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利用因子分析对内蒙古生产性服务业发展程度进行实证分析。实证分析表明.内蒙古生产性服务业整体发展水平较高,但是区域分布不均衡,生产性服务业在各城市还有很大的发展空间。此外,内蒙古产业升级已经具备内部基础和外部条件,承接与集聚先进制造业与现代服务业的功能需求日益迫切.生产性服务业的发展能进一步加快内蒙古产业升级的步伐并提高区域竞争力。  相似文献   

本文通过分析中国文化产业竞争力水平低、文化贸易存在的问题,提出提升中国文化产业竞争力,促进中国文化贸易发展的若干建议。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化趋势增强,产业结构调整步伐加快,以科技为主要内容的竞争日益激烈,对知识或智力资源的占有、配置、生产和运用已经成为经济发展及国家综合竞争实力的重要依托。在这种状况下,专利的重要性日益凸现,专利运用、专利检索的能力和水平不但是衡量一个国家和地区的市场竞争力、国家综合实力的重要指标,也是进一步提升综合国力、增强市场竞争力的重要基础。 国家知识产权局是全国最大、最权威的专利信息及文献提供者,肩负着向全社会提供全世界专利文献服务  相似文献   

动漫产业日益成为我国关注和发展的重点.动漫产业根据需求来进行创作与生产,其作为新兴产业已经实行高度的市场化机制.动漫作为一项独特的新兴产业,不仅促进了动漫产业自身的发展,还成为文化产业发展的主要因素和强劲动力.动漫产业随着科学技术的发展以及全球对文化产业的不断重视正在日渐成熟,并形成了自己的产业链,并对文化产业发展的影响越来越大,是世界公认的新世纪最有前景的新兴创意产业.本文主要以现阶段动漫产业竞争力的现状为依据,进行综合分析,并同时给出促进其未来健康发展的针对性建议和对策.  相似文献   

随着我国经济实力的不断提升及区域经济合作的增强,京津冀地区已经成为我国经济发展的三大经济增长极之一。当前,尾随着现代产业大发展的脚步,北京作为第三产业发展较佳的城市区域其于区域经济一体化中的带动地位基本形成。针对此研究背景,本文主要探讨了京津冀一体化背景下第三产业发展现状及未来的发展趋势,以供业内人士交流之用。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化趋势增强,产业结构高速步伐加快,以科技为主要内客的竞争日益激烈,对知识或智力资源的占有、配置、生产和运用已经成为经济发展及国家综合竞争实力的重要依托。在这种状况下,专利的重要性日益凸现,专利运用,专利检索的能力和水平不但是衡量一个国家和地区的市场竞争力,国家综合实力的重要指标,  相似文献   

黄尧  相丽玲  王健 《网友世界》2013,(Z2):122-123
中西部地区知识竞争力指数的测定是衡量中西部地区经济发展的重要方法之一。本研究搜集了我国大陆地区各省2008-2010年的相关数据,对中西部地区知识竞争力指数进行了测度、分析与评价。根据存在的问题,提出提升中西部地区知识竞争力的相关策略。  相似文献   

创意产业是全球化条件下,以创意为核心,向大众提供文化、艺术、精神、心理、娱乐产品的新兴产业。创意产业作为当代人类社会新的财富创造形态,在全球范围内,其发展正在改变着传统的经济形态,对世界市场格局、经济发展趋势和可持续发展产生了重要影响,已经成为推动经济增长、培育创新能力、增强地区、国家和城市综合竞争力的重要因素,日益引起国际社会的普遍关注。发展创意产业,已成为世界各国竞相争抢的战略高地。  相似文献   

文化产业作为二十一世纪的朝阳产业,既迎来了发展的机遇同时也面临着挑战,能推动经济跨越式发展又是国家支柱性的产业。很多国家都在关注怎样才能够促进文化产业更好、更快发展。政府规制作为文化产业政策的重要分支已经引起了很大的关注,其作用也日益凸显。文章通过对我国文化产业政府规制现状进行分析,介绍美国、英国、日本等国家对文化产业的政府规制情况,比较我国和发达国家政府规制的差异,提出了完善我国文化产业政府规制的途径与措施。  相似文献   

自十八大以后,新型城镇化将是保持我国经济持续健康发展的强大引擎,这一观点已经成为政策层面和理论界的共识。从2014年3月出台的《国家新型城镇化规划(2014年~2020年)》来看,城镇化的发展理念和长期目标已经明确,但由于各地经济社会发展禀赋迥异,中央很难用统一的制度安排来规划全国范围的城镇化发展。在这一基础上,针对不同地区城镇化战略的短期路径选择和资金配置安排逐步成为理论界和实务界关注的焦点。本文从政策规划出发,借鉴相关国内外前沿理论,开创性地提出了区域城镇化潜力以及真实效率的相关概念,并结合2005年~2011年全国所有县级区域的数据,利用动态面板模型分析了地区差异条件下新型城镇化真实效率的影响因素。结果表明,经济发展滞后地区应该更关注产业转入,通过提升城镇居民就业和收入来聚集农村居民,而经济发达地区城镇化过程应该减少财政资金运用的比例,尽量选择以市场为导向的资金配置结构。  相似文献   

In a knowledge-based economy, the role of regions is regarded as very significant for creating and dispersing knowledge. Particularly, geographical clusters of firms in a single sub-national region and cross-border regions may contribute to transmitting certain kinds of knowledge between and among firms. In addition, markets prefer to favor specialized firms with a coherent body of knowledge when knowledge creation and the use of new knowledge become increasingly important for maintaining and improving a firm’s competitiveness. This means that regional policy makers may not interfere directly with markets and firms when the process of globalization pushes national economies into a world of learning and innovation because the institutional framework for market exchange favors knowledge exchange in a globalizing economic system. This paper argues how a cross-border cluster in the Öresund region between Denmark and Sweden has been created, and which strategies it focuses on in order to strengthen its competitiveness and to generate a further development that aims to become a global innovative cluster. Moreover, it discuses whether the Nordic cross-border cluster, the Medicon Valley is a unique approach in the EU context or not. Finally, it argues how it has created technology innovation as well as contributed to the regional economic growth.  相似文献   

石油行业是国民经济的支柱,石油企业竞争力对我国经济发展和经济安全具有重要意义。作为世界石油生产、消费和进口大国,受国际石油价格波动频繁影响,我国成品油销售面临机遇和挑战。本文从石油企业营销渠道建设的角度对我国石油企业综合竞争力进行研究,剖析石油企业营销渠道存在的问题,并提出相关对策和建议。  相似文献   

In a knowledge-based economy of the globalizing economic order, the role of regions is very significant in order to create and to disperse knowledge. Particularly, geographical clusters of firms in a single sub-national region may contribute to transmitting certain kinds of knowledge between and among firms. In addition, markets prefer to favor specialized firms with a coherent body of knowledge when knowledge creation and the use of new knowledge become increasingly important for maintaining and improving a firm’s competitiveness. Therefore, regional policy makers may not interfere directly with markets and firms when the process of globalization pushes national economies into a world of learning and innovation. The reason is that the institutional framework for market exchange favors knowledge exchange in a globalizing economic system. This paper argues how East Asian science cities such as Tsukuba Science City in Japan, Daedeok Innopolis in South Korea, Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park in Taiwan, and Zhongguancun Science Park in China have been developed in order to create technology innovation as well to contribute to national and regional economic growth. Moreover, it also focuses on their competitiveness and the further development strategy that aims to become global science cities. Finally, it also discusses whether their competitiveness as innovative clusters is based on global or local levels.  相似文献   

The evolution of a regional economy and its competitiveness capacity may involve multiple independent trajectories through which different sets of resources and capabilities evolve together. However, there is a dearth of evidence concerning how these trends are occurring across the globe. Based on the underlying tenets of the streams of research relating to regional competitiveness, knowledge cities/regions, and knowledge-based urban development, this paper seeks to present an empirical approach to establishing such evidence in relation to the recent development of the globe’s most productive regions from the viewpoint of their growth trajectories and the particular form of growth they are experiencing. The aim is to uncover the underlying structure of the changes in knowledge-based resources, capabilities and outputs across regions, and offer an analysis of these regions according to an uncovered set of key trends. The analysis identifies three key trends by which the economic evolution and growth patterns of these regions are differentiated – namely Fifth Wave Growth, Third & Fourth Wave Growth, and Government-led Third Wave Growth. Overall, spectacular knowledge-based growth of leading Chinese regions is evident, highlighting a continued shift of knowledge-based resources to Asia. In addition, a superstructure is observed at the global scale, consisting of two separate continuums that explicitly distinguish Chinese regions from the rest in terms of regional growth trajectories.  相似文献   

随着现如今的经济水平的不断提高和发展,人们对于生活品质当中的追求不仅仅停留在物质的层面上,更多地开始关注精神文化方面的享受。动画是人们精神世界中不可忽视的重要组成部分,传统动画凭借其细腻的风格,开辟了我国动画事业的第一战场,也推动了flash动画的发展,但二者之中存在着许多特点方面的差异性。  相似文献   

动漫卡通角色是动漫的灵魂,一个好的动画角色,预示着无穷的文化价值和商业价值。卡通化的造型以其凸现感官强烈的视觉快感,幽默虚拟的形象,满足了人们欢愉和体验的激情。今天动画产业已作为文化创意产业的一部分,给娱乐经济带来飞速的发展,动画角色的商业价值也成了关注的焦点。动画角色不仅仅是个二维的形象,通过对动画角色形象的外延产业开发,使其具有巨大的文化效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

随着社会经济飞速发展,网络信息时代已经加速占据了人们生活中重要的一部分.因而,很多商业推广也通过网络来达到宣传的效果,如今,网络动画在网络信息时代已经占据了文化与经济市场,不管是文化传媒还是企业商机,对于网络动画做宣传其持续性发展前景很广阔,网络动画由最开始的艺术形式发展到当今的娱乐小品,从两者的基础上提取其中的商业与艺术价值,本文就网络动画发展的现状进行分析网络动画在商业推广中的应用,以及网络动画在商业推广中的宣传优势等一系列问题进行简单的研究分析.  相似文献   

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