共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 15 毫秒
《IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. I, Regular papers》2009,56(8):1576-1589
《Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, IEEE Transactions on》2009,56(5):369-373
Ruffieux D. Krummenacher F. Pezous A. Spinola-Durante G. 《Solid-State Circuits, IEEE Journal of》2010,45(1):224-234
This paper presents an ultra-low power generic compensation scheme that is used to implement a real time clock based on an AlN-driven 1 MHz uncompensated silicon resonator achieving 3.2 ?W power dissipation at 1 V and ±10 ppm frequency accuracy over a 0-50°C temperature range. It relies on the combination of fractional division and frequency interpolation for coarse and fine tuning respectively. By proper calibration and application of temperature dependent corrections, any frequency below that of the uncompensated resonator can be generated yielding programmability, resonator fabrication tolerances and temperature drift compensation without requiring a PLL. To minimize the IC area, a dual oscillator temperature measurement concept based on a ring oscillator/resistor thermal sensor was implemented yielding a resolution of 0.04°C. The IC was fabricated on a 0.18 ?m 1P6M CMOS technology. 相似文献
Yeow Meng Chee Son Hoang Dau Ling A.C.H. San Ling 《IEEE transactions on information theory / Professional Technical Group on Information Theory》2010,56(1):140-151
An optimal constant-composition or constant-weight code of weight w has linear size if and only if its distance d is at least 2w-1. When d ? 2w, the determination of the exact size of such a constant-composition or constant-weight code is trivial, but the case of d=2w-1 has been solved previously only for binary and ternary constant-composition and constant-weight codes, and for some sporadic instances. This paper provides a construction for quasicyclic optimal constant-composition and constant-weight codes of weight w and distance 2w-1 based on a new generalization of difference triangle sets. As a result, the sizes of optimal constant-composition codes and optimal constant-weight codes of weight w and distance 2w-1 are determined for all such codes of sufficiently large lengths. This solves an open problem of Etzion. The sizes of optimal constant-composition codes of weight w and distance 2w-1 are also determined for all w ? 6, except in two cases. 相似文献
《Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of》2010,46(2):272-276
《Reliability, IEEE Transactions on》2009,58(2):389-396
《Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, IEEE Transactions on》2008,55(12):1264-1268
《Semiconductor Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on》2008,21(2):180-185
《IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. I, Regular papers》2009,56(7):1478-1487
《Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of》2008,44(12):1152-1157
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》2009,57(8):2055-2063
《IEEE transactions on circuits and systems. I, Regular papers》2009,56(7):1313-1325
《Display Technology, Journal of》2009,5(8):312-318
Qingtang Jiang 《Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on》2009,57(11):4304-4313
The hexagonal lattice was proposed as an alternative method for image sampling. The hexagonal sampling has certain advantages over the conventionally used square sampling. Hence, the hexagonal lattice has been used in many areas. A hexagonal lattice allows radic3, dyadic and radic7 refinements, which makes it possible to use the multiresolution (multiscale) analysis method to process hexagonally sampled data. The radic3-refinement is the most appealing refinement for multiresolution data processing due to the fact that it has the slowest progression through scale, and hence, it provides more resolution levels from which one can choose. This fact is the main motivation for the study of radic3-refinement surface subdivision, and it is also the main reason for the recommendation to use the radic3-refinement for discrete global grid systems. However, there is little work on compactly supported radic3 -refinement wavelets. In this paper, we study the construction of compactly supported orthogonal and biorthogonal radic3-refinement wavelets. In particular, we present a block structure of orthogonal FIR filter banks with twofold symmetry and construct the associated orthogonal radic3-refinement wavelets. We study the sixfold axial symmetry of perfect reconstruction (biorthogonal) FIR filter banks. In addition, we obtain a block structure of sixfold symmetric radic3-refinement filter banks and construct the associated biorthogonal wavelets. 相似文献
Rifa J. Zinoviev V.A. 《IEEE transactions on information theory / Professional Technical Group on Information Theory》2010,56(1):266-272
For any integer ? ? 1 and for any prime power q , an explicit construction of an infinite family of completely regular (and completely transitive) q-ary codes with d = 3 and with covering radius ? is given. The intersection array is also computed. Under the same conditions, the explicit construction of an infinite family of q-ary uniformly packed codes (in the wide sense) with covering radius ?, which are not completely regular, is also given. In both constructions, the Kronecker product is the basic tool that has been used. 相似文献
《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2009,21(24):1795-1797
We formulate a graph model called [w,f]-distributors which is useful in analyzing the structures and comparing the quantitative complexities and qualitative features of optical multicast cross-connects. Using the formulation we show that two strictly nonblocking multicast optical cross-connects under two different request models are equivalent topologically, even though one request model is much less restrictive than the other. We then investigate the tradeoff between the depth and the complexity of an optical multicast cross-connect using the graph model. Upper and lower complexity bounds are proved. In the process, we also give a generic recursive construction that can be used to construct optimal and near-optimal [w,f]-distributors. The recursive construction can also be used to construct cost-effective optical multicast cross-connects. Another important result that follows is the exact asymptotic behavior of the size of optimal [w,f] -connectors, the unicast version of [w,f]-distributors. 相似文献
Zimmermann L. Voigt K. Winzer G. Petermann K. Weinert C.M. 《Photonics Technology Letters, IEEE》2009,21(3):143-145
We demonstrate 4times4 multimode interference couplers in a silicon-on-insulator rib waveguide technology that enable compact integrated fully passive optical 90deg-hybrid devices with operation across the C-band. 相似文献
Das N.C. Taysing-Lara M. Olver K.A. Kiamilev F. Prineas J.P. Olesberg J.T. Koerperick E.J. Murray L.M. Boggess T.F. 《Electronics Packaging Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on》2009,32(1):9-13
The flip chip bonding process is optimized by varying the bonding pressure, temperature, and time. The 68times68 mid wave infrared (MWIR) LED array was hybridized onto Si-CMOS driver array with same number of pixels. Each pixel has two indium bumps, one for cathode and another for anode. Both LED array and CMOS drivers have 15-mum-square Indium bump contact pads. We used Karl Suss FC150 flip chip machine for bonding of CMOS driver array onto LED array. From the LED current-voltage characteristics, it is concluded that the optimized flip chip bonding process results in uniform contact and very low contact resistance. Both electrical and optical characteristics of LED array after flip chip bonding are presented. 相似文献
《Microwave Theory and Techniques》2009,57(6):1447-1460