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Defining appropriate environmental flow regimes and criteria for the use of environmental water allocations requires experimental data on the ecological impacts of flow regime change and responses to environmental water allocation. Fish assemblages in one regulated and one unregulated tributary paired in each of two sub‐catchments of the Hunter River, coastal New South Wales, Australia, were sampled monthly between August 2006 and June 2007. It was predicted that altered flow regime due to flow regulation would reduce species richness and abundance of native fish, and assemblage composition would differ between paired regulated and unregulated tributaries. Despite significant changes in richness, abundance and assemblage composition through time, differences between regulated and unregulated tributaries were not consistent. In February 2007, an environmental flow release (‘artificial flood’) of 1400 ML was experimentally released down the regulated tributary of one of the two catchments over 6 days. The flow release resulted in no significant changes in fish species abundances or assemblage composition when compared to nearby unregulated and regulated tributaries. Flow regulation in this region has reduced flow variability and eliminated natural low‐flow periods, although large floods occurred at similar frequencies between regulated–unregulated tributaries prior to and during 2006–2007, resulting in only moderate changes to regulated flow regimes. Barriers to dispersal within catchments also compound the effects of flow regulation, and findings from this study indicate that the location of migratory barriers potentially confounded detection of the effects of flow regime change. Further experimental comparisons of fish assemblages in regulated rivers will refine river‐specific response thresholds to flow regime change and facilitate the sustainable use of water in coastal rivers. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Large river paradigms suggest that natural flow regimes are critical for maintaining instream habitats and promoting production and growth of native aquatic organisms. Modifications to the Missouri River, Nebraska, within the past 100 years have drastically reduced shallow water habitat, homogenized the flow regime, and contributed to declines in several native species. Despite drastic flow modifications, several metrics of the Missouri River's flow regime still vary across years. We related age‐0 channel catfish growth to environmental conditions in the channelized Missouri River, Nebraska, between 1996 and 2013 using an information theoretic approach. Growth rate was most influenced by growing season duration and duration of discharges below the 25th percentile of 30‐year daily Missouri River discharges. Periods of low water may be important for juvenile growth because of channel modifications that limit critical shallow water habitat during higher within‐bank flows. Exclusion of peak discharge and peak discharge timing in the best model to predict growth is counter to conventional thoughts on river fish responses to hydrological conditions but may be reflective of the general lack of high‐magnitude flooding during the majority of our study. Future efforts to relate juvenile fish growth to environmental conditions can provide guidance for water management in the Missouri River and other regulated North American rivers. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Small hydropower projects (SHPs) are promoted as low-impact alternatives for large hydropower. SHPs are generally commissioned on small- to medium-sized mountainous rivers, often in biodiverse regions, with backing in the form of subsidies, facultative policies and exemption from impact assessments as they are considered ‘green’. However, the ecological impacts of SHPs are understudied especially in highly seasonal tropical streams of Western Ghats of India, a global biodiversity hotspot and a distinct freshwater fish eco-region. We compared SHP-affected segments of a dammed and an undammed river in the Western Ghats of Karnataka, to assess how altered flow regime affects seasonal variability in habitat and water quality, and influences fish assemblage structure. We found that flow alteration by the SHP varied between different segments of the dammed river and with season. Furthermore, the nature of flow alteration influenced habitat variability, water quality and fish assemblage response in the dammed river. We observed that the dewatered segment of the dammed river experienced a lotic to lentic shift in habitat and water quality, which favoured fish species with eurytopic affinities. Fluctuating flows in the downstream segment subdued natural variability in flow regime and created novel habitats and water-quality conditions, affecting fish assemblages. The upstream segment of the dammed river retained natural variability in habitat and water quality, but did not mimic the undammed river in terms of fish composition. We also observed potential constraints on recruitment for migratory species of fish in the dammed river. Based on our results, we suggest how the placement of dewatered segment, and timing the closure of SHP operation in dry season based on ecological thresholds are potential solutions to mitigate the impacts of the SHPs. Furthermore, we recommend effective impact assessments, and adaptive management with active interventions to maintain genetic and ecological connectivity, as key to enhance the sustainability of the SHPs.  相似文献   

The natural flow paradigm (NFP) emphasizes the need to partially or fully maintain or restore the range of natural intra‐ and interannual variation of hydrologic regimes to protect native biodiversity and the evolutionary potential of aquatic, riparian and wetland ecosystems. Based on our studies of natural and managed flow regimes in New Zealand, we do not believe that all components of the natural flow regime are necessary to achieve the objectives of the NFP, either partially or fully, because many aquatic species have very flexible niches and life‐history requirements (i.e. there is ‘ecological redundancy’). Obviously, maintaining the natural flow regime will maintain the hydrologic and hydraulic conditions necessary for sustaining natural ecosystems. However, if there is adequate knowledge of what ‘values’ need to be maintained in a waterway, and the aspects of the flow regime that are required to maintain those values are also known, then regimes can be designed that target these requirements and thus optimize conditions for the ‘values’. We believe that an assessment of ecosystem requirements using information on river processes together with habitat requirements and life‐history strategies of biota can achieve the best balance between resource use and sustaining ecosystem function and value, and show examples where changes to natural flow regimes have maintained, or even improved, instream values in some New Zealand rivers. We caution that simple flow‐based rules, such as those that might be developed under the NFP, could be unnecessarily restrictive on multiple use of water in New Zealand while, at the same time, preclude the opportunity for enhancement of key ecosystem values in many waterways. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对水利工程建成运行后对下游河段流量过程变化造成的鱼类原有栖息地面积减小和质量降低的潜在生态问题,对拟建息县枢纽工程闸下4.9 km河段内采用栖息地模拟法进行环境流量研究。采用MIKE数值模拟与HSI栖息地模型结合的方法,通过分析自然状态下研究河段的水流特性及鱼类栖息地现状,讨论了在不同生命期不同流量对鱼类栖息地的影响,确定了适宜环境流量范围,为水利工程建设后水生生物栖息地保护提供理论和方法指导。  相似文献   

River regulation influences hydrological regime, channel hydraulics, and habitat quality for freshwater biota. Environmental flow assessments typically require river managers to incorporate the requirements of different freshwater species and life stages in designing discharge regimes. However, these requirements can often conflict or be poorly quantified. There is therefore increasing interest in adaptive management whereby the ecological effects of changing flow regime can be monitored and assessed. This study investigated the effects of flow regulation on Atlantic salmon fry below an impoundment. The flow regime incorporated a compensation flow with an atypical seasonal profile where higher discharges were released in the summer than autumn and a spring high flow (freshet) to facilitate downstream migration of smolts through the dam. Saturation stocking and electrofishing were combined with hydraulic and habitat models to predict the effects of discharge on habitat quality and standardized fry densities. The discharge at which the highest standardized fry densities were observed varied depending on reach morphology, particularly channel roughness. Low fry survival was consistent with predictions of consistently low habitat quality during the spring freshet. Fish locations observed during electrofishing were not always consistent with contemporary flows and may reflect the influence of antecedent flows and high site fidelity. The combination of saturation stocking, hydraulic, and habitat models provides a valuable approach for assessing the effects of regulation. It is recommended that future freshets operate at night, that uninterrupted periods of high flow are avoided during the spring, and that compensation flows reflect natural seasonal patterns.  相似文献   

Alteration of natural flow regimes is generally acknowledged to have negative effects on native biota; however, methods for defining ecologically appropriate flow regimes in managed river systems are only beginning to be developed. Understanding how past and present water management has affected rivers is an important part of developing such tools. In this paper, we evaluate how existing hydrologic infrastructure and management affect streamflow characteristics of rivers in the Central Valley, California and discuss those characteristics in the context of habitat requirements of native and alien fishes. We evaluated the effects of water management by comparing observed discharges with estimated discharges assuming no water management (‘full natural runoff’). Rivers in the Sacramento River drainage were characterized by reduced winter–spring discharges and augmented discharges in other months. Rivers in the San Joaquin River drainage were characterized by reduced discharges in all months but particularly in winter and spring. Two largely unaltered streams had hydrographs similar to those based on full natural runoff of the regulated rivers. The reduced discharges in the San Joaquin River drainage streams are favourable for spawning of many alien species, which is consistent with observed patterns of fish distribution and abundance in the Central Valley. However, other factors, such as water temperature, are also important to the relative success of native and alien resident fishes. As water management changes in response to climate change and societal demands, interdisciplinary programs of research and monitoring will be essential for anticipating effects on fishes and to avoid unanticipated ecological outcomes. Published in 2009 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用Delft3D水力学模型和栖息地模型组成物理栖息地模拟模型,以长江中游宜昌至枝江河段为研究区域,以长江的重要经济鱼类四大家鱼为目标物种,结合流速及水深两个栖息地限制因子推求研究区域内不同流量下四大家鱼四个产卵场的栖息地面积。研究结果表明:长江中游四大家鱼4—6月份产卵期间的最小生态流量为4570m3/s,适宜生态流量范围为12000~15500m3/s。计算结果在传统水文学法界定的生态流量范围之内,而且比传统水文学法的计算结果更加合理,可为四大家鱼的保护和三峡及葛洲坝工程的生态调度提供参考建议。  相似文献   

Characterizing temporary river ecosystem responses to flow regimes is vital for conserving their biodiversity and the services they provide to society. However, freshwater biomonitoring tools rarely reflect community responses to hydrological variations or flow cessation events, and those available have not been widely tested within temporary rivers. This study examines two invertebrate biomonitoring tools characterizing community responses to different flow‐related properties: the “Drought Effect of Habitat Loss on Invertebrates” (DEHLI) and “Lotic‐invertebrate Index for Flow Evaluation” (LIFE), which, respectively reflect community responses to habitat and hydraulic properties associated with changing flow conditions. Sub‐seasonal (monthly) variations of LIFE and DEHLI were explored within two groundwater‐fed intermittent rivers, one dries sporadically (a flashy, karstic hydrology—River Lathkill) and the other dries seasonally (a highly buffered flow regime—South Winterbourne). Biomonitoring tools were highly sensitive to channel drying and also responded to reduced discharges in permanently flowing reaches. Biomonitoring tools captured ecological recovery patterns in the Lathkill following a supra‐seasonal drought. Some unexpected results were observed in the South Winterbourne where LIFE and DEHLI indicated relatively high‐flow conditions despite low discharges occurring during some summer months. This probably reflected macrophyte encroachment, which benefitted certain invertebrates (e.g., marginal‐dwelling taxa) and highlights the importance of considering instream habitat conditions when interpreting flow regime influences on biomonitoring tools. Although LIFE and DEHLI were positively correlated, the latter responded more clearly to drying events, highlighting that communities respond strongly to the disconnection of instream habitats as flows recede. The results highlighted short‐term ecological responses to hydrological variations and the value in adopting sub‐seasonal sampling strategies within temporary rivers. Findings from this study indicate the importance of establishing flow response guilds which group taxa that respond comparably to flow cessation events. Such information could be adopted within biomonitoring practices to better characterize temporary river ecosystem responses to hydrological variations.  相似文献   

A holistic approach using multiple modules is used to recommend the environmental flow for fish in the lower Yellow River. The basic steps are as follows: (1) acquire the flow-related information on selected fish in the lower Yellow River, including fish species composition, abundance and habitat use in relation to flow conditions; (2) link the selected fish to key aspects of the flow regime using a conceptual model; (3) identify the environmental flow objectives; and (4) use hydraulic and hydrologic models to determine the magnitude, duration, frequency and timing of flows required to meet these objectives.  相似文献   

Prediction of changes to in‐stream ecology are highly desirable if decisions on river management, such as those relating to water abstractions, effluent discharges or modifications to the river channel, are to be justified to stakeholders. The physical habitat simulation (PHABSIM) system is a well‐established hydro‐ecological model that provides a suite of tools for the numerical modelling of hydraulic habitat suitability for fish and invertebrate species. In the UK, the most high‐profile PHABSIM studies have focused on rural, groundwater‐dominated rivers and have related to low flow issues. Conversely, there have been few studies of urban rivers. This paper focuses on the application of PHABSIM to urban rivers and demonstrates how sensitivity analyses can be used to assess uncertainty in PHABSIM applications. Results show that physical habitat predictions are sensitive to changes in habitat suitability indices, hydraulic model calibration and the temporal resolution of flow time‐series. Results show that there is greater suitable physical habitat over a wider range of flows in a less engineered river channel when compared to a more engineered channel. The work emphasizes the need for accurate information relating to the response of fish and other organisms to high velocities. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper we provide the first quantitative evidence of the spatial complexity of habitat diversity across the flow regime for locally anabranching channels and their potential increased biodiversity value in comparison to managed single‐thread rivers. Ecohydraulic modelling is used to provide evidence for the potential ecological value of anabranching channels. Hydraulic habitat (biotopes) of an anabranched reach of the River Wear at Wolsingham, UK, is compared with an adjacent artificially straightened single‐thread reach downstream. Two‐dimensional hydraulic modelling was undertaken across the flow regime. Simulated depth and velocity data were used to calculate Froude number index, known to be closely associated with biotope type, allowing biotope maps to be produced for each flow simulation using published Froude number limits. The gross morphology of the anabranched reach appears to be controlling flow hydraulics, creating a complex and diverse biotope distribution at low and intermediate flows. This contrasts markedly with the near uniform biotope pattern modelled for the heavily modified single‐thread reach. As discharge increases the pattern of biotopes altered to reflect a generally higher energy system, interestingly however, a number of low energy biotopes were activated through the anabranched reach as new subchannels became inundated and this process creates valuable refugia for macroinvertebrates and fish, during times of flood. In contrast, these low energy areas were not seen in the straightened single‐thread reach. Model results suggest that anabranched channels have a vital role to play in regulating flood energy on river systems and in creating and maintaining hydraulic habitat diversity.  相似文献   

Reservoirs are sometimes managed to meet agricultural and other water demands, while also maintaining streamflow for aquatic species and ecosystems. In the Henrys Fork Snake River, Idaho (USA), irrigation-season management of a headwater reservoir is informed by a flow target in a management reach ~95 km downstream. The target is in place to meet irrigation demand and maintain aquatic habitat within the 11.4 km management reach and has undergone four flow target assignments from 1978 to 2021. Recent changes to irrigation-season management to maximize reservoir carryover warranted investigation into the flow target assignment. Thus, we created a streamflow-habitat model using hydraulic measurements, habitat unit mapping, and published habitat suitability criteria for Brown Trout (Salmo trutta), Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), and Mountain Whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni). We used model output to compare habitat availability across two management regimes (1978–2017 and 2018–2021). We found that efforts to minimize reservoir releases in 2018–2021 did not reduce mean irrigation-season fish habitat relative to natural flow, but did reduce overall fish habitat variability during the irrigation season compared to streamflow management in 1978–2017. Field observations for this research led to an adjusted flow target in 2020 that moved the target location downstream of intervening irrigation diversions. Using our model output, we demonstrated that moving the location of the target to account for local irrigation diversions will contribute to more consistently suitable fish habitat in the reach. Our study demonstrates the importance of site selection for establishing environmental flow targets.  相似文献   

Increased hydraulic diversity could be a means to promote fish diversity in rivers, but little is known of the behaviour of fish in hydraulic environments. This study concerns the behaviour of two species of small native Australian freshwater fish in variable hydraulic environments and ecological habit, with regard for (a) whether the apparent differences in swimming ability are reflected in the behaviour of the species and (b) the influence of changing hydraulic conditions on their patterns of use. An artificial channel was constructed with three levels of discharge, and fish were allowed to swim freely for 3 h without human interference. Their movements and habitat choices reflected their swimming ability and ecological habit, in that the stronger swimming, pelagic common galaxias (Galaxias maculatus) spent most time cruising in the open channel, preferring the turbulent inflow, and the demersal flat‐headed gudgeon (Philypnodon grandiceps) remained in the shelter of boulders. In effect, the galaxias changed their behaviour with changes in hydraulic conditions, while the gudgeons continued to use their preferred habitat. This study, therefore, provides support for the use of hydraulic diversity as a tool to foster fish diversity. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

随着社会经济发展,生产生活用水长期挤占生态环境用水,造成河道断流、生境破坏、生态系统恶化等一系列生态环境问题。针对淮河流域目前的水生态环境问题,以淮河中游鱼类为研究对象,通过分析河段天然流量过程,以淮河流域生态恢复为目标,建立鱼类保护目标概念模型,采用IHA及EFC指标体系分析天然流量变化特性,并用HEC-RAS模型基于鱼类生态水力需求确定流量值大小,得出符合天然流量动态变化且满足不同等级生境目标需求的生态需水推荐结果,可为淮河流域水资源优化配置提供依据。  相似文献   

This paper discusses why and how to use ecologically appropriate spatial resolutions (e.g., cell size or range of cell sizes) when modeling instream flow effects on aquatic animals. Resolution is important because relations between habitat and animal habitat use vary with spatial resolution, and different habitat variables may best predict habitat use at different resolutions. Using appropriate resolutions consistently would bring clarity and coherence to how we quantify and model habitat characteristics and habitat use by fish, facilitate the use of standard and more credible measures of habitat preference, incorporate more fisheries knowledge to improve models for different kinds of fish, and avoid well-known (and perhaps unknown) biases. Doing so involves describing habitat, and habitat use by fish, with spatially explicit measures with clear resolutions; using the same resolution for physical habitat and fish habitat use; selecting that resolution for ecological reasons; and using habitat variables and fish observation methods appropriate for the resolution. The choice of resolution considers factors such as how much space fish use for specific activities and the size of important habitat patches. For drift-feeders, cell sizes and fish habitat use observations should use a resolution no smaller than feeding territories. Piscivores typically hunt over large areas so should be modeled with larger habitat units. Models of small and less-mobile organisms (e.g., benthic invertivores) may need fine resolutions to capture the small areas of unusual habitat they depend on. Because of such differences, instream flow studies (like any spatial ecology exercise) should clearly state what resolution(s) they use and why.  相似文献   

Globally, rivers are increasingly being subjected to various levels of physical alteration and river regulation to provide humans with services such as hydropower, freshwater, flood control, irrigation and recreation. Although river regulation plays an important role in modern society, there are potential consequences which may negatively affect fish and fish habitat. While much effort has been expended examining the response of fish to fluctuating flow regimes in different systems, there has been little in the way of a comprehensive synthesis. In an effort to better understand the effects of river regulation on fish and fish habitat, we conducted a systematic review of available literature with three goals: (1) summarize the various research methodologies used by regulated river researchers, (2) summarize the effects found on fish and fish habitat and (3) identify opportunities for future research. The results of the synthesis indicate that a wide variety of methodologies are being employed to study regulated river science, yet there is a gap in incorporating methodologies that examine effects on fish at a cellular level or those techniques that are interdisciplinary (e.g. behaviour and physiology). There is a clear consensus that modified flow regimes in regulated rivers are affecting fish and fish habitat, but the severity and direction of the response varies widely. Future study designs should include methods that target all biological levels of fish response, and in which detailed statistical analyses can be performed. There is also a need for more rigorous study designs including the use of appropriate controls and replicates. Data on physical variables that co‐vary with flow should be collected and examined to add explanatory power to the results. Increased multi‐stakeholder collaborations provide the greatest promise of balancing ecological concerns with economic needs. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydropeaking dam operation and water extractions for irrigation have been broadly stated as alterations to natural flow regimes, which have also been noticed in the Biobío Watershed, in Central Chile, since 1996. In the Biobío River, most of native fish species are endemic and very little is known about them. Their ecological and social values have never been estimated, and there is lack of information about their habitat preferences. Furthermore, changes on fish habitat availability due to natural and/or man‐made causes have not been evaluated. In this study, eight native fish species, in a representative reach of the Biobío River, were studied and their preferred habitats were surveyed and characterized. A hydrodynamic model was built and linked to the fish habitat simulation model CASiMiR. Fuzzy rules and fuzzy sets were developed for describing habitat preference of the native fish species. CASiMiR was then used to simulate how physical habitat conditions vary due to flow control (i.e. upstream dams). Results show how overall habitat quality, expressed as weighted usable area (WUA) and hydraulic habitat suitability (HHS), changes and fluctuates due to the dam operation and how the daily hydropeaking is influencing quantity, quality and location of different habitats. The study suggests that the analysed fish are highly susceptible to flow control, as dams are currently operated, and fish habitat improvement suggestions are proposed. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The benthic macroinvertebrate community in the sixth order lowland River Spree (Germany) was investigated in order to assess ecological effects of a flow reduction. The benthic habitat was composed of visually distinguishable mesohabitats. Eight mesohabitats were delineated, Dreissena‐bank, unionid mussel bed, rip‐rap, coarse woody debris (CWD), alder roots, stable sand, shifting sand and mud. The mesohabitats differed in their physical structure and hydraulic nature. These functional habitats were partly inhabited by distinct invertebrate assemblages. The use of mesohabitat‐specific relationships between flow velocity and discharge seemed the most appropriate approach in order to assess the impact of flow reduction on lotic fauna. In combination with the species‐specific optima and tolerances for flow velocity, this approach can be used to develop a minimum flow level that mitigates the effects of flow reduction and enables the persistence of rheophilic invertebrates in their specific mesohabitat. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Minimum flows in rivers and streams aim to provide a certain level of protection for the aquatic environment. The level of protection is described by a measure such as a prescribed proportion of historic flows, wetted perimeter or suitable habitat. Conflicting minimum flow assessments from different instream flow methods are arguably the result of different environmental goals and levels of protection. The goals, the way in which levels of protection are specified, and the relationship between levels of protection and the aquatic environment are examined for three major categories of flow assessment methods: historic flow, hydraulic geometry and habitat. Basic conceptual differences are identified. Flow assessments by historic flow and hydraulic methods are related to river size and tend to retain the ‘character’ of a river. Habitat-based methods make no a priori assumptions about the natural state of the river and flow assessments are based primarily on water depth and velocity requirements. Flow and hydraulic methods assume that lower than natural flows will degrade the stream ecosystem, whereas habitat methods accept the possibility that aspects of the natural ecosystem can be enhanced by other than naturally occurring flows. Application of hydraulic and habitat methods suggests that the environmental response to flow is not linear; the relative change in width and habitat with flow is greater for small rivers than for large. Small rivers are more ‘at risk’ than large rivers and require a higher proportion of the average flow to maintain similar levels of environmental protection. Habitat methods are focused on target species or specific instream uses, and are useful where there are clear management objectives and an understanding of ecosystem requirements. Flow and hydraulic methods are useful in cases where there is a poor understanding of the ecosystem or where a high level of protection for an existing ecosystem is required. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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