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Based on the semi-group property of Chebyshev chaotic map and some effective improvements of our original protocol, we propose a novel chaotic maps-based key agreement protocol which is proved to be secure, feasible and extensible.  相似文献   

Recently, Xiao et al. proposed an improved key agreement protocol based on chaotic maps, in which only a predetermined long-term key is utilized to ensure its security. This paper demonstrates that none of these schemes can satisfy the contributory nature of key agreement. To fill the gaps, we present a secure key agreement protocol based on chaotic Hash. The proposed scheme utilizes the chaotic Hash function to achieve the contributory nature and enhance its security. Cryptanalysis demonstrates that our chaotic Hash-based scheme can overcome all the current deficiencies.  相似文献   

An improved identity-based key agreement protocol and its security proof   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We revisit the identity-based (ID-based) key agreement protocol due to Ryu et al. The protocol is highly efficient and suitable for real-world applications despite offering no resilience against key-compromise impersonation (K-CI). We show that the protocol is also insecure against reflection attacks. We propose a slight modification to the protocol and prove its security in a widely accepted model.  相似文献   

余昭平  康斌 《计算机应用》2007,27(5):1033-1034
基于椭圆曲线密码体制(ECC),建立了一个高效可认证的组密钥协商协议。该方案具有如下特点:(1)协议仅需要两轮交互,就可以实现组密钥协商; (2)利用类ElGamal密码系统,无需使用密钥分享技术,因此减轻了各参与方的计算量与通信负担; (3) 协议能够抵抗自适应选择消息攻击。  相似文献   

The non-interactive identity-based key agreement schemes are believed to be applicable to mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs) that have a hierarchical structure such as hierarchical military MANETs. It was observed by Gennaro et al. (2008) that there is still an open problem on the security of the existing schemes, i.e., how to achieve the desirable security against corrupted nodes in the higher levels of a hierarchy? In this paper, we propose a novel and very efficient non-interactive hierarchical identity-based key agreement scheme that solves the open problem and outperforms all existing schemes in terms of computational efficiency and data storage.  相似文献   

The MQV key agreement protocol has been adopted by IEEE P1363 Committee to become a standard, which uses a digital signature to sign the Diffie–Hellman public keys without using any one-way hash function. Based on the MQV protocol, Harn and Lin proposed a generalized key agreement protocol to enable two parties to establish multiple common secret keys in a single round of message exchange. However, the Harn–Lin protocol suffers from the known-key attack if all the secret keys established are adopted. Recently, Tseng proposed a new generalized MQV key agreement protocol without using one-way hash functions. Tseng claimed that the proposed protocol is robust since the new protocol can withstand the forgery attack and the known-key attack. In this paper we show that this protocol is not secure since the receiver can forge signatures. We also propose an improved authenticated multiple-key agreement protocol, which is secure against the forgery attack and the known-key attack.  相似文献   

张青 《计算机应用研究》2013,30(12):3790-3793
结合自验证公钥密码学和口令构造了一个用户可以直接通信的跨域口令认证密钥协商协议。域服务器通过口令认证实现对域内用户的认证, 并与对方域服务器一起协助用户完成认证和密钥协商。该过程中, 域服务器不能获取关于会话密钥的任何信息, 且各参与方之间能够实现相互认证。与同类协议相比, 该协议需要较小的计算和通信代价, 并能抵抗字典攻击和未知会话密钥共享攻击。  相似文献   

极大的商务应用潜力对无线网络中Web服务的安全与效率提出了更高的要求,其中之一就是密钥协商问题。研究者从不同角度提出基于口令的密钥协商改进方案。近期,张学英与杨晋吉提出的一种无线环境下的Web服务身份认证密钥协商协议(Z-Y协议)经证明存在严重的安全缺陷。改进方案不仅继承原协议较高的效率和基本安全属性,而且能够有效地抵抗中间人攻击和重放攻击,弥补了原协议安全性能的不足。  相似文献   

周四方 《计算机应用》2011,31(11):2994-2996
2010年,Mohammad等人提出了一种新的双方认证密钥协商协议(MOHAMMAD Z, CHEN Y, HSU C, et al. Cryptanalysis and enhancement of two-pass authenticated key agreement with key confirmation protocols. IETE Technical Review, 2010,27(3):252-65)。新协议以较高的运算效率实现了参与者双方的身份认证和密钥协商。对该协议的单轮版本进行了安全性分析,通过模拟协议中某些信息丢失后协议双方的通信过程,发现如果协议中的一些秘密信息丢失,敌手可以发起信息泄露伪装攻击、密钥泄露伪装攻击和一般定义下的伪装攻击,也无法抵抗中间人攻击。这些攻击都可以使得敌手冒充合法参与者发起或回应会话。  相似文献   

认证密钥协商是保证参与者后续通信安全的一种重要机制。2007年,J.Oh等人提出了一种新的利用椭圆曲线密码体制的基于身份的认证密钥协商协议,该协议最大的特点是可以通过一次会话密钥协商过程生成两个会话密钥。但研究发现,该协议不能抵抗基本的冒充攻击和密钥泄露冒充攻击,详细地描述了这两个安全弱点后提出了一种新的改进方法,并分析了新协议的安全性。  相似文献   

王松伟  陈建华 《计算机应用》2018,38(10):2940-2944
在开放的网络环境中,身份认证是确保信息安全的一种重要手段。针对Li等(LI X,WU F,KHAN M K,et al.A secure chaotic map-based remote authentication scheme for telecare medicine information systems.Future Generation Computer Systems,2017,84:149-159.)提出的身份认证协议,指出其容易遭受用户冒充攻击、拒绝服务攻击等缺陷,并提出一个新的多因子认证协议来修复以上安全漏洞。该协议使用了扩展混沌映射,采用动态身份保护用户匿名性,并利用三次握手技术实现异步认证。安全性分析结果表明,所提协议可以抵抗冒充攻击、拒绝服务攻击,能够保护用户匿名性和身份唯一性。  相似文献   

李丽琳  刘柱文 《计算机应用》2011,31(8):2192-2195
口令认证密钥协商(PAKA)是认证密钥协商(AKA)中的重要分支之一。研究了一种新型三方口令认证密钥协商--3REKA的安全性,发现如果参与双方的验证值丢失,将导致严重的中间人攻击,这一攻击的结果是敌手可以与参与者各自建立独立的会话密钥。描述了这一攻击,并对原协议进行了改进,提出了I-3REKA协议。安全性和性能分析表明,所提出的协议以较低的计算量实现了参与双方的安全通信。  相似文献   

现有的密钥协商协议大多研究同一密钥生成中心(KGC)下的安全会话,即参与者的参数都由同一KGC提供。为了实现处于不同KGC中的参与者的安全会话,采用椭圆曲线设计方案提出了一种新的基于身份的双方认证密钥协商协议,新协议实现了两个具有独立参数的KGC中参与者的安全密钥协商。还利用改进的Blake-Wilson模型对新协议的安全性进行了严格的形式化证明。通过分析表明该新协议不但具有足够的安全性,而且还具备计算量小、效率高的特点,因而,可用于对能耗要求高的轻量级设备中。  相似文献   

一个新的基于口令的密钥协商协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以不经意多项式计算作为核心组件,提出了一个基于口令的密钥协商协议PSKA-I,该协议能够抵抗字典攻击但只能工作于认证模型。为解决协议PSKA-I这一缺陷,根据BCK安全模型设计了消息传输认证器,将协议PSKA-I转换为非认证模型中的安全协议PSKA-Ⅱ。上述协议口令的安全性由不经意多项式计算予以保证。与GL协议相比,该协议的通信及计算复杂度明显降低。  相似文献   

构建无证书的两方认证密钥协商协议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
基于无证书的认证密钥协商方案相比基于PKI的方案具有身份管理的简单性,同时相比基于身份的方案具有无密钥托管性。基于可证安全的无证书加密方案提出了一个两方认证密钥协商方案.通过与其他方案在安全性和有效性方面的比较,该方案满足更多的安全属性要求,如完美前向安全性,PKG前向安全性,已知会话相关临时秘密信息安全性和无密钥托管等安全特性,同时具有良好的计算有效性。  相似文献   

Recently, lots of remote user authentication schemes are implemented on elliptic curve cryptosystem (ECC) to reduce the computation loads for mobile devices. However, most of those remote user authentication schemes on ECC suffer from different attacks and can not provide provable security. Therefore, we propose an ID-based remote mutual authentication with key agreement scheme on ECC in this paper. The proposed scheme not only provides mutual authentication but also supports a session key agreement between the user and the server. The scheme also provides the known session key security, the perfect forward secrecy, the no key-compromise impersonation, the no unknown key-share and the no key control. Compared with the related works, the proposed scheme is more efficient and practical for mobile devices. We also give a security proof under the random oracle.  相似文献   

Recently, He et al. (Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2012) proposed an efficient pairing-free certificateless authenticated key agreement (CL-AKA) protocol and claimed their protocol was provably secure in the extended Canetti-Krawczyk (eCK) model. By giving concrete attacks, we indicate that their protocol is not secure in the eCK model. We propose an improved protocol and show our improvement is secure in the eCK model under the gap Diffie-Hellman (GDH) assumption. Furthermore, the proposed protocol is very efficient.  相似文献   

With the rapid progress of wireless mobile communication, the authenticated key agreement protocol has attracted an increasing amount of attention. However, due to the limitations of bandwidth and storage of the mobile devices, most of the existing authenticated key agreement protocols are not suitable for wireless mobile communication. Quite recently, Sui et al. have presented an efficient authenticated key agreement protocol based on elliptic curves cryptography and included their protocol in 3GPP2 specifications to improve the security of A-Key distribution. However, in this paper, we show that Sui et al.'s protocol can't resist the off-line password guessing attack, and therefore present an enhanced authenticated key agreement protocol. At the same time, we also consider including our enhanced protocol in 3GPP2 specifications.  相似文献   

群认证密钥协商协议可以使多个参与者在公开信道中建立会话密钥。提出了一种高效的基于PKC的无证书群认证密钥协商协议,由于采用了无证书机制,简化了基于证书的协议中复杂的证书管理问题,同时也解决了基于身份的协议中密钥托管问题。还对新协议进行了严格的形式化证明和计算量的横向比较,结果显示,新协议是安全且高效的。  相似文献   

We address the problem of mutual authentication and key agreement with user anonymity for mobile networks. Recently, Lee et al. proposed such a scheme, which is claimed to be a slight modification of, but a security enhancement on Zhu et al.’s scheme based on the smart card. In this paper, however, we reveal that both schemes still suffer from certain weaknesses which have been previously overlooked, and thus are far from the desired security. We then propose a new protocol which is immune to various known types of attacks. Analysis shows that, while achieving identity anonymity, key agreement fairness, and user friendliness, our scheme is still cost-efficient for a general mobile node.  相似文献   

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