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This technical note presents numerical results to predict the corrosion initiation time of reinforced concrete bridge decks using measured surface chloride accumulation. Based on actual core measurements, the surface chloride, which is mainly derived from the deicing salts used during winter maintenance operations, is assumed to increase linearly over a period of time and then remains constant afterward. The chloride ions penetrate the concrete by diffusion and corrosion is initiated when the concentration of the ions around the reinforcement steel reaches a critical value needed to break the passive film surrounding the steel. The corrosion initiation time is computed for different values of the diffusion coefficient and the concrete cover. Such results are useful for scheduling bridge deck maintenance and rehabilitation programs.  相似文献   

During freezing temperatures, ice accumulates on exposed concrete slabs such as bridge decks. Deicing salts such as calcium chloride are applied to control this ice formation. These salts migrate down to the reinforcing steel, and they can break down the passivation layer on steel, causing it to corrode. This paper is part of a broader research study to explore the possibility of opening the bridge decks earlier than the 10–12 days as practiced now, by decreasing the number of wet-mat curing days. Seven concrete mixtures typically used in Texas bridge decks were evaluated for chloride permeability using the ponding test (AASHTO T259). The primary experimental variables were the curing duration, type and percentage of supplemental cementitious materials, type of coarse aggregate, duration of ponding, and the surface preparation of ponded concrete specimens. Results of the investigation indicated that curing duration may be decreased for some concrete mixtures as no apparent improvement was shown after a specific curing duration, which ranged from 2 to 8 days depending on the mix.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a project-level decision support tool for ranking maintenance scenarios for concrete bridge decks deteriorated as a result of chloride-induced corrosion. The approach is based on a mechanistic deterioration model and a probabilistic life-cycle cost analysis. The analysis includes agency and user costs of alternative maintenance scenarios and considers uncertainties in the agency cost and the corrosion rate in the deterioration model. The tool presented in this paper can be used to find the optimal condition index of a given bridge deck that minimizes life-cycle cost. Based on the results obtained on three existing bridge decks, it is shown that the total life-cycle cost (user cost plus agency cost) is a nonlinear function of the maximum tolerable condition of the deck, Sm, and that for a practical range of Sm, the relationship between total life-cycle cost and Sm is convex.  相似文献   

The present paper reports on the results from a series of full-scale experimental tests carried out on concrete-filled steel-grid bridge deck assemblies. The testing focused on assessing the fatigue performance and ultimate strength response of a full-depth-overfilled concrete-filled steel-grid deck configuration. The results from the experimental testing program described herein are compared with the predicted deck responses as per the current AASHTO provisions contained in the LRFD and 16th edition specifications.  相似文献   

The presence of cracks in bridge decks that are reinforced with epoxy-coated reinforcing (ECR) bars has raised some concerns among bridge and maintenance engineers in the state of Iowa. To study the effects of deck cracking on the performance of ECR bars, several concrete cores that contained reinforcing bars were collected from 80 bridges that are located in different counties throughout the state of Iowa. These samples were collected from cracked and uncracked areas of the bridge decks. Concrete powder samples were collected from these cores and were analyzed in the laboratory to determine the diffusion of the chloride in the bridge decks. This study revealed that no sign of corrosion was detected for the ECR rebars that were taken at the uncracked bridge deck locations. In addition, no delamination or spalling was observed for the bridge decks where bars in the core samples, which were taken at the cracked bridge deck locations, exhibited signs of corrosion. The collected ECR rebars samples were rated according to the degree of the corrosion that was observed on each bar. These ratings were used to develop condition/age relationships that were utilized to estimate the functional service life of bridge decks that are reinforced with ECR bars.  相似文献   

The major parameter controlling the effectiveness of penetrating sealants as a means of protecting concrete bridge deck surface is the depth of penetration. The factors affecting the depth of sealant penetration are identified both through a fundamental approach and with reference to the literature on penetrating sealants, concrete deterioration, durability, and permeability. Penetration properties and the use of silane and siloxane as concrete surface sealers are discussed. The effects of surface cleaning methods and the drying period are discussed. Penetrating sealants are effective if proper surface cleaning and application procedures are employed. However, moisture state within the first 6-mm depth controls the depth of sealant penetration. Thus, the factors that affect the drying period before sealant application are identified. Penetrating sealants selection procedure incorporating available test methods is outlined based on the knowledge gained through the fundamental studies of flow phenomenon and literature.  相似文献   

The use of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) reinforcement is a practical alternative to conventional steel bars in concrete bridge decks, safety appurtenances, and connections thereof, as it eliminates corrosion of the steel reinforcement. Due to their tailorability and light weight, FRP materials also lend themselves to the development of prefabricated systems that improve constructability and speed of installation. These advantages have been demonstrated in the construction of an off-system bridge, where prefabricated cages of glass FRP bars were used for the open-post railings. This paper presents the results of full-scale static tests on two candidate post–deck connections to assess compliance with strength criteria at the component (connection) level, as mandated by the AASHTO Standard Specifications, which were used to design the bridge. Strength and stiffness until failure are shown to be accurately predictable. Structural adequacy was then studied at the system (post-and-beam) level by numerically modeling the nonlinear response of the railing under equivalent static transverse load, pursuant to well-established structural analysis principles of FRP RC, and consistent with the AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications. As moment redistribution cannot be accounted for in the analysis and design of indeterminate FRP RC structures, a methodology that imposes equilibrium and compatibility conditions was implemented in lieu of yield line analysis. Transverse strength and failure modes are determined and discussed on the basis of specification mandated requirements.  相似文献   

Full-depth precast deck slab cantilevers also referred to as full-depth precast concrete bridge deck overhang panels are becoming increasingly popular in concrete bridge deck construction. To date, no simple theory is able to estimate the overhang capacity of full-depth concrete bridge deck slabs accurately. Observations suggest that interaction between flexure and shear is likely to occur as neither alone provides an accurate estimate of the load-carrying capacity. Therefore, modified yield line theory is presented in this paper, which accounts for the development length of the mild steel reinforcing to reach yield strength. Failure of the full-depth panels is influenced by the presence of the partial-depth transverse panel-to-panel seam. When applying a load on the edge of the seam, the loaded panel fails under flexure while the seam fails in shear. Through the use of the modified yield line theory coupled with a panel-to-panel shear interaction, analytical predictions are accurate within 1–6% of experimental results for critical cases.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental study to investigate the role of each layer of reinforcement on the behavior of concrete bridge deck slabs reinforced with fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars. Four full-scale concrete deck slabs of 3,000?mm length by 2,500?mm width and 200?mm depth were constructed and tested in the laboratory. One deck slab was reinforced with top and bottom mats of glass FRP bars. Two deck slabs had only a bottom reinforcement mat with different reinforcement ratios in the longitudinal direction, while the remaining deck slab was constructed with plain concrete without any reinforcement. The deck slabs were supported on two steel girders spaced at 2,000?mm center to center and were tested to failure under a central concentrated load. The three reinforced concrete slabs had very similar behavior and failed in punching shear mode at relatively high load levels, whereas the unreinforced slab behaved differently and failed at a very low load level. The experimental punching capacities of the reinforced slabs were compared to the theoretical predictions provided by ACI 318-05, ACI 440.1R-06, and a model proposed by the writers. The tests on the four deck slabs showed that the bottom transverse reinforcement layer has the major influence on the behavior and capacity of the tested slabs. In addition, the ACI 318-05 design method slightly overestimated the punching shear strength of the tested slabs. The ACI 440.1R-06 design method yielded very conservative predictions whereas the proposed method provided reasonable yet conservative predictions.  相似文献   

Since bridge deck slabs directly sustain repeated moving wheel loads, they are one of the most bridge elements susceptible to fatigue failure. Recently, glass fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites have been widely used as internal reinforcement for concrete bridge deck slabs as they are less expensive compared to the other kinds of FRPs (carbon and aramid). However, there is still a lack of information on the performance of FRP–reinforced concrete elements subjected to cyclic fatigue loading. This research is designed to investigate the fatigue behavior and fatigue life of concrete bridge deck slabs reinforced with glass FRP bars. A total of five full-scale deck slabs were constructed and tested under concentrated cyclic loading until failure. Different reinforcement types (steel and glass FRP), ratios, and configurations were used. Different schemes of cyclic loading (accelerated variable amplitude fatigue loading) were applied. Results are presented in terms of deflections, strains in concrete and FRP bars, and crack widths at different levels of cyclic loading. The results showed the superior fatigue performance and longer fatigue life of concrete bridge deck slabs reinforced with glass FRP composite bars.  相似文献   

Redecking operations executed on urban bridges that experience large traffic volumes frequently require carefully orchestrated construction sequences carried out during times of nonpeak traffic. In such a construction environment, only bridge deck options that exhibit a high degree of modularity in conjunction with ease of installation are considered as viable options for a given redecking operation. As a further requirement, the deck installation must also be expected to perform essentially trouble free, with minimal maintenance, for very long periods of time in extremely harsh environments. The present research investigates the behavior of two new deck splice details for use in bridge applications involving precast concrete-filled steel grid deck panels. The research is primarily experimental in nature and is carried out using full-scale deck panel specimens. However, in an effort to better understand the experimental results, 3D finite-element models of the deck specimens are also constructed and studied. This paper summarizes the results from this experimental and analytical program of study.  相似文献   

Many steel bridges built prior to 1960 have bridge deck connections that are subject to high cycle fatigue. These connections may be nearing their fatigue limit and will require increased inspection and repair over the next 10–20 years. The Winchester Bridge on Interstate 5 in Roseburg, Ore., required the extensive replacement of connection details because of fatigue crack growth. This report describes the results of a study to assess the loading conditions for the connection details on the Winchester Bridge. Finite-element modeling methods were used to characterize the structure, on both a global and local level. The global model provided the boundary conditions for the local model of the connection details. The local model included the effects of rivet preload and friction. Finite-element analysis results were validated by hand calculation. The analysis showed significant variation in connection detail stress range, depending on the detail’s longitudinal and lateral location.  相似文献   

The bridge deck expansion joint is an important element in the functioning of bridge structures. When joints fail to function properly, they can create problems out of proportion to their size. Selection of a good joint for use can create fewer bridge maintenance problems. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the performance of several types of joints currently in use on Indiana highway bridges. The types of joints investigated are compression seal, strip seal, integral abutment, poured silicone, and polymer modified asphalt. The research was accomplished through questionnaire surveys, analysis of Indiana Department of Transportation roadway management data, and expert interviews. The questionnaire survey identified the problems and their causes and the merits and potential improvements of each type of joint. The analysis of Indiana roadway management data ranked the performance of different types of joints based on the deterioration rates estimated by the regression coefficients. The expert interviews investigated the practices of Indiana and its surrounding states regarding the selection and maintenance of joints. Based on the research results, several suggestions were proposed to ensure the longer service life of expansion joints.  相似文献   

The design and construction of bridge systems with long-term durability and low maintenance requirements is a significant challenge for bridge engineers. One possible solution to this challenge could be through the use of new materials, e.g., fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites, with traditional materials that are arranged as an innovative hybrid structural system where the FRP serves as a load-carrying constituent and a protective cover for the concrete. This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation designed to evaluate the performance of a 3/4 scale hybrid FRP-concrete (HFRPC) bridge deck and composite connection under sustained and repeated (fatigue) loading. In addition, following the sustained-load and fatigue portions of the experimental study, destructive testing was performed to determine the first strength-based limit state of the hybrid deck. Results from the sustained-load and fatigue testing suggest that the HFRPC deck system might be a viable alternative to traditional cast-in-place reinforced concrete decks showing no global creep behavior and no degradation in stiffness or composite action between the deck and steel girders after 2 million cycles of dynamic loading with a peak load of 1.26 times the scaled tandem load (TL). Furthermore, the ultimate strength test showed that the deck failed prior to the global superstructure at a load approximately six times the scaled TL.  相似文献   

The MD 24 Bridge over Deer Creek in Harford County, Md., was one of the projects chosen by the Federal Highway Administration’s Innovative Bridge Research and Construction Program for bridge deck replacement by fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites. A thorough discussion is presented on Maryland State Highway Administration’s first bridge rehabilitation project utilizing a FRP deck. The discussion includes design details, installation procedure, construction methods and in situ load testing with a wireless monitoring system. The research team installed a monitoring system to record the effects of live loads on the bridge system, including truss members, steel stringers, and plate action of the FRP deck. Finite-element models were also used in this phase. Dynamic effects of the FRP system, composite action between steel stringers and the FRP deck as well as the effective width and distribution factors of stringers were obtained and compared with the AASHTO specifications. Recommendations are also offered on improving the design details based on this experience.  相似文献   

Strength Evaluation of Deteriorated RC Bridge Columns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Condition-rating methods followed by load rating calculations are used for evaluating existing bridges in the United States. Ratings are assessed visually based on engineering expertise and experience, and in some cases supplemented by nondestructive tests. Good understanding of the effects of deterioration on the structural performance leads to better inspection procedures, planning, and cost-effective rehabilitation methods. This paper presents a bridge pier column strength evaluation method that can be adapted into a currently used bridge condition evaluation method. This method uses damaged material properties, and accounts for amount of corrosion and exposed bar length for each reinforcement, concrete loss, bond failure, and type of stresses in the corroding reinforcement. The proposed evaluation method provides a good estimate of the condition and load-carrying capacity of bridge piers that currently cannot be obtained by normal visual surveys. In addition, the proposed evaluation approach will help reduce repair costs, avoid overconservative condition ratings, and result in a more uniform level of safety of concrete bridge substructure in the United States.  相似文献   

Glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) composite bridge decks behave differently than comparable reinforced concrete (RC) decks. GFRP decks exhibit reduced composite behavior (when designed to behave in a composite manner) and transverse distribution of forces. Both of these effects are shown to counteract the beneficial effects of a lighter deck structure and result in increased internal stresses in the supporting girders. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate through an illustrative example the implications of RC-to-GFRP deck replacement on superstructure stresses. It is also shown that, regardless of superstructure stresses, substructure forces will be uniformly reduced due to the lighter resulting superstructure.  相似文献   

No appropriate provisions from either AASHTO Standard (2002) or AASHTO LRFD (2004) bridge design specifications are available for the design of fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)-deck-on-steel-superstructure bridges. In this research, a parametric study using the finite-element method (FEM) is conducted to examine two design issues concerning the design of FRP-deck-on-steel-superstructure bridges, namely deck relative deflection and load distribution factor (LDF). Results show that the strip method specified in AASHTO LRFD specification as an approximate method of analysis, can also be applied to FRP decks as a practical method. However, different strip width equations have to be determined by either FEM or experimental methods for different types of FRP decks. In this study, one such equation has been derived for the Strongwell deck. In addition, both FEM results and experimental measurements show that the AASHTO LDF equations for glued laminated timber decks on steel stringers provide good estimations of LDF for FRP-deck-on-steel-superstructure bridges. Finally, it is found that the lever rule can be used as an appropriately conservative design method to predict the LDF of FRP-deck-on-steel-superstructure bridges.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of an evaluation of the fatigue performance of a novel steel-free fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP)–concrete modular bridge deck system consisting of wet layup FRP–concrete deck panels which serve as both formwork and flexural reinforcement for the steel-free concrete slab cast on top. A two-span continuous deck specimen was subjected to a total of 2.36 million cycles of load simulating an AASHTO HS20 design truck with impact at low and high magnitudes. Quasistatic load tests were conducted both before initiation of fatigue cycling and after predetermined numbers of cycles to evaluate the system response. No significant stiffness degradation was observed during the first 2 million cycles of fatigue service load. A level of degradation was observed during subsequent testing at higher magnitudes of fatigue load. A fairly elastic and stable response was obtained from the system under fatigue service load with little residual displacement. The system satisfied both strength and serviceability limit states with respect to the code requirements for crack width and deflection.  相似文献   

Over the past years, with increasing traffic volumes and higher wheel loads, fatigue damage in steel parts of typical orthotropic steel bridge decks has been experienced on heavily trafficked routes. A demand exists to find a durable system to increase the fatigue safety of orthotropic steel bridge decks. A solution might be to enhance the stiffness of the traditional orthotropic bridge deck by using a cement-based overlay. In this paper, an orthotropic steel bridge deck stiffened with a cement-based overlay is analyzed. The analysis is based on nonlinear fracture mechanics, and utilizes the finite-element method. The stiffness of the steel deck reinforced with an overlay depends highly on the composite action. The composite action is closely related to cracking of the overlay and interfacial cracking between the overlay and underlying steel plate (debonding). As an example, a real size structure, the Far? bridges located in Denmark, are analyzed. The steel box girders of the Far? bridges spans 80?m, and have a depth of 3.5?m, and a width of 19.5?m. The focus of the present study is the top part of the steel box girders, which is constructed as an orthotropic deck plate. Numerous factors can influence the cracking behavior of the cement-based overlay system. Both mechanical and environmental loading have to be considered, and effects such as shrinkage, temperature gradients, and traffic loading are taken into account. The performance of four overlay materials are investigated in terms of crack widths. Furthermore, the analysis shows that debonding is initiated for a certain crack width in the overlay. The load level where cracking and debonding is initiated depends on the stress-crack opening relationship of the material.  相似文献   

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