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科学评估导弹健康状态有助于合理安排维修和保养任务,达到事半功倍的效果.基于D-S(Demp-ster-Shafer)证据理论的导弹健康状态评估模型,结合证据自身的有效性和证据之间的联系,首先利用熵权法确定指标的权重并突出状态较差的参数,利用岭形分布隶属度函数求出各个证据的基本概率分配,在此基础上对基于证据距离的证据可信...  相似文献   

In Mexico, socioeconomic conditions for the elderly are adverse, and familial and non-familial support networks are one of the most important elements in surviving the lack of income and care needed for the elderly population (Montes de Oca 2001; De Vos et al. in International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 58, 1–27, 2004). Although we highlight the importance of family support towards the elderly, we acknowledge that the elderly provide different forms of support, economic as well as non-economic, to family and non-family members. The aim of this article is to discuss this phenomenon in an attempt to empirically demonstrate the flow of exchanges involving individuals 60 years or older in Mexico. We use the 2005 Encuesta Nacional de la Dinámica Familiar (ENDIFAM; National Family Dynamics Survey) in order to distinguish between supports granted and received among the elderly population. Additionally, we examine variables that measure solidarity among family members and non-family members when facing difficult situations, crises, and everyday difficulties. Thus, we analyze factors that condition the granting and receiving of support among the elderly. Results show that the elderly population is active in a social network that receives and offers social support as a means of maintaining their quality of life. Among the conditioning elements of solidarity, we find that as age increases, the elderly are less likely to grant support. Moreover, results show that women are more likely to receive social support; and, being married or in a civil union increases the likelihood of access to a more extensive support network. Unexpectedly, we found that granting of support in difficult situations occurs in a unidirectional manner. That is, the elderly tend to provide support to others during difficult situations, but are less likely to receive support when facing similar circumstances.  相似文献   

Entrepreneurship has become increasingly important for innovations and economic development. However, there is limited information systems research examining the role of regional ICT for entrepreneurs. This study investigates the direct effect of regional ICT access on individuals’ entrepreneurial performance and the interaction effect between regional ICT access and guanxi in the context of Chinese business and economy. Drawing upon a matched large-scale dataset, we found that regional ICT access in terms of access to the Internet, fixed phone, and mobile phone had a significant impact on performance. Furthermore, regional ICT access had a positive interaction effect with guanxi.  相似文献   

This paper aims at understanding the elderly-non-elderly difference in morbidity and utilization of outpatient care and how such differences vary across economic classes by using a population based self reported health survey in the context of Kerala??an Indian state which is in the advanced stage of demographic transition and has the highest share of elderly population in comparison to other Indian states. It is found that for the elderly chronic non-communicable diseases account for four out of five of the most frequently reported illnesses. An elderly belonging to rich or middle classes is more likely to utilize outpatient care in comparison to a rich non-elderly, however such a pattern is not observed for the poor elderly. Experience of Kerala suggests that ageing of the population is going to impose severe challenge to the public health sector in other Indian states which will be entering into the advanced stage of demographic transition shortly and there is a need to examine in greater details the willingness and capacity of the private sector to share this increased burden for health care need.  相似文献   

While India is fast catching-up to become an ageing society it poses in many ways a stiff challenge to the Indian governments. In the absence of a comprehensive social security provisioning and safety nets for the olds, they keep working to a much longer span of life and suffer from many serious diseases and disabilities. Using data from major health and labour surveys this paper tries to bring out the participation of elderly workers in various occupational categories and their health statuses to sketch a link between work and health risks. Wage employment tends to decline for the ageing population, forcing them to eke out their livelihood mostly from low quality self-managed employment. Those with higher levels of educational attainment are less likely to fall ill compared to the illiterates. Some of the occupational categories tend to make elderly more prone to ill health though the probability of suffering from tuberculosis goes up for all workers irrespective of the major activity groups. On the whole, the links between occupation and health risks come out sharply, suggesting health interventions to be made occupation-specific.  相似文献   

This paper explores the differing probabilities of retirement for self-employed and wage-and-salary workers. It finds self-employed workers are less likely to retire than wage-and-salary ones, and that differences in retirement incomes, health, productivity, job characteristics, and compulsory retirement practices do not explain the disparity. The difference between self-employed and wage-and-salary workers in the quality of matching between the job and the worker (i.e., between required and desired amount of work) explains the later retirement of the self-employed. We note the implications of these findings for labor-force participation at older ages and how policies might boost employment of the elderly.  相似文献   

The complexity and diversity of socio-economic environments call for a more nuanced consideration of contextualized risks confronting enterprises operating in these environments. By dissecting six cases that successfully adopted blockchain technology in China, we present findings of a grounded theory study into the deployment of blockchain for managing contextualized risks and opportunistic risks. Findings reveal that applying blockchain can augment risk management by controlling opportunistic risk, the latter of which denotes the variability arising from opportunistic practices of internal agents or external parties afforded by their immediate socio-economic environment. Particularly, we not only identify credibility, predatory, and compliance risk as three distinct types of opportunistic risk stemming from the unique socio-economic environment of China, but we also illustrate how blockchain could be leveraged to deal with such opportunistic risks through trust-evoking mechanisms. We discovered that blockchain could evoke trust between individuals-to-organization, organization-to-organization, and organization-to-individuals by bolstering competency, fostering benevolence, and gauging integrity in individual, inter-organizational and intra-organizational contexts, respectively.  相似文献   

Despite their longer life spans, women show higher morbidity rates compared to men at all ages. The gender gap in mortality has decreased over the past 20 years, but few studies have examined sex differences in morbidity over time. This study examines sex differences in health and changes in sex differences between 1992 and 2002. SWEOLD is a nationally representative interview survey of persons aged 77+. Outcomes include self-reported and objective health indicators. Women had significantly higher prevalence rates for most health problems. Analyses of change over time showed that women had greater increases in, e.g., hypertension and poor lung function, and men had greater increases in poor self-rated health (SRH) and myocardial infarction (MI). The sex difference decreased significantly for SRH due to men’s increased reporting of poor health and increased for MI due to increased prevalence among men. Several health indicators seem to be developing differently for men and women. The gender gap has narrowed for poor SRH and widened for MI.  相似文献   

There are a growing number of seniors and a growing need for health-related ICT (Information and Communication Technology) solutions to allow seniors to live independently in their own homes and communities. We need to have a better understanding of how and why seniors use or do not use health-related ICT in such settings so we can improve our solutions. In order to synthesize existing knowledge, we did a systematic literature review using Scopus and PubMed. We searched for both review articles and primary qualitative studies. Eleven review articles and 31 primary research articles were included in the study. We structured our findings using the UTAUT2 acceptance model developed by Venkatesh et al. Our findings show that seniors want health-related ICT that gives them independence, safety, and security, allows them to socialize and manage their own health, and helps them in their daily activities. They need to easily get help if they have problems using services, get tailored training, and get help during use. Lack of privacy and safety and stigma are some of the reported barriers. Health-related ICT at home is different than both consumer and institutional ICT. We need more research in order to develop a specialized and operationalized acceptance model for health-related ICT use among seniors. Our mapping to UTAUT2 is a step in this direction and suggests a possible specialization of this model.  相似文献   

By integrating research on product design with ideas from marketing and consumer perceptions, this paper formulates a set of coherent hypotheses about the effects of tripartite design dimensions on consumer perceptions and responses. We conduct two surveys on incremental and radical technology innovations, respectively, and accordingly get two different samples to test the hypotheses. Empirical results reveal that the effects of aesthetic and functional dimensions on consumer purchase intention and word of mouth vary across two types of innovations. Specifically, for incrementally innovative products, aesthetic and functional dimensions influence consumer purchase intention and word of mouth, both directly and indirectly, through the mediation of consumer perceived quality. By contrast, for radically innovative products, the effects of aesthetic and functional dimensions on purchase intention and word of mouth are totally mediated by perceived quality. Additionally, the effects of symbolic dimension on consumer perceptions and responses achieve consistency across radical and incremental technology innovations. That is, the higher the level of symbolic dimension, the stronger purchase intention and the better word of mouth there will be, whereas the direct influence of symbolic dimension on perceived quality is not significant in either innovation category.  相似文献   

The question of how to design attractive model in online advertising is especially important for online operators of electronic commerce websites. This study examines how a model’s eye gaze direction influences consumers’ visual processing, taking into consideration smiling facial expressions for both Chinese and American consumers. Drawing on shared signal theory and cultural differences, a set of eye-tracking experiments was performed. The results show that consumer arousal is much higher when the model has a smiling facial expression paired with a direct eye gaze, compared to an averted eye gaze. This effect is much stronger for Chinese consumers than American consumers. However, for cognitive information processing, we found that consumers process product information on a deeper level when the model has a smiling facial expression paired with an averted eye gaze, compared to a direct eye gaze. Although there is a significant difference between Chinese and American consumers in processing the product brand, no significant differences were identified in their processing of the text. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

本文采取问卷调查和文献查阅相结合的方式,对黄冈市卫生专业技术人员队伍现状进行了调查和分析,剖析了黄冈市农村卫生人才培养的方法和经验,提出了切实可行的农村卫生人才培养的对策与建议。  相似文献   

Research has shown that employment status, such as being unemployed or retired, can be related to well-being. In addition, the direction and size of these relationships can be influenced by the employment status of one’s peer group. For example, it has been shown that the well-being of the unemployed tends to be higher for those living in high-unemployment areas compared to the unemployed living in low-unemployment areas. In this paper, we explore whether employment peer effects impact upon mental well-being among of older workers. We use depressive symptoms as an indicator of well-being and our interest is in how the non-employment of peers impact upon older people, where non-employment covers both retirement and unemployment. This is an important issue in the context of promoting longer working lives. If the well-being of older people in employment is lowered by low employment levels in their peer group, then sustaining high employment among older workers will be more difficult. We use data from the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA) which is a nationally representative sample of people aged 50 and over and living in Ireland, collected between 2009 and 2011. Employment peer effects are proxied using the peer group non-employment rate where a peer is defined as someone in the same age-group and region and of the same gender. We find that for the employed, an increase in peer non-employment is associated with an increase in reported depressive symptoms, whereas for those not employed such an increase is associated with a decrease in reported depressive symptoms. However, these findings hold mainly for men.  相似文献   

针对家庭日常生活老年人和社区医疗设施的实际状况,尝试构建面向家庭的无线便携老年人健康信息远程获取系统,其架构由无线传感网络生理数据采集器、社区医疗服务中心生理参数远程获取系统两部分组成,采集器基于nrf24l01由一个中继路由节点协调控制多个生理参数采集节点的星型网络构建,采集节点基于STC12系列MCU作为主控搭建系统,具有生理参数测量、历史记录查询、数据发送等功能;中继路由基于LPC2132 ARM7芯片作为主控MCU搭建系统,实现汇总采集器各节点采集数据,通过WIFI发送至社区医疗中心PC服务器数据获取系统;社区远端服务器数据获取系统作为服务端,基于SOCKET为ARM中继路由客户端服务,采用长连接方式,安全可靠通信获取数据,为社区医疗服务中心、远端大型医疗中心远程医疗监护提供可靠的健康信息支持,有助于提高老年人日常生活质量.  相似文献   

With the aid of information technology, consumers have increasingly engaged in social interaction in online brand communities. How can these strangers make friends online? Drawing on embeddedness theory and media richness theory, we examine the antecedents and intermediate mechanisms of online friendship. We theorize that online brand community interactivity aided by instant messaging technology is the main driving force of online friendship, whereas social presence and a sense of yuan (a Chinese concept describing predetermined relations) mediate online friendship development. Online friendship in turn enhances consumer online brand community commitment. We test our conceptual model with a sample of consumers from Chinese online sporting goods forums. The results support our hypotheses and inform online brand community research and practice.  相似文献   

从微电网的概念入手,对微电网在美国、西欧等发达国家的研究现状进行了详细的阐述,并根据我国科技发展的需求和现状,分析了微电网在我国的应用前景,以供广大读者参考。  相似文献   

介绍了通信监理的必要性和对我国通信监理现状的分析,提出了改变目前监理工作中所存在问题的建议,以及我国通信监理公司的未来发展方向.  相似文献   

中国传统的人力资源配置机制造成了劳动力总供给过大、结构不合理、人力资源个体素质和结构与社会需求不相吻合等一系列问题。当前,中国正在从计划经济向市场经济转变,为了优化人力资源配置 ,应该一方面控制人力资源生产数量 ,提高人力资源使用数量 ;另一方面 ,还应建立人力资源的市场配置机制,使市场在国家宏观调控下对人力资源配置起基础性作用  相似文献   

Using decadal data for 1961–2011, the paper explores the demographic dividend of major Indian states. Accordingly, we first explore Zipf’s law and thereafter, examine Gibrat’s law for the growth of state population. Based on these findings, we investigate the demographic dividend of state population. The results appear to suggest that the demographic dividend varies across states and these “dividends” are in fact, large in magnitude, especially for the laggard states.  相似文献   

Taking paid work among men and women beyond pension age as an example, the contribution examines the interrelationship between life courses, gendered welfare regimes, and later-life employment outcomes. Using both quantitative and qualitative data, the article focuses on the role of inequalities, gender and marital status for working despite receiving a pension, and on the subjective reasons for this employment. The quantitative analyses are based on the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) and the German Ageing Survey (DEAS), and the qualitative evidence on semi-structured interviews with working pensioners in Germany and the UK. Gender differences in working can be traced back in part to differences in educational qualification and in pre-retirement class. Although no general gender differences in the reasons for paid employment can be found, financial reasons are mentioned much more often by divorced women in Germany and widowed women in the UK than by men and by married women. The qualitative data underlines the special role earned income plays for divorced women and, more generally, the variety of reasons which motivate pensioners to work for pay. Furthermore, pension age is less meaningful for mothers because of their patchier careers. All in all, (poor) labour market chances and household dynamics in old age are interrelated in gendered patterns of old age employment, and accompanied by specific interpretations of this work.  相似文献   

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