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固体氧化物燃料电池是一种典型的电化学装置,可以把燃料气和空气(或氧气)的化学能直接转化为电能。电池的整个反应过程可以根据还原剂和氧化剂反应自由焓来进行热力学计算。对于最简单的氢气和氧气的反应来说,可以根据可逆反应平衡方程式计算电池的可逆功,而且SOFC系统和外部环境的热交换也是可逆的。SOFC作为一种伴生热能的发电装置,对热力学的理解必不可少。所以本文将首先介绍一下SOFC的热力学基础,而作为一种电化学发电装置,需要系统了解SOFC的电化学基础,其中重点介绍SOFC的电化学分析曲线——i-V曲线。 相似文献
固体氧化物燃料电池(Solid Oxide Fuel Cell, SOFC)工作温度高,阳极可发生燃料内重整反应,具有较高的燃料灵活性,同时可与燃气轮机(Gas Turbine, GT)构成固体氧化物燃料电池/燃气轮机(SOFC/GT)混合动力系统进一步提高系统效率。SOFC/GT混合动力系统一般分为底层和顶层循环2种,考虑到SOFC/GT示范性工程有限且建造成本高,一般采用数学建模仿真方法开展SOFC/GT研究。与单独SOFC或GT模型不同,常采用热力学建模仿真对SOFC/GT系统性能进行分析优化。介绍了SOFC/GT混合动力系统常用热力学模型,并对目前SOFC/GT混合动力系统常见稳态和动态热力学建模工作展开综述,考虑到现阶段SOFC/GT混合动力系统多采用商业化软件(Aspen Plus、COMSOL、gPROMs等)建模,建模功能有限、不易拓展,后续工作可基于Matlab、Python等软件进行开源代码的编程;现阶段主要围绕系统级集总模型开展分析,无法准确描述燃料电池的局部特性,后续工作可在SOFC/GT建模中引入一维甚至更高维度的SOFC模型进一步提高建模精度。 相似文献
采用柠檬酸-硝酸盐燃烧合成了纳米级CeO2基阳极支撑平板式固体氧化物燃料电池(solid oxide fuel cell,SOFC)的电解质与电极材料。研究了SOFC三极板[NiO-Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9(CGO),阳极;CGO电解质;La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3-δ(LSCF)-CGO阴极]的制备工艺,对制膜过程、烧结工艺等做了探讨。指出了较佳的制备条件。结果表明:物理混合得到的阳极优于共燃烧得到的阳极;球磨分散得到的阳极致密,乳化分散得到的阳极中NiO与CGO的分散较为均匀。 相似文献
One of the major obstacles to improving electrochemical performance of SOFCs is the limitation with respect to current collecting. The aim of this study is to examine these limitations on the basis of a model of a single cell of tubular SOFC. The simulation results allow us to understand and analyze the effects of ionic and electronic ohmic drops on cell performance. This paper describes a model using the CFD-Ace software package to simulate the behaviour of a tubular SOFC. Modelling is based on solving conservation equations of mass, momentum, energy, species and electric current by using a finite volume approach on 3D grids of arbitrary topology. The electrochemistry in the porous gas diffusion electrode is described using Butler-Volmer equations at the triple phase boundary. The electrode overpotential is computed at each spatial location within the catalyst layer by separately solving the electronic and ionic electric potential equations. The 3D presentation of the current densities and the electronic and ionic potentials allows analysis of the respective ohmic drops. The simulation results show that the principal limitations are at the cathodic side. The limitations due to ionic ohmic drops, classically considered to be the main restrictions, are confirmed. The particular interest of our study is that it also shows that, because of the cylindrical geometry, there is a significant electronic ohmic drop. 相似文献
Li Zhou Mojie Cheng Baolian Yi Yonglai Dong You Cong Weishen Yang 《Electrochimica acta》2008,53(16):5195-5198
An anode-supported tubular solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) with a 15-μm thick YSZ electrolyte and an active area of 100 cm2 was successfully fabricated by co-firing process, and the cell performance was measured under both atmospheric and pressurized conditions. The experimental results showed that the cell performance was significantly improved under the pressurized condition. When the pressure was increased from 1 to 6 atm, the maximum power density increased from 135.0 to 159.0 mW cm−2 at 650 °C, and from 266.7 to 306.0 mW cm−2 at 800 °C. The maximum power density at 800 °C and 4 atm was decreased from 334.8 to 273.9 mW cm−2 when increasing the fuel utilization from 10% to 90%. Under the test condition of 70% fuel utilization, 800 °C and 4 atm, the cell could run stably at 0.7 V and 350 mA cm−2 for 50 h, almost without any performance loss. 相似文献
Michael Lang Corinna Auer Andreas Eismann Patric Szabo Norbert Wagner 《Electrochimica acta》2008,53(25):7509-7513
Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) for mobile applications are developed and investigated at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Stuttgart. Therefore a light-weight stack design was developed in cooperation with the automotive industry (BMW/Munich, Elring-Klinger/Dettingen, ThyssenKrupp/Essen) and the Research Center Jülich (FZJ). This concept is based on the application of stamped metal sheet bipolar plates, into which the SOFC cells are integrated by brazing technology. For the development and the investigation of the SOFC cells and short stacks, the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) is an important and useful characterization method. The paper concentrates on the investigation and on the electrochemical testing of the SOFC short stacks with sintered anode-supported cells (ASC). The short stacks were electrochemically characterized mainly by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, by current-voltage measurements and by long-term measurements. The cells and stacks were operated at different temperatures, varying fuel gas compositions, different fuel gas flow rates and at different electrical current loads. The influence of these operating conditions on the electrochemical performance of the short stacks is outlined. The nature of losses, e.g. ohmic and the polarization resistances of the electrodes were examined and determined by fitting of the impedance spectra to an equivalent circuit. 相似文献
Two-cell arrayed integrated planar solid oxide fuel cells (IP-SOFCs) were fabricated using a robo-dispensing method. Special emphasis was placed on the influence of reduced shunting current on cell performance. The resistivity of the substrate increased according to a mixture rule of composites by adding Al2O3 into the substrate of partially stabilized zirconia (PSZ). This strategy, which reduces shunting current through the substrate, enhances the power output. When the amount of Al2O3 added was more than 26 vol%, however, the Ni anode migrated into the PSZ substrate to react with Al2O3, which led to performance degradation. In the case of the two-cell arrayed IP-SOFC with a 20 vol%-Al2O3 added to the PSZ substrate, a reduced shunting current loss improved the power density by 30% compared to that of the Al2O3-free substrate. 相似文献
Chengsheng Ni Mark Cassidy John T.S. Irvine 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2018,38(16):5463-5470
Image analysis and quantification were performed on porous scaffolds for building SOFC cathodes using the two types of YSZ powders. The two powders (U1 and U2) showed different particle size distribution and sinterability at 1300?°C. AC impedance on symmetrical cells was used to evaluate the performance of the electrode impregnated with 35-wt.% La0.8Sr0.2FeO3. For example, at 700?°C, the electrode from U2 powder shows a polarization resistance (Rp) of 0.21?Ω?cm2, and series resistance (Rs) of 8.5?Ω?cm2 for an YSZ electrolyte of 2-mm thickness, lower than the electrode from U1 powder (0.25?Ω?cm2 for Rp and 10?Ω?cm2 for Rs) does. The quantitative study on image of the sintered scaffold indicates that U2 powder is better at producing architecture of high porosity or long triple phase boundary (TPB), which is attributed as the reason for the higher performance of the LSF-impregnated electrode. 相似文献
Electrochemical characterization of vacuum plasma sprayed thin-film solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) for reduced operating temperatures 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper focuses on the electrochemical characterization, such as current–voltage measurements, impedance spectroscopy and long-term operation of completely plasma-sprayed SOFC assemblies for a planar metallic substrate-supported thin film concept. The influence of the variation in operating conditions is presented. To determine the different resistances in the cells, the measured impedance spectra were fitted to an equivalent circuit. This enables further improvement of the electrochemical performance of the cells and allows the assembling of high performance SOFC stacks. 相似文献
针对Siemens-Westinghouse公司阴极支撑型(AES)管式固体氧化物燃料电池,耦合电极内部离子传导、电子传导、气体扩散、热量传递及电化学反应过程,建立了全面考虑活化极化、欧姆极化与浓差极化损失的管式SOFC横截面方向二维微观机理模型。模型计算结果与文献中实验数据吻合较好,模拟结果表明:电池横截面方向的组分浓度和电流密度的分布与SOFC的运行工况密切相关。连接器的存在和尺寸对电池工作性能均有较强影响。对于所研究的阴极支撑型SOFC,电池性能会受到氧气在多孔阴极中扩散过程的限制,改善多孔电极的微观结构可有效提高电池运行性能。 相似文献
Yuta IbusukiHajime Kunigo Yoshihiro Hirata Soichiro SameshimaNaoki Matsunaga 《Journal of the European Ceramic Society》2011,31(14):2663-2669
Fuel Cell performance was measured at 792-1095 K for Ni-GDC (Gd-doped ceria) anode-supported GDC film (60 μm thickness) with a (La0.8Sr0.2)(Co0.8Fe0.2)O3 cathode using H2 fuel containing 3 vol% H2O. A maximum power density, 436 mW/cm2, was obtained at 1095 K. The electrical conductivity of GDC electrolyte in N2 atmosphere of 10−15-100 Pa oxygen partial pressures (Po2) at 773-1073 K was independent of Po2, which indicated the diffusion of oxide ions. The conductivity of GDC in H2O/H2 atmosphere increased because of the further formation of electrons due to the dissociation of hydrogen in GDC (H2 → 2H+ + 2e−). The hole conductivity was observed at 873 K in Po2 = 100-104 Pa. The key factors in increasing power density are the increase of open circuit voltage and the suppression of H2 fuel dissolution in GDC electrolyte. These are controlled by the cathode material and Gd-dopant composition. 相似文献
《Ceramics International》2015,41(6):7651-7660
We describe the manufacture and electrochemical characterization of micro-tubular anode supported solid oxide fuel cells (mT-SOFC) operating at intermediate temperatures (IT) using porous gadolinium-doped ceria (GDC: Ce0.9Gd0.1O2−δ) barrier layers. Rheological studies were performed to determine the deposition conditions by dip coating of the GDC and cathode layers. Two cell configurations (anode/electrolyte/barrier layer/cathode): single-layer cathode (Ni–YSZ/YSZ/GDC/LSCF) and double-layer cathode (Ni–YSZ/YSZ/GDC/LSCF–GDC/LSCF) were fabricated (YSZ: Zr0.92Y0.16O2.08; LSCF: La0.6Sr0.4Co0.2Fe0.8O3−δ). Effect of sintering conditions and microstructure features for the GDC layer and cathode layer in cell performance was studied. Current density–voltage (j–V) curves and impedance spectroscopy measurements were performed between 650–800 °C, using wet H2 as fuel and air as oxidant. The double-cathode cells using a GDC layer sintered at 1400 °C with porosity about 50% and pores and grain sizes about 1 μm, showed the best electrochemical response, achieving maximum power densities of up to 160 mW cm−2 at 650 °C and about 700 mW cm−2 at 800 °C. In this case GDC electrical bridges between cathode and electrolyte are preserved free of insulating phases. A preliminary test under operation at 800 °C shows no degradation at least during the first 100 h. These results demonstrated that these cells could compete with standard IT-SOFC, and the presented fabrication method is applicable for industrial-scale. 相似文献
In order to predict the electrochemical performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs), a telescopic projective Adams (TPA) multiscale simulation method is proposed in this work. This method is constructed on the basis of the equation-free method (EFM). A lattice Boltzmann model is used as the fine-scale simulator of the proposed method. The electrochemical reaction-diffusion process was simulated by the TPA and the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM). The results of the two methods were found to be in good agreement, and the TPA method can give accurate results with lower computational costs. The electrochemical reactions were also simulated based on the TPA method. The results were consistent with the experimental data, indicating that the proposed TPA method is an effective tool to simulate the electrochemical reactions of SOFCs. Also, the proposed method is suggested to be helpful in multiscale modeling of other energy systems. 相似文献