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本文以云南省保山市龙陵县邦纳掌地区的旅游开发项目为基础,用滨水聚落研究的眼光去审视其现状,解析流域地理所赋予原生建筑群落的种种特质,而后用于指导开发项目的设计实践。在改造方案的设计中,“保留与尊重”的理念一直贯穿于整个过程,并为此实践活动赋予了更多的研究性意义。  相似文献   

非正规垃圾填埋场作为“垃圾围城”的主体,严重影响了城市发展与与生态环境。北京市存在大量非常规垃圾填埋场,在环境整治的同时对其进行景观修复已成为焦点问题之一。通过对北京市典型非正规垃圾填埋场景观再生修复现状进行调研,对其景观塑造、植物应用、工程技术等进行分析讨论,可为非正规垃圾填埋场的景观化改造提供思路和方向。  相似文献   

城市的非正规性因其独特的城市文化和城市实践而被认为是第三世界发展中国家的一个重要特征。对于正处在过渡和转型期的中国而言,非正规性就业状况、社会组织、经济行业、行为规则及社会活动等也大量存在,它们都将在空间留下投影,构成多层次、复杂的城市空间的非正规性现象。但是,由于目前社会对此类环境的理解极其片面,将它看作是脏、乱、差的同义词而常以单一的大拆大建方式进行改造,适合国情的理论武器和实践对策还是个空白点,现实呼唤新的思维。事实上,城市的非正规性具有丰富的意义,它代表着一种高效率、可持续的城市环境特征,并以非正规住房为主要物质形式存在于大量的第三世界国家中。有鉴于此,本文综述了第三世界城市非正规性研究的缘起与发展,以及非正规住房实践和相关的政策演变,并阐释其对我国城市规划研究的启示性意义。  相似文献   

城市的非正规性因其独特的城市文化和城市实践而被认为是第三世界发展中国家的一个重要特征.对于正处在过渡和转型期的中国而言,非正规性就业状况、社会组织、经济行业、行为规则及社会活动等也大量存在,它们都将在空间留下投影,构成多层次、复杂的城市空间的非正规性现象.但是,由于目前社会对此类环境的理解极其片面,将它看作是脏、乱、差的同义词而常以单一的大拆大建方式进行改建,适合国情的理论武器和实践对策还是个空白点,现实呼唤新的思维.事实上,城市的非正规性具有丰富的意义,它代表着一种高效率、可持续的城市环境特征,并以非正规住房为主要物质形式存在于大量的第三界国家中.有鉴于此,本文综述了第三世界城市非正规性研究的蓐起与发展,以及非正规住房实践和相关的政策演变,并阐释其对我固城市规划研究的启示性意义.  相似文献   

甘南藏区乡村聚落空间结构模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以同一文化区域下不同生产方式为研究视角,把甘南藏区的牧区村落、半农半牧区村落和农区村落根据村落选址情况,划分为牧区山坡型村落、牧区草原型村落、半农半牧区河谷型村落、半农半牧区山坡型村落、农区村落五种类型,以五个典型村落分别作为研究案例,通过住户、组团、宗教空间之间的结构关系探索,提炼出牧区山坡型村落为住户外散、整体外散,牧区草原型村落为组团外散、整体外散,半农半牧区河谷型村落为组团外散、整体内聚,半农半牧区山坡型村落为住户外散、整体内聚,农区村落为组团内聚、整体内聚的聚落空间结构模式。  相似文献   

文章通过分析上海市郊嘉定区毛桥村新农村建设的实践,讨论了大都市城郊乡村聚落的保留与改造的实验性做法和最新进程。  相似文献   

从传统聚落的"有机模式"出发,提出了聚落式校园的概念,并结合实际案例从"自然"的有机和"规划"的有机两个方面分析了这类校园的形态特征以及设计原则,为此寻找解决办法,指出了校园建设的新思路.  相似文献   

李严  尚筱玥  周雅琴 《风景园林》2023,30(2):97-104
【目的】长城是中国古代伟大的军事工程,不同地段的地形特征与人工修筑的工事巧妙融合,形成独特的地理景观。为揭示古人营建思想与选址智慧,剖析长城军事地理蕴含的文化内涵。【方法】系统梳理古代9部描述“形胜”和“冲缓”的代表性著作,梳理出“极冲”“最冲”“次冲”“又次冲”“冲”“稍缓”“缓”7种军事地理类型,以其中3部著作中的4种军事地理类型为样本,利用ArcGIS软件,分析军堡与长城边墙的距离、与水系的距离、高程、坡度、起伏度,解释冲缓等级的地形特征。【结果】发现离边墙越远,军堡“冲缓”等级越低,规模越大;交通通道越窄,敌军同时通过的人数越少,军堡“冲缓”等级越低。【结论】揭示了古人从全局视角进行九边重镇规划布局的形胜智慧,以及从微观视角的“因地形用险制塞”的选址智慧,为长城价值研究和国家文化公园展示策略提供借鉴。  相似文献   

本文分析了"城中村"非正规部门的特征和形成原因,指出快速工业化和城市化、正规供给渠道不畅、规划的缺失、管理的不到位等因素是目前深圳非正规部门主要集中在"城中村"的主要原因,由此引发对蔡屋围的综合整治和渔民村的全面改造两种改造模式的反思.从宏观看,现有改造多是从实施规划的角度考虑,而规划往往注重物质规划、轻社会因素,这种重物质景观的改造模式过于简单化;从房地产开发的角度看,.城中村"村民出租房屋的非正规经济活动是一种房地产开发行为,渔民村的全面改造还不能满足低收入群体的住房需求,蔡屋围的综合整治模式应是主体改造模式,不同改造模式可以同步推进;从社区的角度看,"城中村"属于一种类型的社区,"城中村"改造应在社区规划的指导下进行.最后,对如何通过"城中村"改造使非正规部门正规化和社区规划等问题进行了思考,提出"城中村"改造可以将村民视为房地产开发的主体之一,将其纳入正规房地产市场体系,将社区规划纳入城市规划体系.  相似文献   

从不丹的聚落说起,以OgyenCholing村为分析案例,研究不丹传统聚落的旅游开发模式,分析聚落的现状以及随着旅游开发而发生的一系列转变,探讨了不丹开发模式的普遍性和特殊性,从而启示中国传统聚落的可持续发展之路.  相似文献   

A billion persons live in slums worldwide, and 2 million households live in informal housing in South Africa. The stated goal of the South African government is to overcome this housing backlog by 2014; but doubling the budget will achieve this by only 2030. Current policy is to deliver a choice of housing alternatives; but in practice ‘a house on a fully serviced property with freehold title’ is seen as the only alternative. This paper describes a model that estimates the value that residents of an informal settlement place on aspects such as level of municipal engineering services, location and type of upgrade, and the size of the dwelling. The model was applied to three issues in the current debate on informal settlement upgrading in South Africa; namely: whether to upgrade by relocating all residents to a ‘greenfield’ site or upgrading ‘in situ’? Whether to upgrade incrementally across many settlements or upgrade fully one settlement at a time? Whether to offer residents more than one upgrade alternative? The stated choice approach provides a method to develop and test many housing alternatives as part of involving the community in the upgrading of an informal settlement.  相似文献   

Owner-occupied self-help and self-managed housing has been the norm in colonias—low-income informal settlements along the US–Mexico border—so scholarly treatment of renting in these settlements has been limited. This article adds to the scant literature on this topic and is the first to document the nature of renting in multi-unit rental complexes in colonias. The article explores the characteristics of landlords and their motivations for pursuing landlordism by drawing upon key informant interviews with owners of rental property. The results of 47 surveys conducted with households in multi-unit complexes throughout 18 colonias in Starr County, as well as the results from intensive, conversational case study interviews with selected households, are used to illustrate the precarious and informal nature of renting in colonias and provide a limited portrayal of the housing preferences and needs of renters. The article ends with an evaluation of the policy implications of these findings.  相似文献   

在简要介绍公租房概念和建设背景的基础上,归纳比较国内外公租房后期运营管理制度中的机构设置、配租配售、租金定价、物业管理、法律保障等方面的经验、作法与差异,并就完善我国公租房运营管理提出措施性建议。  相似文献   

Research on informal settlement upgrading tends to focus on one-off case studies. This article investigates the changing experiences, over nearly 25 years, of people living in an upgraded informal settlement. We sought to determine how the perceptions of the residents of Freedom Square changed. Our latest survey (2014) included responses from 199 household representatives and followed earlier surveys. Firstly, we find that the upgrading of Freedom Square represents a first step towards ensuring the housing rights of black people in urban South Africa. Secondly, spatial infilling and locational advantage continue to play valuable roles. Thirdly, dweller control, in terms of which residents themselves are able to design extensions to their houses, remains important. Fourthly, social cohesion among community members is proving to be more important than access to a stand. Fifthly, urban management remains an important long-term requirement. Lastly, elements of informality persist in the area.  相似文献   

笔者通过对跨世纪住宅规划、设计实践的分析与总结,提出以可持续发展为中心的设计思路,并强调提高科技含量,关注信息时代人的生活需求,并据此创造更加健康、宜人的人居环境。  相似文献   

王冰  曾超 《土工基础》2011,(6):35-36
以某高速道路为例,通过介绍其部分观测点的布置,对沉降观测所得数据进行了分析,得到一些对工程施工实践有益的结论。  相似文献   

Transgression is often driven by the power to exercise choice and consciously cross the line. As Kim Dovey , Professor of Architecture and Urban Design at the University of Melbourne, explains, informal settlements, which have grown up globally out of immediate need for shelter and community, and are legally precarious, transgress established codes of ‘land tenure, urban planning, design and construction’. Their condition requires transgression, even if they are subversion through necessity rather than by design. So what is architecture's future role in informal settlements? And what can be learnt from this more ad hoc and incremental model of urban design?  相似文献   

Squatter housing (called gecekondu in Turkish) has been the central element of urban discussions in Turkey since the beginning of the 1950s. However, the solutions to this problem have changed over time. Until the mid-1960s, governments had a negative attitude to squatter housing areas and their populations, seeing them as the sources of social ills in the urban system. Thus, renewal was defined as clearance and redevelopment. However, this situation changed in the 1970s, preparing the necessary ground for rehabilitation and upgrading. In contrast, in the 1980s renewal was evaluated in a global context and equaled regeneration. So, following the 1980s, squatter housing areas have again been considered as problem areas which have to be transformed for the capitalization of global interests, in the name of urban rent. These areas could have been transformed into prestige areas to increase the physical and visual wealth of the city. Thus, first with the improvement plans and later with the urban transformation projects, squatter housing areas have been subject to urban renewal for the betterment of urban space. This study aims to compare these two different squatter housing transformation approaches from the point of view of their impact on the physical and social topography of Ankara, the capital city of Turkey.  相似文献   

某机场10kV变电站综合自动化系统的优化升级   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈如忠 《建筑电气》2011,30(9):35-39
介绍厦门机场10kV变电站综合自动化系统应用的几个发展阶段及升级改造,对系统在使用过程中所暴露出的缺陷进行分析、改进、优化。  相似文献   

考察了国内外流域风景的研究发展,指出基于城市八景的大尺度流域风景研究具有的拓展性价值与文化自信意义。整理出长江沿线(湖北段)29个清代府州县、总256景目构成的方志八景清单,以此为素材,从自然、人文及两者综合三方面来佐证城市八景中的流域风景特质。自然风景方面,阐述了城市八景诗意响应流域自然山水格局,以典型集萃的方式彰显流域自然风土特质;人文风景方面,探讨了城市八景高度响应流域文化地理格局,是流域人文风土特质的集萃;最后从流域自然与人文的综合视角,提出了城市八景时空制宜组构流域天人要素,是极具中国吉时均衡特质的文化景观之思想观点。  相似文献   

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