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行业投资额达到408.4亿元,占电子信息产业投资比重的27.8%,从投资额来看是电子信息产业第一大投资行业,投资增速达48.4%,比全行业平均增速高出26.7%。从细分行业看,电子元件行业快速发展主要靠电子元件及组件制造和印刷电路板行业的带动。从整体情况看,电子信息行业销售收入和工业增加值的增速均超过32%,其中全行业工业增加值增速比全国工业增加值增速的平均水平高出1倍。电子信息产业规模以上工业完成销售收入11043.4亿元,同比增长32.2%;工业增加值2319.7亿元,同比增长33.4%;利税总额513.4亿元,同比增长25.7%。电子信息产业完成工业增加值…  相似文献   

由于工业排放对城市造成大气灰霾复合型污染,需要进行工业排放控制。对工业排放进行控制时,需要根据记录的实时工业排放量不断调整控制策略,但传统极大似然法是根据当前工业排放量进行控制,不能对实时工业排放量进行跟踪,存在工业排放控制误差大的问题。提出一种基于数学分析的工业排放控制优化方法。先利用数学分析方法以工业排放控制过程中价值最大化为导向,组建工业排放支持向量机数学模型,在此基础上,融合于流量数据的预测控制算法实时跟踪工业排放量,并协调控制的工业排放量,依据工业排放量动态变化适时调整控制目标,促使工业排放系统避免了由于污染物溢出造成大气灰霾,实现了对工业排放控制优化。仿真结果证明,采用数学分析的工业排放控制优化方法对工业排放污染处理系统的设计与运行管理具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

环境保护部日前颁布的造纸行业排放标准《制浆造纸工业水污染物排放标准》,按照新时期国家环境保护执法和监管工作的要求、结合具体适用行业生产工艺和污染治理技术的特点设置的,标准对现有企业和建设项目分别提出了污染物排放控制要求(建设项目2008年8月1日起实施),并且规定经过一个过渡期后,现有企业要达到与建设项目相同的排放控制要求。  相似文献   

基于安徽省1991~2013年的能源消耗总量和经济增长相关数据分析,运用协整分析、Granger因果检验对安徽省能源消费和经济增长的关系进行实证研究,建立并进行分析安徽省能源消费与经济增长关系模型。结果显示安徽省能源消费与经济增长之间不存在长期协整关系,但是短期内能源消费对经济增长存在单向因果关系。  相似文献   

绿色,象征的生机;绿色,象征着朝气,绿色,象征着健康。为了使青山依旧葱郁,为了使碧草依然嫩绿,为了使大树如故苍翠,为了保护我们赖以生存的资源,全球都在大力倡导"绿色产业"的理念。作为能源消耗大户的中国,更是不能落后!我国是人口众多的发展中大国,资源相对不足,许多资源的人均拥有量远低于世界平均水平。同时,资源利用效率较低,污染排放较严重,单位产值能耗明显高于世界平均水平。为此,国家大力实施节能减排全民总动员的战略方针。十一五规划明确规定了能耗降低20%和主要污染物排放减少10%的节能减排目标。而国内的耗能大户主要集中在央企,分布在石油石化、煤炭、化工、冶金、电力、运输、建材等领域。据悉,中央石油石化企业能源消耗占全国的5.8%,冶金企业紧随其后占全国的2.9%。于是,在国内各个行业领域都先后提出了绿色投资、绿色战略的同时,作为高能耗、高消耗产业的冶金行业也悄然兴起了"绿色生产"的洪流。作为自动化的专业媒体,我们将对此持续关注。  相似文献   

当前污染物追踪工作对于各行各业均具有重要意义,随着人工智能与大数据发展迅速,运用大数据技术对污染物信息进行挖掘分析应运而生。基于污染物排放数据在不同时序、空间中通过数据挖掘发现隐含的污染物信息对于环境监测与政府决策具有重要价值。论文提出一种基于大数据分析的污染物追踪预测算法,应用PCA算法处理污染物排放数据获得关键污染物;应用关联规则算法定量分析污染物间的关联关系。最终,结合分析结果可比对区域中各类型污染行业排放物,进行污染物排放源定性定量的追踪预测。  相似文献   

炼化行业是关系我国国计民生的行业,其产品和人们的生活息息相关。"震网"病毒安全事件的发生成为了工业控制系统信息安全研究的分水岭,工业控制系统信息安全研究开始受到业界各方的重视,但依然鲜见有对炼化行业工控系统的信息安全技术性分析。炼化工控系统中工业化和信息化的深度融合以及通用软件及硬件的大范围使用是导致炼化工控系统面临安全威胁的主要因素。分析了炼化工控系统的特点及其存在的主要安全问题,给出了炼化工控系统通用结构,提出了分层分区域的炼化工控系统安全模型,并对该模型中的相关内容进行了深入分析。  相似文献   

本文基于EKC理论对云南省经济增长与碳排放之间的关系进行验证,结果表明二者之间不存在倒U型曲线,而是呈线性关系,并且存在长期的协整关系。采用LMDI分解方法对云南省人均碳排放进行因素分解,结果表明经济发展是拉动人均碳排放增长的主要因素,能源效率和能源结构是抑制碳排放增长的因素。最后,在上述分析的基础上,提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

关联规则是一种重要的数据挖掘技术,结合水体污染的特点,应用关联挖掘中的Apriori算法,分析水体污染排放量和水体中重金属含量之间的关系,同时分析工业、生活分别与水体重金属含量之间的关系,对水体重金属污染物有一定的预警作用。  相似文献   

关联规则是一种重要的数据挖掘技术,结合水体污染的特点,应用关联挖掘中的Apriori算法,分析水体污染排放量和水体中重金属含量之间的关系,同时分析工业、生活分别与水体重金属含量之间的关系,对水体重金属污染物有一定的预警作用。  相似文献   

煤工业的代谢分析及其生态优化   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
工业代谢分析方法作为生态工业的主要分析手段,借鉴了自然生态的概念,从生态环境的角度出发,追踪和分析物流,能流的走向,找出生产系统中造成污染的原因和主要环节及其相应对策,本文尝试运用生态工业中的代谢分析方法对煤炭利用过程造成的污染情况加以分析,提出相应地改进模型,并在此基础上找出环境最优的产品结构,物流组成及流量。  相似文献   

针对工业循环水系统存在既浪费水资源又污染环境的问题,设计了一种基于ARM的工业循环水极化控制系统。该系统由极化能量检测电路实时检测循环水水质参数,水质参数经STM32F103处理后输出的PWM极化能量控制信号,由极化能量输出电路合成、隔离、放大后驱动极化体,产生极化电场作用于循环水。实际应用表明,该系统可控制循环水系统在较高浓缩倍率下运行,代替了循环水系统的加药处理流程,达到了减少水资源消耗、有效防止污染水资源的目的。  相似文献   

Though cooperation in environmental control holds out the best promise of effective actions, limited success has been observed because existing multinational joint initiatives fail to satisfy the property of subgame consistency. A cooperative solution is subgame consistent if the solution optimality principle is maintained in any subgame which starts at a later time with any feasible state brought about by prior optimal behaviors. This paper presents a cooperative stochastic differential game of transboundary industrial pollution with two novel features. The first feature is that industrial production creates short-term local impacts and long-term global impacts on the environment. Secondly, a subgame consistent cooperative solution is derived in this stochastic differential game together with a payment distribution mechanism that supports the subgame consistent solution. This is the first time that pollution management is analyzed in a cooperative stochastic differential game framework under these novel features.  相似文献   

针对工业热污染区提取准确率低、误差大及遗漏率高等问题,提出一种基于八分位法的工业热污染区提取方法。即首先基于改进的单通道算法获得地表温度,其次采用八分位法提取高温异常区,通过叠加建筑用地,得到疑似工业热污染区。然后,以彩钢房为判断标准,利用Google Earth影像进一步提取工业热污染区。通过对比分析热岛强度(HI)、改进的箱线图和八分位法3种方法的精度差异,发现潜在热异常是导致结果降低的主要因素。其中,热岛强度和改进的箱线图法均受到人类活动影响,提取的工业热污染区中居民区和商业区所占比例不小于工业区,误判率较高,八分位法提取精度最高,效果更佳,且从一定程度上避免了潜在热异常带来的影响。为验证结果精度,随机选取10%的工业热污染区像素点作为验证点,经Google Earth核实,发现利用八分位法提取的工业热污染区精度均在70%以上,最高可达92%。因此,八分位法提取工业热污染区简单有效,结果准确可靠,能够避免目标区内潜在热异常的影响,能够为环境保护、工业去产能监测提供技术支撑服务。  相似文献   

Aiming at the problems of low accuracy, large error and high omission rate in the extraction of industrial thermally polluted areas, an extraction method for industrial thermally polluted areas based on the octant method was proposed. That is, firstly, the surface temperature is obtained based on the improved single-channel algorithm, and then the high temperature anomalous area is extracted by the octet method, and the suspected industrial thermal pollution area is obtained by superimposing the building land. Then, using the color steel room as the criterion, Google Earth images were used to further extract the industrial heat-polluted areas. By comparing and analyzing the difference in accuracy of the three methods of Heat Island intensity (HI), improved boxplot, and octave method, it is found that the potential thermal anomaly is the main factor leading to the reduction of results. Among them, the intensity of the heat island and the improved box plot method are affected by human activities. The proportion of residential and commercial areas in the extracted industrial thermal pollution area is not less than that of the industrial area, and the false positive rate is high, The effect is better, and the impact of potential thermal anomalies is avoided to a certain extent. In order to verify the accuracy of the results, randomly selected 10% of industrial thermally polluted pixels were used as verification points. After verification by Google Earth, it was found that the accuracy of the industrial thermally polluted areas extracted by the octave method was more than 70%, up to 92%. Therefore, the octave method is simple and effective for extracting industrial thermally polluted areas, and the results are accurate and reliable. It can avoid the potential thermal anomalies in the target area, and can provide technical support services for environmental protection and industrial capacity reduction monitoring.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a model and corresponding software for modeling China's Energy Requirements and the CO2 Emissions Analysis System (CErCmA). Based on the input–output approach, CErCmA was designed for scenario analysis of energy requirements and CO2 emissions to support policymakers, planners and others strategically plan for energy demands and environmental protection in China. In the system, major drivers of energy consumption are identified as technology, population, economy and urbanization; scenarios are based on the major driving forces that represent various growth paths. The input–output approach is employed to compute energy requirements and CO2 emissions under each scenario. The development of CErCmA is described in a case study: China's energy requirements and CO2 emissions in 2010 and 2020 are computed based on the input–output table of 1997. The results show that China's energy needs and related CO2 emissions will grow exponentially even with many energy efficiency improvements, and that it will be hard for China to maintain its advantage of low per capita emissions in the next 20 years. China's manufacturing and transportation sectors should be the two major sectors to implement energy efficiency improvements. Options for improving this model are also presented in this paper.  相似文献   

As communication technology and smart manufacturing have developed, the industrial internet of things (IIoT) has gained considerable attention from academia and industry. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) have many advantages with broad applications in many areas including environmental monitoring, which makes it a very important part of IIoT. However, energy depletion and hardware malfunctions can lead to node failures in WSNs. The industrial environment can also impact the wireless channel transmission, leading to network reliability problems, even with tightly coupled control and data planes in traditional networks, which obviously also enhances network management cost and complexity. In this paper, we introduce a new software defined network (SDN), and modify this network to propose a framework called the improved software defined wireless sensor network (improved SD-WSN). This proposed framework can address the following issues. 1) For a large scale heterogeneous network, it solves the problem of network management and smooth merging of a WSN into IIoT. 2) The network coverage problem is solved which improves the network reliability. 3) The framework addresses node failure due to various problems, particularly related to energy consumption. Therefore, it is necessary to improve the reliability of wireless sensor networks, by developing certain schemes to reduce energy consumption and the delay time of network nodes under IIoT conditions. Experiments have shown that the improved approach significantly reduces the energy consumption of nodes and the delay time, thus improving the reliability of WSN.   相似文献   

工业无线网络WIA标准体系与关键技术   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
工业无线技术是一种本世纪初新兴的、面向设备间信息交互的无线网络技术,适合在恶劣的工业现场环境下使用,具有强抗扰、低功耗、实时通信等技术特征,是对现有无线技术在工业应用方向上的功能扩展和技术创新,并将最终转化为新的无线技术标准。本文介绍我国在工业无线技术方面的研究进展,重点介绍具有自主知识产权的工业无线网络核心技术以及相关国家标准体系的建设情况。  相似文献   

城市路口设置红绿灯的作用是使交通流在路口能有序地通过。但传统的倒计时红绿灯常常导致绿灯无车红灯堵的现象,车辆的能耗和尾气排放无谓增加,造成资源浪费。通过建模和仿真,比较分析了智能红绿灯和倒计时红绿灯对交通通行能力、能耗和排放的影响;实验证明智能交通灯令路口通行能力显著提高,汽车能耗和尾气排放相应减少,对改善城市环境和交通具有较大价值。  相似文献   

工业机器人作业过程中普遍需要较高的能耗。基于量子行为和差分进化的改进蜻蜓算法,实现能耗约束下优化工业机器人避障作业轨迹。基于工业机器人五次B样条曲线矩阵式和动力学模型,构建能耗约束模型;进行仿真实验,利用改进蜻蜓算法求解能耗约束模型为适应度评价函数的工业机器人轨迹,对比改进蜻蜓算法与原始蜻蜓算法和基于指数函数步长的精英反向蜻蜓算法的优化结果,表明改进蜻蜓算法具有更优的性能。  相似文献   

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