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The complete equations of motion and continuity have been solved numerically using the finite element method for the flow of power law liquids through assemblages of rigid spherical particles. The inter-particle interactions have been simulated using the free surface cell model. Extensive results on drag coefficients have been obtained under a wide range of physical and operating conditions (0.9999 ≥ 0.3), 1 ≥ n ≥ 0.4 and 20 ≥ Re ≥ 1. The observed dependence of drag coefficient on voidage and non-Newtonian flow behaviour index have been explained qualitatively with the aid of order of magnitude considerations. Finally, the theoretical predictions have been validated using suitable experimental data available in the literature. 相似文献
A non-isothermal injection molding process for a non-Newtonian viscous pseudoplastic fluid is simulated. A conservative interface capturing technique and the flow field solving method are coupled to perform a dynamic simulation. The validity of the numerical method is verified by a benchmark problem. The melt interface evolution versus time is captured and the physical quantities such as temperature, velocity and pressure at each time step are obtained with corresponding analysis. A “frozen skin” layer with the thickness increasing versus time during the injection process is found. The fact that the “frozen skin” layer can be reduced by increasing the injection velocity is numerically verified. The fountain flow phenomenon near the melt interface is also captured. Moreover, comparisons with the non-isothermal Newtonian case show that the curvatures of the interface arcs and the pressure con-tours near the horizontal mid-line of the cavity for the non-Newtonian pseudoplastic case is larger than that for the Newtonian case. The velocity profiles are different at different positions for the non-Newtonian pseudoplastic case, while in the case of Newtonian flow the velocity profiles are parabolic and almost the same at different positions. 相似文献
An investigation has been carried out to evaluate the two-phase pressure drop for gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow across orifices. The method of dimensional analysis was used to correlate the experimental data. The correlation developed predicts the two-phase frictional pressure drop across the orifices with acceptable statistical accuracy. 相似文献
The paper deals with the experimental investigations carried out to evaluate holdup for gas-non-Newtonian (pseudoplastic) liquid mixtures in vertical and horizontal flow in pipes. Correlations developed predict holdup in slug flow regime with acceptable statistical accuracy. 相似文献
在欧拉双流体模型基础上引入颗粒动力学理论(KTGF),对带挡板圆盘涡桨式搅拌器内的固液两相流动进行数值模拟。结果表明,搅拌器底部颗粒温度分布与固相浓度分布趋势吻合,转速低于600 r/min时,槽底会形成明显的颗粒沉积,转速从600 r/min增至1500 r/min,堆积区向轴中心收缩,基于颗粒动力学理论可以合理解释挡板及叶轮转速对固相浓度分布的影响。随叶轮转速增大,搅拌器内固液两相湍流运动加剧,颗粒温度、湍动能及轴向速度增加,颗粒分布更均匀,但达到完全悬浮状态后颗粒温度趋于稳定。搅拌器底部和挡板处颗粒堆积导致了局部颗粒浓度增加及颗粒平均自由行程减少,颗粒温度反而降低;同时挡板布置使搅拌器内形成了双循环回路,加强了流体的湍流程度,增强了湍动能,但导致颗粒在挡板处积聚,不利于固相在挡板处均匀分布。 相似文献
Zero net-liquid flow (ZNLF) is a special case of upward gas-liquid two-phase flow. It is a phenomenon observed as a gas-liquid mixture flows in a conduit but the net liquid flow rate is zero. Investigation on the liquid holdup of ZNLF is conducted in a vertical ten-meter tube with diameter of 76 mm, both for Newtonian and nonNewtonian fluids. The gas phase is air. The Newtonian fluid is water and the non-Newtonian fluids are water-based guar gel solutions. The correlations developed for predicting liquid holdup on the basis of Lockhart-Martinelli parameter are not suitable to ZNLF. A constitutive correlation for the liquid holdup of vertical ZNLF was put forward by using the mass balance. It is found that the liquid holdup in ZNLF is dependent on both the gas flow rate and the flow distribution coefficient. 相似文献
Flow pattern was visually observed for non-foaming and foaming Newtonian and non-Newtonian liquids under concurrent downflow with air in packed beds using different configurations of column geometry and packins. Flow maps delineating the different flow regions were presented based on the present study as well as that of earlier investigations. The total and dynamic liquid saturation were experimentally measured and correlations were presented in terms of (i) the Lockhart-Martinelli parameter, χ, and (ii) the flow variables. 相似文献
The equations of motion of an accelerating sphere falling through non-Newtonian fluids with power law index n in the range 0.2 ≤ n ≤ 1.8 were integrated numerically using the assumption that the drag on the sphere was a function of both power law index and terminal Reynolds number, Ret For 10?2 ≤ Ret ≤ 103 both dimensionless time and distance travelled by the sphere under transient conditions showed a much stronger dependence on the flow behaviour index, n, for shear-thinning than for shear-thickening fluids. The form of this dependence is investigated here. Furthermore, results in four typical shear-thinning fluids suggested a strong correlation between the distance and time travelled by the sphere under transient conditions and the value of the fluid consistency index. The analysis reported herein is, however, restricted to dense spheres falling in less dense fluids, when additional effects arising from the Basset forces can be neelected. 相似文献
Kai Feng;Gang Yang;Jiaxin Liu;Huichen Zhang; 《加拿大化工杂志》2024,102(3):1353-1364
An experiment of phase split was conducted in a horizontal ψ-shaped branching microchannel to study the phase distribution and pressure drop at the bifurcation. The pressure drop at the test section and the flow rates of the gas and liquid phases through the three branches were measured. The pressure drop gradients at the inlet and branches were predicted by the correlation based on the separated flow model. The critical condition for the split of the two-phase flow was determined. The results showed that the gas phase separated from the side arm was more than the liquid phase. A uniform distribution could be achieved for the churn flow in water. Pressure drop occurred at the bifurcation of the side arm under the effect of the vortex in the liquid slug near the bubble nose; the pressure drop was much greater than that at the bifurcation of the run. 相似文献
Experimental investigations have been carried out to evaluate the two-phase pressure drop data across different types of horizontal bends for gas-non-Newtonian liquid flow. The non-Newtonian liquids used were different concentrations of the sodium salt of carboxymethyl cellulose (SCMC) which behaved like pseudoplastic fluids. Correlations have been developed to predict the gas-non-Newtonian liquid two-phase friction factor as a function of various physical and dynamic parameters of the system. Statistical analysis of the correlations suggests that the correlations are of acceptable accuracy. 相似文献
目前,处理高黏流体和对剪切敏感介质的层流搅拌槽的报道并不多见。本文建立了描述双层组合桨搅拌槽内高黏非牛顿流体层流流动、混合过程的数学模型,利用Laminar模型、多重参考系法(MRF)和示踪剂浓度法对其流场特性、示踪剂扩散过程进行数值模拟,分析搅拌槽内轴向速度曲线、示踪剂浓度响应曲线和混合时间。结果表明:中心搅拌中间面将介质阻隔在各自的半层内运动,偏心搅拌介质作全局运动,轴向混合能力突出;转轴中心搅拌依靠上下半层浓度差的增大向下扩散,转轴偏心搅拌通过不对称结构扩散示踪剂,叶轮相对转轴偏心搅拌则利用叶片的不对称分布;距离加料点较近和较远的监测点浓度响应曲线因振荡和调整,混合时间较长,处于中间面的监测点拥有最短的混合时间。 相似文献
《Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics》2017,42(10):1168-1178
The combustion of zirconium potassium perchlorate (ZPP) in a closed vessel is modelled and validated through a numerical simulation. Because the extremely high pressure oscillation occurs in less than a millisecond, an in‐house computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code is used to observe the detailed flow structures and determine the adequate burning characteristics, including the burning rate. A hybrid RANS/LES scheme with a 5th order upwind weighted essentially non‐oscillatory (WENO) is implemented to capture complex, strong shock waves in highly turbulent combustion. A two‐way coupled Eulerian‐Lagrangian scheme tracks the combusting ZPP granules reasonably well. Monodisperse and Rosin‐Rammler assumptions are applied to the ZPP granule distribution. The monodisperse assumption reveals that the diameter of the ZPP (17 μm) achieves marginal agreement with the measurements. However, the Rosin‐Rammler distribution improves the transient and dynamic combustion characteristics in that the small granules contribute to a faster burning rate and stronger shock waves. These results are more analogous to the closed vessel tests used as validation data. 相似文献
基于JFO空化和幂律模型的螺旋槽液膜密封流体动压特性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
密封端面间润滑流体的非牛顿特性对密封的性能有重要影响。基于满足质量守恒的JFO空化边界条件及描述流体非牛顿特性的幂律模型,建立了考虑流体非牛顿特性的螺旋槽液膜密封数学模型。采用有限差分法对控制方程进行离散,通过SOR迭代方法对离散方程进行求解,得到了密封端面液膜压力分布。探讨了润滑流体的非牛顿特性对螺旋槽液膜密封的液膜承载能力、泄漏量、摩擦扭矩等性能参数及液膜中空化发生情况的影响规律。结果表明:随着幂律指数的增大,液膜承载能力先增大后减小,泄漏量和空化率增大,摩擦扭矩减小;幂律指数为0.96时,相对于牛顿流体,液膜承载能力提升约4.6%,密封端面空化率下降约98.6%,泄漏量下降约5.8%,摩擦扭矩增加约0.3%;随着操作参数的改变,不同幂律指数下的流体动压性能参数变化规律具有相似性;润滑流体的合理选择对液膜密封性能改善有重要意义。 相似文献
The Reynolds stress transport model and the Eulerian two-fluid model provided by the FLUENT code were applied to evaluate the gas-particle two-phase flow in the ceramic filter vessel. The ceramic filter vessel contains six candle filters, which are arranged in the form of equilateral hexagon. The variation of the areal density of the filter cake during the filtration and the back-pulse process were analyzed. The coupling effect between filters, gas and solid, filtration and pulse cleaning process were investigated, respectively. The numerical results show a good approach to predict the particle distribution in the vessel and the particle deposition on the filter element. This study provides the base for the intensive study on the analysis of the gas-particle flow in the filter vessel. 相似文献
The flow of viscoplastic materials through extrusion dies has been studied numerically using the finite element method. Rheological data for viscoplastic doughs have been fitted by the Herschel-Bulkley model, which incorporates a yield stress into the power-law model. Non-isothermal simulations show the extent and shape of yielded/unyielded regions and the development of temperature field assuming different modes of heat transfer at the boundaries. The results reveal that viscous dissipation causes appreciable temperature rises in the extrudate in agreement with measured values at the extruded material surface. The extrudate swell results show a maximum for a certain range of apparent shear rates also observed experimentally. However, the inelastic simulations based on the Herschel-Bulkley model always under-predict the experimental swelling values. A heuristic approach is also used to determine the level of elasticity required to produce the experimental values. 相似文献
Dag Biberg 《加拿大化工杂志》1999,77(6):1073-1082
The main result of the present work is an analytic expression for the mean liquid wall shear stress in two-phase turbulent gas/laminar liquid stratified pipe flow. The Navier-Stokes equations are solved assuming a flat fluid-fluid interface subject to a constant interfacial shear — approximating the interfacial drag exerted by the gas. The effect of a pipe inclination is accounted for, thereby retaining the interesting two-phase phenomenon of backflow in upwardly inclined pipes. The corresponding expression for the wall shear stress distribution is obtained by formal differentiation. Its limiting behaviour in the triple points, where the fluid-fluid interface meets the pipe wall, is determined by residue calculus. The expression for the mean wall shear stress is given by integration. It is found to be a linear combination of two terms. The first term accounts for the free surface liquid flow in the absence of the gas. The corresponding approximate hydraulic diameter model is found to be in surprisingly good agreement with this term. The second term represents the shear flow associated with the interfacial drag exerted by the gas (not accounted for by the hydraulic diameter approximation). The shear flow increases the flow rate near the interface on behalf of the flow rate near the pipe wall, thus reducing the wall shear stress below the free surface flow value. Expedient evaluation of the expression for the mean wall shear stress, suitable for use in a 1-D multiphase pipe flow simulator, is facilitated by replacing certain one-parameter integrals with highly accurate rational approximations. 相似文献
采用计算流体力学相场方法模拟了单个剪切变稀非牛顿流体液滴在随机粗糙表面的沉积过程,并分析揭示了随机粗糙表面形貌对液滴运动状态及平衡状态的影响。结果表明,在指定的相同操作条件下,即使在光滑表面,剪切变稀流体液滴比牛顿流体液滴铺展更大且回缩至平衡所需时间更少,不存在二次铺展;剪切变稀流体液滴最大铺展直径随均方根粗糙度Rr与Wenzel粗糙度Wr的增加而略有增加。Wr相同时,随着Rr增大,液滴最终铺展系数减小,高度系数增大,平衡接触面积及接触角有所减小。在Rr相同情况下,随着Wr增大,液滴达到平衡所需时间缩短,平衡接触面积线性增大。 相似文献
空气钻井环空气固两相流动规律数值模拟 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于FLUENT软件中Euler模型,采用有限容积法建立了空气钻井环空气固两相流三维计算模型,分析了压力分布规律、流体分布规律、浓度分布规律。研究表明,从井底到井口压力逐渐降低;速度在钻铤内逐渐增大,在交界面处迅速降低,而后在钻杆内呈现增大趋势,岩屑速度在整体环空内逐渐降低;在交界面处形成漩涡,对岩屑进行了不同程度的清洗;同时空气浓度达到最大值、岩屑浓度为最小值;随着入口空气的逐渐增加,空气速度、岩屑速度变化率逐渐增大,而交界面处高空气浓度、低岩屑浓度区域逐渐增大,能较大程度的清洗岩屑。 相似文献