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研究了载流子寿命对SOI有源光波导器件工作性能的限制及影响,分析了制约载流子寿命减小的若干因素,综述了采用合理设计减小波导截面尺寸参数、脊区内植入He离子、加入pin结构施加反向偏压等几种有效减少载流子寿命的方法,并给出了它们各自的理论基础和文献报道的理论模拟与实验结果。经过对各种方法的利弊进行分析比较,作者认为在提高光电子器件性能的研究中,采用减小波导截面尺寸参数的方法要同时兼顾传输损耗的变化;采用离子植入法可以在不改变波导尺寸的情况下减小载流子的寿命,但引入了附加损耗且与CMOS工艺不相兼容;而外加pin结构的方法不适用于已经存在电学结构的器件。 相似文献
针对通常用来研究半导体激光器调制特性的速率方程中所采用的载流子寿命不变近似所存在的问题,重新对小信号调制下半导体激光器的速率方程组进行了线性化处理。 相似文献
针对光混沌保密通信中信息同步条件苛刻的问题,提出一种基于光混沌的双向通信系统。首先,通过半导体激光器(SL)发出的2束激光与部分半透明光学反射镜进行耦合,产生混沌动力,并根据SL的延迟速率方程,设置2个SL的内部参数产生同步的混沌载波;然后,通过监测两端信息的同步误差,并与接收端信息比较,得到解密信息。仿真分析了系统的同步性、信息解密过程、鲁棒性。仿真结果表明,该系统能实现同步通信,恢复出保密信息,鲁棒性较好。 相似文献
本文采用数值方法求解半导体矩形介质波导中光生载流子的非线性连续方程,获得了光生载流子在波导中的三维空间稳态分布,为严格分析光控矩形介质波导毫米波传播特性打下了基础。 相似文献
从模拟和试验二方面对N-区的结构参数影响器件可靠性的规律进行了细致的研究.考虑到工艺条件,主要讨论N-区的掺杂浓度(NN-)的变化对器件可靠性的影响.通过模拟和从实际工作中得到的结果,对于0.35—1.2μm器件,我们将N-区的掺杂浓度优化为7×1017—1×1018/cm3.利用优化结果进行试验生产,并对器件寿命进行测量的结果表明,沟道长度0.8μm以上的均可以在5V的电源电压下可靠地工作10年(工业标准);0.4μm的器件,可以在4V的电源电压下达到10年的工作寿命(热载流子寿命). 相似文献
从模拟和试验二方面对N区的结构参数影响器件可靠性的规律进行了细致的研究.考虑到工艺条件,主要讨论N-区的掺杂浓度(NN-)的变化对器件可靠性的影响.通过模拟和从实际工作中得到的结果,对于0.35-1.2μm器件,我们将N区的掺杂浓度优化为7×1017-1×1018/cm3.利用优化结果进行试验生产,并对器件寿命进行测量的结果表明,沟道长度0.8μm以上的均可以在5V的电源电压下可靠地工作10年(工业标准);0.4μm的器件,可以在4V的电源电压下达到10年的工作寿命(热载流子寿命). 相似文献
利用脉冲触发信号在半导体中产生非平衡态载流子的方式,提出一种使用太赫兹连续源和超快速响应探头测量半导体少数载流子寿命的方法,用于表征半导体的瞬态载流子动力学过程。根据上述设计原理及思路,以泵浦光作为周期性激励信号,搭建出一套工作时间窗口为纳秒到秒量级,时间精度在纳秒量级的非接触式半导体少数载流子寿命测量系统,具有装置简单、操作方便、成本低廉等优点。使用搭建的系统对不同掺杂类型、不同掺杂浓度、不同厚度单晶硅的非平衡态少数载流子寿命进行测量。最后,通过改变泵浦光单脉冲能量,对单晶硅光生载流子寿命进行测量,结果表明单晶硅少数载流子寿命随着泵光能量的增大而变长。该系统所实现的宽工作窗口、高时间精度太赫兹快速过程的探测,可应用于太赫兹领域的快速成像和快速生物响应探测。 相似文献
首先研究了非相干光反馈同步系统内部参数失配对系统同步性能的影响,并与相干光反馈的完全同步系统以及广义同步系统进行了比较,其次研究了非相干光反馈采用三种不同的信号调制解调方式(CSK,CMS,ACM),对三种不同频率(250 MHz,2.5GHz和12.5GHz)的信号进行了调制解调。通过MATLAB仿真实验可知,非相干光反馈混沌同步系统相对于相干光反馈完全同步系统更易于实现,同时保留了一定的对参数失配的敏感特性,从而确保了该系统比相干光反馈广义同步具有更高的安全性;在信号解调时,CSK只能解调出250MHz信号,CMS能解调出2.5GHz信号,ACM能够解调出高达12.5GHz的信号。 相似文献
Non-uniform distribution of carrier lifetime over the area of power bipolar semiconductor devices results in a non-uniform distribution of on-state current density and switching loses. Consequently, it results in non-uniform temperature distribution which can negatively influence the device reliability. Several methods can be used for measuring carrier lifetime distribution both in starting single crystal material and in device structures after high-temperature processes. Advantages and disadvantages of individual methods and an optimum area of applications are discussed in this paper. This paper is mostly oriented on a possibility to use LBIC method for measuring carrier lifetime distribution in the bulk of high voltage large-area devices, especially N+NPP+ diode structures. 相似文献
The OCVD (open circuit voltage decay) method is the generally used method for the determining of carrier lifetime in the structures of semiconductor devices. This paper is focused on power diode (P+NN+) structures, in which is realised a carrier lifetime gradient to influence the current and voltage waveforms during the reverse recovery process. A theoretical analysis of the general features of voltage decay courses in OCVD measurements on diode structures with an axial carrier lifetime gradient in the diode base is presented. Some results obtained from both simulations and experimental measurements are discussed in the paper. 相似文献
Zuzanna Liliental-Weber H. J. Cheng S. Gupta J. Whitaker K. Nichols F. W. Smith 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1993,22(12):1465-1469
The relationship between the structural quality of low-temperature GaAs layers and the photoexcited carrier lifetime has been
studied. Transmission electron microscopy, x-ray rocking curves, time-resolved reflectance methods, and photoconductive-switch-response
measurements were used for this study. For a variety of samples grown at temperatures in the vicinity of 200°C, subpicosecond
carrier lifetimes were observed both in as-grown layers, as well as in the same layers after post-annealing and formation
of As precipitates. These results suggest that the carrier lifetime, which was found to be shorter in the as-grown layers
than in the annealed ones, might be related to the density of AsGa antisite defects present in the layers. The annealed layers which contained structural defects before annealing appeared
to exhibit the longest carrier lifetime due to gettering of As on these defects (and formation of relatively large As precipitates)
and depletion of extra As (AsGa) defects from the layer. It was found as well that the responsivity of detectors fabricated on these layers depended strongly
on the structural quality of the layers, with the greatest response obtained not for the layers with the fewest defects, but
for the layers with 107–108/cm2 of pyramidal defects. 相似文献
Carrier lifetime measurements were performed on crucible-grown, float-zoned, and swirl-free float-zoned silicon single crystals
after annealing up to about 1000°C. In dislocation-free, crucible-grown silicon one pronounced maximum of the carrier lifetime
can be found after annealing at 450°C . This gettering effect is correlated to the appearence of numerous IR-absorption bands
at 80 K. The absorption coefficients of these bands depend on the oxygen concentration of the crystals and on the annealing
duration. A differing number of maxima of the carrier lifetime after annealing at various temperatures can be found in dislocation-free,
float-zoned silicon. These maxima are correlated to still remaining lattice defects in the crystals such as vacancy clusters
of A-and B-type. Models are presented to explain the experimental findings. 相似文献
Mohamed Hilali Abasifreke Ebong Ajeet Rohatgi Daniel L. Meier 《Solid-state electronics》2001,45(12):1973-1978
This study shows that the bulk lifetime in 95 μm thick p-type dendritic web silicon solar cells is a strong function of bulk resistivity. The higher the resistivity, the greater the bulk lifetime. This behavior is explained on the basis of dopant–defect interaction, which increases the lifetime limiting trap concentration with the addition of dopant atoms. Model calculations show that in the absence of doping dependence of bulk lifetime (τ), 2 Ω cm web should give the best cell efficiency for bulk lifetimes below 30 μs. However, strong doping dependence of bulk lifetime in p-web cells shifts the optimum resistivity from 2 to 15 Ω cm. Bulk lifetime in the as-grown web material was found to be less than 1 μs for all the resistivities. After the cell processing which involves phosphorus gettering, aluminum gettering, and SiN induced hydrogen passivation of defects, the bulk lifetime increased to 6.68, 11, 31 and 68.9 μs in 0.62, 1.37, 6.45 and 15 Ω cm p-type web material, respectively. Therefore, cell process induced recovery of lifetime in web is doping dependent, which favors high resistivity. Solar cells fabricated on 95 μm thick web silicon by a manufacturable process involving screen-printing and belt-line processing gave 14.5% efficient 4 cm2 cells on 15 Ω cm resistivity. This represents a record efficiency for such a thin manufacturable screen-printed cell on a low-cost PV grade Si ribbon that requires no wafering or etching. 相似文献