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With increasing evidence of adverse health effects associated with particulate matter (PM), the exposure impact of natural sources, such as forest fires, has substantial public health relevance. In addition to the threat to nearby communities, pollutants released from forest fires can travel thousands of kilometers to heavily populated urban areas. There was a dramatic increase in forest fire activity in the province of Quebec, Canada, during July 2002. The transport of PM released from these forest fires was examined using a combination of a moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer satellite image, back-trajectories using a hybrid single-particle Lagrangian integrated trajectory, and local light detection and ranging measurements. Time- and size-resolved PM was evaluated at three ambient and four indoor measurement sites using a combination of direct reading instruments (laser, time-of-flight aerosol spectrometer, nephelometer, and an oscillating microbalance). The transport and monitoring results consistently identified a forest fire related PM episode in Baltimore that occurred the first weekend of July 2002 and resulted in as much as a 30-fold increase in ambientfine PM. On the basis of tapered element oscillating microbalance measurements, the 24 h PM25 concentration reached 86 microg/m3 on July 7, 2002, exceeding the 24 h national ambient air quality standard. The episode was primarily comprised of particles less than 2.5 microm in aerodynamic diameter, highlighting the preferential transport of the fraction of PM that is of greatest health concern. Penetration of the ambient episode indoors was efficient (median indoor-to-outdoor ratio 0.91) such that the high ambient levels were similarly experienced indoors. These results are significant in demonstrating the impact of a natural source thousands of kilometers away on ambient levels of and potential exposures to air pollution within an urban center. This research highlights the significance of transboundary air pollution and the need for studies that assess the public health impacts associated with such sources and transport processes.  相似文献   

Chemical and morphological heterogeneities of carbon sorbents play important roles in gas-phase adsorption. However, the specific chemical complexes and topological structures of carbon that favor or impede elemental mercury uptake are not well understood and are the subject of this study. Temperature programmed desorption (TPD) with a model carbonaceous material (highly oriented pyrolytic graphite, HOPG) under ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) conditions and fixed bed adsorption by activated carbon (BPL) at atmospheric pressure were combined to investigate the effects of chemical and morphological heterogeneities on mercury adsorption by carbonaceous surfaces. TPD results show that mercury adsorption at 100 K onto HOPG surfaces with and without chemical functional groups and topological heterogeneity created by plasma oxidation occurs through physisorption. The removal of chemical functionalities from the HOPG surface enhances mercury physisorption. Plasma-oxidation of HOPG provides additional surface area for mercury adsorption. However, the pits created by plasma oxidation are more than 10 nm in diameter and do not simulate microporosity that predominates in activated carbons. Mercury adsorption by activated carbon at atmospheric pressure occurs through two distinct mechanisms. Physisorption governs mercury adsorption at lower temperatures (i.e., below 348 K), while chemisorption predominates at high adsorption temperatures (i.e., above 348 K). Presence of water on activated carbon surface enhances mercury uptake by both physisorption and chemisorption. Oxygen containing functional groups reduce mercury uptake by physisorption by blocking access to the micropores. No significant impact of oxygen functionalities was observed in the chemisorption regime. The key findings of this study open the possibility to apply scientific information obtained from the studies with simple surfaces such as HOPG under ideal conditions (UHV) to industrial sorbents under realistic process conditions.  相似文献   

Atmospheric mercury depletion episodes (AMDEs) were studied at Station Nord, Northeast Greenland, 81 degrees 36' N, 16 degrees 40' W, during the Arctic Spring. Gaseous elemental mercury (GEM) and ozone were measured starting from 1998 and 1999, respectively, until August 2002. GEM was measured with a TEKRAN 2735A automatic mercury analyzer based on preconcentration of mercury on a gold trap followed by detection using fluorescence spectroscopy. Ozone was measured by UV absorption. A scatter plot of GEM and ozone concentrations confirmed that also at Station Nord GEM and ozone are linearly correlated during AMDEs. The relationship between ozone and GEM is further investigated in this paper using basic reaction kinetics (i.e., Cl, ClO, Br, and BrO have been suggested as reactants for GEM). The analyses in this paper show that GEM in the Arctic troposphere most probably reacts with Br. On the basis of the experimental results of this paper and results from the literature, a simple parametrization for AMDE was included into the Danish Eulerian Hemispheric Model (DEHM). In the model, GEM is converted linearly to reactive gaseous mercury (RGM) over sea ice with temperature below -4 degrees C with a lifetime of 3 or 10 h. The new AMDE parametrization was used together with the general parametrization of mercury chemistry [Petersen, G.; Munthe, J.; Pleijel, K.; Bloxam, R.; Vinod Kumar, A. Atmos. Environ. 1998, 32, 829-843]. The obtained model results were compared with measurements of GEM at Station Nord. There was good agreement between the start and general features periods with AMDEs, although the model could not reproduce the fast concentration changes, and the correlation between modeled and measured values decreased from 2000 to 2001 and further in 2002. The modeled RGM concentrations over the Arctic in 2000 were found to agree well with the temporal and geographical variability of the boundary column of monthly average BrO observed by the GOME satellite. Scenario calculations were performed with and without AMDEs. For the area north of the Polar Circle, the mercury deposition increases from 89 tons/year for calculations without an AMDE to 208 tons/year with the AMDE. The 208 tons/year represent an upper limit for the mercury load to the Artic.  相似文献   

Field observations made at Harvard Forest [Petersham, MA, U.S.A. (42 degrees 54' N, 72 degrees 18' W)] during early July 2002 show clear evidence of long-range transport of gaseous mercury (Hg) in a smoke plume from a series of boreal forest fires in northern Quebec. These measurements indicated significant and highly correlated increases in Hg and CO during the plume event. The Hg:CO emissions ratio determined from the data (8.61 x 10(-8) mol mol(-1)) was combined with previously published information on CO emissions and biomass burned to determine a mean area-based Hg emission flux density for boreal forest fires (1.5 g Hg ha(-1)), annual Hg emissions from Canadian forest fires (3.5 tonnes), and annual global Hg emissions from boreal forest fires (22.5 tonnes). Annual Hg emissions from boreal fires in Canada may equal 30% of annual Canadian anthropogenic emissions in an average fire year and could be as high as 100% during years of intense burning. The Hg:CO emissions ratio of this study was much lower than those reported for a temperate forest in Ontario and a pine/shrub vegetation in South Africa, suggesting that fire emission is dependent on biome/species and that any extrapolation from a single fire event to determine the global fire emission is speculative.  相似文献   

A coupled atmospheric transport, soil-air, water-air exchange model was developed to investigate the impacts of gamma-hexachlorocyclohexane (gamma-HCH or lindane) usage in the Canadian prairies over the Great Lakes region. The fate of gamma-HCH in air and soil is governed by atmospheric dynamics and physical and chemical processes that are described by the coupled model. These processes include transport and turbulent diffusion in the atmosphere, dry and wet deposition, exchange at the interfacial boundaries of air-water and soil-air, and removal processes from the soil such as diffusion, leaching, and degradation. Numerical experiments were conducted for the period of May 1, 1998-April 30, 1999, starting with application of lindane in the spring. The coupled model was executed with two lindane emission (usage) inventories in the model domain. The first scenario contained all known fresh emission sources in Canada-98% was usage in the prairies; the second excluded emission sources from Ontario and Quebec. The model showed that, in the absence of the reemission from past application of lindane, usage of lindane in Ontario and Quebec has a negligible impact on air concentrations in these regions and that the lindane budget in the Great Lakes ecosystem is mostly attributed to applications of lindane in the canola fields in Canadian prairie provinces. Model-predicted air concentrations and seasonal trends agreed well with measured data over the same time period for several background sites operated under the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network. Air temperature was shown to play a key role on surface-air exchange dynamics of gamma-HCH. A future paper will assess loadings to the Great Lakes based on these validated model results.  相似文献   

Modeled ratios of organic mass to organic carbon (OM/OC) and oxygen to carbon (n(O)/n(C)) in organic particulate matter are presented across the US for the first time and evaluated extensively against ambient measurements. The base model configuration systematically underestimates OM/OC ratios during winter and summer months. Model performance is greatly improved by applying source-specific OM/OC ratios to the primary organic aerosol (POA) emissions and incorporating a new parametrization to simulate oxidative aging of POA in the atmosphere. These model improvements enable simulation of urban-scale gradients in OM/OC with values in urban areas as much as 0.4 lower than in the surrounding regions. Modeled OM/OC and n(O)/n(C) ratios in January range from 1.4 to 2.0 and 0.2 to 0.6, respectively. In July, modeled OM/OC and n(O)/n(C) ratios range from 1.4 to 2.2 and 0.2 to 0.8, respectively. Improved model performance during winter is attributed entirely to our application of source-specific OM/OC ratios to the inventory. During summer, our treatment of oxidative aging also contributes to improved performance. Advancements described in this paper are codified in the latest public release of the Community Multiscale Air Quality model, CMAQv5.0.  相似文献   

China is thought to be the most important contributor to the global burden of carbonaceous aerosols, and residential coal combustion is the greatest emission source of black carbon (BC). In the present study, two high-efficiency household coal-stoves are tested together with honeycomb-coal-briquettes and raw-coal-chunks of nine different coals. Coal-burning emissions are collected onto quartz fiber filters (QFFs) and analyzed by a thermal-optical transmittance (TOT) method. Emission factors (EFs) of particulate matter (PM), organic carbon (OC), and elemental carbon (EC) are systematically measured, and the average EFs are calculated by taking into account our previous data. For bituminous coal-briquette and -chunk, EFs of PM, OC, and EC are 7.33, 4.16, and 0.08 g/kg and 14.8, 5.93, and 3.81 g/kg, respectively; and for anthracite-briquette and -chunk, they are 1.21, 0.06, and 0.004 g/kg and 1.08, 0.10, and 0.007 g/kg, respectively. Annual estimates for PM, OC, and EC emissions in China are calculated for the years of 2000 and 2005 according to the EFs and coal consumptions, and the results are consistent with our previous estimates. Bituminous coal-chunk contributes 68% and 99% of the total OC and EC emissions from household coal burning, respectively. Additionally, a new model of Aethalometer (AE90) is introduced into the sampling system to monitor the real-time BC concentrations. On one hand, AE90 provides a set of EFs for optical BC in parallel to thermal-optical EC, and these two data are generally comparable, although BC/EC ratios vary in different coal/stove combinations. On the other hand, AE90 offers a chance to observe the variation of BC concentrations during whole burning cycles, which demonstrates that almost all BC emits into the flue during the initial period of 15 min after coal addition into household stoves.  相似文献   

A connection between loadings of inorganic Hg, especially from the atmosphere, and accumulation of methylmercury (MeHg) in aquatic biota has not been firmly established. Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) may be a useful indictor of Hg contamination or MeHg accumulation in aquatic ecosystems because they have aquatic life stages, and their ubiquitous distribution permits sampling across wide ranges of climate, biological productivity, and atmospheric Hg deposition. We examined MeHg in adult mosquitoes from subtropical (Florida), maritime (California), continental (Michigan), and arctic (Alaska) regions of North America that span a range in wet atmospheric Hg deposition (1.5-15 microg m(-2) y(-1)). More than 90% of the Hg in mosquitoes was MeHg, and concentrations varied among locations. Levels of MeHg differed among mosquito species at six sites in northwest Florida (Ochlerotatus atlanticus < Culex nigripalpus < Anopheles crucians); this may be related to differences in biogeochemical characteristics of the aquatic habitat that affect dietary accumulation of MeHg during the larval stage. Mosquito MeHg was related positively to wet atmospheric Hg deposition among locations where atmospheric deposition is the principal source of Hg, and it was greatly enhanced in Hg-polluted environs near the Sulphur Bank Mine in Lake County, California. These results suggest that MeHg in mosquitoes may be a useful and sensitive indicator of Hg loadings to aquatic systems, including that derived from atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous oxidation of carbonyl sulfide (OCS) on atmospheric particles and alumina (Al2O3) was investigated in a closed system and a flowed system using in situ diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS). At room temperature, OCS could be catalytically oxidized on the surface of atmospheric particles and Al2O3 to form gas-phase CO2 and surface sulfate (SO4(2-)), sulfite (HSO3-), and hydrogen carbonate (HCO3-) species. The real atmospheric particles were characterized using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and the Brunauer-Emmett-Teller (BET) method. As a simplified model, Al2O3 was used to study the reaction mechanism of heterogeneous oxidation of OCS. The hydrogen thiocarbonate surface (HSCO2-) species, an intermediate formed in the reaction of OCS with surface hydroxyl (OH), could only be observed on the prereduced Al2O3 sample. The experimental results also indicate that surface oxygen containing species on the atmospheric particle sample and the Al2O3 sample might be the key reactant for OCS oxidation. A reaction mechanism of heterogeneous oxidation of OCS on Al2O3 surface is discussed.  相似文献   

The forest canopy was an important contributor to fluxes of methyl mercury (MeHg) and total mercury (THg) to the forest floor of boreal uplands and wetlands and potentially to downstream lakes, at the Experimental Lakes Area (ELA), northwestern Ontario. The estimated fluxes of MeHg and THg in throughfall plus litterfall below the forest canopy were 2 and 3 times greater than annual fluxes by direct wet deposition of MeHg (0.9 mg of MeHg ha(-1)) and THg (71 mg of THg ha(-1)). Almost all of the increased flux of MeHg and THg under the forest canopy occurred as litterfall (0.14-1.3 mg of MeHg ha(-1) yr(-1) and 110-220 mg of THg ha(-1) yr(-1)). Throughfall added no MeHg and approximately 9 mg of THg ha(-1) yr(-1) to wet deposition at ELA, unlike in other regions of the world where atmospheric deposition was more heavily contaminated. These data suggest that dry deposition of Hg on foliage as an aerosol or reactive gaseous Hg (RGM) species is low at ELA, a finding supported by preliminary measurements of RGM there. Annual total deposition from throughfall and litterfall under a fire-regenerated 19-yr-old jack pine/birch forest was 1.7 mg of MeHg ha(-1) and 200 mg of THg ha(-1). We found that average annual accumulation of MeHg and THg in the surficial litter/fungal layer of soils since the last forest fire varied between 0.6 and 1.6 mg of MeHg ha(-1) and between 130 and 590 mg of THg ha(-1) among sites differing in drainage and soil moisture. When soil Hg accumulation sites were matched with similar sites where litterfall and throughfall were collected, measured fluxes of THg to the forest floor (sources) were similar to our estimates of longterm soil accumulation rates (sinks), suggesting that the Hg in litterfall and throughfall is a new and not a recycled input of Hg to forested ecosystems. However, further research is required to determine the proportion of Hg in litterfall that is being biogeochemically recycled within forest and wetland ecosystems and, thus, does not represent new inputs to the forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

Mercury (Hg) profiles were compared to profiles of climate indicators including microfossil remains and algal-derived or S2 carbon (C) in dated sediment cores from 14 lakes spanning latitudinal and longitudinal gradients across the Canadian high and subarctic. Hg fluxes increased postindustrialization (post-~1850) in 11 of these lakes (postindustrialization Hg fluxes (ΔHgF(F)) = 2-24 μg m(-2) y(-1)). Correction of HgF(F) for catchment contributions demonstrated that Hg deposition originating from catchment-independent factors, such as atmospheric deposition, increased since industrialization in all 14 lakes. Several of these lakes also showed postindustrial shifts in algal assemblages consistent with climate-induced changes. Eleven lakes showed post-1850s increases in S2F(F), suggesting that lake primary productivity has recently increased in the majority of our sites (ΔS2F(F) = 0.1-4 g m(-2) y(-1)). Other studies have interpreted significant relationships between Hg:S2 concentrations in Arctic sediment as support for the algal scavenging hypothesis, which postulates that Hg fluxes to Arctic sediments are largely driven by S2. However, in six of our lakes we observed no Hg:S2 relationship, and in one lake a significant negative Hg:S2 relationship was observed due to increased Hg and decreased S2 C deposition during the postindustrialization period. In six of the seven lakes where a significant positive Hg:S2 relationship was observed, algal assemblages either did not change through time or the timing of the shifts did not correspond to changes in Hg deposition. Our results demonstrate that, although Arctic lakes are experiencing a myriad of changes, including increased Hg and S2 deposition or changing algal assemblages, increased lake primary productivity does not appear to be driving changes in Hg fluxes to sediments.  相似文献   

The importance of dew in the mercury cycle was investigated during three sampling periods in the Great Lakes region and one in the Florida Everglades. Mercury concentrations ranged from 1.0 to 22.6 ng/L in dew. Deposition per dew event was, on average, lowest at a remote site on Lake Superior (0.31 ng/m2) and highest in the Florida Everglades (1.4 ng/m2). The estimated mercury deposition to the canopy associated with dew approximately equaled that of precipitation during the wintertime Everglades study. Relative to other trace elements (Mg, Ti, V, Mn, Ni, Cu, As, Sr, Cd, Sb, La, Ce, Pb), mercury was found to be more enriched in rain than dew, suggesting the importance of gas scavenging for precipitation. The fraction of mercury in dew from particulate deposition was estimated to average 40%, with the remaining contribution from reactive gaseous Hg (RGM). RGM, for which little reliable data exists, was measured in the Everglades and was significantly reduced at the start of a dew event, indicating pronounced removal of this soluble mercury species to wetted surfaces. The first estimates of RGM deposition velocities based on mercury flux measurements are reported here and range up to 1.6 cm/s.  相似文献   

We identified some of the sources and sinks of monomethyl mercury (MMHg) and inorganic mercury (HgII) on Ellesmere Island in the Canadian High Arctic. Atmospheric Hg depletion events resulted in the deposition of Hg(II) into the upper layers of snowpacks, where concentrations of total Hg (all forms of Hg) reached over 20 ng/L. However, our data suggest that much of this deposited Hg(II) was rapidly photoreduced to Hg(0) which then evaded back to the atmosphere. As a result, we estimate that net wet and dry deposition of Hg(II) during winter was lower at our sites (0.4-5.9 mg/ha) than wet deposition in more southerly locations in Canada and the United States. We also found quite high concentrations of monomethyl Hg (MMHg) in snowpacks (up to 0.28 ng/L), and at times, most of the Hg in snowpacks was present as MMHg. On the Prince of Wales Icefield nearthe North Water Polynya, we observed a significant correlation between concentrations of Cl and MMHg in snow deposited in the spring, suggesting a marine source of MMHg. We hypothesize that dimethyl Hg fluxes from the ocean to the atmosphere through polynyas and open leads in ice, and is rapidly photolyzed to MMHgCl. We also found that concentrations of MMHg in initial snowmelt on John Evans Glacier (up to 0.24 ng/L) were higher than concentrations of MMHg in the snowpack (up to 0.11 ng/L), likely due to either sublimation of snow or preferential leaching of MMHg from snow during the initial melt phase. This springtime pulse of MMHg to the High Arctic, in conjunction with climate warming and the thinning and melting of sea ice, may be partially responsible for the increase in concentrations of Hg observed in certain Arctic marine mammals in recent decades. Concentrations of MMHg in warm and shallow freshwater ponds on Ellesmere Island were also quite high (up to 3.0 ng/L), leading us to conclude that there are very active regions of microbial Hg(II) methylation in freshwater systems during the short summer season in the High Arctic.  相似文献   

Modeling the past atmospheric deposition of mercury using natural archives   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Historical records of mercury (Hg) accumulation in lake sediments and peat bogs are often used to estimate human impacts on the biogeochemical cycling of mercury. On the basis of studies of lake sediments, modern atmospheric mercury deposition rates are estimated to have increased by a factor of 3-5 compared to background values: i.e., from about 3-3.5 microg Hg m(-2) yr(-1) to 10-20 microg Hg m(-2) yr(-1). However, recent studies of the historical mercury record in peat bogs suggest significantly higher increases (9-400 fold, median 40x), i.e., from about 0.6-1.7 microg Hg m(-2) yr(-1) to 8-184 microg Hg m(-2) yr(-1). We compared published data of background and modern mercury accumulation rates derived from globally distributed lake sediments and peat bogs and discuss reasons for the differences observed in absolute values and in the relative increase in the industrial age. Direct measurements of modern wet mercury deposition rates in remote areas are presently about 1-4 microg m(-2) yr(-1), but were possibly as high as 20 microg Hg m(-2) yr(-1) during the 1980s. These values are closer to the estimates of past deposition determined from lake sediments, which suggests that modern mercury accumulation rates derived from peat bogs tend to overestimate deposition. We suggest that smearing of 210Pb in the uppermost peat sections contributes to an underestimation of peat ages, which is the most important reason for the overestimation of mercury accumulation rates in many bogs. The lower background mercury accumulation rates in peat as compared to lake sediments we believe is the result of nonquantitative retention and loss of mercury during peat diagenesis. As many processes controlling time-resolved mercury accumulation in mires are still poorly understood, lake sediments appear to be the more reliable archive for estimating historical mercury accumulation rates.  相似文献   

One pathway for release of mercury (Hg) from naturally enriched sites is emission to the atmosphere. Elemental Hg, when emitted, will enter the global atmospheric pool. In contrast, if reactive gaseous Hg or Hg2+ (as HgCl2, HgBr2, or HgOH2) is formed, it will most likely be deposited locally. This study focused on the measurement of elemental Hg flux and reactive gaseous Hg concentrations at the Sulphur Bank Superfund Site, an area of natural Hg enrichment with anthropogenic disturbance and ongoing geothermal activity. Mean Hg emissions ranged from 14 to 11000 ng m(-2) h(-1), with the highest emissions from anthropogenically disturbed materials. Reactive gaseous Hg concentrations were the highest ever reported for a natural setting (0.3-76 ng m(-3)). Measured Hg fluxes were used within a Geographic Information System to estimate mercury releases to the atmosphere from the site. Results indicated approximately 17 kg of Hg y(-1) of is emitted to the atmosphere from the 3.8 km2 area, with half from mine waste, ore, and tailing piles and half from relatively undisturbed naturally enriched substrate.  相似文献   

Historic and current use pesticides (HUPs and CUPs), with respect to use in the United States and Canada, were identified in trans-Pacific and regional air masses at Mt. Bachelor Observatory (MBO), a remote high elevation mountain in Oregon's Cascade Range located in the United States, during the sampling period of April 2004 to May 2006 (n = 69), including NASA's INTEX-B campaign (spring 2006). Elevated hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and alpha-hexachlorocyclohexane (alpha-HCH) concentrations were measured during trans-Pacific atmospheric transport events at MBO, suggesting that Asia is an important source region for these HUPs. Regional atmospheric transport events at MBO resulted in elevated dacthal, endosulfan, metribuzin, triallate, trifluralin, and chlorpyrifos concentrations, with episodic increases in concentration during some spring application periods, suggesting that the Western U.S. is a significant source region for these CUPs. Endosulfan I, gamma-HCH, and dacthal concentrations were significantly positively correlated (p-value < 0.05) with increased air mass time in Western U.S. agricultural areas. Elevated gamma-HCH concentrations were measured at MBO during both trans-Pacific and regional atmospheric transport events, including regional fire events. In addition to gamma-HCH, elevated sigmachlordane, alpha-HCH, HCB, and trifluralin concentrations were associated with fires in Western North America due to revolatilization of these pesticides from soils and vegetation. Trans-chlordane/cis-chlordane and alpha-HCH/gamma-HCH ratios were calculated and may be used to distinguish between free tropospheric and regional and/or Asian air masses.  相似文献   

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