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能源生产和能源消费活动是温室气重要的排放源.准确编制温室气体清单,对政府确认节能减排机会、制定节能减排政策,应对气候变化决策意义重大.文中分析了当前温室气体核查存在的不足,建议发挥节能监察优势和作用,协助温室气体排放清单核查、核实,从而提升温室气体排放核查效能.  相似文献   

文中分析温室的热工过程,从硬件节能和软件节能这2个方面提出温室的节能策略,如选择合适的透光覆盖材料、采用双层充气膜技术、变温管理和精准加温等,并介绍可再生能源(太阳能、地热能和生物质能)在温室中的应用技术。  相似文献   

一、欧盟对节能的认识及未来发展目标 近年来,欧盟非常重视节能(即提高能源的利用效率),将其与实现《京都议定书》确定的减排义务、发展可再生能源和确保能源安全供应并列为欧盟能源政策的(四大)目标之一。欧盟专家认为,节能管理比通常的负荷管理更具优越性。负荷管理通常是利用价格机制实现“削峰填谷”,但没有减低总的电力需求量;它通过“可中断的用电合同”或在必要的情况下切断用户的电源,给用户生产和生活带来极大的不方便;在减少温室气体排放方面作用也很小。而节能管理却能够在确保生产和生活用电的同时,减少电力需求量,并因此减少温室气体的排放。  相似文献   

加快发展以节能服务公司为代表的节能服务产业,是利用市场机制促进节能减排、减缓温室气体排放的有效措施。文章以"十二五"期间上海市节能减排目标为出发点,深入分析上海市节能服务产业市场体系建设方面存在的问题,并针对这些问题探讨进一步完善节能服务产业市场体系建设的基本思路。  相似文献   

符冠云  郁聪 《中国能源》2014,(10):13-16
英国长期以来一直在节能和应对气候变化领域进行尝试和实践,并在提高能源效率、优化能源结构、提高发展质量和效益等方面取得显著成效.经过多年努力,英国不仅已经建立起了推进节能和减少温室气体排放的法律体系、财税制度和各项政策工具,逐渐探索出一套基于市场经济原则的、有效的政府监管模式和规制手段,更在如何高效、准确、低成本执行政策,形成“政府、社会组织、企业”之间的良性互动方面积累了大量成功经验,可为我国完善节能减排政府监管模式、建设监管平台、创新监管手段提供借鉴.  相似文献   

相变墙体材料在温室大棚中的实验研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
在以往研究基础上,采用实验分析的方法,对所研制复合相变墙体材料的蓄放热特性进行了研究;并将此种材料应用于温室大棚北墙内表面,搭建了普通温室大棚和相变温室大棚的缩尺寸实验台,进行了对比实验.实验结果表明,与普通温室大棚比较,选择相变温度适宜的复合相变墙体材料应用于温室大棚北墙内表面,棚内空气温度及墙体内表面温度可明显提高,其耗电节能率η达到了8%.  相似文献   

低碳经济和中国钢铁工业节能减排   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球气候变暖,引起了世界各国的重视,世界各主要经济体将低碳经济作为战略性选择,加快开发新能源,控制温室气体排放。近年来,我国钢铁工业节能减排工作不断的进步,但能源供应对钢铁工业发展的约束却日益显著。做好节能减排工作需从节能减排技术和管理两个方面入手,一方面要推广应用CDQ(干熄焦)、TRT(高炉余压发电)等节能技术;另一方面坚决贯彻国家宏观调控政策,加快建设能源管控中心,共同促进我国钢铁工业节能减排工作的进行。  相似文献   

中煤陕西公司高度重视节能管理,通过体系建设、信息化管理、对标管理、节能技改等几个方面来阐述企业如何进行节能管理,降低能耗和能源管理成本,提高企业经济效益。  相似文献   

费颖 《节能技术》2008,26(1):95-96
汽车节能是节能的重要领域之一.实现汽车节能需要采用新技术,采取降低油耗的各项具体措施和加强法制法规建设等综合努力,科研人员和管理部门都应做出自己的贡献.  相似文献   

《工业节能管理办法》已经2016年4月20日工业和信息化部第21次部务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2016年6月30日起施行. 部长 2016年4月27日 工业节能管理办法 第一章 总则 第一条 为了加强工业节能管理,健全工业节能管理体系,持续提高能源利用效率,推动绿色低碳循环发展,促进生态文明建设,根据《中华人民共和国节约能源法》等法律、行政法规,制定本办法.  相似文献   

经过20多年的发展,中国石油稠油产量大幅提高,近几年基本占到原油总产量的12%左右,热采稠油约占原油总量的10%.由于稠油黏度大、流动性差等原因,开采和输送环节的能耗明显高于常规油田.掌握稠油油田生产用能状况、确立稠油油田生产能耗指标日趋重要.推导出稠油油田生产能耗计算数学模型,根据热力学系统能量计算方法和水蒸气热力性质,提出注汽系统能耗计算模型;通过统计和相关性分析,得出稠油油田主要生产耗能系统不同工艺流程、不同黏度稠油的能耗基准值;提出稠油油田3种能耗计算方法(计算法、对比法、经验值法).建立的能耗计算模型、能耗基准值表及能耗计算方法,可用于热采稠油油田生产能耗的计算,并能应用于评价油田实际生产能耗的合理性,制定稠油区块、采油厂或整个油田公司稠油生产能耗考核指标和能耗定额.  相似文献   

Power to hydrogen is a promising solution for storing variable Renewable Energy (RE) to achieve a 100% renewable and sustainable hydrogen economy. The hydrogen-based energy system (energy to hydrogen to energy) comprises four main stages; production, storage, safety and utilisation. The hydrogen-based energy system is presented as four corners (stages) of a square shaped integrated whole to demonstrate the interconnection and interdependency of these main stages. The hydrogen production pathway and specific technology selection are dependent on the type of energy and feedstock available as well as the end-use purity required. Hence, purification technologies are included in the production pathways for system integration, energy storage, utilisation or RE export. Hydrogen production pathways and associated technologies are reviewed in this paper for their interconnection and interdependence on the other corners of the hydrogen square.Despite hydrogen being zero-carbon-emission energy at the end-use point, it depends on the cleanness of the production pathway and the energy used to produce it. Thus, the guarantee of hydrogen origin is essential to consider hydrogen as clean energy. An innovative model is introduced as a hydrogen cleanness index coding for further investigation and development.  相似文献   

  目的  氢能是一种绿色高效的清洁能源,可以通过多种方式转化为电能、热能等加以利用。可再生能源制氢是实现碳达峰、碳中和目标的重要支撑。可再生能源制氢属于新型项目,是电力行业与化工行业的结合,系统间耦合性不强,提高能源综合利用率是可再生能源制氢的研究重点。  方法  文章介绍了当前主要的制氢工艺,对比了灰氢、蓝氢和绿氢的主要特点,阐述了风电及光伏制氢的主要系统,并提出了通过构建综合能源管理平台对可再生能源制氢各系统进行统筹管控的思路。  结果  在综合能源管理平台制定控制策略可以平衡功率,实现最优调度从而减少弃风弃光,而且还可以降低单位制氢成本。  结论  综合能源管理平台可以提高可再生能源制氢的能源综合利用率,对可再生能源制氢项目的推广起到支撑的作用,为可再生能源制氢领域的研究人员提供了重要的参考借鉴  相似文献   

The article aims to analyze the current state and determine the perspectives for oilseed rape production for energy purposes in Poland. According to the study, in recent years the oilseed rape area for energy purposes and the production of biocomponents and biofuels from oilseed rape have been on the rise in Poland. The considerable and spatially concentrated energy potential of oilseed rape in Poland is noted. It is indicated that the greatest energy potential of the oilseed rape production is the four neighboring voivodeships: Dolno?l?skie, Opolskie, Wielkopolskie, and Kujawsko-Pomorskie.  相似文献   

The production of renewable clean energy is a prime necessity for the sustainable future existence of our planet. However, because of the resource-intensive nature, and other challenges associated with these new generation renewable energy sources, novel industrial frameworks need to be co-developed. Integrated renewable energy production schemes with foundations on resource sharing, carbon neutrality, energy-efficient design, source reduction, green processing plan, anthropogenic use of waste resources for the production green energy along with the production of raw material for allied food and chemical industries is imperative for the sustainable development of this sector especially in an emission-constrained future industrial scenario. To attain these objectives, the scope of hybrid renewable production systems and integrated renewable energy industrial ecology is briefly described. Further, the principles of Integrated Renewable Energy Park (IREP) approach, an example for macro-level energy production, and its benefits and global applications are also explored.  相似文献   

Hong Kong is highly vulnerable to energy and economic security due to the heavy dependence on imported fossil fuels. The combustion of fossil fuels also causes serious environmental pollution. Therefore, it is important to explore the opportunities for clean renewable energy for long-term energy supply. Hong Kong has the potential to develop clean renewable hydrogen energy to improve the environmental performance. This paper reviews the recent development of hydrogen production technologies, followed by an overview of the renewable energy sources and a discussion about potential applications for renewable hydrogen production in Hong Kong. The results show that although renewable energy resources cannot entirely satisfy the energy demand in Hong Kong, solar energy, wind power, and biomass are available renewable sources for significant hydrogen production. A system consisting of wind turbines and photovoltaic (PV) panels coupled with electrolyzers is a promising design to produce hydrogen. Biomass, especially organic waste, offers an economical, environmental-friendly way for renewable hydrogen production. The achievable hydrogen energy output would be as much as 40% of the total energy consumption in transportation.  相似文献   

This paper discusses environmentally benign and sustainable, as green, methods for hydrogen production and categorizes them based on the driving sources and applications. Some potential sources are electrical, thermal, biochemical, photonic, electro-thermal, photo-thermal, photo-electric, photo-biochemical, and thermal-biochemical. Such forms of energy can be derived from renewable sources, nuclear energy and from energy recovery processes for hydrogen production purposes. These processes are analyzed and assessed for comparison purposes. Various case studies are presented to highlight the importance of green hydrogen production methods and systems for practical applications.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates possible synergies with industry, such as heat and oxygen recovery from the hydrogen production. The hydrogen production technology used in this paper is electrolysis and the calculations include the cost and energy savings for integrated hydrogen production. Electrolysis with heat recovery leads to both cost reduction and higher total energy efficiencies of the hydrogen production. Today about 15–30% of the energy supplied for the production is lost and most of it can be recovered as heat. Utilization of the oxygen produced in electrolysis gives further advantages. The integration potential has been evaluated for a pulp and paper industry and the Swedish energy system, focusing on hydrogen for the transportation sector. The calculated example shows that the use of the by-product oxygen and heat greatly affects the possibility to sell hydrogen produced from electrolysis in Sweden. Most of the energy losses are recovered in the example; even gains in energy for not having to produce oxygen with cryogenic air separation are shown. When considering cost, the oxygen income is the most beneficial but when considering energy efficiency, the heat recovery stands for the greater part.  相似文献   

Alternative energy technologies, particularly solar-based ones require large amounts of resources such as land and water that are also required for food production. Conflicts in resource use by energy and food production systems can be estimated quantitatively by a resource use ratio based upon the number of people that can be provided with either food or energy using the resources in question. Example analyses of selected alternative energy technologies demonstrate that alcohol from corn and eucalyptus farm technology have high potential, while wind and dry geothermal energy systems have low potential for conflict with food production. The approach presented provides a quantitative measure for assessing the issues arising when food resources are used for energy production.  相似文献   

Green energy commodities are expected to be central in decarbonising the global energy system. Such green energy commodities could be hydrogen or other hydrogen-based energy commodities produced from renewable energy sources (RES) such as solar or wind energy. We quantify the production cost and potentials of hydrogen and hydrogen-based energy commodities ammonia, methane, methanol, gasoline, diesel and kerosene in 113 countries. Moreover, we evaluate total supply costs to Germany, considering both pipeline-based and maritime transport. We determine production costs by optimising the investment and operation of commodity production from dedicated RES based on country-level RES potentials and country-specific weighted average costs of capital. Analysing the geographic distribution of production and supply costs, we find that production costs dominate the supply cost composition for liquid or easily liquefiable commodities, while transport costs dominate for gaseous commodities. In the case of Germany, importing green ammonia could be more cost-efficient than domestic production from locally produced or imported hydrogen. Green ammonia could be supplied to Germany from many regions worldwide at below the cost of domestic production, with costs ranging from 624 to 874 $/t NH3 and Norway being the cheapest supplier. Ammonia production using imported hydrogen from Spain could be cost-effective if a pan-European hydrogen pipeline grid based on repurposed natural gas pipelines exists.  相似文献   

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