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Digital technologies, such as online healthcare portals, enable elderly people to live independently at home for a longer period of time. Independent living, in this context, refers to the freedom elderly people have to live their lives in ways that they find important. Borrowing from the capability approach (CA) framework from Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen, the core argument of this paper is that elderly people make decisions on whether to use digital healthcare technologies by considering how these technologies enhance their capabilities to live their lives in ways that are valuable to them. This paper develops a theoretical model of adoption of digital healthcare technologies that support independent living applying the CA framework. We follow a mixed-methods approach with a sequence of qualitative, quantitative, and qualitative methods. We find support for our theoretical model, specifically that the intention to use online healthcare portals depends on whether elderly people expect to enhance their capabilities for living independently by using them. Our study contributes to the information systems literature on adoption of digital healthcare technologies as it is the first that applies the capability approach. For adoption studies on digital technologies in healthcare and beyond, our study poses two major theoretical implications: (1) when considering how outcome expectations affect adoption, scholars should consider how digital technologies allow people to live their lives in ways that are valuable to them, rather than considering how technologies help to execute predefined tasks, jobs, or activities; (2) the availability of digital technologies should be considered as a mediator between outcome expectations and intention to use technologies.  相似文献   

Almost every aspect of our lives has been affected by new pharmaceuticals, new surgical techniques, new imaging techniques, and new understandings of disease. The story of the transformation of our view of our inside selves, and its consequences, is well known to the general public. What is perhaps less well known is the role of electrical engineering in this unprecedented revolution, and the authors reveal some of this “inside story”. As in almost every field of human technological endeavor, the application of electrical engineering to medicine in the twentieth century was profoundly affected by the development of electronics, its stepchild the computer, and related mathematical advances. Biomedical engineers have been involved in the invention of instrumentation, the development of sensory aids, prostheses, and other therapeutic devices, and the applications of physics and systems theory to physiological systems, including the use of mathematical models. There are three areas of biomedical engineering, however, that uniquely involve the transmission and/or reception of electromagnetic radiation into or out of the human body itself in order to diagnose and/or treat illness-pure “electromagnetic engineering”. It is on these areas, therefore, that the authors focus in telling the story of the “bioelectrical century”. We refer to electrophysiology, electrotherapy, and imaging  相似文献   

Arguably, the defining technology of the late 20th century was information technology. In this new century, it will continue to increasingly pervade every aspect of our lives from the way we earn our livelihoods to the way we, ourselves, access information, even choose to entertain and inform ourselves, and live our lives. For this reason, it can be particularly informative to look at the key trends in information technology and consider some of the technologies that are and will be disruptive.  相似文献   

Acknowledging the sea change that has occurred in the USA following 9/11, we have to be cognizant of the fact that, as a result, our lives will most certainly change. How will our companies deal with the unexpected impact of this tragedy? And how are individuals in the companies managing the change that is inevitable in light of the present economic and political circumstances? What do individuals have to do in order to promote greater productivity within a company? We can no longer be complacent in our jobs or in our lives as a whole if we are going to continue to be the great nation that we are. We have to take responsibility and be proactive in our jobs. And this takes courage. We have to come to grips with habits and thinking that keep us bound to the past. We have to see that our fellow workers are properly trained; we have to take responsibility for that training, whether we give it or receive it. We have to be open to suggestions and take responsibility for making suggestions as well as implementing them.  相似文献   

Interactivity = Reflective Expressiveness   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
All types of media influence our opinions, feelings, and mood. We consume it because it reinforces our behavior and we identify with roles and values in it. It educates, informs, and entertains us through both escapism and emotional release. In short, it shapes our lives. The technology that today lets us interact with nearly everyone about any topic fosters the broadcasting approach and drives our interactive behavior to a point of arbitrariness, where every media is appropriate for every kind of knowledge transfer. If that is so, can we get back to a place where users can make educated decisions about the appropriate use of media for communication? Or are the current tools sufficient? Are we happy to communicate with others through technology because it lets us hide behind it? We've assembled some ideas on the relationship between interactivity and media technology and drawn a few conclusions  相似文献   

论文从社会工程学威胁非传统信息安全的方式和危害㈦出发,讨论非传统信息安全的社会工程学攻击的概念,并从网络犯罪侦查角度对社会工程学攻击进行了深入的剖析。作为从事网络对抗技术的侦查人员,要想成功打击与遏制计算机网络犯罪,除了积极引导政府、公司和个人等采取防范措施以降低和免受社会工程学攻击所带来的安全威胁外,尚须懂得主流社会工程学攻击的方法或手段,只有充分掌握网络对抗技术中社会工程学攻击的防范措施和侦查取证策略,做到知己知彼方能有效遏制和打击计算机网络犯罪,保障计算机网络和谐健康持续发展。  相似文献   

For the ABM     
Brennan  Donald 《Spectrum, IEEE》1969,6(8):46-50
Like Rathjens, Brennan is for negotiating with the Russians. Beyond that, their disagreements are basic. Brennan thinks that the Safeguard system, which he is in favor of seeing deployed, is insufficiently substantial. He favors the deployment of considerably more massive defensive systems that, unlike Safeguard, would be designed to save lives instead of the retaliatory missiles that hold other human lives as hostages for our own. He thinks that both we and the Russians should deploy such massive, life-saving systems in preference to any further escalation of offensive forces by either side. It is in our common interest, he stresses, to limit damage on both sides should war occur?and war, he emphasizes, can indeed happen; we've just been lucky so far. Brennan thinks that ABM is a protective umbrella that we can well afford, and that the choice to be made in allocating our resources is not between defensive missile systems and other national priorities, but between such systems and offensive ones?a proposition he thinks the Russians would agree to, to judge from their historic preoccupation with defense over offense. His truly novel assertion, however, is that appropriate defensive systems might also provide the political-psychological umbrella under which the people of both nations could feel reasonably secure while negotiated reductions in offensive force levels were taking place.  相似文献   

Recent years have seen increased attention to the examination of the genres that people use in professional communication. C. Berkenkotter and T.N. Huckin's book “Genre Knowledge in Disciplinary Communication” (1995) is an important contribution to this discussion. Their view of genre has important implications for the teaching of professional writing. Their view gives us an insight into the ways in which people both acquire and use genre knowledge as they participate in the knowledge-producing activities of their field or profession. It shows us how important the process of genre acquisition is in the learning of disciplinary genre knowledge. Linguistic knowledge is necessary for effective communication, but it is not sufficient for writers to achieve their goals. Just as important, writers need to understand the underlying views, assumptions and aims of a field. They need control of the rhetoric through which they are expressed. They also need to understand the history, knowledge and expectations of their particular area, and to locate their writing clearly within the context of this work. The notion of genre can provide students with the tools for both recognizing and adapting to the changing genre landscapes that their professional lives will travel across. While we cannot hope to predict all of our students' possible future genre needs, we can help them ask questions of texts, of contexts, and of themselves, so they can produce and understand the kinds of texts which they need to control in their professional lives  相似文献   

随着通信计算机技术的飞速发展,手机已经不仅仅满足人们通信需求,其丰富的功能及应用已经遍及我们生活的方方面面,如看书、购物、娱乐等等。为用户提供方便的固件升级工具已成为满足用户手机个性化的需求必不可少的一部分。本文针对高通6240/6270芯片平台,对固件升级的技术原理进行了分析和研究,设计实现多路升级,通过实际应用验证了设计的正确性,具有较高的使用价值。  相似文献   

在线社会网络是一个由亿万级用户及联接关系构成的大规模集合,其中以新浪微博为典型代表,目前已经成为人们日常交流的重要方式.如何在新浪微博中分析其用户的特征和网络拓扑结构成为研究在线社会网络的基础,本文设计一个网络爬虫系统,通过新浪微博开放平台提供的应用程序编辑接口(API)采集数据,实验证明,该方法切实可行.  相似文献   

The author argues that the major reason why Robert Pirsig's `Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance', first published in 1974, continues to attract so much interest lies in the way Pirsig challenges our values. Pirsig shows that we have lost our understanding of quality, and he explores how we can restore a sense of quality to our lives. The author suggests that technical communication could benefit from Pirsig's idea  相似文献   

Individually, we may be concerned about a smal portion of the reliability program, Such as probability of success, or economic considerations, or systems effectiveness, or one of the many other reliablility factors, when we should be looking at the whole picture. Reliability is not something that you buy by the piece or pound erdezem and just attach to the equipment, it is something that is inherent in the disian. This places a great responsibility on the design engineer. He must know the safety factor of each and every part, how they can fail, and how to compensate for all the variables. There is no part answer to ``how much reliability;' it involves many trade-offs, and the final decision will be made as a result of these trade-offs. When figuring ``how much reliability,' we must consider the routin engineering practices, then add how much it would cost using good reliability practices. Afte this is determined, one must assign a useful Iife span to the equipment, determine the cost of maintenance, the cost of owning the equipment, and the cost of idle equipment. From this informtion, good decisions can be made. There is no quick ans wer to ``how much reliability,' but it can easly be evalupted and the determination, made.  相似文献   

在现在的信息社会下,人与人之间的沟通距离正逐渐被拉近,同时随着我国经济的不断发展,人们对于通信的要求也越来越多.近些年来,我国的视频和数据业务量都在大幅增长,人们的日常生活和工作都需要进行信息处理和传递,因此,现在我国通信工程的研究核心就是如何能够满足人们的通信需求,保障人们的通信质量.本文详细的介绍了传输技术在通信工程中的功能和作用,并对其未来的发展方向进行了详细的说明,最终能够为人们提供更高质量的通信服务.  相似文献   

Today we find ourselves in a digital world, where most information is created, captured, transmitted, stored, and processed in digital form. Digital information permeates every aspect of our daily lives. Although representing information in digital form has many compelling technical and economic advantages, it has led to new issues and significant challenges when performing forensics analysis of digital evidence.  相似文献   

胡丽香 《电子测试》2021,(2):103-104
随着信息网络时代的到来,奏响了科技革命和产业变革的时代强音,但同时信息安全的控制也是我们尤其关注的一部分。作为第二大产业的工业,信息安全更显得尤为重要。之前,一些控制系统的专业的技术封闭系统,已经可以避免一些信息丢失和免受网络攻击,因此,在工业控制和信息领域被广泛应用。科技的进步给人们的生活更加快捷便利,带来了更加偏向自动化、数字化、网络化发展的系统,让人们生活的更加轻松快意,但信息安全对我们飞速发展的更加科学有效的工业化系统带来了挑战,这一新形势对工业信息安全控制提出了更高的要求。  相似文献   

疲劳驾驶已成为社会的一个绝症"毒瘤",严重威胁人们的生命和财产安全。以驾驶员为研究对象,结合交通心理学、车辆人机工程学相关理念,利用驾驶员听觉、触觉、嗅觉,设计一套三位一体多感官协同的预警方案。方案从微观出发,注重本体感受,结构简单、便捷,并充分利用车上的设备,经济性好,适合市场的推广。  相似文献   

"Your Internet Connection" we provided wealth of information on different protection tools. Although these tools are indeed necessary for anyone brave enough to surf the Internet today, there is no substitute for sound judgement. "Your Internet Connection" describing Internet security resources, the Anti-Phishing Working Group's (APWG) and the Phishing Incident Reporting and Termination squad (http://wiki.castlecops.com/PIRT) were listed among other important security resources.Many criminals generating their garbage from the "sewers of the Internet" employ so called "social engineering" techniques. Just to make sure we are on the same page, here is the definition for the term "social engineering" from SearchSecurity.com: "In computer security, social engineering is a term that describes a non-technical kind of intrusion that relies heavily on human interaction and often involves tricking other people to break normal security procedures.  相似文献   

Within a short period, the Internet and World Wide Web have become ubiquitous, surpassing all other technological developments in our history. They've also grown rapidly in their scope and extent of use, significantly affecting all aspects of our lives. Industries such as manufacturing, travel and hospitality, banking, education, and government are Web-enabled to improve and enhance their operations. E-commerce has expanded quickly, cutting across national boundaries. Even traditional legacy information and database systems have migrated to the Web. Advances in wireless technologies and Web-enabled appliances are triggering a new wave of mobile Web applications. As a result, we increasingly depend on a range of Web applications. Now that many of us rely on Web based systems and applications, they need to be reliable and perform well. To build these systems and applications, Web developers need a sound methodology, a disciplined and repeatable process, better development tools, and a set of good guidelines. The emerging field of Web engineering fulfils these needs. It uses scientific, engineering, and management principles and systematic approaches to successfully develop, deploy, and maintain high-quality Web systems and applications. It aims to bring the current chaos in Web based system development under control, minimize risks, and enhance Web site maintainability and quality  相似文献   

《Spectrum, IEEE》2002,39(9):15-16
Consumers are offered technology for the sake of technology instead of real services. Do people really want broadband Internet access in their homes? It has been five years since household broadband Internet connections first became available. Yet only 4 percent of US homes with Internet-capable PCs have a broadband connection. In Europe, the figure is a paltry 4 percent. Why would not everyone want broadband? It delivers bits at blinding speeds and it will improve our lives in countless ways. We know that because the "techies" have told us so. And that is the problem. Most people do not care about bits per second, packet switching, and latency. They care about how the technology is going to specifically affect their lives-for the better, hopefully. It is the techies who love technology for its own sake, and they are still running the telecommunications industry, as they have for the past 120 years.  相似文献   

Based on Weiser’s notion of ubicomp this paper examines the idea of ubiquitous social expectations. It examines this in the context of networked mediation technologies. A central function of these technologies is to allow people to perpetually be in contact with one another. As these technologies gain a critical mass in society we increasingly expect them of one another. Thus, these mediation artifacts are not simple devices that facilitate our individual lives, they are the basis of reciprocal expectations. As this process continues, we increasingly do not have the option of opting out, rather we are, to one degree or another compelled to have them.  相似文献   

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