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蔡学镛 《程序员》2007,(9):41-41
许多上班族每天都承受公司给的莫大压力,就像是电影《城市英雄》(Falling Down)的麦克·道格拉斯,压力一旦爆发,就会无法收拾,因此许多上班族憧憬Self-Employed,也就是“自由工作”。对于“自由工作者”(Freelancer)来说,“自由”就是最大的优点,你可以依据自己的想法,选择接或不接某个工作,这和上班时“人前强颜欢笑,人后珠泪暗弹”的拘束与限制是截然不同的。  相似文献   

自由、选择与责任是存在主义自由观的核心要素。笔者认为,揭示其自由观的实质,克服其理论片面性观点,学习借鉴其有价值的成分,对于我国当前学校道德教育实现由“教会顺从”向“学会选择”的转变有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

什么是自由,有人说是一种态度,有人说是无拘无束的,而对于一个Office Lady而言,自由又是什么样的呢?“自由?自由就是让我没有牵挂,无论在何地,都能把我的心情记下,在一份咖啡炮制的早晨,翻开我的本本,坐在晨光下浏览着今天将要发生的一切!”Annie如是说。  相似文献   

Free是一个大家都喜欢的词,从英文含义上看,不仅“自由”,而且“免费”,天下哪儿还有这么好的事情?在IT领域中,最配得上这个词的,就是Linux了。当Linus Torvaids同学在1991年发布Linux第一版后,这个开放的操作系统在电脑领域发展了16个年头。所有爱好电脑的人都知道这个系统的名字,但是实际使用的人。则仅限于专业人士。  相似文献   

语文课程标准第二部分“课程目标”要求:“在发展语言能力的同时,发展思维能力,激发想象力和创造潜能。”第三部分“实施建议”中指出:“写作是运用语言文字进行表达和交流的重要方式,是认识世界、认识自我,进行创造性表述的过程。”写作教学的策略是“为学生的自主写作提供有利条件和广阔空间,鼓励自由表达和有创意的表达。”要让学生有所创造,就必须给学生自由。虽然课程改革正如火如荼地进行着,但是目前许多学校还存在抑制学生创造力的问题。  相似文献   

袁萌 《程序员》2006,(10):32-32
世界“软件自由日(SFD.Software Freedom Day)”源自Ubuntu计划。每年世界“软件自由日”活动的安排和协调,接受在美国注册的“软件自由国际(SFI,Software Freedom International)非盈利组织的领导。“软件自由国际”主席Pia Waugh女士是FOSS (自由/开源软件)著名活动家,是Ubuntu计划发起人之一Jeft Waugh的夫人。“软件自由日”是有关FOSS的世界性的庆祝活动,其宗旨是提高世界公众  相似文献   

金秋九月,“森兰变频、节能中国”全国大型巡回推广活动走进华中。此次森兰在华中举行了“森兰因您而精彩”系列主题活动,新老朋友共济一堂,畅诉合作、共谋发展,为共建节约型社会再谱新篇。  相似文献   

无线技术和有线连接相比究竟有何优势?论速度,无疑是已经进入千兆级别的有线网络遥遥领先;论成本,无线技术又遥遥“领先”于有线网络;论距离,便宜的网线能够让网络一直衍生,而无线网络却在为有限的传输距离而烦恼。然而,当有线网络已经十分成熟的时候,人们仍然对无线网络技术的发展充满激情,从古老的红外线传输到皓皓的蓝牙,再到风靡一时的讯驰系统,我更愿意把无线技术的发展看作是人们追求无拘无束的自由连接的过程,要知道向往自由可是人类的本性,于是新的Zigbee无线技术问世的时候,我斗胆为其赋予“为自由而战”的使命。  相似文献   

本文提出自由输入法的特点及说明。还提出了与自由码输入环境有关的词组输入处理方法。 自由输入法由大自由, 小自由和超自由三个形成系列的输入方法组成。“大自由”为最简易的一种, 允许多组按键输入一字。“超自由”是快速高效的专业型输入法。 使用词信息库输入词组。存储需求大大节省。多种输入方法可共用同一信息库。  相似文献   

从互联网的实践中提出一种新的“人的理念”,会是什么呢?我认为是个性自由。[编者按]  相似文献   

The issue of politics in information and communication technology for development (ICT4D) research is rarely debated, yet one of the key instrumental freedoms proposed by Sen [(1999). Development as freedom. New York: First Anchor Books] in his seminal book on development is political liberty for individuals. We argue that ICT4D initiatives are predominantly informed by a modernist philosophy, which in their effort to bring some material progress risk granting technological tools a major role. This view assumes that ICT4D users are merely passive recipients of the benefits of technology. Moreover, it implies that development can only be brought by those in a more developed, powerful position. This in itself is a political viewpoint, and thus politics is embedded in the design of ICT4D projects. Building on Sen's (1999) capability framework, we discuss how far ICT4D projects are able to assist political liberty of the alleged beneficiaries, given that political liberties are constrained by wider institutional factors. We conclude by making a call for researchers to more critically examine the structure and intention of ICT4D projects.  相似文献   

智能双轴倾斜传感器的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简要介绍了国内外倾斜传感器的发展情况及其测试原理 ,并提出了一种新型的双轴倾斜传感器的设计方案 ,利用压阻式加速度传感器感受重力加速度在传感器三自由度上的大小 ,从而测量物体的倾斜角大小。推导了该传感器的计算公式 ,并详细地介绍了该传感器的系统硬件组成及软件补偿方法  相似文献   

Anderson  R. 《Computer》2002,35(6):28-30
Esther Dyson famously argued that as the world will never be perfect, whether online or offline, it is foolish to expect higher standards on the Internet than we accept in real life. Legislators are now turning this argument around, arguing that they must restrict traditional offline freedoms to regulate cyberspace. The author asserts that there is much that individual engineers can do to influence the development of technology law. Engineers and lawyers have started talking about technology policy, while some academics promote cross-disciplinary research at the boundary between information security and economics  相似文献   


This paper critically discusses of the relationship between innovation and development by presenting a case of a Technology and Innovation Hub. It draws upon the capability approach by Amartya Sen to understand the implications of tech hubs in development. We argue that tech hubs, as collaborative spaces, may contribute to human-centered development processes in ways not directly linked to employment or market-based products. This advances a human-centered view of development which focuses on aspects of well-being and agency that people have reason to value. Conceptually, the paper proposes an understanding of innovation for development as (often unequal) social processes which might contribute to human development if and when the people involved perceive value in the processes, and these values include improving their own communities and society.  相似文献   

机器人是科学技术发展到一定历史阶段的产物。作为机器人的核心部分,机器人控制技术经历了经典控制技术、现代控制技术和智能控制技术的发展过程。本文通过对具有15个自由度的"现代木牛流马"四足步行机器人的研究,开发了一个由上位机和PLC组建的两级控制系统对其进行智能控制,完成了在复杂道路情况下的自适应行走,并结合实例做了具体介绍,经展品试验证明了其可行性,并获得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

基于Sen+Mann-Kendall的北京植被变化趋势分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
基于1998年到2011年长时序SPOTVEGETATION归一化植被指数数据,采用一元线性回归斜率变化法和Sen+Mann-Kendall法对北京地区的植被变化趋势做了时空分析。实验结果表明:在1998年到2011年期间,北京市城区、延庆县、怀柔区和平谷区的植被变化趋势显著上升;而植被恶化区则集中在北京市城区北部、东部和南部,并以马蹄形包围北京市区。两种方法实验结果在植被上升(下降)区域具有一致性。同时,Sen+Mann-Kendall法以其良好的抗噪性和对数据分布无要求性可广泛应用到其他区域的植被变化趋势分析中。  相似文献   


The concept of development has been used by scholars and practitioners to demonstrate changes for the better in the lives of individuals, communities, nations and regions. Historically, the practice of development has been associated with interventions and categorizations that have had the opposite effect in countries and regions deemed to be developing. Current notions of development predicated on respect for individual rights, human freedoms, environmental sustainability, health and well-being and education have been more successful in achieving improvements in the lives of people. Yet, historic notions of development persist and continue to drive failing projects. This editorial explores the historical notions of development that persist to this day and offers a view of contemporary perspectives on development. As a growing set of development interventions and papers in this issue involve Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), the question of why Information and Communication Technology for Development matters? is addressed in the light of development perspectives.  相似文献   

Aerosol optical depth (AOD) trend analysis has been carried out using various statistical techniques over Indian sub-regions. AOD data acquired from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) onboard Terra and Aqua satellites from January 2003 to December 2015 have been utilized in the present study. Mann–Kendall test, Spearman partial rank correlation (SPRC) test, Pearson test, t-test, linear regression analysis, and Sen’s slope estimate are performed on 13 years of AOD data to observe the trend over different Indian sub-regions. AOD trend is found to be positive (0.0035–0.0154 per year) over different Indian sub-regions indicating the enhanced level of suspended particles over the Indian subcontinent. All six methods are evaluated for trend detection using both satellite data. Linear regression and Sen’s slope test provide good estimate of slope values to observe the magnitude of AOD change per year. Mann–Kendall test, SPRC test, and Pearson test support the trends results obtained from linear regression and Sen’s slope estimate. So, these tests are preferable for the trend analyses.  相似文献   

Wayman  J.L. 《Computer》2000,33(2):76-80
Voters in the United States expect the government to deliver more services to an increasing population in a more efficient, cost-effective, and fraud-free manner, while limiting the size and scope of the governmental infrastructure. Encouraged or mandated by federal legislation, governmental agencies at all levels have turned to technology in an attempt to meet these competing requirements. However, the very personal nature of this technology raises concerns about its potential impact on personal freedoms. Some people, however, are concerned with the potential impact that government use of these technologies might have on personal freedoms. In contrast with more impersonal alternatives like passwords or PINs, perhaps it is the very personal nature of biometric identification that raises these concerns. This article explains the varied areas of human life that will be affected by these technological advances: commercial licenses, immigration, employment eligibility, and welfare. The author believes the government's interest in biometric technologies is motivated by the desire to improve the delivery of services to citizens by increasing efficiency and convenience, while decreasing costs and fraud  相似文献   

This study evaluates the capacity of the Internet to enhance development in emerging regions through Sen's freedom perspective. The paper begins with a qualitative evaluation of the Internet's potential as a freedom enhancer through examples and literature study. It then presents a quantitative evaluation based on web access logs obtained from the AirJaldi network in rural India. We categorize the data based on Sen's freedoms to contribute an information and communication technology-freedom taxonomy and note the challenges in doing so. The usage logs indicate that indeed users may have experienced enhancement in all of Sen's freedom categories; yet our qualitative evaluation suggests there is much unexploited potential. We conclude that it is important to look at the Internet-based Information and Communication Technologies for Development (ICTD) projects through Sen's freedom lens and call for such projects to be evaluated based on these broad freedom goals rather than on focused development goals.  相似文献   

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