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转型时期深圳的城市发展策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
范钟铭  普军  周俊 《城市规划》2006,30(9):69-73
经济全球化进一步改变了世界城市发展格局,新的世界城市体系正在形成,城市间竞争的内涵、广度与深度也随之发生着深刻的变化,城市发展战略的作用正日益凸显。我国许多大中城市也开展了各种层面的战略规划,本文以深圳市为例,在充分分析深圳城市发展的特点和问题的基础上,详细介绍了深圳市在三个不同层面上的发展战略规划(《深圳市高新技术产业带规划》、《深圳2030城市发展策略》和《深圳航空城综合发展规划》),体现了深圳作为改革开放的先发城市,在城市面临发展的总体转型时期对新型发展道路的探索。  相似文献   

深圳市规划局近日公布的《深圳2030城市发展策略》提出,深圳2030的发展目标是“建设可持续发展的全球先锋城市”。在研讨过程中。香港规划署提供了香港2030年规划方案作为深方的参考。  相似文献   

系统总结了区域发展理论的主要观点及其在城市空间发展中的应用,指出现代区域发展理论对传统发展理论的超越之处,强调在我国城市空间发展战略要以现代区域发展理论指导.并且以天津、深圳城市空间发展战略为实例,阐述现代区域发展理论在城市空间发展战略中的应用.并提出在城市空间发展战略的技术路线设计、城市发展定位、城市规模、空间发展方向选择、空间布局方案等方面需要借鉴竞争战略理论、产业集群理论、新经济地理学等现代区域发展理论.  相似文献   

经济的快速发展改变着城市化进程和城市的产业与空间布局。面对东北老工业基地振兴、辽宁大力实施"五点一线"发展战略和城市化进程的加快,鞍山发展正处在经济结构、产业布局和空间形态的战略转型时期,在众多交织的发展问题中,需要通过系统研究,理清发展脉络,确立足够长远的城市空间发展框架,提出目标导向和具有建设性、操作性的发展策略,将城市产业发展战略与空间战略紧密结合,并落实到具体的政策上,通过研究空间发展、城市结构优化等问题,达到改进城市效率、提高城市竞争力的目的。  相似文献   

深圳经济特区成立以来,城市总体规划经过几次编修过程,逐步形成了系统和成熟的体系:从1982年市府组织编制的《深圳经济特区社会经济发展大纲》,提出“组团式结构”作为深圳特区总体规划的基本构架,奠定了深圳城市的基本结构;到1986年,《深圳经济特区总体规划》的编制,对1986—2000年特区城市发展作出了全面安排,是特区建设的里程碑;1990年编制的《深圳市城市发展策略》,初步对深圳全市整体发展提出了完整的构思和导向性安排;进入90年代,随着特区经济的高速发展,特区产业结构面临着重大转折,城市空间形态和功能布局发生了急剧变化,针对此种情况,市委市政府于1993年及时组织了总体规划修编工作,并于1996年底完成了《深圳市城市总体规划(1996—2010年)》.按照可持续发展的原则,对深圳的城市生态环境提出了新的规划目标。  相似文献   

城乡规划■ 深圳城市建设规划直指“空间矛盾”今年深圳在城市规划上直指空间矛盾,采取多项措施合理安排土地和空间,以尽量消除其对深圳发展带来的负面影响。深圳将进一步优化城市空间结构,完成该市公共交通规划,加快地铁1号线和4号线延长段以及2、3、11号线的前期工作,推动形成轨道网络,并组织编制《深圳市产业布局规划》和《深圳市现代物流业发展策略检讨与空间发展对策研究》,整合产业发展战略的区域集聚。在深圳关外完善和落实组团规划,在深圳宝安龙岗两区选择一两个重点发展地区,从政府投资、土地供应等方面实行倾斜,以促进城市发展空…  相似文献   

深圳在《2030城市发展策略》中提出的发展目标是"建设可持续发展的全球先锋城市。"先锋"有不循先例,独创和实验的含义,也有冒险和激进的含义。这要看从什么角度去评价。深圳建市30年来一直保持着快速的发展态势,创造了举世瞩目的"深圳速度"。如今在这块1991平方公里的土地上,承载着1500万人的就业和生活的空间,已成为全国人口密度最高,社会经济高度集中的现代化城市。但是,在创造奇迹的同时,也带来了城市资源紧缺、环境破坏严重,社会管理失衡等诸多问题,日渐暴露出城市系统脆弱不堪的征兆。其实,早在2005年,深圳就提出了发展的"四个难以为继["四个难以为继"是指:土地有限,难以为继;资源短缺,难以为继;人口不堪重负,难以为继;环境承载力严重透支,难以为继。]"。那么,这种追求规模和速度的粗放发展的城市模式究竟潜伏着哪些危机呢?为此,我们采访了原深圳市规划设计院的院长王富海先生。将他的种种顾虑和担忧呈现出来,希望引起各界的重视。同时也希望未来中国城市化过程中后续涌现的"先锋城市们"能够引以为鉴。  相似文献   

江苏沿海开发已正式上升为国家战略层面,该战略对连云港空间拓展具有相当重大的指导意义。在此背景下,连云港的城市空间拓展必须与沿海开发战略紧密结合,把握时代发展的前瞧性。才能使我们的城市朝着科学、健康的方向发展。本文以《连云港市城市总体规划(2008—2030)》中提出的区域协调、健康城市、资源环境为导向的城市空间发展理念为切入点,结合城市资源,具体分析市域城镇体系结构和都市区空间框架是如何对接沿海总体开发格局,全面阐述了连云港城市总体规划与沿海开发战略紧密相连,具有很强的前瞻性和实际的操作性。  相似文献   

沈丽君  马文军 《华中建筑》2010,28(12):10-12
城市发展过程中出现的问题总是缓慢渐变的,传统问题导向的规划往往不能及时发现这些问题,因而总是错过了解决问题的最佳时机。介于此,该文通过借鉴医学诊断和企业诊断的研究方法,对城市空间发展战略进行诊断研究,尝试建立较为系统的诊断基础框架,以期对城市空间发展战略进行动态、持续的控制,更高效地管理城市发展。  相似文献   

城市规划可持续性评价方法探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在可持续性评价的发展脉络与实践背景下,论述了可持续性评价与城市规划的相互关系,阐述了城市规划可持续性评价的概念、基本内容、工作程序与技术方法.介绍了《深圳2030城市发展策略》可持续性评价方法的实际应用.最后探讨了我国未来开展城市规划可持续性评价的发展趋势.  相似文献   

随着2011年底崇启大桥的建成通车,启东成为苏北地区与上海联系的第一站。通过解析启东市新一轮的城市总体规划纲要(2011-2030)的主要内容,分析了启东市为了"融入上海"的目标而在城市总体规划方面的调整。从而研究整体区域交通环境和区域发展政策等外部发展要素的改变对小城市发展目标和重点的深远影响,以及现阶段外部要素迅速变化的情况下,经济欠发达地区小城市面临的发展困惑。  相似文献   

合肥市是国家第二批综合管廊试点城市,本文结合国家政策和市政工程专业发展趋势,探索省会城市综合管廊规划设计方法,在规划方法、规划手段、技术发展上创造多个首次。首次采用能源廊道法及因素叠加法开展综合管廊规划,也是首次在满足《城市地下综合管廊工程规划编制指引》的前提下增加规划管控图则,便于规划的实施和管理。通过规划成果《合肥市地下综合管廊专项规划》(2016—2030)确定合肥市综合管廊建设规模目标与宏观布局,并作为建设实施依据,目前合肥市管廊建设总里程已达到58.32 km,试点工作稳步推进,可为其他省会乃至全国城市提供规划方法借鉴。  相似文献   

Extensive damages and numerous casualties are produced by natural disasters and hazards in urban areas. Hence, the absorption, recovery and adaptation to them through resilience are highly necessary to ensure operation and enhancement of urban systems. The significance of urbanization led to launch some tools such as BREEAM Communities, CASBEE for Urban Development, DNGB Urban Districts, Green Star Communities, LEED for Neighbourhood Development or STAR Community to promote sustainable development in communities and cities. After selecting the most relevant community rating systems, this research determined their adequacy to handle urban challenges by benchmarking them against the major international efforts and some relevant resilience assessment tools extracted from the study of eight global frameworks. Thus, the Sendai Framework and the 2030 Agenda represented the former, whilst the latter considered the City Resilience Index and the City Resilience Profiling Tool. The findings of this investigation revealed that the indicators of STAR Community and BREEAM Communities reflected the highest level of correspondence with the resilience assessment frameworks. However, the existence of prominent gaps in all the screened community rating systems suggests the need for developing a new tool involving both resilience and sustainability.  相似文献   

The City of Sydney Council has presented their night-time economy plan (NTE) – Open, Future directions for Sydney at night – as a unique and substantial contribution to global city planning literature. This paper critiques the plan and demonstrates how Open is strongly aligned with, and constrained by the neoliberal-inspired cultural-economy framework of the Council’s overarching policy vision: Sustainable Sydney 2030. Such co-opting of policy evinces an entrepreneurial shift in NTE planning where economic interests procure substantial voice in the consultation, and eventual policy directions of changing the nightscape. The paper explicates the economic imperative(s) of Open within the context of one inner city Sydney suburb, Surry Hills.  相似文献   

In Victoria the current strategic plan intended to underpin the future growth in Melbourne, Melbourne 2030, adopts the framework of sustainability as its guiding ethos. Melbourne 2030 makes clear a preferred form for new activity centres through performance criteria and guidelines on preferable layout and structure. The research presented in this article consists of an analysis of 17 activity centres which have been planned for or built on greenfield sites in three growth areas of metropolitan Melbourne since 2002. These activity centres are rated against a framework of sustainability criteria adapted from Melbourne 2030. The study found that in many cases the recommended form and location of new centres are not being adopted and possible explanations are advanced.  相似文献   

Cooling of buildings in the UK is responsible for around 15 TWh per year of energy demand, largely powered by electricity with highly related CO2 emissions. The Greater London Authority wished to understand the potential impact of London's growing need for cooling on UK CO2 emissions in the period up to 2030. This paper describes a model developed to analyse the cooling requirements for London's key building stock and assess how these would be affected by change in system mix, improvements in system efficiencies, and by varying degrees of climate change.The analysis showed that, if left unchecked, the growth in active cooling systems in London could lead to a doubling of CO2 emissions from this source by 2030. This growth will be due to increase in building stock, increase in market share of cooling systems, and climate change. The last of these is difficult to predict, but by itself could add 260,000-360,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions by 2030. This increase can be strongly mitigated, or even offset, by improvements in system efficiency. The difference between no efficiency improvements, and an assumed 1-3% annual efficiency improvement is around 340,000 tonnes by 2030.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the impact of light-duty passenger (LdP) electric vehicle (EV) charging on the Portuguese national load profile (LP) in 2030. The goal is to identify EV charging strategies that enable a sustainable configuration of the Portuguese LP under different potential levels of LdP EV penetration in 2030. The research offers Portuguese utilities and policymakers information regarding potential threats and solutions of different EV charging strategies on the national grid infrastructure in 2030. Furthermore, it proposes a methodology that can also be adopted in other countries to analyse similar problems. Low, medium, and high penetration scenarios were designated based on the number of LdP EVs. The low and medium penetration scenarios indicate that an intelligent grid is not necessary to perform charging activities. However, coordinating EV charging in the evening via a smart grid (SG) is imperative in the high penetration scenario, as unsustainable levels of power demand will otherwise be reached, compared with the current production and distribution capacity. Moreover, morning charging sessions must also be addressed, as they may induce new peaks of daily consumption given the significant amount of charging activity taking place within that period.  相似文献   

The copper binding capacity was used to follow physico-chemical changes in the mixing of sewage effluent and seawater. In laboratory experiments dilute aliquots of filtered and unfiltered effluents were mixed with artificial seawater to give saline concentrations of between 0 and 40‰. The copper binding capacity of the filtered sample decreased rapidly from 22.8 to 0 μg l−1 in the salinity range 5–10‰. The difference between the unfiltered and filtered binding capacity, defined as the adsorption capacity, varied from 28.5 to 0 μg l−1 in the salinity range 15–22‰. These results were interpreted in terms of destabilisation of copper associations with humates, colloids and particulate matter with increasing salinity. The behaviour of unfiltered binding capacity in the effluent plume was measured and the results showed reasonable agreement with results from the laboratory experiments.  相似文献   

Despite a growth in the number of cities currently planning with an eye toward countering climate change and its effects, few actually promote a comprehensive planning approach aiming at countering climate change impacts. The aim of this paper is to assess and to gain insight from the emerging approach to planning that aims at countering climate change. This paper analyses and draws insight from the recent plan of New York City (NYC), PlaNYC 2030, through a thorough examination and analysis of the major components of the plan. This paper concludes that planning has a strong role to play in countering the impacts of climate change at the city level. Apparently, climate change and its resulting uncertainties challenge the concepts, procedures, and scope of conventional approaches to planning, and create a need to rethink and revise current planning methods. PlaNYC, an economic development and infrastructure-oriented plan, has deficient and inadequate adaptation measures. Therefore, it failed in its contribution to protect NYC and its communities in facing Hurricane Sandy in October 2012. Since the plan did not have adequate public participation, PlaNYC failed in understanding the urban-community vulnerability map of NYC and in addressing the critical needs of various communities in facing Sandy. Eventually, planners should take on a leadership role and assume more control in fighting climate change on the city level. Planning has the power to protect cities and save lives of people.  相似文献   

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