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皮克斯的米切尔科佩尔曼(Mitchell KopeLman)为我们介绍了《汽车总动员2》中的照明特效技术,并讨论如何平衡有限的渲染资源现实场景的创意需求。有人可能会认为,如皮克斯公司必将拥有足够的渲染能力,技术是他们不应该担心的事情。但现实上,他们必须完善的考虑并处理技术问题才能打造完美的动画电影。皮克斯公司将灯光设置分成了几个部分,使他们能够更有效地找到解决办法。基本做法是看几个方面,分别是:漫反射照明,反射,组织和优化。  相似文献   

《玩具总动员》团队迅速从原来24人的规模扩大到110人。包括27位动画师、22位技术指导、61位其他方面的艺术家和工程师。这个团队吸引人才的并不是报酬,而是参与制作第一部电脑动画电影的荣誉。  相似文献   

赖介婷 《程序员》2005,(10):50-53
在进入正题之前.笔者需要稍微介绍一下《怪兽总动员》这款游戏的制作理念,以便读者能够理解这个游戏的来龙去脉。《怪兽总动员》(下文简称《怪兽》)是昱泉公司历时15个月制作的3D网络游戏。过去昱泉多半是以3D东方武侠为产品主流.所以在制作《怪兽》之初.公司的制作高层及市场、技术高层对于这款游戏的题材进行了深入的讨论。最后决定突破武侠传统,制作一款以清新可爱为主题的游戏。很快大家便达成共识.如果是清新可爱的主题.那么我们需要在游戏中加入大量的快乐元素,而不是以打打杀杀为主要诉求。于是围绕着这个主题与想法.我们的制作之路就此展开。  相似文献   

在顶级的赛车游戏世界中。最原始的《反重力战车》在最受欢迎的游戏中位居第一游戏中极限的速度.流畅的运作和武器装备的赛车.使它在当时瞬间成为经典PSP发行《反重力赛车》这个游戏,使这一系列成功年轻化.  相似文献   

对于喜爱体育竞技游戏的游戏迷来说,没有什么事情能比得上Papyrus公司新开发的赛车游戏即将发行更让人兴奋的了。Papyrus多年来在开发刺激、真实的PC赛车游戏方面享有一定的名气。1988年开发的《国际汽车大奖赛》被公  相似文献   

新一代的《极品飞车:地下狂飙2》推出已经有一段时间了,本作在游戏性质上与前作并没有本质的区别,依然保持了地下飙车的风格,但是在画面细节上却有了较大的提高。当然,画质提高意味着对玩家的电脑配置要求也提高了,怎样才能在游戏中将你的电脑性能发挥到极限呢?下面就让我们细细看来。  相似文献   


如今的赛车游戏都在盲目追求真实感和刺激感,忽略了游戏存在的真正意义,不过韩国Nexon却为我们提供了新的尝试,继《泡泡堂》大获成功后,它们又开发了一款以卡丁车为主题的线休闲游戏,在韩国同样非常受欢迎,而国内的世纪天成获得了大陆代理权,并将中文名定为《跑跑卡丁车》。  相似文献   

Garrett  Young  Mario  Chris  Pickford  苏苏 《程序员》2005,(7):22-29
Gotham Racing 2是Xbox上销售业绩最好的赛车游戏的续集,由Bizarre Creation(利物浦.英国)开发.Microsoft Game Studlos提供了制作和发行方面的帮助。在2002年2月份完成了PGR的国际版本后,我们的两支团队直接启动了续集的开发。我们极大地扩展了合并后团队的规模和质量.招募了新的美工、程序员和测试员。这个项目的最终目的是在2003年假期推出一款基于PGR基本要素的AAA级游戏.并且在游戏中创新性地应用Xbox的在线游戏系统Xbox LiVe。最终游戏及时上市.  相似文献   

虽然没有能如愿挤进暑假档,但过了国产电影保护月,迟到的《蓝精灵2》还是淘气驾到。第一部蓝精灵就已经在中国内地取得了不俗的票房,而第二部在北美票房一般的情况下,估计片方会将更大的主力投入到中国内地的市场中。这样特效和配乐都相当出色的商业动画电影的杀伤面向来非常广小编现在就已经约好人一同去看了,你呢?  相似文献   


Virtual training allows the learning and rehearsal of implicit cues, e.g., trustworthy leading action in an emergency evacuation, that cannot be easily understood through merely reading about situations, while mitigating the danger and expense of live rehearsals. We have focused our efforts on designing social agents that can engage in and help to train humans to generate the trustworthy behaviors that help to ensure a successful evacuation. Drawing upon social science research and using a “role-reversal method,” we successfully constructed agents that can perceive trustworthiness as humans do. The agents first collect human responses to their own nonverbal cues in controlled experimental training scenarios. Using these results, we obtain optimal parameters for nonverbal cues of trustworthiness, and then can use them to guide agents who evaluate human performance in the same training scenarios. The method enables us to convert social psychological findings into computational mechanisms.  相似文献   

智能Agent建模的一种模板结构   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
文中讨论了设计和建造智能Agnet的一些热点问题。通过对一些基本概念和定义的评述,总结了智能Agent应具的若干主要性质的属性。  相似文献   


Role-plays with educational agents allow to embed information and educational goals into a narrative context. These agents do not only have to come across as believable and lifelike, they also have to embody the pedagogical principles and educational goals of the application domain. In this paper, we argue that theatrical concepts, namely concepts derived from improvisational theater and meta-theater, can guide the design of educational agents. We illustrate this by presenting two systems: Puppet provides young children with improvisational agents to promote early learning through educational role-plays and CrossTalk uses interactive performances with virtual actors to demonstrate the basic principles that govern automatic dialogue generation. For both systems, we show how the theatrical concepts support a systematic approach to character design, behavior modeling, and user interaction and how they help to increase the believability and lifelikeness of our characters in an educational context.  相似文献   

多Agent环境下规划的验证方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
如何验证多agent规划是一个非常重要的研究课题,因为该研究关系到规划的求解能否在分布式环境下有效地进行。在本文中,我们讨论了规划的验证方法,给出了压缩集合的生成算法,并给出了该算法的正确性证明,与Katz等人所提出的算法不同,我们用正向邻接表和逆向邻接表来表示规划链关系D,用辅助数组来控制所用到的子图(即不是真正的生成子图,但由辅助数组即能看出当前所要处理的子图),提出了避免无用子图产生的方法。  相似文献   

理性Agent的意图维护模型   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
在理性Agent的形式化中,通常认为Agent的思维状态包含信念、愿望帮意图这3个属性,它们之间的静态关系已被人们充分重视,但它们随时间的动态变化还未被很好研究,考察了意图维护直观语义中的一些问题,给出了随信念、愿望改变的意图维护的动态模型,与Rao和Georgeff的意图维护模型相比,适用性更广、更简单,不必限制可友爱世界的时序结构,不必另外引入信念=愿望、意图算子的on ly模态形式,并且对愿望和意图不存在逻辑全知问题和重言隐含下的副作用等问题。  相似文献   


Business environments, like most other real systems, are distributed in nature. However, the fact that the environment itself is distributed does not justify a distributed control architecture. On the other hand, a centralized architecture is not exactly an ideal form of control. The architecture proposed herein is a hybrid control architecture that maps the decision-making environment of many situations ranging from factory floors to traffic control. The architecture assumes the presence of self-reliant (autonomous) decision-making agents, which are required to respond in a certain amount of time. Cooperation between these agents is assumed, and therefore each agent is expected to perform as best as it can in order to complete a well-defined task. No central coordination or control agent is assumed. Thus an asynchronous behavior is assumed.  相似文献   

高速IC设计技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文叙述了实现高速IC的设计技术,包括延时分析技术,高层次综合,逻辑综合延时优化技术,延时优化驱动布局与总体布线技术,控制时钟偏差技术以及各种技术的结合应用等。它覆盖了这一领域的前沿动态。  相似文献   

J. M.  Corchado  M.  Glez-Bedia  Y.  de Paz  J.  Bajo  J. F.  de Paz 《Computational Intelligence》2008,24(2):77-107
This paper proposes a replanning mechanism for deliberative agents as a new approach to tackling the frame problem. We propose a beliefs desires and intentions (BDI) agent architecture using a case-based planning (CBP) mechanism for reasoning. We discuss the characteristics of the problems faced with planning where constraint satisfaction problems (CSP) resources are limited and formulate, through variation techniques, a reasoning model agent to resolve them. The design of the agent proposed, named MRP-Ag (most-replanable agent), will be evaluated in different environments using a series of simulation experiments, comparing it with others such as E-Ag (Efficient Agent) and O-Ag (Optimum Agent). Last, the most important results will be summarized, and the notion of an adaptable agent will be introduced.  相似文献   

The ability for a given agent to adapt on-line to better interact with another agent is a difficult and important problem. This problem becomes even more difficult when the agent to interact with is a human, because humans learn quickly and behave nondeterministically. In this paper, we present a novel method whereby an agent can incrementally learn to predict the actions of another agent (even a human), and thereby can learn to better interact with that agent. We take a case-based approach, where the behavior of the other agent is learned in the form of state–action pairs. We generalize these cases either through continuous k -nearest neighbor, or a modified bounded minimax search. Through our case studies, our technique is empirically shown to require little storage, learn very quickly, and be fast and robust in practice. It can accurately predict actions several steps into the future. Our case studies include interactive virtual environments involving mixtures of synthetic agents and humans, with cooperative and/or competitive relationships.  相似文献   

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