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In this paper we propose an object-oriented model for designing hypermedia applications. As the object-oriented paradigm allows complex and user-defined types, nonconventional and nonatomic attributes, we can take advantage of these capabilities, not only for information modelling, but also for providing alternative ways for accessing information.A query language is then presented; it is based on an Object-Oriented Database System query language. It combines features of object-oriented databases queries and primitives for hypermedia navigation. The language offers the possibility of querying both the application-domain information, and allowing the designers to obtain information about the schema of the application.We present some examples of the use of the object-oriented model and the query language.  相似文献   

Currently relational databases are widely used, while object-oriented databases are emerging as a new generation of database technology. This paper presents a methodology to provide effective sharing of information in object-oriented databases and relational databases. The object-oriented data model is selected as a common data model to build an integrated view of the diverse databases. An object-oriented query language is used as a standard query language. A method is developed to transform a relational data definition to an equivalent object-oriented data definition and to integrate local data definitions. Two distributed query processing methods are derived. One is for general queries and the other for a special class of restricted queries. Using the methods developed, it is possible to access distributed object-oriented databases and relational databases such that the locations and the structural differences of the databases are transparent to users.  相似文献   

The object-oriented paradigm has a number of widely recognised strengths when applied to data management, but the increased complexity of actual systems compared with their relational predecessors often means that such databases are less readily accessible to nonprogrammers than relational systems. A number of proposals have been made for textual, form-based and graph-based query interfaces to object-oriented databases, but it is clear that a single approach cannot be considered to be the best, given the wide range of potential user groups, application domains and tasks. The paper presents a query interface to an object-oriented database which supports alternative user-level query paradigms in a fully integrated environment, thereby enabling different categories of user to select a preferred interface paradigm from a list of options. Furthermore, the interface enables users to examine queries written in one query interface using any of the other interface paradigms, which is useful for sharing queries in the multi-paradigm context, and for helping users familiar with one approach to learn another. The system has been prototyped using the ADAM object-oriented database system, and an experimental comparison of different interaction modes has been conducted.  相似文献   

Users of electronic medical databases request pertinent information by recasting their clinical questions into a formal database query language. Because the query language is the user's only access to the data, the query language must be powerful enough to enable users to express their data requirements. However, a competing need is for the query language to be restrictive enough so that queries can have unambiguous semantics and the query processor can generate correct answers. We describe a query language, called TQuery , that was designed specifically to formulate database queries that are dependent on temporal and contextual relationships. TQuery specifications express contextual constraints without the need to explicitly reference calendar dates. TQuery is the database query language used to retrieve patient data from an object-oriented electronic patient medical-record system called the temporal network (TNET). TNET and TQuery were developed to support the real-time temporal reasoning and representation needs of a LISP workstation-based medical expert system.  相似文献   

基于规则的面向对象数据库查询语言   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言 八十年代中期兴起的面向对象数据库和知识库己成为当今数据库技术发展的两重要方向。自出现以来.它们沿着不同的道路独立发展,各自都取得了许多成果.知识库的研究是型的理论驱动的,着重研究基于规则的查询语言(如斯坦福大学的  相似文献   

A minimal framework for an object-oriented query language standard should (1) include a formal definition of a high-level data model and the syntax and semantics of associated query languages, (2) provide the functionality of relational query languages, and (3) support proofs of correctness of transformations for logical query optimization. In this paper, a high-level conceptual model for object-oriented query processing is discussed; the model includes widely-used structural abstractions such as the isa relationship, associations (properties) between complex objects and complex objects/values, and inheritance of properties. A formal, algebraic query language for the model, inspired by relational algebra, is presented. Operators of the algebra allow queries based on values, queries that manipulate entire objects, and queries that construct new objects from existing objects/values. All queries retain connections to existing database objects, providing logical access paths to data. Each query result is a class, so the algebra has the closure property. The intensional and extensional results of query operators are summarized. Two forms of logical query optimization supported by the query algebra are outlined: algebraic transformations and classifier-based optimizations (optimizations which employ inclusion and exclusion dependencies between classes).  相似文献   

A fibre-optic oxygen (O2) sensor monitoring at a wavelength of 400 nm has been successfully developed for the determination of gaseous O2. Its working principle is based on the contact charge-transfer absorption of N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidine and O2. The response to changes in O2 concentrations is reversible and in good agreement with the Beer-Lambert law. The response and recovery times are 12 and 26 min, respectively. The sensor can detect a wide range of O2 concentrations, ranging from 4.3 to 100% O2. The precision is 1.45% (n=5) in a gas mixture of 95% O2 in N2 and the limit of detection is 4.3% O2 (3σb). The sensor is stable with a 0.53% change in sensitivity per hour. There is a 0.25% °C−1 decrease of the sensitivity of the sensor to O2 in the range 20–34°C. Water vapour and nitrogen dioxide interfere slightly, whereas hydrogen sulphide and hydrogen chloride have moderate interference on the sensor. However, chlorine and sulphur dioxide seriously interfere with the sensor.  相似文献   

一个实现对象查询语言的形式化基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在基于CORBA(common object request broker)的面向对象多数据库系统SCOPE/CIMS中,作者选择了对象数据库管理组ODMG(object database management group)提出的对象数据库标准ODMG-93的OQL(object query language)作为全局查询语言.为此,提出了一种实现OQL的形式化基础,包括适合建模OQL的一种对象演算和一种对象代数;对象演算的规范化规则和规范化步骤;对象演算与对象代数的等价映射规则及转换策略.  相似文献   

This paper reports the quantitative experimental exploration of the performance space of a microfabricated singlet oxygen generator (muSOG). SOGs are multiphase reactors that mix H2O2, KOH, and Cl2 to produce singlet delta oxygen, or O2 (a). A scaled-down SOG is being developed as the pump source for a microfabricated chemical oxygen-iodine laser system because scaling down a SOG yields improved performance compared to the macroscaled versions. The performance of the muSOG was characterized using O2 (a) yield, chlorine utilization, power in the flow, molar flow rate per unit of reactor volume, and steady-state operation as metrics. The performance of the muSOG is measured through a series of optical diagnostics and mass spectrometry. The test rig, which enables the monitoring of temperatures, pressures, and the molar flow rate of O2 (a), is described in detail. Infrared spectra and mass spectrometry confirm the steady-state operation of the device. Experimental results reveal O2 (a) concentrations in excess of 1017 cm-3, O2 (a) yield at the chip outlet approaching 80%, and molar flow rates of 02(a) per unit of reactor volume exceeding 600 times 10-4 mol/L/s.  相似文献   

A novel indexing structure-the join index hierarchy-is proposed to handle the “gotos on disk” problem in object-oriented query processing. The method constructs a hierarchy of join indices and transforms a sequence of pointer-chasing operations into a simple search in an appropriate join index file, and thus accelerates navigation in object-oriented databases. The method extends the join index structure studied in relational and spatial databases, supports both forward and backward navigation among objects and classes, and localizes update propagations in the hierarchy. Our performance study shows that a partial join index hierarchy outperforms several other indexing mechanisms in object-oriented query processing  相似文献   

The integration of data-oriented (structural), behavioral and deductive aspects is necessary in next generation information systems. The deductive object-oriented database paradigm offers a very promising starting point for the implementation of these kinds of information systems. So far in the context of this paradigm a big problem has been the lack of a query language suitable to an ordinary end user. Typically in existing proposals for deductive object-oriented databases the user has to master well both logic-based rule formulation and object-oriented programming. In this paper we introduce a set of high-level querying primitives which increases the degree of declarativeness compared to the deductive object-oriented query languages proposed so far. In terms of these primitives it is possible to offer for end users such application-specific concepts and structures whose interpretation is obvious to users but whose specification is too demanding for them. By combining these primitives in queries the user can integrate data-oriented, behavioral and deductive aspects with each other in a concept-oriented way. Our query language approach is based on the incorporation of deductive aspects to object-orientation. Among others this means that deductive aspects of objects are inherited in the specialization/generalization hierarchy like any other properties of objects.  相似文献   

A multimedia application involves information that may be in a form of video, images, audio, text and graphics, need to be stored, retrieved and manipulated in large databases. In this paper, we propose an object-oriented database schema that supports multimedia documents and their temporal, spatial and logical structures. We present a document example and show how the schema can adress all the structures described. We also present a multimedia query specification language that can be used to describe a multimedia content portion to be retrieved from the database. The language provides means by which the user can specify the information on the media as well as the temoral and spatial relationships among these media.  相似文献   

Uncertainty in deductive databases and logic programming has been modeled using a variety of (numeric and non-numeric) formalisms in the past, including probabilistic, possibilistic, and fuzzy set-theoretic approaches, and many valued logic programming. In this paper, we consider a hybrid approach to the modeling of uncertainty in deductive databases. Our model, called deductive IST (DIST) is based on an extension of the Information Source Tracking (IST) model, recently proposed for relational databases. The DIST model permits uncertainty to be modeled and manipulated in essentially qualitative terms with an option to convert qualitative expressions of uncertainty into numeric form (e.g., probabilities). An uncertain deductive database is modeled as a Horn clause program in the DIST framework, where each fact and rule is annotated with an expression indicating the “sources” contributing to this information and their nature of contribution. (1) We show that positive DIST programs enjoy the least model/least fixpoint semantics analogous to classical logic programs. (2) We show that top-down (e.g., SLD-resolution) and bottom-up (e.g., magic sets rewriting followed by semi-naive evaluation) query processing strategies developed for datalog can be easily extended to DIST programs. (3) Results and techniques for handling negation as failure in classical logic programming can be easily extended to DIST. As an illustration of this, we show how stratified negation can be so extended. We next study the problem of query optimization in such databases and establish the following results. (4) We formulate query containment in qualitative as well as quantitative terms. Intuitively, our qualitative sense of containment would say a query Q1 is contained in a query Q2 provided for every input database D, for every tuple t, t ε Q2(D) holds in every “situation” in which t ε Q1(D) is true. The quantitative notion of containment would say Q1 is contained in Q2 provided on every input, the certainty associated with any tuple computed by Q1 is no more than the certainty associated with the same tuple by Q2 on the given input. We also prove that qualitative and quantitative notions of containment (both absolute and uniform versions) coincide. (5) We establish necessary and sufficient conditions for the qualitative containment of conjunctive queries. (6) We extend the well-known chase technique to develop a test for uniform containment and equivalence of positive DIST programs. (7) Finally, we prove that the complexity of testing containment of conjunctive DIST queries remains the same as in the classical case when number of information sources is regarded as a constant (so, it's NP-complete in the size of the queries). We also show that testing containment of conjunctive queries is co-NP-complete in the number of information sources.  相似文献   

Web legal information retrieval systems need the capability to reason with the knowledge modeled by legal ontologies. Using this knowledge it is possible to represent and to make inferences about the semantic content of legal documents. In this paper a methodology for applying NLP techniques to automatically create a legal ontology is proposed. The ontology is defined in the OWL semantic web language and it is used in a logic programming framework, EVOLP+ISCO, to allow users to query the semantic content of the documents. ISCO allows an easy and efficient integration of declarative, object-oriented and constraint-based programming techniques with the capability to create connections with external databases. EVOLP is a dynamic logic programming framework allowing the definition of rules for actions and events. An application of the proposed methodology to the legal web information retrieval system of the Portuguese Attorney General’s Office is described.  相似文献   

The application of the object-oriented (O-O) paradigm in the database management field has gained much attention in recent years. Several experimental and commercial O-O database management systems have become available. However, the existing O-O DBMSs still lack a solid mathematical foundation for the manipulation of O-O databases, the optimization of queries, and the design and selection of storage structures for supporting O-O database manipulations. This paper presents an association algebra (A-algebra) to serve as a mathematical foundation for processing O-O databases, which is analogous to the relational algebra used for processing relational databases. In this algebra, objects and their associations in an O-O database are uniformly represented by association patterns which are manipulated by a number of operators to produce other association patterns. Different from the relational algebra, in which set operations operate on relations with union-compatible structures, the A-algebra operators can operate on association patterns of homogeneous and heterogeneous structures. Different from the traditional record-based relational processing, the A-algebra allows very complex patterns of object associations to be directly manipulated. The pattern-based query formulation and the A-algebra operators are described. Some mathematical properties of the algebraic operators are presented together with their application in query decomposition and optimization. The completeness of the A-algebra is also defined and proven. The A-algebra has been used as the basis for the design and implementation of an object-oriented query language, OQL, which is the query language used in a prototype Knowledge Base Management System OSAM*.KBMS  相似文献   

We report on electrical responses of tungsten oxide thin film ozone sensors based on a tungsten trioxide (WO3)/tin oxide (SiO2)/Si structure with interdigitated Pt electrodes. The influence of O2 concentration in the sputtering gas and working temperature of the sensor are investigated. Sensitivity to ozone increases with O2 content in the sputtering gas. It reaches its highest value for sensors fabricated with 50% O2. For these sensors, the best ozone sensitivity and shortest response and recovery times are obtained at a working temperature of 523 K. Ozone sensitivity is compared to other ozone sensors.  相似文献   

FOOD:一个面向对象数据库系统   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍一个面向对象数据库系统FOOD,重点描述FOOD的数据模型,应用编程语言,查询语言,授权模型和模式管理,并简要说明了系统的实现方法以及各功能模块,文末还对进一步的工作作了展望。  相似文献   

A system to query databases using diagrams as a standard user interface is proposed. The system, called Query by Diagram* (QBD*), makes use of a conceptual data model, a query language on this model, and a graphical user interface. The conceptual model is the entity-relationship model. The query language, whose expressive power allows recursive queries, supports visual interaction. The main characteristics of the interface are ease of use and the availability of a rich set of primitives for schema selection and query formulation. The expressive power of QBD* and G+, which are the only languages allowing recursive queries to be expressed graphically are compared  相似文献   

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