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Monitoring environmental contaminants in edible animal species is important for the assessment of environmental quality and for food safety as well. In this study, the occurrence of 2,3,7,8 dioxins, and furans, dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls, six non-dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyl indicators (ndl-PCBs), seven polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs), four polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and four metals (As, Hg, Ni, Pb) was evaluated in 90 European eels (Anguilla anguilla) from Lake Garda. The results on eel samples showed a frequent contamination of dl-PCBs, found at concentrations higher than the maximum limit (ML) provided by European Union in 41 % of the eels. Two PBDE congeners (BDE 47 and BDE 99) were detected in almost all the samples. The contamination by PAHs was found negligible; only one sample had a high concentration of benzo[a]pyrene. Concerning metals, Pb showed concentrations higher than the maximum level (ML) in 77% of the samples, while Ni content could be a cause of acute toxicity due to dermatitis. Extreme consumers (95th percentile) are subjected to an actual risk attributable to dioxins, furans, and mainly dl-PCBs and PBDEs. The contamination of Lake Garda eels is therefore a matter of concern and a constant monitoring of the pollution levels of its freshwater is mandatory.  相似文献   

Sediments from seven lakes in West Greenland were used as natural archives to study past and present levels of PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls, tri- to decachlorinated), tetra-BDE #47 (2,2',4,4'-bromodiphenyl ether), chlordane (cis- and trans-octachlordane) and HxCBz (hexachlorobenzene). The concentrations found are lower than or comparable to concentrations found in sediments from other Arctic regions and one to 2 orders of magnitude lower than concentrations typically found in sediments at lower latitudes. The observed temporal trends (direct and indirect dating) show a decreasing total PCB concentration. Even though local contamination sources exist, the POP deposition in the studied area is most likely a result from long-range transport. The hypothesis about "cold condensation" suggests a latitudinal fractionation to occur between different volatile compounds during the transport toward the pole. In this study a time delay in the deposition for the low-chlorinated PCBs (tri- and tetrachlorinated), compared to their emission histories and compared to higher chlorinated PCBs, was indicated. Although very low tetra-BDE #47 concentrations are observed in this study, there are indications for an increasing concentration in recent sediment layers that may reflect increasing environmental concentrations at lower latitudes. The investigated pesticides are still in use at lower latitudes, however neither chlordane nor HxCBz show any distinct temporal trend of increasing or decreasing concentration toward the sediment surface.  相似文献   

While biomagnification of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in aquatic food chains is well documented, there have been few investigations of the trophodynamics of POPs in Arctic terrestrial food chains. This study presents field-collected concentration data and corresponding fugacities of various hydrophobic organic chemicals (ranging in octanol-water partition coefficients or K(OW) from approximately 10(3.8) to 10(9)) in two lichen species (Cladina rangiferina and Cetraria nivalis), willow leaves (Salix glauca), barren-ground caribou (Rangifer tarandus), and wolves (Canis lupus) from Canada's Central and Western Arctic region. The results show that, in contrast to aquatic food chains, persistent substances including beta-hexachlorocyclohexane and 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene with a K(OW) <10(5) can substantially biomagnify in lichen-caribou-wolf food chains in Canada's Central and Western Arctic. Strong positive correlations between the biomagnification factor and the octanol-air partition coefficients (K(OA)) of nonmetabolizable compounds were observed in wolves. In caribou, the biomagnification factors dropped slightly with increasing K(OA). K(OA) proved to be a better indicator of biomagnification than K(OW). Current management policies that consider only chemicals with K(OW) values >10(5) as bioaccumulative substances fail to identify substances that have the potential to biomagnify in Arctic terrestrial food chains despite a low K(OW) because of a high K(OA).  相似文献   

Passive air samplers (polyurethane foam disks) were deployed at 23 background locations along a broadly west-east transect in 8 northern European countries and analyzed for PCBs, PBDEs, PAHs, and a range of organochlorine pesticides (HCB, DDTs, and DDEs). PCBs and PAHs were highest at the center of the transect (Denmark) and lowest in northern Norway. HCB was relatively uniformly distributed, reflecting its persistence and high degree of mixing in air. Higher DDE and DDT levels occurred in Eastern Europe and at several sites in Central Europe. PBDE levels were generally similar at all sites, but lower for some locations in Eastern Europe and Ireland. Emissions information for PCBs, HCB, and PBDEs was used as input for a multi-media chemical fate model, to generate predicted air concentrations and compare with these measured values. Different scenarios were highlighted by this exercise: (i) country and compound combinations where the national inventory gave predicted air concentrations in close agreement with those measured (e.g., PCBs in the UK); (ii) country and compound combinations where predicted concentrations were well below those measured, but where advection of emissions from elsewhere is likely to be important (e.g., PCBs in Norway); (iii) consistent underestimation of compound concentrations by the emissions modeling (i.e., HCB); and (iv) general overestimation of ambient concentrations (i.e., PBDEs). Air mass trajectory analysis showed the likely role of long-range atmospheric transport (LRAT) on national levels. In general, advection from the south and west of Europe appeared to contribute to ambient POPs levels for countries in the center and northeast of the transect. Guidelines are presented as to how countries that want to assess their POPs source inventories can do so with this relatively cheap initial screening approach.  相似文献   

Wet deposition of persistent organic pollutants to the global oceans   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wet deposition fluxes of polychlorinated biphenyls and polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans to the Atlantic Ocean have been estimated by combining meteorological satellite data and measured atmospheric field concentrations. They are then compared to other atmospheric depositional mechanisms on a global scale. Additional features not treated in traditional studies are addressed such as contaminant adsorption onto raindrops and enhancement of dry gaseous diffusive fluxes due to rain-induced turbulence. Wet deposition estimates show a high spatial and seasonal variability, with maxima located in the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) and in low-temperature regions. Seasonal variability reflects the northward shift of ITCZ in July. Average wet deposition fluxes estimated for the Atlantic Ocean in this study are 110 and 45 ng m(-2) yr(-1) for sigmaPCB and sigmaPCDD/Fs, respectively. Furthermore, the total wet deposition to the Atlantic results in 4100 kg yr(-1) (sigmaPCB) and 2500 kg yr(-1) (sigmaPCDD/Fs). Model validation shows good agreement with available coastal data measurements of wet deposition fluxes. When compared to other atmospheric depositional mechanisms and during precipitation events, wet deposition is found to be dominant. However, when raining events and non-raining time periods are integrated, air-water diffusive exchange fluxes acquire an important role, which can be dominant in some regions and for some POPs.  相似文献   

A mathematical model describing the bark/air partitioning of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) was established taking into consideration the accumulation processes of POPs from air into bark and compound-, species-, and site-specific air-to-bark accumulation factors. It allows the assessment of the concentrations of atmospheric POPs based on those recorded in tree bark. The spatial distribution of atmospheric POPs including 18 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (Sigma18PAHs), 5 organic chlorinated pesticides (Sigma5OCPs), 10 polychlorinated biphenyls (Sigma10PCBs), and 17 brominated flame retardants (Sigma17BFRs) were investigated by analyzing 163 bark samples from 68 sites across mainland China. The atmospheric POPs were estimated to be 4.1-399 ng/m3 air, and 11.3-553, 4.5-130, and 0.9-624 pg/m3 air with geometric means of 71 ng/m3 air, and 99,26, and 25 pg/m3 airfor Sigma18PAHs, Sigma5OCPs, Sigma10PCBs, and Sigma17BFRs, respectively, based on those recorded in the tree barks of 5.1-1770, 0.05-12.9, 0.21-21.6, and 0.02-48.3 ng/g bark on dry weight basis, with geometric means of 295, 1.47, 3.12, and 2.79 ng/g bark. These results generally indicated that contamination by atmospheric POPs is more serious in eastern and mid China than that in western China.  相似文献   

Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) are long-term residents and apex predators in southeast U.S. estuaries and are vulnerable to bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). Dart biopsy samples were collected from 45 dolphins in Biscayne Bay (Miami, FL), 34 of which were matched using fin markings to a photo identification catalogue. Blubber samples were analyzed for 73 polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners, six polybrominated diphenyl ether (PBDE) congeners, and organochlorine pesticides including dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) and metabolites, chlordanes, and dieldrin. Total PCBs (sigma 73PCBs) were present in the highest concentrations and were 5 times higher in males with sighting histories in the northern, metropolitan area of Biscayne Bay than males with sighting histories in the southern, more rural area [geometric mean: 43.3 (95% confidence interval: 28.0-66.9) vs 8.6 (6.3-11.9) microg/g wet mass, respectively]. All compound classes had higher concentrations in northern animals than southern. The differences in POP concentrations found on this small geographic scale demonstrate that differential habitat use can strongly influence pollutant concentrations and should be considered when interpreting bottlenose dolphin POP data. The PCB concentrations in northern Bay dolphins are high as compared to other studies of estuarine dolphins and may place these animals at risk of reproductive failure and decreased immune function.  相似文献   

Atmospheric deposition to the oceans is a key process affecting the global dynamics and sinks of persistent organic pollutants (POPs). A new methodology that combines aerosol remote sensing measurements with measured POP aerosol-phase concentrations is presented to derive dry particulate depositional fluxes of POPs to the oceans. These fluxes are compared with those due to diffusive air-water exchange. For all polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners and lower chlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans (PCDD/Fs), air-water exchange dominates the dry deposition mechanism. However, this tendency reverses in some areas, such as in marine aerosol influenced areas and dust outflow regions, consistent with the important variability encountered for the depositional fluxes. Seasonal variability is mainly found in mid-high latitudes, due to the important influence of wind speed enhancing dry deposition fluxes and temperature as a driver of the gas-particle partitioning of POPs. The average dry aerosol deposition flux of sigmaPCBs and sigmaPCDD/Fs to the Atlantic Ocean is calculated to be in the order of 66 ng m(-2) yr(-1) and 9 ng m(-2)yr(-1) respectively. The total dry aerosol deposition of sigmaPCBs and sigmaPCDD/Fs to the Atlantic Ocean is estimated to be 2200 kg yr(-1) and 500 kg yr(-1), respectively, while the net air-water exchange is higher, 22000 kg sigmaPCBs yr(-1) for PCBs and 1300 kg sigmaPCDD/Fs yr(-1). Furthermore, it is suggested that marine aerosol plays an important role in scavenging atmospheric contaminants.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities have increased the amount of mercury (Hg) transported atmospherically to the Arctic. At the same time, recent climate warming is altering the limnology of arctic lakes and ponds, including increases in aquatic primary production. It has been hypothesized that climate-driven increases in aquatic production have enhanced Hg scavenging from the water column, and that this mechanism may account for much of the recent rise in lake sediment Hg. Here, we test the relationship between climate, algal production, and sediment Hg using a well-dated and multiproxy lake sediment record spanning the Holocene from Lake CF3 (Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada). During the early Holocene, peak (summer) insolation drove July air temperatures higher than present, and resulted in increased autochthonous primary production as recorded by total organic matter, spectrally inferred Chl-a, diatom abundance, and carbon stable isotopic signatures. However, there are no relationships between any of these proxies and sediment Hg concentrations during this interval. Given that the behavior of preindustrial Hg was relatively stable during past intervals of naturally mediated high production, we surmise that postindustrial increases in Hg accumulation within CF3 reflect a multiplicative effect of atmospheric deposition of anthropogenic Hg and increased sedimentation rates.  相似文献   

Fifty-eight European eel (Anquilla anquilla) specimens collected from five Latvian lakes were investigated for six groups of persistent organic pollutants (POPs), including polychlorinated, polybrominated and mixed bromo-chloro dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/DFs, PBDD/DFs and PXDD/DFs), polychlorinated and mixed bromo-chloro biphenyls (PCBs and PXBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs). PCDD/DFs and PCBs were found to occur in the range 0.85–15.8 pg Total-WHO2005-TEQ g?1 f.w., and concentrations in most of the samples were below the maximum levels specified in European Commission Regulation (EU) No. 1259/2011. The summed concentrations of 27 PBDEs (∑PBDE) and 16 non-dioxin-like PCBs (∑NDL-PCB) were in the ranges of 0.28–26.7 and 6.37–320 ng g?1 f.w., respectively. PBDD/DFs, PXDD/DFs and PXBs show average upper-bound concentrations of 0.05, 0.06 and 0.01 pg TEQ f.w. and collectively contributed 3.4% to the sum TEQ of dioxin-like compounds. The highest contaminant concentrations were measured in samples from lakes near the Baltic Sea and the industrialised area near Riga (Liepajas and Kisezers lakes). A correlation of POP concentration with the length of collected specimens was observed.  相似文献   

The relationships between climate variability, feeding conditions, and the annual accumulation of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis (p-chlorophenyl) ethylene (p,p'-DDE) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) in eggs (n = 168) of tawny owls (Strix aluco) were assessed over a 24-year period (1986-2009) in Central Norway. Winter climate variables included the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and snow conditions, whereas feeding conditions were assessed using vole abundance. The concentrations of all compounds declined between 79% (p,p'-DDE) and 86% (PBDE) over the time period. For PCB and p,p'-DDE, the accumulation was positively associated with snow depth, and negatively associated with NAO (i.e., high accumulation in cold and dry winters) when vole abundance was low, suggesting trade-offs between winter severity and feeding conditions. That is, females mobilize more body fat reserves in cold winters when feeding conditions are poor, which results in increased circulating contaminant concentrations and maternal transfer to the eggs. Owls may also have been forced to feed on prey with higher contaminant loads due to restricted prey availability. For the recently banned PBDEs, the accumulation was high when NAO was low, while snow depth was positively associated with PBDE accumulation only when feeding conditions were good. This suggests somewhat different dynamics of PBDE in the environment or in the owls, compared to PCB and p,p'-DDE. However, climate and feeding conditions explained as much of the annual variation in concentrations of all POPs, as the overall decreasing trend over the 24 years. Hence, such factors should be considered in monitoring programs for POPs. Moreover, to better understand the mechanisms of climate effects on POP accumulation, future studies should measure pollutants in different components of the food chain.  相似文献   

An arctic snow model was developed to predict the exchange of vapor-phase persistent organic pollutants between the atmosphere and the snowpack over a winter season. Using modeled meteorological data simulating conditions in the Canadian High Arctic, a single-layer snowpack was created on the basis of the precipitation rate, with the snow depth, snow specific surface area, density, and total surface area (TSA) evolving throughout the annual time series. TSA, an important parameter affecting the vapor-sorbed quantity of chemicals in snow, was within a factor of 5 of measured values. Net fluxes for fluorene, phenanthrene, PCB-28 and -52, and alpha- and gamma-HCH (hexachlorocyclohexane) were predicted on the basis of their wet deposition (snowfall) and vapor exchange between the snow and atmosphere. Chemical fluxes were found to be highly dynamic, whereby deposition was rapidly offset by evaporative loss due to snow settling (i.e., changes in TSA). Differences in chemical behavior over the course of the season (i.e., fluxes, snow concentrations) were largely dependent on the snow/air partition coefficients (K(sa)). Chemicals with relatively higher K(sa) values such as alpha- and gamma-HCH were efficiently retained within the snowpack until later in the season compared to fluorene, phenathrene, and PCB-28 and -52. Average snow and air concentrations predicted by the model were within a factor of 5-10 of values measured from arctic field studies, but tended to be overpredicted for those chemicals with higher K(sa) values (i.e., HCHs). Sensitivity analysis revealed that snow concentrations were more strongly influenced by K(sa) than either inclusion of wind ventilation of the snowpack or other changes in physical parameters. Importantly, the model highlighted the relevance of the arctic snowpack in influencing atmospheric concentrations. For the HCHs, evaporative fluxes from snow were more pronounced in April and May, toward the end of the winter, providing evidence that the snowpack plays an important role in influencing the seasonal increase in air concentrations for these compounds at this time of year.  相似文献   

Pacific sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) can travel several hundred kilometers to reach native spawning grounds and fulfill semelparous reproduction. The dramatic changes in lipid reserves during upstream migration can greatly affect internal toxicokinetics of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as PCBs, PCDDs, and PCDFs. We measured lipid content changes and contaminant concentrations in tissues (liver, muscle, roe/gonads) and biomarker responses (ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase or EROD activity and CYP1A levels) in two Pacific sockeye salmon stocks sampled at several locations along their spawning migration in the Fraser River, British Columbia. Muscle lipid contents declined significantly with increasing upstream migration distance and corresponded to elevated lipid normalized concentrations of PCBs and PCDD/Fs in spawning sockeye. Post-migration magnification factors (MFs) in spawning sockeye ranged between 3 and 12 and were comparable to model-predicted MFs. sigmaPCBs(150-500 ng x g(-1) lipid), sigmaPCDD/Fs (1-1000 pg x g(-1) lipid) and 2,3,7,8-TCDD toxic equivalent or TEQ levels (0.1-15 pg x g(-1) lipid) in spawning sockeye were relatively low and did not affect hepatic EROD activity/CYP1A induction. Despite a 3-fold magnification, TEQ levels in eggs of spawning Fraser River sockeye did not exceed 0.3 pg x g(-1) wet wt, a threshold level associated with 30% egg mortality in salmonids. PCBs in Fraser River sockeye are comparable to previous levels in Pacific sockeye. In contrast to Pacific sockeye from more remote coastal locations, PCDDs and PCDFs in Fraser River sockeye were generally minor components (<25%) of TEQ levels, compared to dioxin like PCB contributions (>75%). The data suggest that (i) the Fraser River is not a major contamination source of PCBs or PCDD/Fs and (ii) marine contaminant distribution, food-chain dynamics, and ocean-migration pathway are likely important factors controlling levels and patterns of POPs in returning Pacific sockeye. We estimate an annual chemical flux entering the Fraser River of up to 150 g for sigmaPCBs and 40 mg for sigmaPCDD/ Fs via returning sockeye. The results indicate that historical concentrations of PCBs and PCDD/Fs remain a potential threat to organism and ecosystem health on the west coast of Canada.  相似文献   

This paper focuses upon the use of semipermeable membranes (SPM) as a clean-up method for the determination of 4,4′-DDD, 4,4′-DDE, 4,4′-DDT, Aldrin, Dieldrin, Isodrin, Lindane (γ -HCH), 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene (1,2,4-TCB), 1,2,3-trichlorobenzene (1,2,3-TCB), 1,2,3,4-tetrachlorobenzene (1,2,3,4-TCB), 1,2,4,5-tetrachlorobenzene (1,2,4,5-TCB), Pentachlorobenzene (PeCBz), Hexachlorobenzene (HCB), and Hexachlorobutadiene (HCBD) in high fat food samples. Pork fat, beef fat, butter, egg yolks and chocolate were all used as high fat food samples. The procedure consists of three steps: the first is dialysis in an SPM tube, using n-hexane as an external solvent. The second step is a clean-up procedure using a silica gel column, and the third step is GC/ECD analysis. This experiment shows that recovery values obtained for individual compounds were in the range of 55–100%. The conclusion drawn is that the SPM technique is an efficient method of preparation of high fat food samples for the determination of POPs by GC/ECD methods.  相似文献   

Understanding the mechanism and thermodynamics of the adsorption of chemicals on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) is important to risk assessment and pollution control of both CNTs and chemicals. We computed the adsorption of cyclohexane, benzene derivatives, and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) on (8,0) single-walled carbon nanotubes by the M05-2X of density functional theory. The computed adsorption energies (E(a)) in the aqueous phase are lower than those in the gaseous phase, indicating that the adsorption in the aqueous phase is more favorable. The contribution of π-π interactions and the enhancing effect of a -NO(2) substituent on the adsorption were quantified. For a hypothetical aromatic with the same hydrophobicity (logK(OW)) to cyclohexane, π-π interactions contribute ca. 24% of the total interactions as indicated by E(a). -NO(2) enhances the π-π interactions due to its electron withdrawing effects, and contributes 24% to the value of E(a). Simple linear regression showed the computed Gibbs free energy changes for the adsorption correlate significantly with the experimental values (r = 0.97, p < 0.01). The correlation together with the computed thermodynamic parameters may be employed to predict the adsorption affinity of other chemicals. The study may pave a new way for evaluating/predicting the adsorption affinity of organic compounds on SWNTs and probing the adsorption mechanisms.  相似文献   

We analyzed the detection frequencies and concentrations for 331 organic compounds measured between 1994 and 2004 in the four largest rivers of north Germany, the Elbe, Weser, Aller, and Ems Rivers, and we assessed the potential risk for aquatic fauna using experimental and predicted acute toxicity data for the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata, the crustacean Daphnia magna, and the fish Pimephales promelas. The detection frequency for most compounds decreased significantly from 1994 to 2004. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were most frequently detected, while pesticides were the most important chemical group concerning toxicity for the standard test organisms. The predicted toxicity for D. magna was significantly higher than for the other organisms and reached levels envisaging acute toxic effects on the invertebrate fauna, still in 2004. Most of the compounds responsible for potential acute effects on aquatic organisms are currently not considered as priority substances in the European Union, while only 2 of 25 priority substances that have been measured occurred at levels that may be relevant in terms of toxicity for the selected test organisms. We conclude that attenuation of pesticides and other organic toxicants should play an increased role in river basin management.  相似文献   

There is extensive literature documenting the bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants in the marine environment, but relatively little data are available on contamination pathways in aquaculture systems such as that for farmed salmon. In recent years,the salmon industry has grown significantly in Europe. This study reports on the determination of a wide range of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), organochlorine pesticides, and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in farmed and wild European Atlantic salmon fish, aquaculture feeds, and fish oils used to supplement the feeds. The study confirms previous reports of relatively high concentrations of PCBs and indicates moderate concentrations of organochlorine pesticides and PBDEs in farmed Scottish and European salmon. Concentrations of the selected persistent organic pollutants varied among the samples: PCBs (salmon, 145-460 ng/g lipid; salmon feeds, 76-1153 ng/g lipid; fish oils, 9-253 ng/g lipid), S DDTs (salmon, 5-250 ng/g lipid; salmon feeds, 34-52 ng/g lipid; fish oils, 11-218 ng/g lipid), and PBDEs (salmon, 1-85 ng/g lipid: salmon feeds, 8-24 ng/g lipid; fish oils, ND-13 ng/g lipid). Comparison of the samples for all groups of contaminants, except for HCHs, showed an increase in concentration in the order fish oil < feed < salmon. Homologue profiles were similar, with an increase in contribution of hepta- and octa-PCBs in the fish, and profiles of DDTs were similar in all three types of samples. With a constant contribution to the total PCB content, the ICES 7 PCBs appear to be reliable predictors of the PCB contamination profile through all the samples. For PBDEs, BDE 47 dominated the profiles, with no significant difference in the PBDE profiles for the three matrixes. Samples with higher PCB contents generally showed higher levels of the pesticide residues, but this was not the case with the PBDEs, indicating the existence of different pollution sources.  相似文献   

Cytochrome p450 1A (CYP1A) gene expression in fish liver increases upon exposure to a variety of chemical compounds, including organochlorine compounds (OCs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). To use this physiological response as a marker of environmental impact, we developed and validated a set of primers to quantify CYP1A expression by qRT-PCR in the brown trout, Salmo trutta. These primers were used to explore the natural variability of CYP1A expression in 8 isolated populations (65 samples) from European remote lakes, in a geographical distribution encompassing the Tyrolean Alps, Pyrenees, Rila, Tatras, and Norwegian and Scottish mountains. CYP1A expression values varied more than 2 orders of magnitude among samples, with strong variations within each population. CYP1A expression values were significantly elevated in Tatras and Pyrenees fish populations, whereas the lowest median values were found in populations from the Tyrolean Alps and Rila. These values correlated with the content of different environmentally relevant pollutants in the sediments of the lakes harboring each fish population, particularly with HCB and 4,4'-DDE contents. To our knowledge, this works represents a first report of a physiological response linked to persistent organic pollutants in fish from mountain lakes.  相似文献   

有机颜料不同于染料,是以分散状态于使用介质中着色,稳定分散体系中的颜料粒径大小和分布直接影响着色效果.在颜料合成反应阶段、在介质中的分散过程以及根据不同应用要求对颜料表面改性处理都要使用不同种类的助剂,就其主要功能而言,绝大部分涉及润湿和分散作用.就润湿、分散机理对有机颜料用助剂提出具体要求,并提出性能优良的品种供有机颜料企业选用和助剂企业产品开发作参考.对于现用有机颜料助剂的生态安全性作出评估,必须远离、禁用有问题的助剂,从而避免影响下游行业.  相似文献   

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