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Overall buckling behavior of compression columns is one of the most important research subjects in steel structures, especially for high strength steel which has been increasingly applied in recent years. An experimental investigation was carried out to study the overall buckling behavior of 460 MPa high strength steel compression members. Totally twelve columns including welded box and I-sections were comprised. The initial imperfections such as the residual stress, initial bending and loading eccentricity were all measured. Based on experimental results the buckling deformation and capacity were investigated. A finite element model was established and further validated by comparing with the test data in both present study and other previous researches, in which initial imperfections were taken into account. A large number of columns with various section dimensions and lengths were calculated by using the validated model, and their buckling capacities were compared with design values according to different steel structures specifications. It was found that the nondimensional buckling strength of such 460 MPa high strength steel columns were significantly improved compared to normal strength steel columns, and corresponding column curves and design formulae were suggested.  相似文献   

国产Q460高强钢焊接工形柱整体稳定性能研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为研究国产Q460高强度钢材轴压构件的整体稳定性能,对7个焊接工字形截面钢柱试件进行试验研究。试验实测了构件的几何初始缺陷和截面残余应力,并分析其失稳变形特征和整体稳定承载力。利用试验结果和实测的初始缺陷数据,验证了所建立的有限元数值模型的可靠性和准确性;此外,通过大量参数分析计算了不同截面尺寸和长度的国产Q460高强钢焊接工字形截面轴压杆绕截面强轴和弱轴失稳的整体稳定承载力,并与国内外的钢结构设计规范柱子曲线进行比较。结果表明,该类轴压杆的整体稳定系数要明显高于相应的设计曲线,即相比具有相同正则化长细比的普通强度钢材轴压杆其整体稳定系数要有明显提高;给出了建议的柱子曲线类型,并在数值分析的基础上拟合新的柱子曲线,以为工程应用和规范修订提供参考。  相似文献   

Q460高强钢焊接箱形截面残余应力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究国产Q460高强钢焊接箱形截面的残余应力分布规律,采用分割法对6个不同截面尺寸的试件进行了试验研究。基于测量数据,得到了不同试件全截面残余应力分布,研究了板件宽厚比、板件厚度等几何尺寸对残余应力的影响以及测量过程中人为产生的误差、截面板件间残余应力的相互影响及自平衡性等。试验结果表明:残余压应力与截面尺寸直接相关,残余拉应力与截面尺寸关系不大;采用分割法测量时人为操作产生的误差很小;截面4块板件的残余应力能够分别满足自平衡条件。提出了适用于Q460高强钢焊接箱形截面的残余应力分布模型和计算式,该模型能够准确反映截面尺寸的影响,且与试验结果吻合良好。  相似文献   

To investigate the residual stress of welded steel circular tubes, an experimental program including 9 different sectional dimensions and different steel strength specimens were described in which sectioning method was employed. Based on large quantities of original test data, the residual stress distribution and the magnitudes of these different specimens were obtained, and the effects of the diameter to thickness ratio, the steel strength and hot galvanizing process as well as welding types were analysed. It was found that the residual stress distribution of high strength steel welded tubes was flatter than the ones of ordinary steel tubes, and galvanizing process decreased the maximum residual tensile stress. Finally, the residual stress distribution model for steel welded circular tube sections was proposed which showed good agreement with the test results. Meanwhile, the finite element verification was carried out which provided reference for the future FEA of column buckling of high strength steel circular tubes. The research results provide foundation for the future study on the column buckling of welded steel circular tubes.  相似文献   

Q460高强钢焊接箱形截面轴压构件整体稳定性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究高强度钢材轴心受压钢柱的整体稳定性能,对5个国产Q460钢材焊接箱形截面柱进行了轴心受压试验研究。试验对试件的几何初弯曲、荷载初偏心以及截面的纵向残余应力分布均进行了测量。基于试验结果,分析了该类钢柱的失稳破坏形态和整体稳定承载力,建立了有限元分析模型并对试验结果进行模拟计算。研究结果表明:试件破坏模态均为整体弯曲失稳形态,大部分试件稳定承载力高于规范设计值;有限元分析模型能够准确地考虑几何初始缺陷和残余应力的影响,计算结果与试验结果吻合良好;通过与国内外钢结构设计规范的对比,提出了国产Q460高强钢焊接箱形截面轴压构件整体稳定设计的建议方法,即可以统一采用我国或欧洲规范的b类曲线进行设计,而不需要按板件宽厚比大小进行分类。  相似文献   

为研究960 MPa高强度钢材轴压构件的整体稳定性能,对6个焊接工字形和等边箱形截面试件进行了静力试验研究,测量了试件的几何初弯曲、荷载初偏心以及截面残余应力分布等初始缺陷,分析了试件的失稳破坏形态,得到了整体稳定承载力,并与规范设计曲线进行了对比分析。利用试验结果验证了有限元分析模型,并进行参数分析。研究结果表明:试件的破坏模态均为整体弯曲失稳,除两个几何初始缺陷过大的试件外,其他试件的整体稳定系数试验值均明显高于规范设计值;参数分析结果表明,960 MPa钢材焊接截面轴压构件的整体稳定系数较普通钢材显著提高,建议采用GB 50017-2003中的a类柱子曲线设计此类轴压构件,同时拟合了960 MPa高强度钢材的柱子曲线公式。  相似文献   

为研究高强钢压弯构件的局部稳定性能,对5个Q460C和5个Q690D钢焊接箱形截面构件进行了单向偏压试验,分析了其破坏形式、局部稳定性能以及承载力;将实测承载力与欧洲规范EN 1993-1、我国标准GB 50017—2017和美国规范ANSI/AISC 360-16相关公式计算结果相比较,以验证各规范对Q460C钢和Q690D钢焊接箱形截面压弯构件屈曲后强度计算的适用性。研究结果表明:所有高强钢焊接箱形截面压弯构件均在柱中附近发生局部屈曲破坏;由轴向压力-轴向压缩变形或轴向压力-水平位移曲线可知,其为极值点失稳;构件的轴向压力-水平位移或轴向压力-应变曲线的形状和局部屈曲模式有关;在翼缘宽厚比为28.1~56.3、腹板高厚比为40.2~80.4、偏心距为20~50 mm范围之内,EN 1993-1和GB 50017—2017中的屈曲后强度计算公式仍然适用于Q460C和Q690D钢焊接箱形截面压弯构件,而ANSI/AISC 360-16中的相关公式需要进一步修正。  相似文献   

The presence of residual stress in members can significantly compromise the stiffness and fatigue life of steel structural components. Researches in this area are well documented for structural members of mild carbon steels. Nevertheless, due to the difference of stress–strain relations and material properties under ambient and high temperatures, the residual stress distribution in a high strength steel member is physically different from those fabricated from mild carbon steel. It is imperative to study the residual stress distribution for structural members fabricated from high strength steel. In this paper, the residual stresses of three welded flame-cut H-section columns with a nominal yield strength of 460 MPa but different cross-section dimensions were investigated. Both sectioning and hole-drilling methods were used in the measurement and the obtained residual stresses were compared between the two methods. The magnitudes and distributions of the measured residual stresses are identical with those of carbon steel, however in relatively smaller residual stress ratios. Finally, based on the measurements, a simplified residual stress distribution for 460 MPa high strength steel members with welded flame-cut H-section is proposed.  相似文献   

为充分了解高强度结构钢构件的抗震性能,采用Q460C高强度结构钢焊接制作H形和箱形截面柱试件各4个,进行固定轴压比为0.3的低周反复加载试验。试验测得了Q460C高强度结构钢H形和箱形截面柱的荷载 位移滞回曲线和弯矩 曲率滞回曲线。试验结果表明:宽厚比接近GB 50011-2010《建筑抗震设计规范》中“一级抗震”限值的试件试验破坏模式为板件局部屈曲,而宽厚比远小于“一级抗震”限值的试件在柱底部可形成具有充分转动能力的塑性铰;宽厚比小于“二级抗震”限值的Q460C焊接 H形截面柱和小于“一级抗震”的Q460C焊接箱形截面柱具有良好的耗能能力和抗震性能。在试验基础上提出了Q460C高强度结构钢焊接H形和箱形截面柱的弯矩 曲率滞回模型,为高强钢结构在地震作用下的弹塑性静力分析和时程分析提供参考。  相似文献   

Q460C高强度钢材焊缝连接循环加载试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究高强度钢材Q460C焊缝连接在地震作用下的反应,对11个Q460C焊缝连接试件进行了8种不同加载制度的单调和循环加载试验,分析比较了不同加载制度下的应力-应变关系,研究其本构模型、力学性能、破坏模式、变形和延性特征以及损伤退化特性,并和母材的性能进行了对比。利用Ramberg-Osgood公式对其循环骨架曲线进行了拟合,确定了拟合计算式中的待定参数;通过试验标定了循环荷载作用下本构模型的参数,采用有限元程序ABAQUS利用混合模型对上述循环加载试验进行了较为准确的有限元模拟。研究结果表明:所有加载制度下试件最终均在焊缝和热影响区交界面拉断,这和焊缝连接处的应力集中有关;与母材单调拉伸性质相比,焊缝连接试件延性下降显著,说明焊接过程对钢材有严重影响,应采取措施避免破坏发生在焊缝区域。  相似文献   

对8个支管承受轴向荷载的Q460C高强钢T型圆管相贯节点分别进行热点应力试验和疲劳试验研究,将热点应力试验结果与现有热点应力集中系数计算公式进行对比验证分析,通过疲劳性能试验观察疲劳裂纹的发展过程和疲劳破坏模式,并对比分析了CIDECT和DNV疲劳设计规范中圆管节点疲劳S-N曲线对于高强钢管节点的适用性。研究表明,疲劳裂缝首先出现在67.5°到90°附近应力集中较大的区域(鞍点附近),然后迅速沿着相贯线向冠点处发展,并在裂缝末端产生沿主管轴向的横向裂缝。通过试验结果与已有规范的对比分析表明,CIDECT建议的S-N曲线应用于支管承受轴向荷载的Q460C高强钢圆管节点的疲劳寿命预估在某些情况下是偏于不安全的,而DNV规范的计算值过于保守,因此同样也不适合于Q460C高强钢圆管节点的疲劳性能分析。  相似文献   

Investigations of the mechanical performance of high strength steel structures have become a research hotspot in civil and structural engineering, and existing experimental studies of their overall buckling behaviour have hitherto focused mainly on columns fabricated from either 460 MPa or 690 MPa steels. The present study describes an experimental programme including six pin-ended 960 MPa steel columns under axial compression. Both welded I- and box-section specimens are considered. The initial geometric imperfections and cross-sectional residual stresses are reported, with the axial loading, deformation and the strain distributions at the mid-length section being monitored during the testing. The buckling mode is clarified, and the buckling capacity is compared with design results according to current national design codes. Based on the experimental results, a finite element model is described and validated, and then used to perform a large number of parametric studies, considering different cross-sectional dimensions and column slendernesses. It is found that all specimens failed by overall flexural buckling, and the corresponding column curves in current design codes underestimate the dimensionless buckling strength of 960 MPa steel columns. Higher and more adequate column curves are suggested for such columns, and new column curves are proposed based on a non-linear fitting of the parametric results.  相似文献   

This paper reports experimental and numerical investigations of high strength steel columns. A series of tests was performed on different geometries of welded H-sections fabricated from high strength steel sheet with a nominal yield stress of 460 MPa. A non-linear finite element model which includes geometric and material non-linearities was developed and verified against experimental results of high strength steel welded H-section columns. The calibrated model was shown to provide accurate predictions of the experimental ultimate loads and failure modes of the test specimens. Therefore, a parametric study was carried out over a range of cross-section geometries and column lengths. The test and numerical results of stub columns obtained in this study were compared with the nominal section capacities. It is shown that the design provisions specified in the European Code, American Specification and Chinese Code on yield slenderness limits are all conservative. The normalized flange and web slenderness limits for fully effective section codified in European Code are very close to those codified in the American Specification, which are more suitable. Furthermore, the test and numerical results of long columns obtained in this study were compared with the nominal member capacities predicted using the European Code, American Specification and Chinese Code for steel structures. It is shown that the European Code provides the best agreement between the test and numerical data with design strength predictions for high strength steel welded H-section long columns.  相似文献   

Q460高强度钢材焊接H形截面弱轴压弯柱承载力试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究高强度钢材中厚板焊接H形截面压弯柱的承载力,采用国产Q460高强度钢材11 mm、21 mm中厚板制作了6个焊接H形截面压弯柱,试件截面自由外伸翼缘板宽厚比分别为7、5、3,长细比分别为40、55、80。通过对Q460低合金高强度钢材的材性测试、3种焊接截面残余应力测试、各试件初始几何缺陷测量及承载力试验,进行了H形截面弱轴压弯构件整体失稳承载力的试验研究,并与采用GB 50017-2003《钢结构设计规范》进行计算的承载力对比;同时以理想弹塑性模型,综合考虑试件初始缺陷建立有限元模型,分析计算其承载力。试验及分析结果表明:Q460低合金高强度钢材具有强度高、塑性性能较好等特点;由实测截面残余应力值得到其分布形式与普通钢材焊接H形截面残余应力分布基本相同;高强度钢材焊接H形截面压弯构件承载力试验值明显高于GB 50017-2003设计公式计算值;文中采用的有限元分析方法可以较准确地计算试件的承载力。研究成果为高强度钢材在实际工程中的应用提供试验参考。  相似文献   

焊接中的不均匀受热和冷却使钢材内部产生残余应力,残余应力会降低钢构件的刚度、稳定承载力和疲劳性能。钢构件在高温下的强度退化、塑性和蠕变变形会引起截面残余应力改变,从而影响其火灾下及火灾后承载力。为此,采用高强Q690钢材制作了6个焊接构件,包括H形、箱形两种截面形式。利用切条法测量其在常温(20℃)下、600℃和800℃高温作用后的截面残余应力,得到不同温度作用后残余应力的大小与分布。结果表明:高温作用后,残余应力有不同程度的释放;经历600℃作用后,箱形与H形截面残余应力幅值均下降至常温下的约35%;经历800℃作用后,箱形与H形截面残余应力幅值均下降至常温下的15%以下。基于试验结果,提出Q690焊接截面残余应力分布模型及残余应力幅值随受火温度变化的折减系数。  相似文献   

The paper summarises research on high strength stainless steel tubular structures conducted at the University of Hong Kong, and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. Square and rectangular hollow sections were investigated. The test specimens were cold-rolled from high strength austenitic and duplex stainless steel sheets. The material properties of the test specimens were determined by tensile coupon tests at normal room and elevated temperatures. The initial geometric imperfection and residual stress of the specimens were measured. The experimental and numerical investigation focused on the design and behaviour of cold-formed high strength stainless steel structural members. The results were compared with design strengths calculated using the American, Australian/New Zealand and European specifications for cold-formed stainless steel structures.  相似文献   

Q460高强钢焊接箱形压弯构件极限承载力试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为研究Q460高强钢中厚板焊接箱形压弯构件的整体失稳极限承载力,采用11mm厚国产Q460高强钢中厚板制作7个焊接箱形压弯试件,试件截面宽厚比分别为18、12、8,长细比分别为35、55、80。试验内容包括:Q460低合金高强钢的材性试验,三种焊接截面残余应力测试,各试件初始几何缺陷测量及极限承载力试验,从而进行了面内整体失稳压弯构件的极限承载力试验研究;并且把试验结果与我国现行钢结构设计规范计算值相比较。试验研究结果表明:Q460低合金高强钢材性具有高强度,塑性性能良好等特点;Q460高强钢焊接箱形截面残余应力分布形式与普通钢材箱形焊接截面分布基本相同,但是残余应力比降低;压弯构件极限承载力试验结果明显高于现行钢结构规范设计公式计算值,所以应对Q460高强钢焊接箱形压弯构件进行近一步参数分析研究,并得出其实用设计方法。  相似文献   

In this study, a set of plate-to-plate T and Y joints specimens made from high strength steel plates with yield stress equal to 690 MPa is investigated. The joints are fabricated by SMAW welding procedure. Two groups of specimens with different welding procedures are included: one group is composed by the joints with welding completed at ambient temperature and the other group is composed by the joints with welding completed at a preheating temperature of 100 °C. The residual stress near the weld toe is investigated for both groups. Hole-drilling method is applied to investigate the residual stress distribution and variation in joints. Sequentially coupled thermal-stress analysis is then conducted with finite element package ABAQUS to investigate the residual stress distribution in the joints. Finally, the effects of residual stress on the stress concentration factor distributions of the joints are evaluated. A new parameter is put forward in stress concentration factor evaluation to combine the residual stress effect.  相似文献   

A numerical investigation on the residual stress distributions near the weld toe of plate-to-plate Y-joints fabricated by using high strength steel (HSS) plate is carried out in this study. A full 3D sequentially coupled thermal–mechanical modelling procedure is employed for residual stress analysis for the HSS plate-to-plate joints. Two specimens respectively fabricated by welding at ambient temperature and at a preheating temperature of 100 °C are investigated. The 3D numerical models reveal that while high tensile transverse residual stress, which is perpendicular to the weld, is generated near the weld toe of the joint middle section, proper preheating could significantly reduce the magnitude of the residual stress. In addition, it is found that the welding direction between successive weld pass could also affect the maximum residual stress value near the chord weld toe.  相似文献   

Q460D高强度结构钢材循环加载试验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高强度结构钢材在实际钢结构工程中已经得到广泛应用,国内外学者已经进行了一些研究,但对于循环荷载下高强度钢材本构关系的研究还很缺乏。通过对17个Q460D高强度结构钢材试件进行14种不同加载制度的单调和循环加载试验,得到不同加载制度下的应力-应变关系,探讨不同加载历史对其本构关系的影响,研究其材料本构模型、力学性能、破坏模式、变形和延性特征以及损伤退化特性。基于Ramberg-Osgood模型,拟合得到Q460D高强度结构钢材在循环荷载下的应力-应变关系骨架曲线;在Chaboche钢材塑性本构模型的基础上,通过试验标定Q460D高强度结构钢材的循环加载本构模型参数,并结合有限元程序ABAQUS对上述试验进行准确模拟。研究结果可为准确分析计算高强度钢材钢结构在地震作用下的受力性能提供基本前提。  相似文献   

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