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含水率对西昌昔格达组粘土岩抗剪强度的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昔格达组是西南地区第四纪的一套静水河湖相沉积地层,岩石矿物成分复杂,粘土岩具有遇水软化、强度随含水率升高而降低的特点.本文以西昌昔格达组粘土岩在不同含水率下的剪切试验为基础,从多角度就含水率对该区粘土岩抗剪强度的影响程度及影响机理进行了分析.试验发现,随着含水率的增加,粘土岩抗剪强度明显降低,含水率对粘土岩粘聚力及内摩...  相似文献   

集成大直径固结仪和微型十字板剪切仪的功能,开发和研制了饱和软黏土固结过程中可以随时开展剪切试验的系统装置,考虑超孔压随时间和空间变化的不均匀性,在微型十字板剪切仪板头处的空心轴杆底端配置微型孔压计,并在大直径固结仪中配置微型土压力计,使其具备自动实时监测在十字板剪切试验测点处有效应力变化的功能。利用该系统装置,开展了饱和软黏土在不同固结压力作用下,固结过程中不同时点的十字板剪切试验,实时监测了固结过程中的变形和孔压变化过程,得到了十字板剪切试验测点处的有效应力和不排水抗剪强度,分析了固结过程中不排水抗剪强度和有效应力之间的相关关系。结果表明,在不同固结压力作用下,固结完成后的不排水抗剪强度与有效应力呈现出传统的线性关系,但是,在某一固结压力作用下,固结过程中的不排水抗剪强度却随有效应力的增长呈非线性增长,而且,在不同固结压力作用下,固结压力越大,固结过程中达到相同的有效应力时所对应的不排水抗剪强度越大。固结过程中的不排水抗剪强度并不仅仅取决于剪前固结有效应力,还与剪前孔隙比相关,孔压消散速率小于变形速率是导致固结初期、剪前固结有效应力较小时,不排水抗剪强度较快增长的主要原因。  相似文献   

利用人工神经网络模型,建立基于孔压静力触探(CPTu)现场测试数据的黏性土不排水抗剪强度的预测方法。为建立和验证人工神经网络模型,在3个场地开展CPTu和十字板剪切现场测试,共取得33个测孔的CPTu试验数据和相对应的不排水抗剪强度实测值。通过对比分析不同输入向量、不同网络隐层数、不同神经元数及不同改进算法对人工神经网络模型性能的影响,确定人工神经网络模型的具体形式。通过对训练组数据开展机器学习,所建立的人工神经网络模型能够有效地基于CPTu获得的端阻力和孔隙水压力现场测试数据对黏土不排水抗剪强度进行预测,预测结果与十字板剪切试验实测结果非常接近。与传统用于估算不排水强度的经验关系相比,采用人工神经网络模型预测结果与实测结果相关性显著提高、误差明显降低。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2021,61(5):1223-1234
Soft sedimentary rocks undergo deterioration due to weathering induced by dry–wet cycles in a process known as slaking. To investigate the effect of the initial water content and shear stress on the immersion-induced creep deformation and strength characteristics of gravelly mudstone (slaking index = 1 and 2), creep tests were conducted using a modified direct-shear-test apparatus under different creep-stress ratios. Crushed mudstone with different degrees of compaction and initial water content was subjected to immersion under the creep-shear-stress conditions. After the creep shear and vertical displacements stabilized, a monotonic shear loading was applied. During creep immersion, the increment in the creep-shear displacement increases as the creep-stress ratio increases and the initial water content and/or degree of compaction decrease. Retaining a high initial water content in crushed mudstone is recommended to maintain its shear-stress stability. Under the same density, the peak shear strength decreased with an increase in the increment of the creep-shear displacement during creep immersion. The results indicate that the occurrence of immersion-induced creep deformation in addition to slaking can result in the deterioration of slope stability.  相似文献   

对击实后的红粘土土样在饱和前、饱和后进行了三轴剪切试验和无侧限抗压强度试验,研究其抗剪强度特征的变化规律。针对原状土样和重塑土样在脱湿或加湿过程中无侧限抗压强度的变化进行了研究。研究表明,在脱湿过程中,土体的抗剪强度逐渐增大,而且原状土的应力应变关系曲线一般呈应变软化的特点,而重塑土的应力应变关系曲线则一般呈现硬化的特点;在加湿过程中,原状土无侧限抗压强度峰值并不明显。分析表明,脱湿过程或加湿过程中土样强度随含水率的变化是显著的。  相似文献   

王培荔 《山西建筑》2002,28(9):32-33
土体的抗剪强度指标C、φ值是土工计算中的重要计算参数,分析了粘性土固结状况对土基抗剪强度的影响,指出在进行抗剪强度试验时对土体适当进行固结的必要性。  相似文献   

膨胀砂岩的抗剪强度与含水量的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
针对南京红山窑水利枢纽工程中的红砂岩圆柱体试样,采用RMT-150B多功能刚性岩石伺服试验机,通过常规直接剪切试验的方法对不同含水量状态下的红砂岩圆柱体试样进行室内试验研究。通过对试验结果的线性回归分析得到膨胀岩的凝聚力c和内摩擦角φ与含水量w之间良好的对数关系,lgc和lgφ与含水量w之间呈线性相关,结合摩尔-库仑准则可以分析某些特定地区膨胀岩的抗剪强度与含水量的关系,这对工程设计、工程安全监测都具有非常重要的实际意义,可以为实际工程提供参考。  相似文献   

碎石土因特殊的工程特性而被科研人员关注,但对大粒径、粉质粘土填充、稍密状态下碎石土的力学性能涉足较少。根据该类型碎石土特点及大量勘察结果配置出两种比较典型级配的稍密碎石土,通过大型直剪试验仪测定了不同含水率状态下碎石土试样的抗剪强度,绘制剪应力与水平位移的关系图,通过一元回归得出稍密碎石的抗剪强度指标c、φ值,分析了不同含水率、不同级配对稍密碎石土抗剪性能的影响。结果表明:随着含水率的增大,碎石土粘聚力总体呈减小趋势,但变化趋势具有显著的阶段性且和粉质粘土的含量有关,含水率变化对碎石土内摩擦角的影响较小。用规范推荐方法计算了该类型碎石土地基承载力,并与地方规范经验取值和勘察工程实践取值进行了对比,结果表明:含水率对地基承载力影响较大,且与碎石土填充物的粉质粘土含量有关,粉质粘土含量越高,承载力影响越大。  相似文献   

The spatial variability of soil properties is often assumed to be modeled as stationary or weakly stationary random fields in slope reliability analyses. However, abundant site-specific data have revealed that the mean and standard deviation of soil properties, such as the undrained shear strength of soil, change with depth. Thus, the non-stationary characteristics of soil properties need to be properly accounted for. The aim of this paper is to propose a non-stationary random field (RF) model for the characterization of the spatial variability and the depth-dependent nature of the undrained shear strength of soil. With the proposed model, the uncertainties of the trend and fluctuating components can be modeled individually. As an example, a clay slope under undrained conditions is investigated to illustrate the proposed model. A subset simulation is carried out to evaluate the slope reliability incorporating the non-stationary characteristics of soil properties. The advantages of the proposed model, relative to the existing non-stationary RF models and the commonly-used stationary RF model in the literature, are demonstrated through a series of sensitivity studies.  相似文献   

天然沉积结构性黏土的不排水强度性状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对福州天然沉积黏土原状样及不同初始含水率重塑样进行三轴固结不排水剪切试验,探讨土结构性对天然沉积黏土强度性状的影响规律及作用机理。研究结果表明:结构性对天然沉积土固结不排水抗剪强度的作用程度受固结压力大小影响可以分为3个阶段:固结压力小于屈服压力阶段,不排水抗剪强度主要由土结构性控制,与应力水平基本无关;土结构逐渐屈服阶段,固结压力大于屈服压力,不排水抗剪强度随固结有效应力的增大逐渐趋于重塑样的强度线;土结构性影响消失阶段,原状样的不排水抗剪强度随固结有效应力的增长规律与重塑样相同。  相似文献   

采用玻璃纤维复合材料-粘土砖单剪试验方法,考虑GFRP粘结长度、粘结宽度、粘结树脂的类型及粘贴层数等因素,对GFRP与粘土砖之间的极限粘结荷载进行了深入研究。研究结果表明,粘结破坏有GFRP剥离破坏和GFRP断裂破坏两种形式;GFRP粘结长度、粘结宽度、粘结树脂的类型、粘贴层数及砖抗压强度等因素对极限粘结荷载有显著影响。  相似文献   

《Soils and Foundations》2014,54(4):910-916
Previous studies have shown that desaturation can improve the liquefaction resistance of originally saturated sand. To apply this method in practice, we need to establish the relationship between undrained liquefaction resistance and the degree of saturation for sand. In this paper, previous studies on the undrained strength and liquefaction behavior of partly saturated sand are reviewed first. Then, experimental results of triaxial undrained compression and extension tests on loose sands are presented. The data are used to examine the relationships between undrained liquefaction resistance and degree of saturation of samples under different loading modes.  相似文献   

孔隙溶液的变化对土体的强度具有重要作用,为了分析孔隙溶液浓度的变化对黏土的有效强度及黏土颗粒微观结构的影响,基于应变控制式室内直剪仪和电镜扫描技术,对采用不同浓度Na Cl溶液饱和的重塑土样进行强度和微观试验研究。试验结果表明孔隙溶液浓度的变化对土体黏聚力有很大影响,随着Na Cl溶液浓度的增加,黏聚力呈现降低趋势,当Na Cl孔隙溶液达到0.1 mol/L时,黏聚力出现负值。黏聚力主要来源于颗粒间物理化学作用力对颗粒移动的阻碍作用,当黏土孔隙中的Na Cl溶液浓度增加时,颗粒间斥力减小,颗粒变的易于移动,黏聚力下降。同时由于土中真实孔隙水压力的存在,使得黏聚力呈现负值。另外,通过电镜扫描对土体微观结构的探测表明,用Na Cl溶液调拌的土样主要以凝聚结构为主,而用去离子水调拌的土样主要以集聚结构为主。  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings from an experimental study focusing on the undrained cyclic behavior of sand in the presence of initial static shear stress. A series of undrained cyclic torsional shear tests was performed on saturated air-pluviated Toyoura sand specimens up to single amplitude shear strain (γSA) exceeding 50%. Two types of cyclic loading conditions, namely, stress reversal (SR) and stress non-reversal (SNR), were employed by changing the amplitude of the combined initial static shear and cyclic shear stresses. The tests covered a broad range of initial states in terms of relative density (Dr = 20–74%) and the initial static shear stress ratio (α = 0–0.30). The following five distinct modes of deformation were identified from the tests based on the density state, the transient undrained peak shear stress, and the combined cyclic and static shear stresses: 1) static liquefaction, 2) cyclic liquefaction, 3) cyclic mobility, 4) shear deformation failure, and 5) limited deformation. Of these, cyclic liquefaction and static liquefaction are the most critical. They occur in very loose sand (Dr ≤ 24%) under SR and SNR, respectively, and are characterized by abrupt flow-type shear deformation. Cyclic mobility occurs under SR in loose to dense sand with Dr ≥ 24%. Contrarily, shear deformation failure typically occurs under SNR in sand with 24 < Dr < 65%, and limited deformation may take place in dense sand with Dr ≥ 65%. In this paper, a stress-void ratio-based predictive method is proposed to identify the likely mode of deformation/failure in sand under undrained shear loading with static shear. Furthermore, the cyclic resistance is evaluated at three different levels of γSA (i.e., small, γSA = 3%; moderate, γSA = 7.5%; and large, γSA = 20%). The results show that, independent of the density state, the cyclic resistance continuously decreases with an increase in α at the small γSA level, while it first decreases and then increases for both loose and dense sand at the moderate and large γSA levels.  相似文献   

K0固结软土不排水抗剪强度   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
从临界状态土力学出发,考虑K0固结引起的诱发各向异性,推导了K0固结条件下三轴压缩和三轴拉伸不排水强度的理论计算公式。搜集对比现有的试验结果,发现本文提出的理论公式与国内外试验及失稳软基堤坝反分析结果更为符合,在大量土性分析基础上提出平均不排水强度的简化计算公式,以兹工程推广与应用。  相似文献   

高含水率疏浚淤泥平板贯入剪切强度试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对中国缺乏高含水率疏浚淤泥不排水强度的有效测试方法的现状,引进了Tan课题组提出的平板贯入剪切试验方法,对分布于中国不同地区的3种疏浚淤泥进行了系列平板贯入剪切试验,分析了加载速率对不排水强度测试结果的影响以及贯入深度随贯入时间的变化规律,完善了平板贯入剪切试验测试方法。基于平板贯入剪切试验数据,分析了疏浚淤泥的不排水强度性状和主要影响因素,导入含水率与液限之比对各种疏浚淤泥的不排水强度进行归一化分析,验证了平板贯入剪切试验测试方法的有效性,为该测试方法应用于中国疏浚淤泥的强度测试奠定了基础。  相似文献   

周敏  时凯 《工程勘察》2011,(12):17-19,24
对红粘土试样进行物化分析试验和常规室内试验,结果表明该土样结构为铁质胶结,胶结物主要为针铁矿,且土样含水量高、孔隙比大、塑性高。对不同含水量的试样进行直剪强度试验,在三种垂直压力作用下,红粘土的抗剪强度都随含水量的升高而减小。对经过不同pH值的Al(NO3)3溶液和Fe(NO3)3溶液浸泡后的试样进行直剪试验,结果显示...  相似文献   

吸力对非饱和膨胀土抗剪强度及剪胀特性的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用非饱和土直剪仪进行原状样和压实样的控制吸力直剪试验以研究吸力对非饱和膨胀土抗剪强度和剪胀性状的影响。试验结果表明:该膨胀土原状样和压实样的剪胀势随着吸力增加而增大。吸力对该膨胀土抗剪强度的贡献可归结于两种不同的机理:①吸力使得土体中粒间有效应力增加;②吸力对土体剪胀势的贡献。由于吸力对土体剪胀势的贡献,吸力对该膨胀土峰值强度的贡献大于其对峰后软化强度的贡献。当吸力相同时,原状样的峰值强度和剪胀势均高于压实样,这与原状样中铁锰结核的胶结作用有关。吸力对该膨胀土抗剪强度的贡献高于压实高岭土。  相似文献   

陕南膨胀土强度与含水量关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对陕南膨胀土在不同含水量下的直剪试验研究,结果表明膨胀土的含水量对其强度指标有着强烈的影响。并在此基础上建立了膨胀土剪切强度指标与含水量的关系计算公式,这为膨胀土地区的地质灾害防治以及工程设计及稳定性分析提供了依据。  相似文献   

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