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The city is arguably where innovations concentrate. Agglomeration and diversity are two major explanations for why innovations concentrate in the city. Existing studies tend to focus on knowledge dynamics, in particular interfirm networks, while paying insufficient attention to the process of urban development in which knowledge dynamics are materialized. We concur that the city itself does not possess such a power for innovation (Shearmur, 2012). Rather, it is an arena where various actors exert impacts on knowledge dynamics. In a view from China, we reveal why bio-tech innovations concentrate in particular places and what political economic processes contribute to such concentration. We highlight the need for a political economic analysis in economic geographical studies of innovation.  相似文献   

紧凑城市与城市交通布局   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对欧洲国家"紧凑城市"理论的分析,结合中国城市的实际,深入探讨了紧凑城市规划下的城市交通布局,得出了城市紧凑规划布局有利于城市可持续发展,建立公交导向的城市交通网络有利于城市的集约化发展的结论。  相似文献   

本规划在现状调查的基础上建立起青岛市交通数据库和交通模型,并进行了相关预测,根据区域发展和自身条件制定了城市交通发展战略,并制定了城市远期规划方案和近期建设计划。  相似文献   

The paper proposes a model of interregional economic growth model with travel time, housing, residential distribution, and amenity. The economy consists of multiple regions and each region consists of the CBD and the residential area (like in the standard Alonso model). All the markets are perfectly competitive. The paper demonstrates a way to integrate some important models in the literature in transportation research, economic growth theory, urban economics, and regional economics. The simulation results for a 3-region economy provide some interesting insights into national economic development, regional agglomeration, and urban configuration. We demonstrate, for instance, that when the technologically most advanced region improves its transportation conditions, the national output is increased, the advanced region attracts more people from the other two regions, the advanced region’s industrial and housing output levels are increased, the other two regions’ output levels are reduced, the land and housing rents and residential distribution in the advanced region are reduced near the CBD and increased far away from the CBD, and the land and housing rents and residential distribution in the other two regions are reduced over the entire residential areas.  相似文献   

目前,城市交通问题突出,交通堵塞状况日益严重;城市生态环境不断恶化,城市交通污染已成为当今难以解决的顽症。随着可持续发展思路的推广,绿色交通概念在国内外被提出。本文在此背景下,探讨建设城市绿色交通系统的关键技术,以期为城市交通系统的建设提供理论及实践依据。  相似文献   

大城市交通需求管理研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:17  
首先对交通需求管理产生背景、涵义与目的及发展概况进行介绍 ;然后提出实施交通需求管理措施所应遵循的公平合理的原则、经济与环境可持续发展的原则、优先发展公共交通的原则、道路时空资源均衡使用的原则、多方结合协调发展的原则、坚持因地制宜经济适用的原则、社会可接受原则 7条主要原则 ;最后根据城市交通需求管理所涉及的问题 ,将交通需求管理划分为四个层次 ,在此基础上进一步对城市交通需求管理措施进行探讨  相似文献   

城市可持续发展的交通系统是以较小的资源投入、较小的环境代价,最大程度地满足交通需求的综合交通系统。在这一系统中,各种交通方式分工合理、互相协调,公共交通是主体交通;不同的交通出行者具有同等的交通权利,对交通方式具有可选择性;该系统与城市结构相匹配、与系统周边的土地利用性质相协调,其具有安全、畅通、高效、舒适、环保、节能、可达性好、以人为本的基本特征。  相似文献   

本文主要介绍深圳特区建设十几年来,城市规划如何适应经济的迅猛发展,不断调整、完善,以满足城市发展的需求方面取得的经验。  相似文献   

蒋健 《山西建筑》2010,36(30):13-14
结合烟台市福山区城市发展状况,对该区城市交通进行了分析,对福山区的对外交通和内部交通进行了探讨和研究,提出了建议及应注意的问题,以期引起设计人员的重视,从而合理规划城市交通,提高城市交通效率。  相似文献   

任均忠 《城市燃气》2007,(10):34-37
本文运用西方经济学的有关原理,从燃气输配企业定位、垄断特点、产权、特许经营和产业发展的阶段性等方面分析了城市燃气输配企业的垄断与效率以及二者之间的关系.  相似文献   

A transportation network is a complex system that exhibits the properties of self-organization and emergence. Previous research in dynamics related to transportation networks focuses on traffic assignment or traffic management. This research concentrates on the dynamics of the orientation of major roads in a network and abstractly models these dynamics to understand the basic properties of transportation networks. A model is developed to capture the dynamics that leads to a hierarchical arrangement of roads for a given network structure and land use distribution. Localized investment rules, wherein revenue produced by traffic on a link is invested for that link's own development, are employed. Under reasonable parameters, these investment rules, coupled with traveler behavior, and underlying network topology result in the emergence of a hierarchical pattern. Hypothetical networks subject to certain conditions are tested with this model to explore their network properties. Though hierarchies seem to be designed by planners and engineers, the results show that they are intrinsic properties of networks. Also, the results show that roads, specific routes with continuous attributes, are emergent properties of transportation networks. Received: April 2003 / Accepted: October 2004  相似文献   

We reconsider a Cournot spatial competition in a circular city. We discuss an oligopoly model. We find that two equilibria exist if the transport cost function is nonlinear in distance, while a continuum of equilibria exists if it is linear. Thus, the result of the real indeterminacy of equilibria in the linear transport cost case is knife edge.  相似文献   

选取和轨道交通联系紧密的线性景观作为研究对象,探究其对于快轨交通的适应性和构成要素,并结合案例分析了线性景观的设计策略,以促进线性景观在城市景观美化、肌理修补及生态保护方面不断地发挥其特殊优势。  相似文献   

陈虹 《山西建筑》2014,(32):8-10
针对西部山区城市交通规划特点,结合交通现状、国民经济发展和人口增加对交通的需求现状,阐述了西部山区城市的合理规划的一些难点,并结合工程实例进行了分析研究,为该地区的交通规划提供参考依据。  相似文献   

姚长习 《福建建筑》2008,(8):113-115
本文介绍了上海市明珠线轨道交通的建设管理经验,提出两点福建省城市轨道交通建设和管理的建议。  相似文献   

齐荣尊  王凡 《山西建筑》2011,37(12):16-17
通过对南阳市交通快速发展需求的分析研究,结合城市交通的发展背景、客观条件和制约因素,确定城市综合交通发展的指导思想、战略目标和政策措施。  相似文献   

钱坤 《山西建筑》2012,38(20):27-28
阐明了城市公共交通枢纽的规划设计内容,分析了城市公共交通枢纽的布设原则及选址方法,确立了公共交通枢纽规模的确定方法以及公共交通枢纽交通衔接的设计,并从定性与定量的角度阐述公共交通枢纽设计的方法,建立了合理的公共交通枢纽规划设计体系。  相似文献   

李青 《山西建筑》2012,38(4):29-30
以郑州市快速公交系统为研究背景,通过将快速公交与轨道交通的对比,从经济、环境、社会、安全等方面进行了分析,从而得出快速公交是一种高品质、高效率、低耗能、低污染、低成本的公共交通形式。  相似文献   

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