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The RELIEF algorithm is a popular approach for feature weighting. Many extensions of the RELIEF algorithm are developed, and I-RELIEF is one of the famous extensions. In this paper, I-RELIEF is generalized for supervised distance metric learning to yield a Mahananobis distance function. The proposed approach is justified by showing that the objective function of the generalized I-RELIEF is closely related to the expected leave-one-out nearest-neighbor classification rate. In addition, the relationships among the generalized I-RELIEF, the neighbourhood components analysis, and graph embedding are also pointed out. Experimental results on various data sets all demonstrate the superiority of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

Qi  Jinwei  Huang  Xin  Peng  Yuxin 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2017,76(23):25109-25127

As a highlighting research topic in the multimedia area, cross-media retrieval aims to capture the complex correlations among multiple media types. Learning better shared representation and distance metric for multimedia data is important to boost the cross-media retrieval. Motivated by the strong ability of deep neural network in feature representation and comparison functions learning, we propose the Unified Network for Cross-media Similarity Metric (UNCSM) to associate cross-media shared representation learning with distance metric in a unified framework. First, we design a two-pathway deep network pretrained with contrastive loss, and employ double triplet similarity loss for fine-tuning to learn the shared representation for each media type by modeling the relative semantic similarity. Second, the metric network is designed for effectively calculating the cross-media similarity of the shared representation, by modeling the pairwise similar and dissimilar constraints. Compared to the existing methods which mostly ignore the dissimilar constraints and only use sample distance metric as Euclidean distance separately, our UNCSM approach unifies the representation learning and distance metric to preserve the relative similarity as well as embrace more complex similarity functions for further improving the cross-media retrieval accuracy. The experimental results show that our UNCSM approach outperforms 8 state-of-the-art methods on 4 widely-used cross-media datasets.


Generalized sparse metric learning with relative comparisons   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The objective of sparse metric learning is to learn a distance measure from a set of data in addition to finding a low-dimensional representation. Despite demonstrated success, the performance of existing sparse metric learning approaches is usually limited because the methods assumes certain problem relaxations or they target the SML objective indirectly. In this paper, we propose a Generalized Sparse Metric Learning method. This novel framework offers a unified view for understanding many existing sparse metric learning algorithms including the Sparse Metric Learning framework proposed in (Rosales and Fung ACM International conference on knowledge discovery and data mining (KDD), pp 367–373, 2006), the Large Margin Nearest Neighbor (Weinberger et al. in Advances in neural information processing systems (NIPS), 2006; Weinberger and Saul in Proceedings of the twenty-fifth international conference on machine learning (ICML-2008), 2008), and the D-ranking Vector Machine (D-ranking VM) (Ouyang and Gray in Proceedings of the twenty-fifth international conference on machine learning (ICML-2008), 2008). Moreover, GSML also establishes a close relationship with the Pairwise Support Vector Machine (Vert et al. in BMC Bioinform, 8, 2007). Furthermore, the proposed framework is capable of extending many current non-sparse metric learning models to their sparse versions including Relevant Component Analysis (Bar-Hillel et al. in J Mach Learn Res, 6:937–965, 2005) and a state-of-the-art method proposed in (Xing et al. Advances in neural information processing systems (NIPS), 2002). We present the detailed framework, provide theoretical justifications, build various connections with other models, and propose an iterative optimization method, making the framework both theoretically important and practically scalable for medium or large datasets. Experimental results show that this generalized framework outperforms six state-of-the-art methods with higher accuracy and significantly smaller dimensionality for seven publicly available datasets.  相似文献   

For improving the classification performance on the cheap, it is necessary to exploit both labeled and unlabeled samples by applying semi-supervised learning methods, most of which are built upon the pair-wise similarities between the samples. While the similarities have so far been formulated in a heuristic manner such as by k-NN, we propose methods to construct similarities from the probabilistic viewpoint. The kernel-based formulation of a transition probability is first proposed via comparing kernel least squares to variational least squares in the probabilistic framework. The formulation results in a simple quadratic programming which flexibly introduces the constraint to improve practical robustness and is efficiently computed by SMO. The kernel-based transition probability is by nature favorably sparse even without applying k-NN and induces the similarity measure of the same characteristics. Besides, to cope with multiple types of kernel functions, the multiple transition probabilities obtained correspondingly from the kernels can be probabilistically integrated with prior probabilities represented by linear weights. We propose a computationally efficient method to optimize the weights in a discriminative manner. The optimized weights contribute to a composite similarity measure straightforwardly as well as to integrate the multiple kernels themselves as multiple kernel learning does, which consequently derives various types of multiple kernel based semi-supervised classification methods. In the experiments on semi-supervised classification tasks, the proposed methods demonstrate favorable performances, compared to the other methods, in terms of classification performances and computation time.  相似文献   

In this paper, the similarity of moment vectors between the test and the reference image blocks together with the result from the block classification are used in the formulation of an image quality metric (IQM). First, the reference and the test images are divided into non-overlapping 8×8 blocks and transformed into moment domain using Discrete Tchebichef Transform. The moment features are then used in two operations: the local quality index calculation and the image content (block) classification. The local quality index is obtained from the similarity measure of moment vectors between the reference and the test image blocks. Next, the content of each reference image block is classified into three types: “plain”, “edge” and “texture”, based on its moment energy level and moment energy distribution. The local quality indices obtained from all the image blocks are then averaged based on the block types to obtain three mean quality scores for each test image. The performance of these three mean quality scores and their combinations are studied using the LIVE database. The results show that the performance of the metric is significantly improved by combining the mean quality scores from the edge and texture image region. The best combination (the proposed metric) is then compared with five other IQMs using the LIVE database and four other independent databases. The results show that the proposed metric performs comparatively well for all the databases.  相似文献   

Ding  Chun  Wang  Meimin  Zhou  Zhili  Huang  Teng  Wang  Xiaoliang  Li  Jin 《Neural computing & applications》2023,35(11):8125-8142
Neural Computing and Applications - As a fundamental technique for mining and analysis of remote sensing (RS) big data, content-based remote sensing image retrieval (CBRSIR) has received a lot of...  相似文献   

Functional data learning is an extension of traditional data learning, that is, learning the data chosen from the Euclidean space ${\mathbb{R}^{n}}$ to a metric space. This paper focuses on the functional data learning with generalized single-hidden layer feedforward neural networks (GSLFNs) acting on some metric spaces. In addition, three learning algorithms, named Hilbert parallel overrelaxation backpropagation (H-PORBP) algorithm, ν-generalized support vector regression (ν-GSVR) and generalized extreme learning machine (G-ELM) are proposed to train the GSLFNs acting on some metric spaces. The experimental results on some metric spaces indicate that GELM with additive/RBF hidden-nodes has a faster learning speed, a better accuracy, and a better stability than HPORBP algorithm and ν-GSVR for training the functional data. The idea of GELM can be used to extend those improved extreme learning machines (ELMs) that act on the Euclidean space ${\mathbb{R}^{n}, }$ such as online sequential ELM, incremental ELM, pruning ELM and so on, to some metric spaces.  相似文献   

Subspace and similarity metric learning are important issues for image and video analysis in the scenarios of both computer vision and multimedia fields. Many real-world applications, such as image clustering/labeling and video indexing/retrieval, involve feature space dimensionality reduction as well as feature matching metric learning. However, the loss of information from dimensionality reduction may degrade the accuracy of similarity matching. In practice, such basic conflicting requirements for both feature representation efficiency and similarity matching accuracy need to be appropriately addressed. In the style of “Thinking Globally and Fitting Locally”, we develop Locally Embedded Analysis (LEA) based solutions for visual data clustering and retrieval. LEA reveals the essential low-dimensional manifold structure of the data by preserving the local nearest neighbor affinity, and allowing a linear subspace embedding through solving a graph embedded eigenvalue decomposition problem. A visual data clustering algorithm, called Locally Embedded Clustering (LEC), and a local similarity metric learning algorithm for robust video retrieval, called Locally Adaptive Retrieval (LAR), are both designed upon the LEA approach, with variations in local affinity graph modeling. For large size database applications, instead of learning a global metric, we localize the metric learning space with kd-tree partition to localities identified by the indexing process. Simulation results demonstrate the effective performance of proposed solutions in both accuracy and speed aspects.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a shape-based similarity measure, called the angular metric for shape similarity (AMSS), for time series data. Unlike most similarity or dissimilarity measures, AMSS is based not on individual data points of a time series but on vectors equivalently representing it. AMSS treats a time series as a vector sequence to focus on the shape of the data and compares data shapes by employing a variant of cosine similarity. AMSS is, by design, expected to be robust to time and amplitude shifting and scaling, but sensitive to short-term oscillations. To deal with the potential drawback, ensemble learning is adopted, which integrates data smoothing when AMSS is used for classification. Evaluative experiments reveal distinct properties of AMSS and its effectiveness when applied in the ensemble framework as compared to existing measures.  相似文献   

The performance of several discrepancy measures for the comparison of edge images is analyzed and a novel similarity metric aimed at overcoming their problems is proposed. The algorithm finds an optimal matching of the pixels between the images and estimates the error produced by this matching. The resulting Pixel Correspondence Metric (PCM) can take into account edge strength as well as the displacement of edge pixel positions in the estimation of similarity. A series of experimental tests shows the new metric to be a robust and effective tool in the comparison of edge images when a small localization error of the detected edges is allowed.  相似文献   

In this study, a visual similarity metric based on precision–recall graphs is presented as an alternative to the widely used Hausdorff distance (HD). Such metric, called maximum cardinality similarity metric, is computed between a reference shape and a test template, each one represented by a set of edge points. We address this problem using a bipartite graph representation of the relationship between the sets. The matching problem is solved using the Hopcroft–Karp algorithm, taking advantage of its low computational complexity. We present a comparison between our results and those obtained from applying the partial Hausdorff distance (PHD) to the same test sets. Similar results were found using both approaches for standard template-matching applications. Nevertheless, the proposed methodology is more accurate at determining the completeness of partial shapes under noise conditions. Furthermore, the processing time required by our methodology is lower than that required to compute the PHD, for a large set of points.  相似文献   

Similarity and dissimilarity measures are widely used in many research areas and applications. When a dissimilarity measure is used, it is normally required to be a distance metric. However, when a similarity measure is used, there is no formal requirement. In this article, we have three contributions. First, we give a formal definition of similarity metric. Second, we show the relationship between similarity metric and distance metric. Third, we present general solutions to normalize a given similarity metric or distance metric.  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient metric for the computation of the similarity among omnidirectional images (image matching). The representation of image appearance is based on feature vectors that include both the chromatic attributes of color sets and their mutual spatial relationships. The proposed metric fits well to robotic navigation using omnidirectional vision sensors, because it has very important properties: it is reflexive, compositional and invariant with respect to image scaling and rotation. The robustness of the metric was repeatedly tested using omnidirectional images for a robot localization task in a real indoor environment.  相似文献   

Accurately measuring document similarity is important for many text applications, e.g. document similarity search, document recommendation, etc. Most traditional similarity measures are based only on “bag of words” of documents and can well evaluate document topical similarity. In this paper, we propose the notion of document structural similarity, which is expected to further evaluate document similarity by comparing document subtopic structures. Three related factors (i.e. the optimal matching factor, the text order factor and the disturbing factor) are proposed and combined to evaluate document structural similarity, among which the optimal matching factor plays the key role and the other two factors rely on its results. The experimental results demonstrate the high performance of the optimal matching factor for evaluating document topical similarity, which is as well as or better than most popular measures. The user study shows the good ability of the proposed overall measure with all three factors to further find highly similar documents from those topically similar documents, which is much better than that of the popular measures and other baseline structural similarity measures. Xiaojun Wan received a B.Sc. degree in information science, a M.Sc. degree in computer science and a Ph.D. degree in computer science from Peking University, Beijing, China, in 2000, 2003 and 2006, respectively. He is currently a lecturer at Institute of Computer Science and Technology of Peking University. His research interests include information retrieval and natural language processing.  相似文献   

Sentence and short-text semantic similarity measures are becoming an important part of many natural language processing tasks, such as text summarization and conversational agents. This paper presents SyMSS, a new method for computing short-text and sentence semantic similarity. The method is based on the notion that the meaning of a sentence is made up of not only the meanings of its individual words, but also the structural way the words are combined. Thus, SyMSS captures and combines syntactic and semantic information to compute the semantic similarity of two sentences. Semantic information is obtained from a lexical database. Syntactic information is obtained through a deep parsing process that finds the phrases in each sentence. With this information, the proposed method measures the semantic similarity between concepts that play the same syntactic role. Psychological plausibility is added to the method by using previous findings about how humans weight different syntactic roles when computing semantic similarity. The results show that SyMSS outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of rank correlation with human intuition, thus proving the importance of syntactic information in sentence semantic similarity computation.  相似文献   

《Information Fusion》2008,9(2):156-160
A novel objective quality metric for image fusion is presented. The interest of our metric lies in the fact that the redundant regions and the complementary/conflicting regions are treated respectively according to the structural similarity between the source images. The experiments show that the proposed measure is consistent with human visual evaluations and can be applied to evaluate image fusion schemes that are not performed at the same level.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a general guideline to find a better distance measure for similarity estimation based on statistical analysis of distribution models and distance functions. A new set of distance measures are derived from the harmonic distance, the geometric distance, and their generalized variants according to the Maximum Likelihood theory. These measures can provide a more accurate feature model than the classical Euclidean and Manhattan distances. We also find that the feature elements are often from heterogeneous sources that may have different influence on similarity estimation. Therefore, the assumption of single isotropic distribution model is often inappropriate. To alleviate this problem, we use a boosted distance measure framework that finds multiple distance measures which fit the distribution of selected feature elements best for accurate similarity estimation. The new distance measures for similarity estimation are tested on two applications: stereo matching and motion tracking in video sequences. The performance of boosted distance measure is further evaluated on several benchmark data sets from the UCI repository and two image retrieval applications. In all the experiments, robust results are obtained based on the proposed methods.  相似文献   

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