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墨西哥湾South Timbalier 295区块浊积岩储层的4D地震监测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
South Timbalier区块295油区二次地震测量的振幅有着很大的差异,它与各个储层的油气产量有关。K8砂体(溶解气驱储层)表现为与气逸相产在的振幅增加;而K40砂体(水驱油储层)的振幅随着水饱和度的增加而减小。本文提出了一种在对二次测量各自进行处理后(叠后)优化二者之间相关性的方法,该方法包括重建面元,互相关,通带滤波和互均衡等。我们开发了一种表征两次地震测量间相关性的统计方法,利用这种统计分析可把记录岩石流体特性变化引起的振幅差异与地震数据错误相关导致的振幅差异区分开来。时延地震分析提供了一种对油气生产过程成像的重要方法,它可用于提高储层描述能力和指导开采产决策。  相似文献   

这个史例分析描述了将时延(或4D)地震同3D弹性地震模拟,储层描述以及流体流动模拟结合起来更好地理解油、气和水的排泄模式,并识别滞油区。 该研究的结果是我们形成了一套自相容的储层模拟技术,该技术能使误差减小到最小,并预测地震响应的变化,这些地震响应在空间、时间和幅度上都与墨西哥湾Timbalier南的295油田的一个复杂的,内部缠绕的浊积岩河道储层中观测到的地震响应很类似。  相似文献   

在1988年开始生产之前和1994年以路易斯安那州岸外南Timbalier295油田生产了近一半可采储量之后进行的两次三维地震勘探结果绘制了四维地震振幅和阻抗差异图。我们利用四维技术尝试定量确定油田内浊积岩储层中流体饱和度随时间的变化。在重新确定面元及谱段标准化之后,根据两次地震勘探的差异成象了移动油/气/水前缘的变化情况。两套浊岩储层提供了声阻抗响应的差。根据这套水驱储层中地震振幅随时间的变暗作  相似文献   

时间推移3-D地震监测是一种新出现的优化烃类生产的有特征的监测技术,该技术能监测集层流体流动期间所产生的地下岩性变化,文中讨论了产油储层中,与三相流体流动有关的物理理论以及流体流动压力,温度和孔隙饱和度值与地震P波和S波速度的岩石物理转换关系,通过 性波动方模式和成像理论,将流体流动物理参数与地震反射振幅和旅行时联系起来,模拟结果表明,利用不同开采时期的重复地震勘探可监测流体的变化并将这种变化成像。  相似文献   

针对东营凹陷浊积岩油气藏“埋藏深、个体小、厚度薄和含灰质”的特点,建立了浊积岩优质储层预测技术。该技术主要包括三个部分:①利用子波分解技术对地震资料进行保幅拓频处理,可以有效提高浊积岩发育层段地震资料分辨率和保真度;②利用高精度古地形恢复技术、地震属性技术和波阻抗反演技术对浊积岩储层有利发育区进行宏观预测;③综合使用多参数岩性反演技术、高亮体地震属性技术、甜心体地震属性技术和叠前反演技术,能够有效区分浊积砂岩与含灰质砂岩、灰质泥岩。该技术在东营凹陷及梁家楼地区的应用中取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

我们研制出一种适用于时延VSP和4D地震储层监测的风险分析单,它是1977年Lumley等人推出的风险分析单的增强版。该分析单采取评分、记分方法,记分系统对风险所涉及的各种新参数进行了量化;研究中新增加的与VSP和3D地震采集有关的重要参数包括:垂向和横向分辨率,震源和接收器的可重复性,成像孔径范围等。我们用这项新的分析技术对适用于时延VSP监测的6种储层情况进行了详细的风险分析。这6种情况是:陆上两类碳酸盐岩储层的CO_2注采,陆上两类砂岩储层的蒸汽注采,海上两类砂岩储层的注水开采,这6种情况的目的层都为20ft厚左右。我们对这6种情况分别进行了储层参数和地震参数分析,井将所有参数的最终联合分析结果制成交会图,由此对风险进行了充分的估计。估计结果表明,对于任何一种情况,时延VSP的潜在风险都要比4D地震低得多。只要时延VSP具有高度可重复性,就能获得极好的频率成分、区域覆盖和成像质量。结果还说明,用时延VSP技术进行浅层松软砂岩储层蒸汽驱监测和高气油比(GOR)松软砂岩储层水驱监测是最具代表性和最成功的项目。  相似文献   

我们研制出一种适用于时延VSP和4D地震储层监测的风险分析单,它是1977年Lumley等人推出的风险分析单的增强版。该分析单采取评分、记分方法,记分系统对风险所涉及的各种新参数进行了量化;研究中新增加的与VSP和3D地震采集有关的重要参数包括:垂向和横向分辨率,震源和接收器的可重复性,成像孔径范围等。我们用这项新的分析技术对适用于时延VSP监测的6种储层情况进行了详细的风险分析。这6种情况是:陆上两类碳酸盐岩储层的CO2注,陆上两类砂岩储层的蒸汽注采,海上两类砂岩储层的注水开采,这6种情况的目的层都为20ft厚左右。我们对这6种情况分别进行了储层参数和地震参数分析,并将所有参数的最终联合分析结果制成交会图,由此对风险进行了充分的估计。估计结果表明,对于任何一种情况,时延VSP的潜在风险都要比4D地震低得多。只要时延VSP具有高度可重复性,就能获得极好的频率成分、区域覆盖和成像质量。结果还说明,用时延VSP技术进行浅层松软砂岩储层蒸汽驱监测和高气油比(G0R)松软砂岩储层水驱监测具代表性和最成功的项目。  相似文献   

东营凹陷东部古近系与三角洲沉积体系相关的浊积岩油藏广泛分布,具有较大的勘探空间和资源潜力。但随着勘探程度的提高,埋藏深、个体小、厚度薄的浊积岩油藏成为主要勘探对象,受埋藏深度、储层厚度、围岩屏蔽作用及灰质影响等因素控制,浊积岩地震识别难度大。本文总结了3个浊积岩地震识别难点,提供了相应的针对性技术,同时,为了提高浊积岩描述的精度,提出了合理的浊积岩储层描述思路和预测流程,以期对浊积岩油藏勘探具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

天然气储层综合预测技术在锦州27区的应用   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
锦州27区属于复杂断块区,地质建模比较困难,常规的储层预测方法效果不好。选用井约束稀疏脉冲反演技术与地震属性相结合的方法,对锦州27区储层进行了综合预测。介绍了约束稀疏脉冲反演技术的基本原理及其实现方法;用约束稀疏脉冲方法进行了波阻抗反演,得到了相对波阻抗剖面和绝对波阻抗剖面;并把波阻抗剖面转换成了砂泥岩剖面,其反演结果与井的钻探结果基本吻合;沿目的层(T3u1)顶面向下提取了波阻抗数据体和地震数据体的多种属性。根据多属性综合分析,圈定几个砂体发育带作为油气有利聚集区,并最终落实了钻井目标。储层综合预测技术在勘探程度比较低的地方可以较准确地预测储层岩性和展布规律,对油气田的进一步勘探开发以及降低勘探开发风险有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Prior applications of gas isotopic data to reservoir studies have often suggested that measured differences of a few per mil in gases sampled between wells indicated hydrocarbon compartmentalization concomitant with poor reservoir communication. These conclusions were generally invoked without adequate consultation and integration of geological and engineering well data, and only revealed to be true in the simplest of circumstances where pressure data clearly suggested the same. Not surprisingly, gas isotope data has yet to find widespread production engineering applications as a convincing tool for reservoir formation evaluation. This situation is unlikely to change due to the prohibitive drilling economics of acquiring adequate quantities of physical gas samples from down-hole tools in every zone of interest across multiple wells in a field. Recent application of a new technique, mud gas isotope logging (MGIL), has shown comparable isotopic data to traditional gas samples collected from down-hole tools while providing the petroleum systems analyst with the necessary large datasets needed to make accurate and confident reservoir evaluations. Many additional benefits of MGIL to formation evaluation have also been recognized, and it is envisaged MGIL possesses the potential to develop as a standard protocol on drilling wells.This paper documents the first published application of MGIL in the context of complete field-scale reservoir integration and production appraisal encompassing 18 well penetrations over a 3-yr drilling program. Case data from the Horn Mountain Field (Gulf of Mexico) are used to demonstrate this technology and its impact to field assessment and appraisal. Initial well data and two 3-D seismic surveys were used to assess reservoir continuity and compartmentalization across the field. Subtle pressure and gas-to-oil ratio (GOR) differences from eight appraisal wells suggested that the main economic M-Sand may be divided into at least two compartments, however the data could not be unambiguously relied upon in itself. MGIL data provided the strongest evidence in confirming the existence of two ‘baffled’ field compartments. Significantly for subsequent development wells, MGIL data were able to accurately discern and allocate compartments in wells without reliable wireline or absent MDT pressure data. MGIL data also recognized the significance of geological features such as a shale-filled channel visible on amplitude maps, and inferred to serve in concert with faults as a baffled flow barrier. Data such as these may have important implications for reservoir energy and pressure support during production. The impact of hydrocarbon stratification attributed to geological reservoir structural features and/or hydrocarbon phase geochemical density characteristics are also examined.Interpretation of the Horn Mountain MGIL data, in addition to characterizing and verifying oil/gas shows, was also successful in providing essential data on highlighting all penetrated pay zones, deconvolving multiple pure biogenic and mixed biogenic/thermogenic zones, identifying stratigraphic trapping seals and providing detailed petroleum system evaluation.  相似文献   

有效处理不可重复的4D地震资料可监测重油SAGD蒸汽驱   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
时延(或4D)地震监测的概念是简单易懂的:首先进行基线3D地震勘探,描述油藏的原始条件,在油藏条件发生变化后,再进行一次(或多次)地震监测勘探,然后将两次地震勘探进行标定和对比,即可根据某一油藏内孔隙流体饱和度、压力或温度的净变化分析和解释两次勘探之间的差异。  相似文献   

In Southern Iran, Gadvan (Barremian-early Aptian) and Kazhdumi (Albian) formations are the most effective source rocks and have produced the majority of hydrocarbons reserved in the Zagros Basin especially in Dezful Embayment and Persian Gulf area. In this article, hydrocarbon potential of Gadvan and Kazhdumi formations is investigated in the South Pars field which is southern extension of the North field of Qatar Country. This field is located in Persian Gulf waters and is actually the northern extension of Qatar Arc Paleohigh where geological history of Gadvan and Kazhdumi formations is different from nearby area regarding depositional setting, burial history and source rock maturity.In this study, Gadvan and Kazhdumi formations as source rock candidates, which underlay Upper Dariyan and Mauddud members, respectively, were sampled in two drilled wells of the South Pars field for routine geochemical analysis to investigate hydrocarbon potential of these formations and source rock identification of trapped oil in the Upper Dariyan and Mauddud members. Several samples from top to the bottom of the formations were taken and analyzed by Rock-Eval pyrolysis. The average TOC content of Gadvan and Kazhdumi formations is 0.79 wt. % and 0.49 wt. %, respectively. Rock-Eval results (e.g. HI vs. Tmax) represent that TOC content of these formations contains type II-III kerogens which haven't suffered sufficient thermal maturity (Ro < 0.5%) in this study area. Moreover calculated S2/S3 ratio implies that these formations in central part of Qatar Arc, South Pars field couldn't produce noticeable liquid hydrocarbon.As it is believed, Gadvan and Kazhdumi formations to be source of trapped oil in the system, therefore, in the South Pars field reserved hydrocarbon in Upper Dariyan (Aptian) and Mauddud (late Albian) members which overlie Gadvan and Kazhdumi formations, respectively, are probably generated from Gadvan and Kazhdumi formations of the nearby through and flanks of the Qatar Arc where the burial depth and temperature increase then generated hydrocarbons in downdip area are migrated to the upper carbonate reservoirs in the crest part of the Qatar Arc. Long path migration of the hydrocarbon and source rock with lower organic matter are caused hydrocarbon accumulation in the South Pars Oil Layer (Al-Shaheen) which is approved by professional petrophysical and geological studies of the field.  相似文献   

渤南油田义65块为开发了30多年的低渗透油藏,主力油层为沙河街组三段9砂组。在开发后期,利用岩心、地质和丰富的测井、开发资料,对沉积特征及沉积微相的展布进行再认识,确认其为浊积扇沉积,按沉积特征可进一步划分出内扇、中扇和外扇3个亚相及若干微相。并对各亚相、微相特征进行了描述,分小层绘制了沉积微相平面分布图。中扇亚相是义65块浊积扇体的主体部分,根据沉积特征可细分为辫状水道微相、辫状水道间微相、辫状水道侧缘微相、朵状体微相。中扇辫状水道微相和朵状体微相储层最为发育。平面上,各小层以辫状水道为中心,向外依次发育水道间、辫状水道侧缘和扇缘沉积微相,在部分辫状水道末端发育朵状体,水道展布方向为南-北向或东南-西北向。  相似文献   

针对塔里木油田哈拉哈塘地区超深高温碳酸盐岩缝洞型岩溶储集层溶洞在三维空间归位不准确的问题,提出了陆地随钻地震测井(SVWD)和地震导向钻井(SGD)技术相结合的综合解决方案。地震导向钻井技术利用随钻地震测井获取的地层速度更新速度模型,对所钻目标体的三维空间位置重新归位,降低了目标体的不确定性。该方案应用于哈拉哈塘地区两口井,首次在国内陆上油田采集随钻地震数据,根据预测结果实时指导和调整钻井轨迹,两口井均顺利命中目标。实践证明该套技术方案在解决由于速度不确定性以及地质模型的不确定性导致的储集体归位不准确等难题时切实可行。  相似文献   

The synergistic interactions and corrosion protection properties of 2-amino 4-methyl benzothiazole, (AMBT) and 1, 2, 3-benzotriazole (BTZ) have been studied for mild steel in HCl at elevated temperatures. The extent of synergistic interaction increases with temperature. The methods of study include the conventional weight loss studies, computational screening, surface characterization and electrochemical studies. Quantum chemical approach was used to calculate some electronic properties of the molecules and to ascertain the synergistic interaction, inhibitive effect and molecular structures. The corrosion inhibition efficiencies and the global chemical reactivity relate to parameters like total energy, EHOMO, ELUMO and gap energy (ΔE). Condensed atom Fukui functions also calculated using DFT at B3LYP/6-31G* level, and were found to be correlating with the experimental results.  相似文献   

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