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In this paper, we analyze the quantum coherence behaviors of a single qubit in the relativistic regime beyond the single-mode approximation. Firstly, we investigate the freezing condition of quantum coherence in fermionic system. We also study the quantum coherence tradeoff between particle and antiparticle sector. It is found that there exists quantum coherence transfer between particle and antiparticle sector, but the coherence lost in particle sector is not entirely compensated by the coherence generation of antiparticle sector. Besides, we emphatically discuss the cohering power and decohering power of Unruh channel with respect to the computational basis. It is shown that cohering power is vanishing and decohering power is dependent of the choice of Unruh mode and acceleration. Finally, we compare the behaviors of quantum coherence with geometric quantum discord and entanglement in relativistic setup. Our results show that this quantifiers in two region converge at infinite acceleration limit, which implies that this measures become independent of Unruh modes beyond the single-mode approximations. It is also demonstrated that the robustness of quantum coherence and geometric quantum discord are better than entanglement under the influence of acceleration, since entanglement undergoes sudden death.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the behavior of the quantum coherence for bipartite fermionic systems in noninertial frames beyond the single-mode approximation. It is shown a redistribution of coherence between particle and antiparticle modes, and the behavior in terms of coherence for fermionic systems is convergent in the infinite acceleration limit. We demonstrate that the physical accessible coherence is not always destroyed with the increase in acceleration, which is different from the features of entanglement in the accelerated frame. Besides, we obtain a quantitative relationship about the redistribution of coherence via the \(l_1\)-norm measure. It is worth mentioning that a rotation operation can change the coherence values, since the amount of coherence is related to the selection of reference basis.  相似文献   

We highlight an information-theoretic meaning of quantum discord as the gap between the accessible information and the Holevo bound in the framework of ensemble of quantum states. This complementary relationship implies that a large amount of preexisting arguments about the evaluation of quantum discord can be directly applied to the accessible information and vice versa. For an ensemble of two pure qubit states, we show that one can avoid the optimization problem with the help of the Koashi–Winter relation. Further, for the general case (two mixed qubit states), we recover the main results presented by Fuchs and Caves (Phys Rev Lett 73:3047, 1994), but totally from the perspective of quantum discord. Following this line of thought, we also investigate the geometric discord as an indicator of quantumness of ensembles in detail. Finally, we give an example to elucidate the difference between quantum discord and geometric discord with respect to optimal measurement strategies.  相似文献   

Quantum discord is studied for two-qubit systems with different settings under the influence of the Bloch channel which is characterized by the longitudinal and transversal relaxation times and the environmental temperature. The relaxation of the quantum discord strongly depends on the ratio of the two relaxation times and the environmental temperature. It is found that the ratio of the quantum discord to the total correlation becomes finite or zero asymptotically, depending on the ratio of the relaxation times and the system setting. Furthermore, the optimal setting for sharing the quantum discord is discussed for given environmental temperature and ratio of the relaxation times.  相似文献   

We present a method to quantify quantum correlations in arbitrary systems of indistinguishable fermions using witness operators. The method associates the problem of finding the optimal entanglement witness of a state with a class of problems known as semidefinite programs, which can be solved efficiently with arbitrary accuracy. Based on these optimal witnesses, we introduce a measure of quantum correlations which has an interpretation analogous to the Generalized Robustness of entanglement. We also extend the notion of quantum discord to the case of indistinguishable fermions, and propose a geometric quantifier, which is compared to our entanglement measure. Our numerical results show a remarkable equivalence between the proposed Generalized Robustness and the Schliemann concurrence, which are equal for pure states. For mixed states, the Schliemann concurrence presents itself as an upper bound for the Generalized Robustness. The quantum discord is also found to be an upper bound for the entanglement.  相似文献   

Here we study the quantum steering, quantum entanglement, and quantum discord for Gaussian Einstein–Podolsky–Rosen states via Gaussian channels. And the sudden death phenomena for Gaussian steering and Gaussian entanglement are theoretically observed. We find that some Gaussian states have only one-way steering, which confirms the asymmetry of quantum steering. Also we investigate that the entangled Gaussian states without Gaussian steering and correlated Gaussian states own no Gaussian entanglement. Meanwhile, our results support the assumption that quantum entanglement is intermediate between quantum discord and quantum steering. Furthermore, we give experimental recipes for preparing quantum states with desired types of quantum correlations.  相似文献   

The study of quantum correlations in high-dimensional bipartite systems is crucial for the development of quantum computing. We propose relative entropy as a distance measure of correlations may be measured by means of the distance from the quantum state to the closest classical–classical state. In particular, we establish relations between relative entropy and quantum discord quantifiers obtained by means of orthogonal projection measurements. We show that for symmetrical X-states density matrices the quantum discord is equal to relative entropy. At the end of paper, various examples of X-states such as two-qubit and qubit–qutrit have been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Werner derivatives are a special kind of mixing states transformed from Werner states by unitary operations (Hiroshima and Ishizaka in Phys Rev A 62:044302, 2000). In this paper, the inherent quantum correlations in Werner derivatives are quantified by two different quantifiers, i.e., quantum discord and geometric discord. Different analytic expressions of the two discords in Werner derivatives are derived out. Some distinct features of the discords and their underlying physics are exposed via discussions and analyses. Moreover, it is found that the amount of quantum correlations quantified by either quantifier in each derivative cannot exceed that in the original Werner state. In other words, no unitary operation can increase quantum correlation in a Werner state as far as the two quantifiers are concerned.  相似文献   

We study the dynamics of quantum correlations of the systems consisting of two non-interacting superconducting qubits interacting with their own data bus and common data bus, where the qubits are driven by a controllable time-dependent electromagnetic field. We investigate how the time-dependent electromagnetic field affects the dynamics of the quantum discord and the three-partite entanglement of the systems. It is found that the quantum discord vanishes only asymptotically although entanglement disappears suddenly during the time evolution and the quantum discord between two qubits can be increased by adjusting the time-dependent electromagnetic field.  相似文献   

In this paper, by exploiting the weak measurement and quantum measurement reversal procedure, we propose a scheme to show how one can protect the geometric quantum discord (GQD) of a two-qutrit V-type atomic system each of which interacts with a dissipative reservoir independently. We examine the scheme for the GQD of the initial two-qutrit Werner and Horodecki states for different classes of weak measurement strengths. It is found out that the presented protocol enables us to suppress decoherence due to the amplitude damping channel and preserve the quantum discord of the two-qutrit system successfully.  相似文献   

We discuss a family of states describing three-qubit systems in a context of quantum steering phenomena. We show that symmetric steering cannot appear between two qubits—only asymmetric steering can appear in such systems. The main aim of this paper is to discuss the possible relations between the entanglement measures and steering parameter for two-mode mixed state corresponding to the qubit–qubit subsystem. We have derived the conditions determining boundary values of the negativity parametrized by concurrence. We show that two-qubit mixed state cannot be steerable when the negativity of such state is smaller than, or equal to, its boundary value. Finally, we have found ranges of the values of the mixedness measure, parametrized by concurrence and negativity for steerable and unsteerable two-qubit mixed states.  相似文献   

Quantum coupled one- and two-well oscillators describing a single-electron dynamics in two-dimensional systems have been investigated. Time realizations for mean position and velocity of wave packet, frequency spectra and signal transmission are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

A significant shortcoming of traditional modeling methodologies is the limited access they provide for decision-makers who are not modeling specialists. This paper presents an expert system approach to address this shortcoming. An expert system called the experimental frame expert system (EFES) was developed for this purpose within an advanced modeling environment for manufacturing systems. EFES reduces the dependence upon modeling specialists, and thus, makes models, both analytical and simulation, more accessible to decision-makers. This is accomplished by using two knowledge bases, one related to the manufacturing system specific symptoms and problems, and the other to system analysis and optimization tools. This paper presents the dissertation research effort that led to development of these two knowledge bases as well as the EFES framework within the advanced modeling environment.  相似文献   

We check the decoherence dynamics of Measurement-induced Nonlocality (in short, MIN) and compare it with geometric discord for two qubit systems. There are quantum states, on which the action of dephasing channel cannot destroy MIN in finite or infinite time. We check the additive dynamics of MIN on a qubit state under two independent noise. Geometric discord also follows such additive dynamics like quantum discord. We have further compared non-Markovian evolution of MIN and geometric discord under dephasing and amplitude damping noise for pure state and it shows distinct differences between their dynamics.  相似文献   

We introduce a measure of quantum correlations in the N-qubit quantum system which is invariant with respect to the SU(2 N ) group of transformations of this system. This measure is a modification of the quantum discord introduced earlier and is referred to as the unitary or SU(2 N )-invariant discord. Since the evolution of a quantum system is equivalent to the proper unitary transformation, the introduced measure is an integral of motion and is completely defined by eigenvalues of the density matrix. As far as the calculation of the unitary invariant discord is rather complicated computational problem, we propose its modification which may be found in a simpler way. The case N?=?2 is considered in details. In particular, it is shown that the modified SU(4)-invariant discord reaches the maximum value for a pure state. A geometric measure of the unitary invariant discord of an N-qubit state is introduced and a simple formula for this measure is derived, which allows one to consider this measure as a witness of quantum correlations. The relation of the unitary invariant discord with the quantum state transfer along the spin chain is considered. We also compare the modified SU(4)-invariant discord with the geometric measure of SU(4)-invariant discord of the two-qubit systems in the thermal equilibrium states governed by the different Hamiltonians.  相似文献   

For the state control problem in finite-dimensional quantum systems with any initial state and a goal eigenstate, this paper studies the design method of control laws via the Lyapunov technology and in the vector frame, which ensures the convergence of any initial state toward the goal state. The stability of the closed-loop system in the goal eigenstate is analyzed and proven via the invariance principle. The simulation experiment on a spin-1/2 system shows the effectiveness of the designed control laws.  相似文献   

The detailed system architecture of the optimized simulation-based scheduling system (OSBSS) is presented to generate an optimized scheduling. In OSBSS environment, a simulation optimizer interactively communicates with a simulation model to improve the current scheduling with respect to the performance criteria. The performance of a simulation engine is very important issue in developing OSBSS since it is necessary to simulate multiple alternatives until given criteria are satisfied. The integration of the discrete event simulation with a rule-based system is suggested to effectively handle condition-based events within a rule-based environment. The capability to change the dispatching rules during simulation is also desirable to reduce OSBSS development efforts. Database-driven simulation model generation concept is presented to effectively generate and maintain the simulation model with updated domain data. The generic development procedures for OSBSS, using IDEF modeling methods, are presented, which may serve as a template for actual development.  相似文献   

In recent years, people have been extending the concepts developed in quantum information science to explore quantum dynamics in biological systems. The existence of quantum coherence in certain biological processes has been identified in a number of experiments. The role of quantum coherence and quantum entanglement has been carefully investigated, which suggests that quantum effect is important in these processes although in a more complicated way. In the mean time, these findings urge the development of new experiment methodology to reveal more biological scenarios in which quantum effect exists and plays a non-trivial role. In this article, we review the latest progress in the field of quantum biology and discuss the key challenges in further development of quantum biology.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to show how a class of classical linear stochastic systems can be physically implemented using quantum optical components. Quantum optical systems typically have much higher bandwidth than electronic devices, meaning faster response and processing times, and hence have the potential for providing better performance than classical systems. A procedure is provided for constructing the quantum optical realization. The paper also describes the use of the quantum optical realization in a measurement feedback loop. Some examples are given to illustrate the application of the main results.  相似文献   

针对数字地面广播电视(DTMB)系统,提出了一个对载波频偏具有鲁棒性的新的帧同步算法。该算法通过正交频分复用(OFDM)信号的时域复制和对接收信号实行自相关来实施。自相关数值输出的非关联求和的峰值检测是理所当然的帧起始点。理论证明,载波频率偏移(CFO)对全相位自相关帧同步算法没有影响。通过仿真表明,在频率选择性衰落信道中,提出的方法在有频偏存在情况下比传统算法具有很强的优势,对于DTMB系统的PN420模型,系统保持稳定工作的最大CFO在所提方法中要远远大于传统的方法。  相似文献   

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