland problems have arisen as a result. This study reviews watershed management programmes and undertakes a sustainability analysis of three recent initiatives, namely MACH, Nishorgo and Tanguar Haor projects, on the basis of the main watershed exchanges. This analysis indicates these projects are/were less environmentally, but more socially and economically, sustainable. Thus, this study suggests first incorporating the unaccounted environmental sustainability indicators. Moreover, the country's future management programme(s) should incorporate stakeholder livelihood improvements and social empowerment via education and training schemes, by ensuring social inclusiveness that makes the management initiatives locally sustainable.  相似文献   

通过总结英国赠款项目静宁县北岔小流域参与式规划过程,结合项目总体目标与阶段性目标以及所取得的成果.分析规划过程的经验与不足,提出了应用参与式理念进行小流域规划的优化模式,认为应用参与理念进行社区发展规划有效地调动了农民参与项目的积极性,真正体现了农民是社区发展项目的主体。对规划过程分析表明,参与式流域调查与项目设计应该分为三个阶段,即流域基本情况了解与项目宣传阶段,社区问题分析阶段和项目设计与公示阶段。在参与式规划过程中要强化社区规划小组的作用。  相似文献   

The conceptual framework for lake management has evolved at an accelerating rate in recent years to include the basic principles of a watershed approach: (i) citizen and stakeholder involvement is important throughout the planning and management process; (ii) the geographic focus for management activities includes the lake and its entire watershed; and (iii) mechanisms need to be in place to promote cooperation among different government jurisdictions and organizations in the watershed. Creating effective institutional arrangements for implementing this watershed approach in lake regions is perhaps the most challenging and important issue facing the world’s lakes. LakeNet organized a workshop at the 8th International Conference on the Conservation and Management of Lakes in May 1999. This article is a synthesis of the results of the workshop and the eight case reports prepared by the workshop participants published in this special issue. Seven major threats to lakes were identified: (i) accelerated eutrophication; (ii) invasive species; (iii) toxic contamination; (iv) overfishing; (v) water diversion, (vi) acidification; and (vii) climate change. Institutions and institutional arrangements for addressing these issues and for implementing a watershed approach are just beginning to emerge on lakes around the world. All of the institutions described in the case reports were established or formalized during the 1980s and 1990s. The legal mechanisms creating these institutions range from cooperative agreements among jurisdictions for purposes of policy and planning to national laws and international treaties with full regulatory powers. The knowledge base, political will and financial resources for these activities were very small in comparison with the complexity of the task at hand.  相似文献   

GIS技术有便捷的数据管理、强大的空间分析和直观的三维可视化能力,在清洁小流域治理中应用GIS技术,可有效地实现海量数据管理、复杂空间分析与决策支持,为实现美丽乡村提供强大技术支撑。以河南省淅川县草庙沟小流域为例,详细介绍了利用GIS技术进行清洁小流域治理的技术路线。利用GIS技术,可在高分辨率影像上获取准确的各级汇水区、植被覆盖信息和地类信息,再结合实测水质数据和土壤、污染、降雨等调查数据,以清洁小流域示范工程技术指南为技术标准,可便捷直观地划分小流域的各治理分区、进行三维施工设计、经费测算和效益分析。因此,GIS技术的利用可有效提升清洁小流域的管理能力。  相似文献   

从应急管理的重要性和完善监控应急管理2个方面对《水电站大坝运行安全监督管理规定》有关应急管理内容进行解读。  相似文献   

水资源合理配置研究历程与进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国内外的工程实践、计算分析、模型试验表明,高拱坝,特别是坝高超过200m的特高拱坝,坝踵部位因施工期属于强约束区,运行期应力复杂,常常难以确定是否会在基础或坝体部位出现裂缝,而坝踵部位的裂缝有可能会因为高水压力作用发生水力劈裂而进一步扩展,影响拱坝的正常运行.本文提出了在高拱坝坝踵上游面强约束区设置柔性防渗体系的新思路,提出了大型框架式仿真试验方法,可以模拟300m高水压下的柔性材料防裂漏水问题,并对所推荐的材料进行了仿真试验论证.建议的材料和方案已应用于小湾拱坝工程.  相似文献   

中国碾压混凝土坝技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
碾压混凝土筑坝以其快速、经济的特点,受到坝工界的青睐。20世纪80年代以来,该坝型在中国得以广泛应用,其技术水平不断提高,建设规模居世界前列。本文就中国碾压混凝土坝的发展现状及主要技术作简要介绍。  相似文献   

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