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卢红  张仲甫 《机械》2002,29(4):5-6,10
根据国标GB/Tl6445-1996,提出参考性的平面包络环面蜗杆精度评价补充指标,进行平面包络环面蜗杆精度检测项目的完善;以平面包络环面蜗杆为例,实现对平面包络环面蜗杆误差的求解。  相似文献   

TI 环面蜗杆砂轮磨齿原理   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
根据空间交错轴齿轮啮合理论,对TI环面蜗杆砂轮磨齿原理进行了理论研究,推导出了基本方程,分析了磨削渐开线直、斜齿圆柱齿轮时的接触线分布规律,并得到了齿面上不存在啮合界限线的判定条件,经微机模拟接触过程,表明此方法是一种高效的齿面磨削方法。  相似文献   

平面二次包络环面蜗杆传动的实体建模研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对平面二次包络环面蜗杆传动的三维建模进行了深入的研究,推导出了平面二次包络环面蜗杆螺旋线方程,并利用螺旋线方程进行了建模,建模过程简单,容易进行参数化,为该类型的蜗杆传动提供了较好的建模方法.  相似文献   

Being versatile and fast, a co-ordinate measuring machine is used for the measurement of worm. A best-fit surface is obtained from the measured points by a surface fitting method, which minimizes the root mean square of normal deviations. For this problem in discrete space, an iterative optimization algorithm based on an orthogonal array is developed. On minimizing the objective function, the deviations of worm parameters from the specified values are obtained. The algorithm is validated using input data points generated from a straight-sided in axial section worm (ZA worm) with known errors. The proposed algorithm requires fewer objective function evaluations and the result is highly repeatable as there are no random operations involved.  相似文献   

分析了闭环伺服系统的控制特性和控制要求。对采用光栅作为检测装置的数控机床,指出了影响数控机床控制精度和加工精度的主要因素。提出了对检测反馈信号进行倍频处理,从而提高闭环伺服系统检测精度及控制精度的措施。给出了倍频处理电路和EXE信号处理电路的设计方法。针对光栅使用中可能出现的故障,给出了故障诊断及处理方法。该方法不但可以提高数控机床的控制精度,改善闭环控制系统的特性,而且可以方便地进行测量系统故障的诊断与处理。  相似文献   

分析了砂轮磨损对准平面二次包络环面蜗杆传动的蜗杆几何尺寸以及接触和运动精度的影响。分析结果表明 :准平面包络环面蜗杆传动由于在蜗杆和蜗轮滚刀磨削过程中不可避免出现砂轮磨损 ,这种蜗杆传动实际上是瞬时呈双点接触的点接触环面蜗杆传动 ,因而该传动能在一定程度上降低蜗轮副对制造及安装误差的敏感性。  相似文献   

When we measure a workpiece in the optimal measurement area of the flexible coordinate measuring machines (FCMMs), the measuring precision can be improved. The flexible CMM’s measuring space is given. Then its spatial error distribution model is build by using support vector machine theory. Finally, the two solutions of the optimal measurement area are discussed and solved through experiments. The high precision measurement results can be realized by using a low-precision measuring machine without any increase in hardware manufacturing cost. This is of great theoretical value and practical significance for the flexible CMM’s further development.  相似文献   

无侧隙双滚子包络环面蜗杆传动的参数优化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
无侧隙双滚子包络环面蜗杆传动是一种能同时满足高精度、大载荷要求的新型环面蜗杆传动.为获得啮合性能优良的无侧隙双滚子包络环面蜗杆传动,提出综合考虑传动齿面接触性能和润滑性能对该新型传动的几何参数进行优选.通过对蜗杆副齿面啮合参数如诱导法曲率、卷吸速度、润滑角以及滚子自转角等的数值计算,分析表征传动啮合性能的齿面接触参数的影响因素,进而确定该新型蜗杆传动优化设计变量的取值范围.以此为基础,建立以蜗杆副的滚子自转角及齿面综合系数为优化目标,建立以传动齿面润滑角、蜗杆轴的强度与刚度以及几何不干涉等为约束的优化设计数学模型,并用Matlab的遗传算法工具箱对数值算例进行求解.数值实例表明,经过几何参数优化的蜗杆传动,其齿面接触性能和润滑性能明显得到改善和提高.  相似文献   

无侧隙双滚子包络环面蜗杆传动的啮合性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于空间啮合原理,建立了无侧隙双滚子包络环面蜗杆传动的啮合方程、接触线方程以及蜗杆的齿面方程,推导了该传动的诱导法曲率、自转角、润滑角及相对卷吸速度公式.基于MATALB开发了传动的啮合性能分析系统,分析了无侧隙双滚子包络环面蜗杆传动的滚柱半径、蜗杆喉径系数、滚柱偏距和齿周角等参数对传动啮合性能参数的影响.  相似文献   

图像测量系统中的误差分析及提高测量精度的途径   总被引:19,自引:8,他引:19  
为了进一步提高图像测量系统的测量精度,必需考虑影响测量精度的诸多因素,如:照明视场噪声、热电子噪声、CCD性能、镜头畸变、量化误差、帧存与CCD不同步、温度、振动、视频馈线等的影响。本文将分析这些误差对图像测量系统测量精度的影响,并给出消除或减小误差的有效方法,从而提高测量精度  相似文献   

This paper shows that the position-sensitive photodetector examined is a measuring device with an accuracy of about 0.1 μm if it has been calibrated. Measuring equipment for this and examples for the examination of PSDs are presented.  相似文献   

Blade is one of the most important parts in turbine machinery. The complex geometry of blades not only makes them difficult to fabricate, but also leads them difficult to inspect. Typically, the surface of blades is measured by using coordinate measuring machine (CMM). Since the measurement time and cost increase proportionally as the increase of measurement points, it is essential to sample measurement points which can represent entire blade with sufficient confidence and accuracy. In order to achieve a certain allowable deviation with a suitable set of points, a practical sampling method for surface measurement of blades was studied. Firstly, the leading edge curve and trailing edge curve were supposed to represent the twisted and bend information of blades. A sampling method based on maximum chordal deviation for leading edge curve and trailing edge curve was researched. Further, a fusion approach for sampling points on both edge curves, which determine the cross-sections, was proposed. Secondly, the inspection points sampling method for sectional curves were investigated. Finally, two simulation and one experimental examples were used to demonstrate the sampling methodology. The results indicated that the approach of this study can ensure the measurement precision at high curvature potion by measuring a small number of points.  相似文献   

超精密标准齿轮主要用于测量普通精度标准齿轮的实体基准、齿轮测量仪器的校核等,因此其本身径向综合偏差的检测有着重要的意义,而目前的齿轮径向综合偏差仪器满足不了要求.为此,我们研制了专门的测量仪,结构上采用弹簧片悬挂摆动架结构,克服了传统齿轮双啮仪回转误差大、灵敏度低、分辨率低及测量力大的缺点,测试系统实现了人工智能化,可...  相似文献   

TDICCD交错拼接的精度检测   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
摘 要:焦平面组件是遥感相机的重要组成部分,TDICCD的交错拼接可以获得大尺寸的焦平面。由于TDICCD交错拼接的焦面长度一般较长,常规的检测方法很难获得准确的检测结果。故采用对拼接TDICCD像元直接监测的方法,使用直线度小于2μm/m的气浮导轨,搭载显微系统对像元进行空间位置检测。并对已经完成拼接的600mm长焦平面进行了精度的检测,得到的检测结果误差小于3μm。根据遥感相机地面成像试验所得到的图像研究分析,图像反映的拼接精度与检测所得到的结果吻合,从而验证了检测结果的准确性及检测方法的可行性,实现了长焦平面的高精度检测。  相似文献   

基于单面啮合原理的小模数蜗杆副综合误差测量仪,可以测量蜗杆副切向综合误差、齿距偏差和侧隙.详细介绍了该仪器的测量流程、软件界面、软件结构、误差提取算法和精度等级评定.该软件具有参数管理、自动测量、误差计算、用户管理、SPC分析、频谱分析、等级评定、结果保存、打印报表等功能,可以应用于小模数蜗杆副的精密检测.  相似文献   

双滚轮-导轨式渐开线测量仪一种无阿贝误差、误差源少、测量精度高的渐开线测量仪器,常用来测量 1 级齿轮渐开线 样板或 1 级标准齿轮,但是双滚轮-导轨式渐开线测量仪不易准确获得渐开线的齿廓偏差与展开长度的对应关系。 而渐开线齿 面的齿根部容易累积较多的加工误差和测量误差,1 级齿轮渐开线样板要求齿廓偏差需要从展开长度 3 或 5 mm 处开始计值, 如果展开长度存在偏差将会影响齿廓偏差的测量结果。 为了获得齿廓偏差与展开长度较为准确的对应关系、实现齿轮渐开线 样板的精确计值,本文研究了双滚轮-导轨式渐开线测量仪测量齿轮渐开线样板时齿轮渐开线样板齿顶圆角、齿顶圆偏差和滚 轮半径偏差对展开长度的影响,提出一种基于机器视觉的双滚轮-导轨式渐开线测量仪测量策略和展开长度修正方法,通过机 器视觉判断渐开线样板理论齿顶点和起始测量位置,并根据滚轮半径对展开长度进行修正。 本文对一件齿轮渐开线样板进行 了测量实验,齿廓形状偏差的测量结果与齿轮测量中心的差异不大于 0. 1 μm,且齿廓偏差曲线具有一致性,说明该测量策略可 以获得齿廓偏差与展开长度的对应关系。  相似文献   

对颊平面二次包络环面蜗轮传动副的三坐标测量数据采用几种插值方法实测数据的插值,并进行比较分析,确定了适合平面平面二次包络环面蜗轮传动副三维测量数据插值的方法,实现其三维实体的可视化,为平面二次包络环面蜗轮传动副的误差分析及误差控制提供依据。  相似文献   

平面二次包络环面蜗杆传动润滑机理的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文用数值法对平面二次包络环面蜗杆传动的润滑性能进行分析,分析了挤压效应和卷吸效应各自作用以及两者耦合作用三种情况下齿面的润滑性能和油膜的承载能力。结果表明挤压效应和卷吸效应的耦合作用很大程度上提高了齿面的润滑性能和承载能力。  相似文献   

The paper is a critical review of existing methods that permit in situ measurement of large external cylindrical surfaces. Large size cylindrical elements are used in many industries, e.g. papermaking, metallurgy or shipbuilding. Their diameter can sometimes reach even a few meters and they can be several meters long. Such elements should be characterized by high dimensional and form accuracy. Excessive loads or changes in temperature during use may result in their deformation. It is thus important for such elements to have their surface quality and form accuracy controlled not only during production but also during use. Measurement with conventional devices would involve transport, which may be impractical or impossible due to the large size and mass. That is why industries where such elements are produced or employed expect measurements to be performed in situ, for example, directly on a machine tool. Methods that can be used for this purpose are generally divided into three groups: V-block measurement, multi-probe measurement and measurements with Articulated Arm Coordinate Measuring Machines (AACMMs). This paper describes advantages and disadvantages of all the three groups of methods suggesting which one best meets the requirements of modern manufacturing processes and which are the most prospective.  相似文献   

刘娟 《机械管理开发》2008,23(1):187-188
介绍了蜗杆蜗轮传动中蜗轮旋向及转向的两种判断方法,即从"受力"和"法则"两个角度阐述蜗轮旋向及转向的判断,实现了快捷简便的判断.可作为职教培训的补充教材.  相似文献   

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