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对污泥稳定的定义及目标进行了介绍,并对评价厌氧污泥稳定度的参数指标进行了综述,推荐的几个测试是:挥发性固体减少率、不稳定物质减少测试、腐殖质含量、植物毒性测试,指出应从两个方面来考虑对参数进行选择,需要掌握稳定化过程的信息量和最终资源化利用的方式。  相似文献   

对污泥稳定的定义及目标进行了介绍,并对评价厌氧污泥稳定度的参数指标进行了综述,推荐的几个测试是:挥发性固体减少率、不稳定物质减少测试、腐殖质含量、植物毒性测试,指出应从两个方面来考虑对参数进行选择,需要掌握稳定化过程的信息量和最终资源化利用的方式.  相似文献   

城市污泥含有大量病原微生物、重金属等污染物质,且近年产量剧增,若处理不当将污染环境,危害人体健康。目前我国城市污泥处置方式有填埋、堆肥、土地利用、焚烧等。污泥焚烧是目前污泥处置最彻底、快捷、安全、有效的方法。本文从污泥焚烧的发展历程、焚烧方式、焚烧装置等方面对污泥焚烧的研究应用进展进行了总结归纳,系统地梳理污泥在焚烧过程中的各种影响因素,并对比了流化床焚烧炉、多膛式焚烧炉、回转窑焚烧炉、炉排焚烧炉等焚烧炉的各项指标和参数。在“双碳”背景下,结合污泥资源化利用的发展动向,提出将城市污泥与废弃物混合制成衍生燃料,发展循环经济,减少碳排放,也是城市污泥剩余价值再利用的一种有效途。  相似文献   

厌氧颗粒污泥是厌氧反应器高效稳定运行的基础和关键。试验研究利用了一种改进型的内循环厌氧反应器,克服了传统内循环厌氧反应器结构复杂易引起堵塞等缺点,对厌氧颗粒污泥的特性进行研究,研究厌氧颗粒污泥的特性对生产实践具有重要的指导意义。该试验研究是在改进型内循环厌氧反应器稳定运行的基础上,对颗粒污泥的粒径分布、污泥产甲烷活性、DGGE等特性进行分析。  相似文献   

本文结合我国污泥处理处置存在的主要问题,对国家发改委、住建部、生态环境部三部委联合印发的《污泥无害化处理和资源化利用实施方案》进行详细的解读。我国污泥处理存在污泥泥质差,处理处置难度大;工作起步晚,资金投入不到位,处理处置能力不足;土地利用受限,污泥出路尚未完全打通等问题。在“双碳”背景下,我国污泥处理处置应遵循“统筹兼顾、因地制宜,政府主导、市场运作,稳定可靠、绿色低碳”的基本原则,规范污泥处理方式,积极推广污泥土地利用,合理压减填埋规模,有序推进污泥单独或协同焚烧,加大推广污泥能量和物质回收利用。对于污泥处理设施,应统筹提升现有设施效能和做好增量建设,且强化过程管理,完善保障措施。对于污泥处理,应以无害化为目标、资源化为手段补齐短板,逐步形成链条完整的污泥安全处理处置和资源化利用理论、技术、装备、政策、标准与价格体系,促进产业健康发展。  相似文献   

李奇勇 《冶金能源》2004,23(3):52-54
通过对转炉除尘污水及污泥处理系统运行实践的分析,研究探讨了采取粗颗粒预分离、磁凝聚与药凝聚复合处理、保持水质稳定、污泥压榨过滤、泥浆泵送烧结以及加强操作管理等技术措施,以解决转炉污水污泥处理难题。  相似文献   

简要介绍了消化炼钢污泥的工艺方案,此方案简单易行、稳定可靠。在此基础上进行了工业性试验,取得了较好效果。  相似文献   

介绍了高效斜管沉淀罐在煤气洗涤水系统的应用,煤气洗涤水的水质稳定及其污泥的综合利用,并对由此产生的经济效益、环境效益、社会效益进行了分析。  相似文献   

化学调理是调理污泥脱水性能的最常用方法,而碱处理由于具有不腐蚀设备、易于操作等优点,被广泛应用于污泥调理深度脱水工程。以某采用"石灰调质+弹性板框高压压榨机"脱水工艺的工程为例,分析了该工程的工艺流程、工艺参数及经济指标。实践证明,该工程出泥含水率基本稳定在60%以下,达到《城镇污水处理厂污泥处置混合填埋泥质标准》,吨污泥处理成本为95.35元。  相似文献   

由影响生化处理运行的关键参数为入手点进行试验研究,通过调控在pH值,溶解氧,进水COD值、曝气量等方面的不同参数值搭配研究生化沉降比、污泥老化等情况,找到系统稳定运行的参数条件,确保废水能够达标排放。  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of side-by-side full-scale aeration testing of a plug-flow process and a modified contact stabilization process incorporating an anaerobic selector at the wastewater treatment facility in Fredonia, N.Y. Over 40 tests were completed utilizing the off-gas technique during the 2-month investigation period (summer of 1995). Compared to the plug-flow process, the modified contact stabilization process with internal sludge recycle was shown to have higher α values and to require less blower energy consumption when the selector operation was properly controlled. Dissolved oxygen concentration, selector COD concentration, and internal recycle sludge levels were found to be critical parameters in the successful operation of the modified process. Higher internal recycle sludge levels allowed the plant to run at more stable operating conditions in terms of the oxygen transfer efficiency, α, and sludge volume index.  相似文献   

Current activated sludge models consider that the removal of biodegradable organics by suspended growth includes rapid enmeshment of the organic particles in the microbial floc, hydrolysis of the complex organic molecules into readily biodegradable organic substances, and oxidation of dissolved organic substances. All of the models assume hydrolysis is the rate-limiting step, but none consider the role that the kinetics of biological flocculation and the sludge settling characteristics may play in defining the activated sludge operating parameters. Several researchers have studied the kinetic of biological flocculation, and have analyzed its role on the removal of particulate COD in suspended growth reactors. It has been demonstrated that a large proportion of the organic matter present in sewage can be removed by biological flocculation using short hydraulic retention times and subsequent settling. This paper demonstrates that the one-dimensional limiting flux theory may be useful for coupling the sludge settling properties with the aeration tank behavior, and is a reasonable first approximation that can be used for activated sludge system design and operation.  相似文献   

本文概述了污泥蚯蚓处理技术的生态经济可行性、处理效果及目前存在的问题和发展前景.利用蚯蚓处理污泥可利用最少的能耗,最低的成本,实现污泥的减量化、稳定化和资源化,在兼顾环境生态平衡的条件下,达到污泥利用的经济效益和社会效益的最大化,是解决污泥处理处置问题的最有效途径.  相似文献   

为了综合利用鞍钢含锌含铁尘泥,又不引起高炉锌富集,探索利用尘泥中的碳作为还原剂自还原尘泥中的铁氧化物及氧化锌、氧化铅的可行性,将几种尘泥配制成具有一定还原剂含量的尘泥混合料,进行了尘泥混合料的造球试验和球团自还原焙烧试验。试验结果表明,采用自还原工艺处理鞍钢高锌尘泥适宜的工艺参数为:铁、锌和铅氧化物所需还原剂量的适宜游离碳过剩系数为1.0~1.2,还原温度为1 050~1 200℃,还原时间为20~35 min。  相似文献   

Current activated sludge models consider that the removal of biodegradable organics by suspended growth includes: rapid enmeshment of the organic particles in the microbial floc, hydrolysis of the complex organic molecules into readily biodegradable organic substances, and oxidation of dissolved organic substances. All of the models assume that hydrolysis is the rate-limiting step, but none considers the role that the kinetics of biological flocculation and the sludge-settling characteristics may play in defining the activated sludge operating parameters. Several researchers have studied the kinetics of biological flocculation, and have analyzed its role on the removal of particulate chemical oxygen demand in suspended growth reactors. It has been demonstrated that a large proportion of the organic matter present in sewage can be removed by biological flocculation using short hydraulic retention times and subsequent settling. The first paper demonstrates that the one-dimensional limiting flux theory may be useful for coupling the sludge-settling properties with the aeration tank behavior, and the second paper presents experimental evidence that the proposed model is a reasonable first approximation that can be used for activated sludge system design and operation.  相似文献   

城市污水污泥农用资源化评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
污水污泥含有较高量的有机物及氮、磷等养分,经过减量化、稳定化、无害化处理后可作为农用肥料,对土壤及农作物都有明显的改善作用,因此可以说污泥农用是一种变废为宝的污泥资源化利用方式.然而,污泥中还含有重金属、有机污染物、病原菌等污染物质,因此农用的污泥一定要符合我国农业污泥标准(GB4284-84),避免使用过程中爆发土壤农用存在的潜在危险.  相似文献   

Postlime stabilization of municipal sludge requires methods for assessing the degree of lime incorporation and stability of the final product, as well as for evaluating and monitoring the performance of individual components in the process. The goal of this research was to systematically apply selected measures of lime incorporation and stability at the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority’s Blue Plains advanced wastewater treatment plant (see the companion paper). The transfer of sludge by screw conveyance prior to the lime blender did not appear to make it more difficult to incorporate lime in a bench-scale mixer. However, in the full-scale system, it may impede mixing by rolling the sludge into large plugs, and thus creating a discontinuous supply of sludge to the blender. Screw conveyance of limed sludge downstream from the blender appears to subject the limed sludge to additional mixing, resulting in improved lime incorporation and stabilization. The impact of lime purity (CaO%) appeared to be minimal within the range tested; however, increasing the lime particle diameter did significantly lengthen the mixing time required for stabilization. In addition, overdosing of lime was shown to be ineffective for compensating for poor lime incorporation.  相似文献   

许香帅  赵峥  张延玲 《钢铁》2022,57(5):137-145
 不锈钢硫酸酸洗过程产生大量的酸洗污泥,其成分中含有高含量的CaSO4以及铁、铬等有价金属。活性炭经过多次吸附会丧失活性,但仍保持还原性能。由酸泥、活性炭混匀并焙烧制成含碳球团,在高炉过程渣铁混出时将该球团掷入渣铁熔池进行还原处理,酸泥中的Fe、Cr被还原后进入铁水,其他物质进入高炉渣,实现酸洗污泥的去毒、消纳和资源化利用的目标。鉴于硫酸酸洗后的污泥中含有大量硫元素,重点探讨以上工艺技术中球团焙烧温度、配碳量及球团在熔炼过程的添加量等因素对硫在各相中分配行为的影响趋势,主要采取热力学理论计算、实验室试验等研究手段。结果表明,球团C/S物质的量比为2、球团焙烧温度为400 ℃时,向渣铁浴熔池中加入1%占比的球团可控制渣铁浴终点铁水硫质量分数w([Sf])为0.010%左右,此时熔渣固硫率可达到50%;球团C/S物质的量比为0.5、球团焙烧温度为400 ℃或800 ℃时,向渣铁浴熔池中加入3%占比的球团,也可降低渣铁浴终点铁水硫质量分数,w([Sf])为0.01%左右,且酸泥中Fe/Cr回收率达88.27%,但熔渣固硫率较低。本研究说明,利用渣铁浴工艺处理酸洗污泥,通过合理调控试验参数,可有效控制终点铁水硫含量至较低水平,达到深脱硫效果,同时Fe/Cr具有较高的回收效率,渣铁浴前后炉渣成分变化极小,不会影响高炉渣安全性及后续利用,具有较高的环境和经济效益。  相似文献   

膜浓缩液成分复杂,各物质浓度高,易造成二次污染,已成为膜处理技术在渗沥液处理方面的发展瓶颈。针对当前处置技术减量效果低、资源化程度差、缺乏工程推广应用价值的情况,设计了一套垃圾渗沥液浓缩液与污泥循环资源化的工艺,并进行了工程实践与探索。该工艺充分回收利用浓缩液中的有效成分,协同处置生化污泥与炉渣,各进出指标满足相关限值,目前已完成10 t/d的中型工程试验,为固废综合处置基地的渗沥液污泥等资源化处置提供有效技术借鉴。  相似文献   

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