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Subband filter banks have attracted much attention during the past few years. In this paper, an efficient design algorithm, which leads to linear-phase paraunitary filter banks with pairwise mirror-image frequency responses, is revisited and further studied. New lattice structures are presented to extend the algorithm to the case where the number (M) of channels is odd. Design examples of filter banks with 3 and 5 channels are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, we develop a directional 2-D nonseparable filter bank that can perfectly reconstruct the downsampled subband signals. The filter bank represents two powerful image and video processing tools: directional subband decomposition and perfect reconstruction. The directional filter banks consist of (1) the input signal and the subband signals modulation, (2) diamond shape prefilter, and (3) four different parallelogram shape prefilters. This paper addresses the design and implementation of a two-band filter bank that is proved to be able to provide perfect reconstruction of the downsampled subband signals. Finally, we use a conventional 1-D half-band filter as a prototype and then apply the McClellan transform for the specific 2-D diamond shape and parallelogram shape subfilters. This method is extremely simple in designing the analysis/synthesis subfilters for the filter bank.  相似文献   

In this paper, by extending our previous work on general linear-phase paraunitary filter banks even-channel (LPPUFBs), we develop a new structure for LPPUFBs with the pairwise mirror image (PMI) frequency responses, which is a simplified version of the lattice proposed by Nguyen et al. Our simplification is achieved through trivial matrix manipulations and the cosine-sine (C-S) decomposition of a general orthogonal matrix. The resulting new structure covers the same class of PMI-LPPUFBs as the original lattice, while substantially reducing the number of free parameters involved in the nonlinear optimization. A design example is presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new structure.  相似文献   

In this correspondence, the one-dimensional (1-D) principal component filter banks (PCFB's) derived by Tsatsatsanis and Giannakis (1995) are generalized to higher dimensions. As presented by Tsatsatsanis and Giannakis, PCFB's minimize the mean-squared error (MSE) when only Q out of P subbands are retained. Previously, two-dimensional (2-D) PCFB's were proposed by Tirakis et al. (1995). The work by Tirakis et al. was limited to 2-D signals and separable resampling operators. The formulation presented here is general in that it can easily accommodate signals of arbitrary (yet finite) dimension and nonseparable sampling. A major result presented in this paper is that in addition to minimizing MSE when reconstructing from Q out of p subbands, the PCFB's result in maximizing theoretical coding gain (TCG) thereby performing optimally in a energy compaction sense  相似文献   

On orthonormal wavelets and paraunitary filter banks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The known result that a binary-tree-structured filter bank with the same paraunitary polyphase matrix on all levels generates an orthonormal basis is generalized to binary trees having different paraunitary matrices on each level. A converse result that every orthonormal wavelet basis can be generated by a tree-structured filter bank having paraunitary polyphase matrices is then proved. The concept of orthonormal bases is extended to generalized (nonbinary) tree structures, and it is seen that a close relationship exists between orthonormality and paraunitariness. It is proved that a generalized tree structure with paraunitary polyphase matrices produces an orthonormal basis. Since not all phases can be generated by tree-structured filter banks, it is proved that if an orthonormal basis can be generated using a tree structure, it can be generated specifically by a paraunitary tree  相似文献   

The authors present a technique to design two-channel filter banks in three dimensions where the sampling is on the FCO (face centred orthorhombic) lattice, The ideal 3-D sub-band is of the truncated octahedron shape. The design technique is based transformation of variable method equivalent to the generalised McClellan transformation. The filters are FIR, have linear phase and achieve perfect reconstruction. Although the sub-band shape is quite complicated, the ideal frequency characteristics are well approximated. This is illustrated with an example. The technique provides the flexibility of controlling the frequency characteristics of the filters with ease. The filters can be implemented quite efficiently due to the highly symmetrical nature of the coefficients of the transformation. The authors also modify and extend the basic design technique to impose the zero property (the number of zeros of the filter transfer function at the aliasing frequency) on the sub-band filters. This property is important when the filter bank is used iteratively in a tree-structured manner as a discrete wavelet transform system and the issue of regularity arises. Several design examples are presented to illustrate the design technique  相似文献   

Motivated by our wavelet framework for error-control coding, we proceed to develop an important family of wavelet transforms over finite fields. Paraunitary (PU) filter banks that are realizations of orthogonal wavelets by multirate filters are an important subclass of perfect reconstruction (PR) filter banks. A parameterization of PU filter banks that covers all possible PU systems is very desirable in error-control coding because it provides a framework for optimizing the free parameters to maximize coding performance. This paper undertakes the problem of classifying all PU matrices with entries from a polynomial ring, where the coefficients of the polynomials are taken from finite fields. It constructs Householder transformations that are used as elementary operations for the realization of all unitary matrices. Then, it introduces elementary PU building blocks and a factorization technique that is specialized to obtain a complete realization for all PU filter banks over fields of characteristic two. This is proved for the 2 × 2 case, and conjectured for the M × M case, where M ⩾ 3. Using these elementary building blocks, we can construct all PU filter banks over fields of characteristic two. These filter banks can be used to implement transforms which, in turn, provide a powerful new perspective on the problems of constructing and decoding arbitrary-rate error-correcting codes  相似文献   

Theory and design of signal-adapted FIR paraunitary filter banks   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
We study the design of signal-adapted FIR paraunitary filter banks, using energy compaction as the adaptation criterion. We present some important properties that globally optimal solutions to this optimization problem satisfy. In particular, we show that the optimal filters in the first channel of the filter bank are spectral factors of the solution to a linear semi-infinite programming (SIP) problem. The remaining filters are related to the first through a matrix eigenvector decomposition. We discuss uniqueness and sensitivity issues. The SIP problem is solved using a discretization method and a standard simplex algorithm. We also show how regularity constraints may be incorporated into the design problem to obtain globally optimal (in the energy compaction sense) filter banks with specified regularity. We also consider a problem in which the polyphase matrix implementation of the filter bank is constrained to be DCT based. Such constraints may also be incorporated into our optimization algorithm; therefore, we are able to obtain globally optimal filter banks subject to regularity and/or computational complexity constraints. Numerous experiments are presented to illustrate the main features that distinguish adapted and nonadapted filters, as well as the effects of the various constraints. The conjecture that energy compaction and coding gain optimization are equivalent design criteria is shown not to hold for FIR filter banks  相似文献   

The design of equiripple linear-phase analysis and synthesis FIR filters of two-channel perfect-reconstruction (PR) filter banks is formulated as the minimization of a weighted peak-error under both linear inequality (arising from the desired responses of the analysis filters) and nonlinear equality (PR) constraints. The effectiveness of a proposed method to solve the design problem (a modified dual-affine scaling variant of Karmarkar's (1989) algorithm and an approximation scheme) is illustrated through several design examples  相似文献   

M channel maximally decimated filter banks have been used in the past to decompose signals into subbands. The theory of perfect-reconstruction filter banks has also been studied extensively. Nonparaunitary systems with linear phase filters have also been designed. The authors study paraunitary systems in which each individual filter in the analysis synthesis banks has linear phase. Specific instances of this problem have been addressed by other authors, and linear phase paraunitary systems have been shown to exist. This property is often desirable for several applications, particularly in image processing. They begin by answering several theoretical questions pertaining to linear phase paraunitary systems. Next, they develop a minimal factorization for a large class of such systems. This factorization will be proved to be complete for even M. Further, they structurally impose the additional condition that the filters satisfy pairwise mirror-image symmetry in the frequency domain. This significantly reduces the number of parameters to be optimized in the design process. They then demonstrate the use of these filter banks in the generation of M-band orthonormal wavelets. Several design examples are also given to validate the theory  相似文献   

The authors present two approaches to the design of two-channel perfect-reconstruction linear-phase finite-impulse-response (FIR) filter banks. Both approaches analyze and design the impulse responses of the analysis filter bank directly. The synthesis filter bank is then obtained by simply changing the signs of odd-order coefficients in the analysis filter bank. The approach deals with unequal-length filter banks. By designing the lower length filters first, one can take advantage of the fact that the number of variables for designing the higher length filters is more than the number of perfect-reconstruction constraint equations. The second approach generalizes the first, and covers the design for all parts of linear phase perfect reconstruction constraint equations  相似文献   

We characterize and design multidimensional (MD) orthogonal filter banks using special paraunitary matrices and the Cayley transform. Orthogonal filter banks are represented by paraunitary matrices in the polyphase domain. We define special paraunitary matrices as paraunitary matrices with unit determinant. We show that every paraunitary matrix can be characterized by a special paraunitary matrix and a phase factor. Therefore, the design of paraunitary matrices (and thus of orthogonal filter banks) becomes the design of special paraunitary matrices, which requires a smaller set of nonlinear equations. Moreover, we provide a complete characterization of special paraunitary matrices in the Cayley domain, which converts nonlinear constraints into linear constraints. Our method greatly simplifies the design of MD orthogonal filter banks and leads to complete characterizations of such filter banks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel and efficient solution to phase-shifting 2-D nonseparable Haar wavelet coefficients. While other methods either modify existing wavelets or introduce new ones to handle the lack of shift-invariance, we derive the explicit relationships between the coefficients of the shifted signal and those of the unshifted one. We then establish their computational complexity, and compare and demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed approach against classical interpolation tools in terms of accumulation of errors under successive shifting.  相似文献   

A lattice structure of multidimensional (MD) linear-phase paraunitary filter banks (LPPUFBs) is proposed, which makes it possible to design such systems in a systematic manner. Our proposed structure can produce MD-LPPUFBs whose filters all have the region of support 𝒩(MΞ), where M and Ξ are the decimation and positive integer diagonal matrices, respectively, and 𝒩(N) denotes the set of integer vectors in the fundamental parallelepiped of a matrix N. It is shown that if 𝒩(M) is reflection invariant with respect to some center, then the reflection invariance of 𝒩(MΞ) is guaranteed. This fact is important in constructing MD linear-phase filter banks because the reflection invariance is necessary for any linear-phase filter. Since our proposed system structurally restricts both the paraunitary and linear-phase properties, an unconstrained optimization process can be used to design MD-LPPUFBs. Our proposed structure is developed for both an even and an odd number of channels and includes the conventional 1-D system as a special case. It is also shown to be minimal, and the no-DC-leakage condition is presented. Some design examples show the significance of our proposed structure for both the rectangular and nonrectangular decimation cases  相似文献   

Quaternions have offered a new paradigm to the signal processing community: to operate directly in a multidimensional domain. We have recently introduced the quaternionic approach to the design and implementation of paraunitary filter banks: four- and eight-channel linear-phase paraunitary filter banks, including those with pairwise-mirror-image symmetric frequency responses. The hypercomplex number theory is utilized to derive novel lattice structures in which quaternion multipliers replace Givens (planar) rotations. Unlike the conventional algorithms, the proposed computational schemes maintain losslessness regardless of their coefficient quantization. Moreover, the one regularity conditions can be expressed directly in terms of the quaternion lattice coefficients and thus easily satisfied even in finite-precision arithmetic. In this paper, a novel approach to realizing CORDIC-lifting factorization of paraunitary filter banks is presented, which is based on the embedding of the CORDIC algorithm inside the lifting scheme. Lifting allows for making multiplications invertible. The 2D CORDIC engine using sparse iterations and asynchronous pipeline processor architecture based on the embedded CORDIC engine as stage of processor is reported. Also it is necessary to notice, that the quaternion multiplier lifting scheme based on the 2D CORDIC algorithm is the structural decision for the lossless digital signal processing. This approach applies to very practical filter banks, which are essential for image processing, and addresses interesting theoretical questions.  相似文献   

A new approach is presented for the design of uniform-band M-channel perfect-reconstruction (PR) FIR filter banks employing linear-phase analysis and synthesis filters. The technique designs on the impulse responses of the analysis filters directly. The design problem is formulated as an optimization program. The filter bank's PR feature can either be implicitly enforced through a set of mathematical relationships among the analysis filters' coefficients or through a set of constraints in the optimization program. The former approach results in a filter bank whose PR feature's dependency on hardware and software is eliminated or, at least, minimized. The synthesis filters are then obtained by a set of relationships that describe each synthesis filter as a function of the analysis filters. The criterion for optimality is “least-squares,” where the square of the difference between the ideal and actual frequency responses is integrated over the appropriate frequency bands for all M analysis filters and minimized  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach for the estimation of 2-channel nonseparable wavelets matched to images in the statistical sense. To estimate a matched wavelet system, first, we estimate the analysis wavelet filter of a 2-channel nonseparable filterbank using the minimum mean square error (MMSE) criterion. The MMSE criterion requires statistical characterization of the given image. Because wavelet basis expansion behaves as Karhunen-Loève type expansion for fractional Brownian processes, we assume that the given image belongs to a 1st order or a 2nd order isotropic fractional Brownian field (IFBF). Next, we present a method for the design of a 2-channel two-dimensional finite-impulse response (FIR) biorthogonal perfect reconstruction filterbank (PRFB) leading to the estimation of a compactly supported statistically matched wavelet. The important contribution of the paper lies in the fact that all filters are estimated from the given image itself. Several design examples are presented using the proposed theory. Because matched wavelets will have better energy compaction, performance of estimated wavelets is evaluated by computing the transform coding gain. It is seen that nonseparable matched wavelets give better coding gain as compared to nonseparable non-matched orthogonal and biorthogonal wavelets.  相似文献   

为了更有效地提取虹膜纹理特征区域和进一步减小虹膜特征的存储空间,提出了一种基于分块相关性分析的二维不可分B-样条小波的虹膜识别方法,通过对虹膜归一化图像进行二维不可分B-样条小波变换并提取小波系数特征,把这些特征等分成正方形的特征块并按照相关性由大到小排序,保留相关性大的特征块进行匹配。实验表明,本文算法比经典的虹膜识别方法能更准确地捕捉识别效果好的特征区域。  相似文献   

The singular-value decomposition (SVD) technique is investigated for the realization of a general two-dimensional (2-D) linear-phase FIR filter with an arbitrary magnitude response. A parallel realization structure consisting of a number of one-dimensional (1-D) FIR subfilters is obtained by applying the SVD to the impulse response of a 2-D filter. It is shown that by using the symmetry property of the 2-D impulse response and by developing an appropriate unitary transformation, an SVD yielding linear-phase constituent 1-D filters can always be obtained so that the efficient structures of the 1-D linear-phase filters can be exploited for 2-D realization. It is shown that when the 2-D filter to be realized has some specified symmetry in its magnitude response, the proposed SVD realization would yield a magnitude characteristic with the same symmetry. An analysis is carried out to obtain tight upper bounds for the errors in the impulse response as well as in the frequency response of the realized filter. It is shown that the number of parallel sections can be reduced significantly without introducing large errors, even in the case of 2-D filters with nonsymmetric magnitude response  相似文献   

A new method for the design of two-channel, perfect reconstruction, analysis/synthesis QMF banks is presented. The filters of the banks are IIR, power complementary, linear phase, and are represented by means of complex allpass functions. Design procedures based both on numerical approximation and on a flatness constraint imposed on the frequency responses of the filters are given  相似文献   

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