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We investigated the effect of exogenous staphylococcal sphingomyelinase (SMase) on the release of tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) from cultured human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). Addition of SMase (2 units/ml) to the culture medium induced an approx. 15-fold increase in the extracellular level of PAI-1 antigen at 3 h. No significant increase in the level of t-PA antigen was detected. Treatment of HUVEC with SMASE (2 units/ml) for 3 h resulted in a significant decrease in the cellular sphingomyelin (SM) level, accompanied by a corresponding increase in the ceramide level. Cell-permeable ceramide analogs also enhanced the release of PAI-1 from cultured HUVEC in concentration- and time-dependent manners. A 6-fold increase in PAI-1 antigen level was observed after incubation for 3 h with 10 microM N-acetylsphingosine. Similar effect was noted as early as 2 h with 10 microM N-hexyanoylsphingosine. Addition of sphingosine failed to affect the release of PAI-1 from cultured HUVEC, indicating that the effects of ceramide analogs were independent of sphingosine generation. Pretreatment with cycloheximide or actinomycin D abated the response of HUVEC to N-acetylsphingosine in the increased levels of both extracellular and intracellular PAI-1. These results suggest that ceramide, generated via "SM cycle", acts as a lipid mediator of PAI-1 release from vascular endothelial cells, and may contribute to a better understanding of the pathogenesis of the PAI-1-associated thrombotic disorders.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies have demonstrated that levels of plasma fibrinogen, von Willebrand factor (vWf), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) and tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) are associated with the incidence of vascular disease. Since oncostatin M dramatically induces fibrinogen biosynthesis by hepatocytes and could be implicated in vascular injury leading to atherosclerosis, we have analyzed the effect of oncostatin M on PAI-1, vWf and tPA secretion by endothelial cells. A 2-h incubation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells with oncostatin M increases thrombin-induced secretion of vWf to the same extent as tumour necrosis factor-alpha or interleukin-1 (137+/-26% of control for 5 ng/ml oncostatin M, P < 0.001, n=5). The effects on tPA and PAI-1 secretion were different depending on the type of endothelial cells tested. On human umbilical vein endothelial cells, oncostatin M induced an increase in PAI-1 and a decrease in tPA secretion, which could explain the thrombogenicity of oncostatin M on large vessels. On a human microvasculature endothelial cell line, oncostatin M did not modify PAI-1 but induced an increase in tPA secretion. This observation of the effects of oncostatin M on both macro- and microvasculature could explain the increased levels of vWf, PAI-1 and tPA in the plasma of atherosclerotic subjects identified in epidemiological studies, suggesting that oncostatin M could play a key role in the development of atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   

The effect of thrombin on the fibrinolytic potential of human vascular smooth muscle cells (SMC) in culture was studied. SMC of different origin responded to thrombin treatment with a dose and time dependent increase in tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA) and plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) levels in both cell lysates and conditioned media with maximum effects achieved at 10-20 IU/ml thrombin. PAI-1 antigen levels also increased in the extracellular matrix of thrombin treated SMC. PAI-2 levels in cell lysates of such SMC were not affected by thrombin. The effect was restricted to active thrombin, since DFP-thrombin and thrombin treated with hirudin showed no increasing effect on t-PA and PAI-1 levels in SMC. Enzymatically active thrombin also caused a four-fold increase in specific PAI-1 mRNA and a three-fold increase in t-PA mRNA. Furthermore we demonstrated the presence of high and low affinity binding sites for thrombin on the surface of SMC with a KD = 4.3 x 10(-10)M and 9.0 x 10(4) sites per cell and a KD = 0.6 x 10(-8) M and 5.8 x 10(5) sites per cell respectively. Thrombin could come in contact with SMC in case of vascular injury or following gap formation between endothelial cells. Our data support the idea that besides its known proliferative effect for SMC, thrombin could also modulate their fibrinolytic system.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Endothelial cells produce many biologically important factors that may be used as functional markers, including plasminogen activators and their inhibitors (PAI). PAI-1 is a common peptide with a central role in the balance of thrombosis and fibrinolysis in vivo, and its production by vascular endothelial cells has been demonstrated for many in vitro cell lines. METHODS: The basal rate of PAI-1 release from cultured human adult endothelial cells was studied in both a well-plate-seeding model and after seeding onto human endarterectomy specimens. The effect of nonspecific stimulation with thrombin on PAI-1 release was examined in well-plate cultures. PAI-1 was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. RESULTS: Cultured human saphenous endothelial cells release PAI-1 constitutively at a steady rate, which can be increased in the short term by the addition of thrombin. CONCLUSION: After seeding onto endarterectomy specimens, seeded endothelial cells release significant amounts of PAI-1, which suggests that they retain functional integrity and may potentially influence thrombosis in vivo after seeding.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine the persistence of culturable bacteria versus DNA in the presence of a middle ear effusion in a chinchilla model of otitis media. Cohorts of animals were either infected with an ampicillin-resistant Haemophilus influenzae strain or injected with a tripartite inoculum consisting of freeze-thawed Streptococcus pneumoniae; pasteurized Moraxella catarrhalis; and DNA from H influenzae. The H influenzae-infected animals displayed culture positivity and polymerase chain reaction positivity through day 35. In the chinchillas infected with the low-copy number inocula of S pneumoniae, DNA was not detectable after day 1 from the co-inoculated pasteurized M catarrhalis bacteria or the purified H influenzae DNA; however, amplifiable DNA from the live low-copy number bacteria persisted through day 21 even though they were not culture-positive past day 3. These results demonstrate that DNA, and DNA from intact but nonviable bacteria, does not persist in an amplifiable form for more than a day in the presence of an effusion; however, live bacteria, while not culturable, persist in a viable state for weeks.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) expression in endothelial cells (ECs) can be modulated differently by smooth muscle cells depending on their origin. Human pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells (HPASMCs) strongly downregulated PAI-1 expression in ECs. Fibroblasts (FBs) are another cell type that could come in close contact with ECs. Therefore, it was the aim of this study to investigate whether FBs could also influence the fibrinolytic potential of ECs. As in the case of HPASMCs, PAI-1 antigen produced by human umbilical vein ECs (HUVECs) cocultured with human skin FBs (HSFBs) was significantly lower as compared with the sum of PAI-1 secreted by the respective cell types cultured separately. Not only HUVECs but also human skin microvascular ECs (HSMECs) responded in a dose-dependent way to serum-free conditioned media (CM) from HSFBs from one individual donor. Similar results were obtained when CM from HSFBs from four other individual donors were used. PAI-1 mRNA decreased in HUVECs incubated for 6 hours with HSFB-CM to 24% to 55% of control, depending on the preparation of HSFBs used. A significant PAI-1 downregulatory effect was only observed when CM from low-passage HSFBs (up to passage no. 5) was used, whereas no reduction in EC PAI-1 production was observed with CM obtained from HSFBs in passage no. 8. This PAI-1 downregulatory activity present in HSFB-CM was heat-labile and had a molecular mass of approximately 5 kD. When CM from HPASMCs was analyzed in the same way, an almost identical elution profile was found. In conclusion, our data showed that FBs can decrease the expression of PAI-1 in ECs. Such an effect could be operative during wound-healing and at other capillary sites where FBs could render ECs profibrinolytic, thereby facilitating processes requiring an increase in proteolytic activity such as EC migration and proliferation.  相似文献   

An insertion/deletion (4G/5G) polymorphism in what has been shown to be an enhancer/repressor binding site in the promoter region of the PAI-1 gene has been related to plasma PAI-1 activity. Transfection studies demonstrated increased interleukin-1 stimulated PAI-1 synthesis in cells containing the 4G sequence. To study this response in endothelial cells, first passage HUVEC from 26 umbilical cords were stimulated with interleukin-1 and tumor necrosis factor-alpha. PAI-1 antigen was measured in 24-hour conditioned medium and allele-specific PCR utilized to determine genotype at the 4G/5G locus. Analysis of covariance was used to determine whether the effect of a variable time in culture was masking a difference between genotypes. A trend towards higher PAI-1 levels with increasing time in culture was observed. The geometric mean (95% confidence interval) of the basal rate of PAI-1 release was, 4G/4G 9.7 (7.0, 13.5) ng/24 hours (n=11), 4G/5G 9.5 (6.5, 13.9) ng/24 hours (n=9), and 5G/5G 10.9 (7.8, 15.1) ng/24 hours (n=6). In cells of the same cultures, the interleukin-1 stimulated levels were 25.9 (23.1, 29.1), 27.2 (23.6, 31.3), and 23.1 (19.5, 27.3) ng/24 hours, respectively, corresponding to ratios of stimulated to basal levels of 2.68, 2.87, and 2.12. After adjustment for time in culture the basal PAI-1 release was 4G/4G 10.7, 4G/5G 9.1, and 5G/5G 9.7 ng/24 hours. For interleukin-1 stimulated release the adjusted levels were 26.3, 27.0, and 22.7 ng/24 hours, respectively. Adjusted levels in 4G/4G genotype cells were non-significantly greater than those in cells of 5G/5G genotype by a factor of 1.16 (0.95, 4.08). This study did not demonstrate a significant difference in basal or cytokine stimulated PAI-1 release from cells of different PAI-1 promoter (4G/5G) genotypes but does not exclude increased interleukin-1 stimulated PAI-1 release in the 4G/4G compared with the 5G/5G genotype.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Impaired fibrinolytic activity has been linked to the presence and severity of allograft vasculopathy (Tx CAD). This impairment may be associated with the presence of certain fibrinolytic protein gene polymorphisms. METHODS AND RESULTS: To investigate the relation between donor-specific fibrinolytic protein genotypes and Tx CAD, we identified donor plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) HindIII and tissue plasminogen activator (TPA) EcoRI restriction fragment length polymorphisms-based genotypes by Southern blot analysis in 48 recipients of cardiac allografts and correlated these genotypes with the development of CAD. No association was found between donor TPA genotypes and the presence of Tx CAD. Among the 48 patients, 17% were homozygous for the 1/1 PAI-1 genotype, 51% for the 2/2 PAI-1 genotype, and 32% for the 1/2 PAI-1 genotype. The actuarial freedom from any CAD for the recipients with each respective donor PAI-1 genotype at 12 and 24 months was 100% and 100% for the 1/1 PAI-1 genotype, 92% and 92% for the 1/2 PAI-1 genotype, and 75% and 45% for the 2/2 PAI-1 genotype (P=0.03). Recipients with a diseased 2/2 PAI-1 genotyped allograft had longer ischemic times (P=0.02) than those recipients with a Tx CAD-free allograft. CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that recipients with a 2/2 PAI-1 genotype are at a significant risk of developing Tx CAD. This genotype may serve as a useful screening tool for predicting the future development of Tx CAD.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the role of Ca2+ and G proteins in thrombin-induced acute release (regulated secretion) of tissue-type plasminogen activator (TPA) and von Willebrand factor (vWF), using a previously described system of primary human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). The acute release of TPA and vWF, as induced by alpha-thrombin, was almost zero after chelation of Ca2+i, showing that an increase in [Ca2+]i was required. It did not matter whether the increase in [Ca2+]i came from an intracellular or extracellular Ca2+ source. Thrombin-induced release of TPA and vWF already started at low [Ca2+]i, around 100 nmol/L. Half-maximal release was found at a [Ca2+]i, of 261 nmol/L for TPA and at 222 nmol/L for vWF. The Ca2+ signal was transduced to calmodulin, as calmodulin inhibitors inhibited TPA and vWF release. The Ca2+ ionophore ionomycin dose dependently released vWF; half-maximal vWF release occurred at a [Ca2+]i of 311 nmol/L. In contrast, no TPA release was found at all below a [Ca2+]i of 500 nmol/L. Thus, below 500 nmol/L [Ca2+]i, an increase in [Ca2+]i alone was sufficient to induce vWF release but not sufficient to induce TPA release. Protein kinase C did not appear to be involved in TPA or vWF release, as neither an activator nor an inhibitor of protein kinase C significantly influenced release. Inhibition of phospholipase A2 also did not reduce thrombin-induced TPA and vWF release. The involvement of G proteins was studied by using both saponin-permeabilized and intact cells. GDP-beta-S, which inhibits heterotrimeric and small G proteins, significantly inhibited thrombin-induced vWF and TPA release from permeabilized cells. AlF-4, which activates heterotrimeric G proteins, induced TPA and vWF release in both intact and permeabilized HUVECs. Preincubation of HUVECs with pertussis toxin significantly inhibited thrombin-induced vWF release, due to inhibition of thrombin-induced Ca2+ influx. Pertussis toxin did not affect ionomycin-induced release. The inhibitory effect of pertussis toxin was less obvious in thrombin-induced TPA release, because it was counterbalanced by a positive effect of the toxin on TPA release. Thus, both inhibitory and stimulatory (pertussis toxin-sensitive) G proteins were involved in TPA release. Therefore, thrombin-induced acute release of TPA and vWF differed in two respects. First, below a [Ca2+]i of 500 nmol/L, an increase in Ca2+ was sufficient for vWF release but not for TPA release. Second, pertussis toxin-sensitive G proteins were differentially involved in acute TPA and vWF release.  相似文献   

Serpin inhibitors are believed to form an acyl enzyme intermediate with their target proteinases which is stabilized through insertion of the enzyme-linked part of the reactive center loop (RCL) as strand 4 in beta-sheet A of the inhibitor. To test critically the role and timing of these steps in the reaction of the plasminogen activator inhibitor PAI-1, we blocked the vacant position 4 in beta-sheet A of this serpin with an octapeptide. The peptide-blocked PAI-1 was a substrate for both tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) and trypsin and was hydrolyzed at the scissile bond. The reactivity of the peptide-blocked substrate PAI-1 was compared to that of the unmodified inhibitor by rapid acid quenching as well as photometric techniques. With trypsin as target, the limiting rate constants for enzyme acylation were essentially the same with inhibitor and substrate PAI-1 (21-23 s-1), as were also the associated apparent second-order rate constants (2.8-2.9 microM-1 s-1). With tPA, inhibitor and substrate PAI-1 reacted identically to form a tightly bound Michaelis complex (Kd approximately Km approximately 20 nM). The limiting rate constant for acylation of tPA, however, was 57 times faster with inhibitor PAI-1 (3.3 s-1) than with the substrate form (0.059 s-1), resulting in a 5-fold difference in the corresponding second-order rate constants (13 vs 2.5 microM-1 s-1). We attribute the ability of tPA to discriminate between the two PAI-1 forms to exosite bonds that cannot occur with trypsin. The exosite bonds retain specifically the distal part of the PAI-1 RCL in the substrate pocket, which favors a reversal of the acylation step. Acylation of tPA becomes effective only by separating the products of the acylation step. With substrate PAI-1, this depends on passive displacement of bonds, whereas with inhibitor PAI-1, separation is accomplished by loop insertion that pulls tPA from its docking site on PAI-1, resulting in faster acylation than with substrate PAI-1.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: In a rabbit model, transposition of a muscle pedicle flap to an ischemic hind limb has been shown to result in the development of new blood vessels that connect the arterial circulation of the flap to the circulation of the limb. The hypothesis that exogenous recombinant basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) would enhance the development of this new blood supply was examined and the regulation of bFGF in this process was investigated. METHODS: The right common iliac artery was ligated in 12 male New Zealand white rabbits. An abdominal wall muscle flap based on the left inferior epigastric artery was transposed to the right thigh. bFGF in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) at 3 ng/h (n = 6), or PBS alone (n = 6), was infused for 7 days via mini-osmotic pumps with an infusion catheter positioned at the flap-muscle interface. The flap-muscle interface was immunostained with anti-alpha-actin antibody to determine blood vessel density (number of vessels/mm) and with anti-bFGF antibody to evaluate bFGF distribution. RNA was isolated from these sections, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to examine endogenous bFGF messenger RNA (mRNA) expression. RESULTS: Blood vessel density was significantly increased in animals receiving exogenous bFGF (22. 0 +/- 10.6 vessels/mm vs. 10.7 +/- 8.8 vessels/mm, P =.009). In the controls, neovessels were arranged in clusters with endogenous bFGF concentrated around these clusters. In bFGF-treated animals, vessels were diffusely scattered throughout the flap-limb interface, corresponding to the distribution pattern of infused bFGF. There was no difference in bFGF mRNA expression between the control and the bFGF-treated groups. CONCLUSION: Exogenous bFGF infusion significantly augmented new blood vessel development at the flap-limb interface. Endogenous bFGF was up-regulated around the newly developed microvessels in control animals, and vessel growth correlated with the diffuse distribution of exogenous bFGF, implicating bFGF as an important factor in angiogenesis. Exogenous bFGF did not affect bFGF mRNA expression, suggesting that the regulation of bFGF is not under autocrine control.  相似文献   

Plasminogen activator-inhibitor C-1 (PAI-1) plays a critical role in the regulation of fibrinolysis, serving as the primary inhibitor of tissue-type plasminogen activator. Elevated levels of PAI-1 are a risk factor for recurrent myocardial infarction, and locally increased PAI-1 expression has been described in atherosclerotic human arteries. Recent studies have shown that the administration of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors reduces the risk of recurrent myocardial infarction in selected patients. Since angiotensin II (Ang II) has been reported to induce PAI-1 production in cultured astrocytes, we have hypothesized that one mechanism that may contribute to the beneficial effect of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors is an effect on fibrinolytic balance. In the present study, we examined the interaction of Ang II with cultured bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs) and the effects of this peptide on the production of PAI-1. 125I-Ang II was found to bind to BAECs in a saturable and specific manner, with an apparent Kd of 1.4 nM and Bmax of 74 fmol per mg of protein. Exposure of BAECs to Ang II induced dose-dependent increases in PAI-1 antigen in the media and in PAI-1 mRNA levels. Induction of PAI-1 mRNA expression by Ang II was not inhibited by pretreating BAECs with either Dup 753 or [Sar1, Ile8]-Ang II, agents that are known to compete effectively for binding to the two major angiotensin receptor subtypes. These data indicate that Ang II regulates the expression of PAI-1 in cultured endothelial cells and that this response is mediated via a pharmacologically distinct form of the angiotensin receptor.  相似文献   

Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) is a disorder of unknown etiology affecting the microcirculation of multiple organ systems. Plasma therapy has significantly reduced the mortality rate; thus, an increased incidence of recurrence has been noted. Since corticosteroids, antiplatelet agents, and splenectomy do not prevent recurrences, monthly plasma infusion have been instituted to decrease the risk of recurrence. However, in pregnancy, increase in frequency of plasma infusions to weekly or biweekly intervals has been associated with avoidance of placental infarcts. This is the first report of a successful pregnancy in which bimonthly prophylactic single plasma-exchange plasmapheresis was the treatment regimen with no obvious maternal-fetal morbidity.  相似文献   

Y Arai  T Kubota  T Nakagawa  M Kabuto  K Sato  H Kobayashi 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,140(4):377-85; discussion 385-6
We investigated the role of plasminogen activators (PAs) and their inhibitor (plasminogen activator inhibitor-1, PAI-1) in human brain tumours. The amounts of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (u-PA), tissue-type plasminogen activator (t-PA), and plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), and the activity of u-PA and t-PA were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and u-PA and PAI-1 were immunolocalized using monoclonal antibodies in human brain tumours and normal brain tissues. The tissues were surgically removed from 64 patients; normal brain tissue (5 cases), low-grade glioma (4 cases), high-grade glioma (17 cases), metastatic tumour (9 cases), meningioma (benign 12 cases, malignant 6 cases), acoustic schwannoma (11 cases). u-PA activity and u-PA and PAI-1 antigen levels were significantly elevated in malignant brain tumours (malignant meningiomas, high-grade gliomas, and metastatic tumours) and acoustic schwannomas but very low in benign meningiomas, low-grade gliomas and normal brain. There was no difference in t-PA antigen levels among normal and malignant tissues, however levels of t-PA activity were markedly decreased in metastastic tumours. All malignant brain tumour tissues showed positive immunostaining for u-PA and PAI-1, however, some tumour cells showed negative intensity while others showed strong intensity for these antibodies. This contrasts to the homogeneous staining pattern found in acoustic schwannoma. These findings indicate that malignancy in human brain tumours is associated with elevated levels of u-PA and PAI-1 and that an imbalance between these proteins in a micro-environment contributes (ascribes) to tumour cell invasion.  相似文献   

The uPA-mediated pathway of plasminogen activation is central to cancer metastasis. Whether uPA and PAI-1 are related to local recurrence, metastatic spread or both is not clear. We present a retrospective study of 429 primary breast cancer patients with a median follow-up of 5.1 years, in which the levels of uPA and PAI-1 in tumour extracts were analysed by means of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The median values of uPA and PAI-1, which were used as cut-off points, were 4.5 and 11.1 ng mg(-1) protein respectively. The levels of uPA and PAI-1 were correlated with tumour size, degree of anaplasia, steroid receptor status and number of positive nodes. Patients with high content of either uPA or PAI-1 had increased risk of relapse and death. We demonstrated an independent ability of PAI-1 to predict distant metastasis (relative risk 1.7, confidence limits 1.22 and 2.46) and that neither uPA nor PAI-1 provided any information regarding local recurrence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Platelet-rich arterial thrombi are resistant to lysis by plasminogen activators. However, the mechanisms underlying thrombolysis resistance are poorly defined. Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), which is present in plasma, platelets, and vascular endothelium, may be an important determinant of the resistance of arterial thrombi to lysis. However, in vitro studies examining the regulation of platelet-rich clot lysis by PAI-1 have yielded inconsistent results. METHODS AND RESULTS: We developed a murine arterial injury model and applied it to wild-type (PAI-1 [+/+]) and PAI-1-deficient (PAI-1 [-/-]) animals. FeCl3 was used to induce carotid artery thrombosis. Thrombi consisted predominantly of dense platelet aggregates, consistent with the histology of thrombi in large-animal arterial injury models and human acute coronary syndromes. To examine the role of PAI-1 in regulating endogenous clearance of platelet-rich arterial thrombi, thrombi were induced in 22 PAI-1 (+/+) mice 14 PAI-1 (-/-) mice. Twenty-four hours later, the amount of residual thrombus was determined by histological analysis of multiple transverse sections of each artery. Residual thrombus was detected in 55 of 85 sections (64.7%) obtained from PAI-1 (+/+) mice compared with 19 of 56 sections (33.9%) from PAI-1 (-/-) mice (P=.009). Computer-assisted planimetry analysis revealed that mean thrombus cross-sectional area was 0.033+/-0.0271 mm2 in PAI-1 (+/+) mice versus 0.016+/-0.015 mm2 in PAI-1 (-/-) mice (P=.048). CONCLUSIONS: PAI-1 is an important determinant of thrombolysis at sites of arterial injury. Application of this model to other genetically altered mice should prove useful for studying the molecular determinants of arterial thrombosis and thrombolysis.  相似文献   

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