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采用电脉冲快速退火实现了非晶合金Fe73.5Cu1Mo3Si13.5B9的纳米晶化。显微组织分析与磁性能测定结果表明,该合金经适当工艺的脉冲电流处理可得到较常规法晶粒密度更高、晶粒尺寸更小、软磁性能更优的纳米晶材料。基于随机无规磁各向异性模型,阐明了该合金的软磁性能与其显微结构的关系  相似文献   

纳米晶Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9磁粉芯的磁性能研究   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
利用球磨纳米晶Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9合金得到的粉末压制成磁粉芯,研究其磁性。结果表明,在测量的频率范围内(1kHz-100kHz),该粉芯的磁导率几乎不随频率变化的而变化;粉芯的品质因数Q随的增加而增加,在较高频率时有着比坡莫合金粉芯还要高的值,具有应用价值。推导出磁粉芯的静态磁导率的表达式发现分芯的磁导率与磁粉芯的密度有着密切的密度愈大,磁粉芯的静态磁导率愈高。  相似文献   

退火Fe73.5Cu1Mo3Si13.5B9合金的起始磁导率与结构参数的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用XRD法测定了Fe73.5Cu1Mo3Si13.5B9非晶合金在退火时析出的α-Fe相的尺寸、点阵参数、体积分量和非晶相的短程有序范围、最近邻原子间距离等结构参数,讨论了它们与相应退火温度下合金的起始磁导率的关系.结果表明,α-Fe粒子在460-560℃范围内不长大,而非晶相结构发生了明显变化.α-Fe相和非晶相的结构对合金的起始磁导率有影响.  相似文献   

采用一种新的退火方式,将Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9合金薄带在铜环上卷绕成铁芯,研究在这种方式的退火过程中Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9合金薄带晶化时产生的张应力对其磁性的影响.结果表明:与普通退火相比,这种张应力使退火后合金的剩磁Br明显下降(最低为0.22T),形成的感生磁各向异性的易轴垂直于张应力的方向.这种横向感生磁各向异性起因于纳米bccFe(Si)晶粒内通过内应力和负的磁滞伸缩引起的磁弹性作用。  相似文献   

预退火对Fe73.5Cu1Mo3Si13.5B9纳米晶合金形成的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用X射线衍射,电子衍射及透射电子显微技术研究了Fe73.5Cu1-xMo3Si13.5B9非晶合金410℃预退火对随后480℃退火所形成的纳米晶结构的影响。结果表明,预退火对Fe73。05,Cu1Mo3Si13.5B9合金纳米晶结构的形成有重要影响。当预退火时间从0小时增加到3小时,合金在480℃,小时退火形成的晶相化α-Fe(Si)的晶粒尺寸从15nm减小到8nm。预退火使α-Fe(Si)相的  相似文献   

等温退火Fe73.5Cu1.0Mo3.0Si13.5B9.0纳米软磁合金的磁性…   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

研究了460~580℃等温退火(30min)后纳米晶(Fe0.5 Co0.5)73.5 Cu1Mo3Si13.5B9合金高温软磁性能.结果表明,在Fe73.5Cu1Mo3Si13.5B9纳米晶合金中用Co取代部分Fe仍可形成双相纳米晶结构,并且可显著提高合金的高温特性.与Fe73.5Cu1Mo3Si13.5B9纳米晶软磁合金相比,其室温μi略有下降,但表征高温磁稳定性的居里温度明显提高,同时磁导率在高温下衰减变缓,从而拓宽了纳米晶软磁材料的高温使用范围.文中初步探讨了用Co取代部分Fe后使高温特性得到改善的机理.  相似文献   

Fe73.5Cu1Mo3Si13.5B9非晶合金的晶化动力学   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用DTA,结合XRD,TEM研究了Fe73.5Cu1Mo3Si13.5B9软磁非晶合金的晶化动力学,结果表明,该合金在478℃时析出a-Fe相,晶化初期激活能量最小(148kJ.mol^-1),它随晶化学量的增加而增大,在XC为50-78%时,呈极大值(510kJ.mol^-1)随退火温度的升高,α-Fe相的数目增多,但尺寸基本不变。为14-16mm。  相似文献   

本文用XRD和TEM研究了Fe73.5Cu1Mo3Si13.5B9非晶合金在520℃20-120min退火后形成的纳米晶结构。结果表明,晶化相为局部具有DO3超结构的α-Fe(Si),尺寸约为14nm,α-Fe(Si)晶粒由DO3有序区和序区组成。随退火时间的延长,α-Fe(Si)的体积分数,Si含量及DO3有序区尺寸增加。在退火时间为60min时,残余非晶相处于一特殊结构状态。α-Fe(Si)相  相似文献   

研究了460~640℃等温退火后纳米晶(FexCo1-x)73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9(x=0.5,1)合金的初始磁导率麒随温度变化。与双相纳米晶Fe73.5Nb3Si13.5B9合金相比,(Fe0.5Co0.5)73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9合金室温下的磁导率降低,但晶化相和非晶相居里温度明显升高,并显著提高了合金在高温下的软磁性能。初步探讨了改善纳米晶合金高温磁性的机理。  相似文献   

Electrical and magnetic transport properties of Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3 (FINEMET) metallic ribbons prepared by standard melt-spinning technique have been investigated through dc and ac magnetic as well as electrical properties. Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3 shows conventional anisotropic magnetoresistance (MR) which is found to vary from 1 to 15 %. The dynamic behaviour of the sample vibrating at a constant frequency with the help of an external transducer in an external magnetic field is investigated. It is observed that a small self-induced ac voltage is superimposed on the dc response of the sample. This small ac signal is observed to be periodic in nature and may be attributed to the presence of non-magnetic metallic species in the ribbon. The effect of temperature (ranging from 30 to 550 °C) on the resistivity of the sample is measured and the glass transition temperature (T g) of the alloy is estimated from the dc resistivity anomaly observed at the elevated temperature. The frequency dependent responses of permeability, quality factor and dissipation factor are studied by Wayne Kerr impedance analyser with frequency range of 100 Hz–100 MHz. The observed electrical and magnetic properties of the material indicate that the alloy in its ribbon form is suitable for its potential use in electrical and magnetic switching devices.  相似文献   

A study is reported on the devitrification behaviour of the amorphous alloy Fe73.5Si13.5B9Nb3Cu1. Samples of the studied glass underwent isothermal and non-isothermal heat treatments in a thermal analysis apparatus. In addition some samples were very rapidly heated to very high temperatures by means of a laser beam. In this way a large temperature range was explored and information was obtained on the overall thermal evolution of the studied amorphous alloy. The experimental results suggest that, as recently proposed in the literature, nanocrystallization can be linked to a rate limiting Nb diffusion stage in the crystal growth process. However topological short range ordering (TSRO) and chemical short range ordering (CSRO) also affect the devitrification behaviour. In the case of the studied alloy, three temperature ranges can be defined. At low temperature only TSRO occurs. Above a temperature that lies approximately in the range 450–500°C, glass in glass phase separation occurs up to a temperature that lies approximately in the range 700–750°C, above which it appears to be very limited. The occurrence of glass in glass phase separation appears to be necessary to obtain a fine microstructure, because Nb concentrates in the boron depleted, iron rich glassy phase. The occurrence of TSRO prior to demixing should be avoided if nanocrystallization is desired. All this appears to be satisfied by isothermally treating the sample at a temperature of 555°C. This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The giant stress-impedance(GSl) effect in amorphous and current annealed Fe73.5Cu1Nb3Si13.5B9 ribbons has been investigated .The results showed that the GSl effect changed drastically with annealing techniques and the maximum stress impedance ratio of 350% was obtained after optimal conditions of current annealing .The behaviors of the stress impedance vary with densities of annealing current and the stress longitudinally applied during current annealing.The maximum change of stress impedance existed in the sample annealed by high-current-density electropulsing under applied stress of 100MPa.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionStability of magnetic materials is very importals for application. It has been known that themagnetic stability and structural stability are closelyconnected. An effectual method for studying thendcrostructure instability is to measure magneticaftereffect (MAE)l'~']. There is a difference inthe MAE between the amorphous and the crystalline ferromagnetic materials, revealing distinctionof their microstructure. In this work, the MAE andthe microstructure were studied at differ…  相似文献   

1. IntroductionFe-based nanocrystalline materials, obtained byappropriately annealed amorphous ribbons above thecrystallization temperature, consist of a--FeSt finegrains and some residual amorphous phase. Thismicrostructure leads to their excellent soft magneticproperties, such as high saturation magnetization andhigh permeabilityll'2]. The quite effective methodo f studying the structure on an atomic scale is themeasurement of the MAE[3-5]. On the other hand,positron annihilation character…  相似文献   

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