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利用口径耦合馈电、错位倒相馈网技术和单层微带贴片结构设计出一种用于卫星通信的Ku波段宽带双频双极化微带四元天线阵。用电磁仿真软件CST2008对天线阵的电特性进行了仿真和优化。四元天线阵实测结果表明:水平极化端口在11.21GHz~13.47GHz频率范围内VSWR燮1.5,相对阻抗带宽为18.3%;垂直极化端口在13.43GHz~14.88GHz频率范围内VSWR燮1.5,相对阻抗带宽为10.24%。工作频带内两端口隔离度<-35dB,最大增益为13.2dB,与仿真结果一致。  相似文献   

综合运用了H型缝隙耦合馈电技术和引入空气层技术展宽了天线的频带,设计出一个工作在Ku波段的宽频带微带天线单元并组成四单元阵列。该天线由两层介质板构成,并利用180°反相馈电抑制了高次模的耦合激励,降低了交叉极化电平。使用三维电磁场仿真软件(Ansoft HFSS)对微带天线进行仿真优化,仿真结果表明,天线单元性能良好,相对阻抗带宽(S11≤-10 dB)为8.5%,增益为8.05 dB。四单元天线阵列相对阻抗带宽(S11≤-10 dB)达到16.6%,增益为13.7 dB。天线阵列性能良好,设计方法具有很好的可扩展性。归纳总结出的介电常数计算式也具有普遍性。  相似文献   


In this paper, three microstrip antennas with and without reflector are proposed with stable and high gain characteristics. The proposed antennas are simple to design and do not involve loading of any active elements on the patch or ground plane. The designed antennas cover the total frequency range of 10.5–44.5 GHz and operate well within the 5G communication frequency band of 27–30 GHz; consequently, making proposed antennas suitable for upcoming wireless technology. Furthermore, a 2 × 2 antenna array with phase diversity is proposed which offers an almost stable gain of about 14 dBi within the operating band. The proposed antennas are analyzed by finite element method based Ansys HFSS simulator. The fabricated prototypes of the optimized designs are made and simulated results are found in good agreement with the measured results.


为支撑海量数据传输与宽带无线通信系统需求,提出了一款宽频带双圆极化微带天线。采用微带天线作为基本辐射单元,基于层叠寄生贴片方式与加载空气腔方法展宽天线工作带宽并提高增益值,利用电容加载的三分支线定向耦合器对天线单元进行馈电进一步展宽天线带宽,并实现双圆极化辐射特性。单元电性能仿真结果良好,阻抗与轴比相对带宽达27.9%,峰值增益达到5.6dBi。基于辐射单元进行4×4阵列组合,所设计阵列天线阻抗带宽覆盖7.2 ~ 9.4 GHz,同一单元不同极化与不同单元间端口间隔离度均 ≥ 15 dB,轴比在通带内均 ≤ 3 dB,方向图仿真与测试结果吻合良好,验证了设计方案的正确性。  相似文献   

隋涛  邢斯瑞  孙伟  安向东 《电子技术应用》2022,48(1):138-141,151
针对卫星L波段通信转发系统的要求,设计了一种新型星载L波段宽带高增益圆极化微带天线.微带天线整体采用侧馈的馈电方式,采用H型缝隙耦合馈电方式以实现宽频带,采用威尔金森移相功分器实现两信号间相位差来满足圆极化,增加天线背部反射板和板间泡沫层以提高增益并稳固结构.通过电磁仿真软件分析可得:在中心频点1.45 GHz处增益为...  相似文献   

Microsystem Technologies - The problem of narrow bandwidth is a major concern in general for MPA (Microstrip Patch Antenna). In this study, we have performed certain methods to enhance the antenna...  相似文献   

针对微带天线阻抗匹配带宽一般较窄的自身缺陷,基于相控阵雷达天线的应用背景,设计了一种工作在X波段的双层圆极化微带天线结构,且优化发现,其各电磁参数良好。为提高其增益,还在此基础上设计并最终制作了双层2×2结构的微带天线阵列,其实测性能与设计值相符,增益达到10.7dB,带宽1.2GHz,相应轴比为4dB,符合圆极化要求。  相似文献   

In this article, a new compact metasurface circularly polarized (CP) antenna is presented, where the rotating 45° periodic ellipse patch is used to achieve polarization conversion from linearly polarized to CP. The meta‐surface is composed of 4 × 4 ellipse patches with 45° rotation, which are etched on the top layer of upper substrate. A slot ground plane and a coplanar waveguide structure are printed on both sides of bottom substrate, and the bottom substrate is directly connected to the upper substrate, which can make the antenna profile lower. As demonstrated in this article, the presented antennas have good characteristics of excellent 3‐dB axial ratio bandwidth of 17.4% (5.25‐6.25 GHz), and wide 10‐dB impedance bandwidth of 20.6% (5.0‐6.15 GHz).  相似文献   

方向图可重构天线具有系统集成度高、能实现方向图的不同方位扫描等突出优点,这使其成为现在可重构天线的研究热点。设计了一种能够双频工作的方向图可重构微带天线,该天线通过切换开关的通断状态,使当前状态的方向图与切换状态后的方向图正交重构,具有结构简单、增益高、波束覆盖角度大的特点。  相似文献   

The design of a log periodic strip grating antenna is described. The 12-element antenna is compact and has a measured power bandwidth of 22%. The antenna elements are mounted on the top of the top layer of a two-layer structure with its feed line located between the two dielectric layers providing electromagnetic coupling. The structure was analyzed using PMESHD, a moment method code for two-layer passive structures. The analysis and measurements are in good agreement. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons. Inc.  相似文献   

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