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The role of adult hippocampal neurogenesis in contextual fear conditioning (CFC) is debated. Several studies demonstrated that blocking adult hippocampal neurogenesis in rodents impairs CFC, while several other studies failed to observe an impairment. We sought to determine whether different CFC methods vary in their sensitivity to the arrest of adult neurogenesis. Adult neurogenesis was arrested in mice using low-dose, targeted x-irradiation, and the effects of irradiation were assayed in conditioning procedures that varied in the use of a discrete conditioned stimulus, the number of trials administered, and the final level of conditioning produced. We demonstrate that irradiation impairs CFC in mice when a single-trial CFC procedure is used but not when multiple-trial procedures are used, regardless of the final level of contextual fear produced. In addition, we show that the irradiation-induced deficit in single-trial CFC can be rescued by providing preexposure to the conditioning context. These results indicate that adult hippocampal neurogenesis is required for CFC in mice only when brief training is provided. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Long-term cognitive impairments are a feared consequence of therapeutic cranial irradiation in children as well as adults. Studies in animal models suggest that these deficits may be associated with a decrease in hippocampal granule cell proliferation and survival. In the present study the authors examined whether whole brain irradiation would affect trace fear conditioning, a hippocampal-dependent task. Preadolescent (postnatal Day 21, PD 21), adolescent (PD 50), and postadolescent (PD 70) rats received single doses of 0 Gray (Gy), 0.3 Gy, 3 Gy, or 10 Gy whole brain irradiation. Three months after radiation treatment, a significant dose-dependent decrease in bromo-deoxyuridine positive cells was observed. Irradiation produced a dose-dependent decrease in freezing in response to the conditioned stimulus in all age groups. Interestingly, the authors found no differences in context freezing between irradiated and control groups. Further, there were no differences in delay fear memories, which are independent of hippocampus function. Our results strongly indicate that irradiation impairs associative memories dependent on hippocampus and this deficit is accompanied by a decrease in granule cell neurogenesis indicating that these cells may be involved in normal hippocampal memory function. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Contextual fear conditioning is enhanced by nicotine, but the cellular mechanisms underlying this effect are unknown. Extracellular signal regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK 1/2) has been shown to play an integral role in the formation of contextual fear memories. As such, it is possible that ERK 1/2 is involved in the enhancement of contextual fear conditioning by nicotine. To determine whether ERK 1/2 plays a role in this enhancement, a dose of SL327 (a selective, systemic ERK 1/2 inhibitor) that is subthreshold for inhibiting contextual fear conditioning was coadministered with nicotine prior to training, testing, or both training and testing of contextual fear conditioning in C57BL/6 mice. When administered prior to training, this subthreshold dose of SL327 attenuated the enhancement of contextual fear conditioning by nicotine to levels similar to those of vehicle-treated animals. When administered prior to testing, the subthreshold dose of SL327 did not significantly alter conditioning. These results suggest that activation of ERK 1/2 by nicotine during acquisition leads to an enhancement of contextual fear conditioning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The majority of research regarding contextual learning and memory has focused on the contributions of the hippocampus and related medial temporal lobe structures. However, little is known about other possible cortical contributions to these processes. Our laboratory recently demonstrated that electrolytic lesions of the retrosplenial cortex (RSP), a posterior region of cingulate cortex, impaired contextual but not cue-specific fear conditioning. The present experiments further examined the role of RSP in contextual fear memory using fiber-sparing neurotoxic lesions and both signaled and unsignaled fear conditioning paradigms. Despite comparable acquisition of the conditioned fear response, rats with neurotoxic lesions of RSP exhibited impaired contextual memory relative to control animals in both the signaled and unsignaled paradigms. These results further suggest an important role for RSP in contextual learning and memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Although contextual fear conditioning emerges later in development than explicit-cue fear conditioning, little is known about the stimulus parameters and biological substrates required at early ages. The authors adapted methods for investigating hippocampus function in adult rodents to identify determinants of contextual fear conditioning in developing rats. Experiment 1 examined the duration of exposure required by weanling rats at postnatal day (PND) 23 to demonstrate contextual fear conditioning. This experiment demonstrated that 30 s of context exposure is sufficient to support conditioning. Furthermore, preexposure enhanced conditioning to an immediate footshock, the context preexposure facilitation effect (CPFE), but had no effect on contextual conditioning to a delayed shock. Experiment 2 demonstrated that N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor inactivation during preexposure impairs contextual learning at PND 23. Thus, the conjuctive representations underlying the CPFE are NMDA-dependent as early as PND23 in the rat. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Modafinil has been shown to promote wakefulness and some studies suggest the drug can improve cognitive function. Because of many similarities, the mechanism of action may be comparable to classical psychostimulants, although the exact mechanisms of modafinil's actions in wakefulness and cognitive enhancement are unknown. The current study aims to further examine the effects of modafinil as a cognitive enhancer on hippocampus-dependent memory in mice. A high dose of modafinil (75 mg/kg ip) given before training improved acquisition on a Morris water maze. When given only before testing, modafinil did not affect water maze performance. We also examined modafinil (0.075 to 75 mg/kg) on Pavlovian fear conditioning. A low dose of pretraining modafinil (0.75 mg/kg) enhanced memory of contextual fear conditioning (tested off-drug 1 week later) whereas a high dose (75 mg/kg) disrupted memory. Pretraining modafinil did not affect cued conditioning at any dose tested, and immediate posttraining modafinil had no effect on either cued or contextual fear. These results suggest that modafinil's effects of memory are more selective than amphetamine or cocaine and specific to hippocampus-dependent memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Learning and memory of novel spatial configurations aids behaviors such as visual search through an implicit process called contextual cuing (M. M. Chun & Y. Jiang, 1998). The present study provides rigorous tests of the implicit nature of contextual cuing. Experiment 1 used a recognition test that closely matched the learning task, confirming that memory traces of predictive spatial context were not accessible to conscious retrieval. Experiment 2 gave explicit instructions to encode visual context during learning, but learning was not improved and conscious memory remained undetectable. Experiment 3 illustrates that memory traces for spatial context may persist for at least 1 week, suggesting a long-term component of contextual cuing. These experiments indicate that the learning and memory of spatial context in the contextual cuing task are indeed implicit. The results have implications for understanding the neural substrate of spatial contextual learning, which may depend on an intact medial temporal lobe system that includes the hippocampus (M. M. Chun & E. A. Phelps, 1999). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The residual effects of cocaine during adolescence on memory in male young adult rats were studied. Animals were injected with 20 mg/kg cocaine on postnatal Days 28 through 35, whereas lab-chow (LC) and pair-fed (PF) control subjects received saline. Assessment of spatial working and long-term memory in the Morris water maze, and 72-h retention of an inhibitory avoidance task was conducted at about 5 and 9 weeks postcocaine, respectively. Relative to PF control subjects, cocaine-treated subjects showed impairments in the water maze when required to swim to the hidden platform placed in a quadrant diagonal from the location of its original location (i.e., on reversal learning). These same drug-treated animals, however, exhibited enhanced inhibitory avoidance retention relative to both control groups. These seemingly disparate findings are seen as being consistent with previous data showing that cocaine during adolescence residually impairs spatial memory and leads to enhanced fear responses. Moreover, when taken with previous findings from our laboratory, the present water maze data indicate that the deleterious effects of cocaine, when administered during adolescence, is delayed until 5 weeks after initiation of abstinence. It is speculated that alterations to limbic circuitry, especially those associated with the amygdala, account for the behavioral results observed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Nociceptin, or orphanin FQ (N/OFQ), the endogenous ligand of NOP receptors, is known to regulate learning and memory processes. To verify the role of N/OFQ in the acquisition of contextual (CFC) and tone fear conditioning (TFC), Wistar male rats received intracerebroventricular injections of N/OFQ (0.1-5.0 nmol) before training, and were tested 24 and 48 hr later to access the freezing response to context and tone, respectively. The intermediate doses (1.0 and 2.5 nmol) impaired the CFC test, sparing TFC. The highest dose (5.0 nmol) reduced freezing during both tests, a result that may be due to nonspecific effects. The posttraining injection of N/OFQ (1 or 5 nmol) did not interfere with CFC and TFC, suggesting a specific effect of the peptide in acquisition processes. Moreover, the impairment observed with N/OFQ (1 nmol) in CFC cannot be attributed to a state-dependent learning because it was not reversed by its pretest administration. The data support the negative role of N/OFQ in the acquisition of aversively motivated tasks, which encompass a spatial component and depend on the hippocampus. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It has been proposed that contextual fear conditioning depends on 2 processes: (a) construction of a conjunctive representation of the features that make up the context and (b) association of the representation with shock. Support for this view comes from studies indicating that prior exposure to the conditioning context facilitates contextual fear conditioning supported by immediate shock. Thus, conditioning produced by immediate shock is to the memory representation of the preexposed context, which is activated by retrieval cues associated with this context. The authors' experiments support this interpretation and indicate that this process depends on an intact hippocampal formation. These results support the hypothesis that the hippocampal formation supports contextual fear conditioning by storing a conjunctive representation of context. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors used 3-phase context preexposure facilitation methodology to study the contribution of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors in dorsal hippocampus (DH) and the basal lateral region of the amygdala (BLA) to (a) acquisition of the context memory, (b) retrieval of the context memory, (c) acquisition of context-shock association, and (d) retrieval of the context-shock association. The NMDA receptor antagonist D-2-amino-5 phosphonopentanoic acid (D-AP5) was injected into either the DH or BLA prior to (a) the context preexposure phase, (b) the immediate shock phase, or (c) the test for contextual fear. Antagonizing NMDA receptors in the DH impaired the acquisition of the context memory but did not affect its retrieval or retrieval of the fear memory. Antagonizing NMDA receptors with D-AP5 in the BLA impaired acquisition of the context-shock association but had no effect on the expression of fear. However, both DL-AP5 and L-AP5 reduced the expression of fear when they were injected into the amygdala prior to testing for contextual fear. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Placing a "trace" interval between a warning signal and an aversive shock makes consolidation of the memory for trace conditioning hippocampus dependent. To determine the trace at which memory consolidation requires the hippocampus, mice were trained with 0-s, 1-s, 3-s, or 20-s trace intervals and tested for freezing to context and tone. Posttraining dorsal hippocampus (DH) lesions decreased context conditioning regardless of trace interval. However, DH lesions attenuated only the 20-s trace tone freezing. Like eyeblink conditioning, the DH is necessary for trace fear conditioning only at long trace intervals, but the time scale for the effective interval in fear conditioning is about 40 times longer. Manipulations that alter trace fear conditioning with short trace intervals probably do not reflect altered DH function. Given this difference in time scale along with the use of posttraining DH lesions, hippocampus dependency of trace conditioning is not related to a bridging function or response timing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Recent work on the long-term stability of memory and synaptic plasticity has identified a potentially critical role for protein kinase Mzeta (PKMζ). PKMζ is a constitutively active, atypical isoform of protein kinase C that is believed to maintain long term potentiation at hippocampal synapses in vitro. In behaving animals, local inhibition of PKMζ disrupts spatial memory in the hippocampus and conditioned taste aversion memory in the insular cortex. The role of PKMζ in context fear memory is less clear. This study examined the role of PKMζ in amygdala and hippocampal neurons following a standard fear conditioning protocol. The results indicate that PKMζ inhibition in the amygdala, but not in the hippocampus, can disrupt fear memory. This suggests that PKMζ may only maintain select forms of memory in specific brain structures and does not participate in a universal memory storage mechanism. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studies of contextual fear conditioning have found that ethanol administered prior to a conditioning session impairs the conditioned freezing response during a test session the next day. The present experiments examined the effects of ethanol on extinction, the loss of conditioned responding that occurs as the animal learns that a previously conditioned context no longer signals shock. Ethanol (1.5 g/kg) administered prior to single (Experiment 1) or multiple (Experiment 2) extinction sessions impaired extinction. Ethanol administered prior to a test session disrupted the expression of freezing after extinction (Experiments 3-5). There was some evidence that ethanol served as an internal stimulus signaling the operation of conditioning or extinction contingencies (Experiments 4-5). In Experiment 6, postsession injections of 1.5 g/kg ethanol had no effect on extinction with brief (3 min) or long (24 min) exposures to the context, but injections of 3 g/kg after long exposures impaired extinction. Together, these results indicate that ethanol affects extinction by acting on multiple learning and performance processes, including attention, memory encoding, and memory expression. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors report that either inactivating the ventral hippocampus (VH) with muscimol prior to context preexposure or injecting anisomycin into the VH after preexposure significantly impaired rats' memory for context. Injecting anisomycin into the VH prior to contextual fear conditioning also greatly reduced long-term memory (48-hr retention test) but had no effect on short-term memory (1-hr retention test) for contextual fear. Together with other results, these data suggest that the memory for a novel context is distributed throughout the longitudinal extent of the hippocampus and that this representation helps to support contextual fear conditioning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Trace and contextual fear conditioning were evaluated in adult (3-6 months), early middle-aged (8-12 months), late middle-aged (16-20 months), and aged (24-33 months) Sprague-Dawley rats. After trace conditioning, aged animals exhibited significantly less freezing to the tone conditioned stimulus and training context. Levels of trace-cue and context conditioning were negatively correlated with age (r = -0.56 and -0.59, respectively) and positively correlated with each other (r = +0.52). Aged rats showed robust conditioning in short- and long-delay fear paradigms, suggesting that the trace interval, rather than the use of a long interstimulus interval, is responsible for the aging-related deficits in trace fear conditioning. The authors suggest that these aging-related conditioning deficits furnish useful indices of functional changes within hippocampus or perirhinal cortex. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Neonatal ethanol exposure in animals results in performance deficits on tests of hippocampus-dependent spatial memory, and recent studies have shown that extra dietary choline can ameliorate some of these impairments. In this experiment, rats were administered 5.25 g/kg ig ethanol per day or sham intubations on Postnatal Days (PD) 4-9 and choline (0.1 ml of an 18.8 mg/ml solution) or saline subcutaneously on PD 4-20. On PD 30, rats were given delay or trace fear conditioning trials and were tested for conditioned stimulus-elicited freezing 24 hr later. Neonatal ethanol produced a profound impairment in trace conditioning that was reversed by choline. Groups did not differ in delay conditioned responding, indicating that neonatal ethanol produces a relatively selective cognitive deficit that can be alleviated with supplemental choline. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The human visual system is constantly confronted with an overwhelming amount of information, only a subset of which can be processed in complete detail. Attention and implicit learning are two important mechanisms that optimize vision. This study addressed the relationship between these two mechanisms. Specifically we asked, Is implicit learning of spatial context affected by the amount of working memory load devoted to an irrelevant task? We tested observers in visual search tasks where search displays occasionally repeated. Observers became faster when searching repeated displays than unrepeated ones, showing contextual cuing. We found that the size of contextual cuing was unaffected by whether observers learned repeated displays under unitary attention or when their attention was divided using working memory manipulations. These results held when working memory was loaded by colors, dot patterns, individual dot locations, or multiple potential targets. We conclude that spatial context learning is robust to interference from manipulations that limit the availability of attention and working memory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The initial learning and subsequent behavioral expression of fear are often viewed as independent processes with potentially unique neural substrates. Laboratory animal studies of Pavlovian fear conditioning suggest that the amygdala is important for both forming stimulus associations and for subsequently expressing learned behavioral responses. In the present article, human amygdala activity was studied during the autonomic expression of conditional fear in two differential conditioning experiments with event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging and concurrent recording of skin conductance responses (SCRs). Trials were classified on the basis of individual participants' SCRs. Significant amygdala responding was detected only during trials on which a signal both predicted shock and elicited significant conditional SCR. Conditional stimulus presentation or autonomic activity alone was not sufficient. These results indicate that amygdala activity may specifically reflect the expression of learned fear responses and support the position that this region plays a central role in the expression of emotional reactions. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The retrosplenial cortex (RSP) and the posterior parietal cortex (PPC) are the primary sources of cortical sensory input to the postrhinal cortex (POR) in rodents. Together, these areas compose a major corticohippocampal circuit that is involved in processing visuospatial information. The POR has been implicated in contextual learning and memory, consistent with the type of information presumably being processed by this region. By comparison, little is known about the role of the RSP or the PPC in contextual learning. In the present study, rats were trained either before or after surgery in a standard signaled fear conditioning task in which an auditory cue was paired with foot shock. Contextual fear and tone-specific fear were assessed in subsequent test sessions. In Experiment 1, electrolytic damage to the RSP either before or immediately after training impaired the expression of contextual fear but not tone-specific fear. In contrast, electrolytic damage to the PPC had no effect on conditional fear to the context or the tone in Experiment 2. These findings indicate that the RSP, but not the PPC, contributes to the processing of contextual information by the POR corticohippocampal processing stream. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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