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乌托邦与反面乌托邦小说是西方文学长河中的一条绵绵细流,它们以独特的视角对人类的生存境遇进行了思考。本文从国内研究现状、国外研究现状对其进行总体评述。  相似文献   

在司法实践中,妨害公务罪与"阻碍执行职务"行为很容易造成混淆,二者既有差别又有相似点.前者属于犯罪行为,后者是普通的违法行为.本文将从行为主体、行为的客体和对象、行为的客观方面等对二者进行比较研究,以解决罪与非罪的划分问题.  相似文献   

格非的许多小说贯穿着一个"寻找真相"的叙述模式,这种模式是源于格非对世界的不真实感、非连续性和非逻辑性的切身体验;同时,它也指向了词的历史所指的缺席,隐喻着词与物的分裂,体现着格非对历史传统和文化积累的质疑.格非对语言既依赖又不信任的双重态度,更凸显了其对世界的唯理论式的怀疑主义态度.他最近对乌托邦问题的思考,也为我们重新思考过去的革命历程提供了新的视角.  相似文献   

《一九八四》是英国作家乔治·奥威尔笔下的一部政治讽喻小说。这部作品描写了极权主义的政治恐怖,同时也批判了独裁政治对人性的压抑与扭曲。  相似文献   

生态社会主义从资本主义的生产方式导致生态危机这一基本事实出发,揭示了资本主义制度与生态危机的必然联系,批判当代资本主义,形成了一套比较完整的理论,尽管具有很多不足及乌托邦色彩,但对当代中国仍具有重大启示与现实意义.  相似文献   

语料库的研究促进了"3I(Illustration-Interaction-Induction )"教学模式的发展.从教学目标、教学内容、教学形式、教学方法、教学评价和应用范围等方面对"3I"和传统的"3P(Presentation-Practice-Pnduction)"教学模式的对比分析和研究中,我们可以看到,"3I"教学模式是自下而上的归纳过程,"3P"教学模式是自上而下的演绎过程,前者更具先进性.但如何挖掘这一先进教学模式的潜力和应用价值,仍然是需要进一步研究的问题.  相似文献   

出于提高诉讼效率之考虑而源于英美法的辩诉交易制度,由于该制度之明显优势,在美国已由起初确立时的"配角"地位转变成为了"主角",这一变化也一定程度影响了传统大陆法系国家.在罗马法的诞生地意大利,1988年及其后修订的刑事诉讼法里也增加了具有辩诉交易性质的协议程序.不同法律文化传统下的两种辩诉交易各自表现如何,对人们有什么样的启发,文章将从几个方面进行比较分析,以期为中国立法提供一些借鉴.  相似文献   

目前国内不锈钢行业正在快速发展,而世界不锈钢冷轧机技术也有了长足进步。特别是德国的SUNDWIG、西马克、法国的DMS等公司,这几年在不锈钢冷轧机技术上取得眼大成就,使冷轧机在扩大生产规模、改善工艺操作、提高生产效率、拓展产品品种、设备性能改进以及发展自动化控制等方面都达到了较高水平。本文对这几家开发的不锈钢冷轧机进行分析比较,为不锈钢生产选用合理的冷轧机提供借鉴。  相似文献   

基于无穷级数收敛的必要条件.通过具体例子对几类无穷大量的发散"速度"进行比较研究,得出几个无穷大量发散"速度"由慢到快的排列顺序.  相似文献   

辽源和河南先后于2003年和2009年进行了警务改革,通过对两者的比较研究,不仅能使我们学习和借鉴其改革的经验和做法,而且以此探寻出我国继续推进警务改革的发展趋势.  相似文献   

Measurements were performed on reference samples (D2O-H2O mixtures) and on highly heterogeneous rocks (Vosges sandstone) with a new logging tool designed to give access to a high spatial resolution, below 1.5 cm on the vertical scale, for a toroidal sensitive volume of 20 cm3. The results were compared to measurements obtained on a clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) equipment working at the same frequency (4.3 MHz). T2 differences as high as 30% were observed for the reference samples; the shortest values were obtained with the logging tool. Porosity profiles of the rock samples were also compared to reference profiles obtained with a conventional computed tomography (CT) scanner. Both nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) measurements underevaluate porosity by 2-4% for short T2 values (< 10 ms).  相似文献   


The interaction between bubbles and solid particles is an important mechanism in many industrial processes and flotation is a significant component of the most utilized applications. While flotation of mineral ores deals with fine particles and larger bubbles, the aim of this review is to focus on the opposite case; the interaction between smaller bubbles and larger particles encountered mostly in plastic flotation. Plastic flotation seems to be one of the appropriate methods for separating plastics, which is necessitated by increasing plastic consumption and the growing need to recycle. The first part of the article focuses on the problem of the collision of a bubble with a particle, both spherical and planar. The collision efficiency is discussed. The second part is devoted to the problem of liquid film rupture and the creation of the three-phase contact line. The third and final part focuses on the problem of the three-phase line expansion and the effect of surfactants on the resulting bubble stability.  相似文献   

笔者追溯了民族认同的源起,详细解析了"民族"、"认同"、"民族认同"的概念,提出了认同过程的逻辑假设,即从少数民族的族群认同到中华民族整体认同,阐述了民族认同的条件与社会和谐发展的基本要素,探讨了民族认同及其教育在中华民族多元一体的和谐社会构建中的价值,这对当前多民族国家的社会稳定与和谐发展具有极其重要的意义.  相似文献   

从20世纪90年代起,在国内市场饱和、国际贸易自由化、消费者需求多样化、网络信息化等多方面因素的推动下,商业企业开始了全球扩张的步伐.国际商业零售业巨头沃尔玛和家乐福的海外扩张战略不尽相同,二者分别采取了"滚雪球"和"采蘑菇"的市场拓展方式,并根据核心能力建立了不同的盈利渠道.借鉴沃尔玛和家乐福的经验及教训,我国商业企业进行全球扩张时应加强对核心能力的复制、东道国文化差异、竞争格局等问题的重视.  相似文献   

我们的社会可以说是由两性构成的,维护与保障和谐的性别关系,促进社会性别主流化,是实现社会整体和谐的重要前提.当前,中国在一定社会层面上对社会性别主流化作出了努力,但依然任重道远,不断探索社会性别主流化的实现路径对促进社会主义和谐社会的构建有重要意义.  相似文献   

This paper presents a comparative analysis of three different infrastructure assessment tools currently used by the U.S. Army’s combat engineer small units (squad, platoon, company). The infrastructure assessment tools included one pen and paper checklist and two software-based tools based on specialized handheld hardware for data collection in combat conditions. Evaluation was conducted using macroergonomic and applied cognitive task analysis methods with soldiers of varying levels of infrastructure assessment expertise. Each assessment method was evaluated based on performance (time, errors, and accuracy) and usability (ergonomic and cognitive challenges). We found that soldiers documented more accurate data using handheld digital devices instead of pen-and-paper assessment forms, but there was little difference in time between the methods. Contrary to initial expectation, we also found that most soldiers prefer a slightly more difficult to use handheld assessment device with customized checklists rather than an easier to use, less restrictive device. Critiques developed by this research can be used to improve engineering and construction organizations as well as add to our design guidelines for portable infrastructure assessment tools and methods.  相似文献   

介绍了自适应滤波器的基本原理,对最小均方(LMS,Least Mean Squares)和递归最小二乘(RLS,Recursive Least Squares)自适应算法进行仿真分析及对比研究.仿真结果及实例均表明,两种算法都能有效抑制和抵消各种干扰,但相比之下,RLS算法具有更好的收敛性能及稳定性.  相似文献   

比较英美法的专家证人制度和大陆法的鉴定人制度的异同及其优劣势,认为两大制度的不同是由多方面原因造成的,两种制度互相融合已成为一种趋势.  相似文献   

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