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我国经济发展速度不断加快,农村地区逐渐城市化发展,城镇的建设不断加快,城镇发展中灾害成为了社会各界广泛关注的问题。在城镇建设规划阶段,对防灾工作进行严格的管理和控制,建立有效的防灾评价工作,从而制定相关对策成为了现代城镇规划建设中的重要内容。本文对城镇规划建设用地防灾评价技术进行了研究和分析。  相似文献   

陈艳 《江西建材》2014,(13):16-16
城镇建设和发展,对建立社会主义市场经济体制,促进经济和社会协调发展具有重要意义。而小城镇规划建设要建立科学的规划体系,发挥规划的龙头作用,在建设过程中要按照规划建设,同时要注重城镇基础设施建设,古今中外、历朝历代的建筑者对城镇都有着种种向往,城镇规划作为一项专业学科是近代的产物,随着城镇的发展,也越来越受到社会的重视。  相似文献   

提出了云南城镇规划建设中存在的问题,认为城镇规划应在区域规划指导下,认真研究山、水、城的关系,处理好新区规划与老城改造关系,创造山、水、城共生、共存、共荣的,具有文化品味,延续城镇文脉的特色城镇。  相似文献   

推进山区工业化必须要有与之相适应的山区城镇建设。但是,从山区城镇建设的现状看,城镇建设明显滞后于工业发展的需要。对推进山区工业化进程有很大的制约。主要表现在以下几个方面:其一,基础设施建设滞后。一方面,受客观因素的影响,长期以来山区的水、电、路、讯明显落后于其他地区。另一方面,受主观原因的影响,在城镇建设中,我们往往囿于传统的观念,对城镇建设在工业发展中的作用缺乏足够的重视。其二,投资环境不尽人意。其三,市场辐射能力弱小。其四,综合服务功能残缺。 因此,推进山区工业化必须重视山区城镇建设。 首先,城镇是山区工业规模化生产的基地。山区工业化一个最基本的特征就是山区资源和农副产品得到  相似文献   

城镇地名规划初探刘虹城镇地名规划是对城镇地域内各种地名的命名、更名及相应的分布做出整体的规划,从而提高城镇地名的科学管理水平,提高城镇信息传递效率,适应现代化城市建设和经济发展。地名规划是一项科学性很强的工作,笔者试就地名规划的意义、内容、原则、命名...  相似文献   

西部大开发,规划要先行,加强城镇规划工作,对实现资源的有效利用和城镇经济、社会、人口和环境的协调发展具有十分重要的意义。 目前,自治州的城镇建设进入加速发展的阶段,城镇规划是城镇建设的龙头,只有把握住这个大方向,才能为城镇建设和发展创造前提。  相似文献   

莫健培 《江西建材》2014,(11):18-18
现阶段,随着我国经济的不断发展,对于城镇的规划问题也越来越严重。为了使我国在城镇建设的时候,具有更高的竞争力,能够实现我国城镇的可持续发展。城镇规划管理是城镇的发展建设中非常重要的一个环节,对城市进行良好的规划管理,对于城镇的整体建设与发展有着非常强的指导意义。本文基于城镇在规划管理中的现状,对城镇规划管理的实施进行详细的研究探讨。  相似文献   

景观生态学是景观学与生态学相结合的边缘学科。它以实现人与自然和谐发展为目标,对人类生存空间的规划、建设、保护和利用等内容进行综合研究。如何将景观生态学的相关理念应用到城镇景观规划设计中,已成为当前城镇规划与景观设计研究的热点之一。景观生态学的基础理念 景观生态学对城镇景观设计的影响具有层次性。首先,表现在城镇区域的宏观层面上。城镇是一个人工镶嵌体。它的建设是一个对城镇区域环境进行改造与利用的过程,因而在城镇规划中,对自然山水的利用有一个是“善待环境”还是“自我表现、唯我独尊”的价值理念的选择问题;第…  相似文献   

试析中外边境城镇发展动向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者以分析美墨边境城镇的形成及发展状况为基础,探讨了边境城镇规划建设的发展趋势,并提出了我国边境城镇规划建设中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

自从党的十五届三中全会提出“小城镇、大战略”后,各地迅速掀起城镇建设热潮。目前,把城镇建设工作切实抓出成效,决策思路和工作方法至关重要。要从根本上确保城镇建设的质量和水平,必须切实做到七忌。 一忌漠视规划,盲目建设。城镇规划是城镇建设的龙头,搞城镇建设必须高度重视规划,严格依法执行规划。要立足区域范围,寻求城镇发展的增长极,用大市场眼光分析城镇发展的优势和制约因素,根据区域的环境容量编制城镇规划。城镇规划的时间跨  相似文献   

In the past, river engineering works have often caused channel instability and adversely affected the river's conservation and amenity value. Recent guidelines have advocated a more natural approach to river engineering practice which retains habitat diversity within the river system. While a more natural approach is desirable, geomorphological guidance is required to ensure that the advocated changes are feasible and sustainable, both in the long and short term. The key requirement for sound environmental river engineering is a basic understanding of the natural processes controlling channel shape and dimensions. Examples are given in the paper to illustrate how such knowledge can be used to (a) stabilize rivers, (b) design environmentally-acceptable and stable flood-alleviation schemes, and (c) restore previously canalized rivers. The basis of the geomorphological input in the assessment and design process is a river survey which determines the factors controlling channel characteristics and how it will respond to planned changes.  相似文献   

This paper reports the use of geomorphological mapping to obtain a better understanding of the terrain for the Lower Kihansi Dam Access Road in the Udzungwa Mountains. The long-term accessibility of the road and protection of the natural resources of the area were pre-conditions for the construction of this road, which was primarily to facilitate the transportation of equipment, machinery and personnel during construction of a 54,000 m3 concrete gravity dam related to a 180-MW hydropower station. Black and white vertical aerial photographs supplemented with field mapping were used to prepare a 1 : 5,000 geomorphological map of a possible route corridor. The mapping identified areas with unfavourable ground conditions which were subsequently studied and characterized in order to select the final route. In sections where it was not possible to deviate the road from the unfavourable areas, protection and stabilization measures were considered during the design and construction phases. The road was constructed successfully and without causing damage to the environment. Geomorphological mapping proved to be a useful tool in selecting the optimum route and appropriate construction method.   相似文献   

结合工程实例,分析了某国有煤矿棚户区改造安置区规划应重点考虑的问题,对总体布局形式作了探讨,并从居住建筑、公共建筑、景观绿化、管线布置等方面介绍了具体的设计构思,为类似工程的规划设计积累了经验.  相似文献   

西部城市化策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从我国地区经济发展的现状入手,分析西部地区在全国经济格局中的地位.从而,明确指出西部大开发要实现跨越式发展,不能完全套用东部沿海地区的发展模式,而必须坚定地实施城市化发展的战略,以城市为中心和依托,带动周边地区发展.同时对西部城市化进程提出了几点建议大力调整产业结构,优化劳动力资源配置;改革现行的限制性体制,打破城乡二元化结构;培育健全的市场秩序,降低城市门槛,积极引导乡镇工商业以城镇方式统筹布局,促进城市化健康发展.  相似文献   

顾哲  华晨 《华中建筑》2005,23(3):79-81
通过对大学高教园区的土地利用布局模式归纳和研究,结合杭州部分高教园区的使用反馈和实态调查,探讨新开发大学高教园区的土地利用空间布局模式。  相似文献   

吴雪飞 《华中建筑》2003,21(4):70-71
规划布局形态决定着小城镇特色风貌的总体框架。以江汉平原的几个代表性小城镇为蓝本,从其形态演变和布局现状分析入手,探讨出建构江汉平原小城镇特色风貌的一系列对策和行动框架。  相似文献   

小城镇总体规划“规模—布局—时间”模式研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
陈怀录  华中 《规划师》2002,18(2):73-76
对中国来说,实施“小城镇建设工程”,是真正提高我国城市化水平和社会经济发展的一股“内生”力量,然而传统的小城镇总体规划“规模—布局—时间”线性模式,过分强调时间概念,严重束缚了小城镇的发展。作者分析了传统规划模式特点及其弊端的基础上,探讨了一种“规模—布局—时间”网状模式,在模式中,引入了经济区域、不定性、弹性绿地等概念,以期对于新世纪我国小城镇的规划、发展及提高,起到一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

Congdon P  Shepherd J 《环境与规划A辑》1986,18(10):1,297-1,322
The authors examine processes underlying the growth of small urban areas in England. "There is evidence of 'people-led' growth in environmentally attractive locations (for example, through retirement migration). However, growth of small- and medium-sized towns also reflects employment decentralisation and deconcentration to freestanding or satellite towns, and the extension of commuter hinterlands.... Government policies encouraging growth are also demonstrated to be significant." The processes resulting in population decline in some small towns are identified. "The impact on modelling growth in urban areas of a diversity of causal processes and locational contexts for growth is considered."  相似文献   

孙明  牟晓梅  刘艳 《工业建筑》2007,37(5):41-44,60
黑龙江林区中心镇是资源再生型城镇,是我国小城镇中比较特殊的一类群体,它们因资源而生,但也随着资源枯竭与政策调整、发展日趋陷入困境。研究寒地林区中心镇用地布局成为当前刻不容缓的问题。从中心镇大量的用地调查数据入手,调研黑龙江省内的各林业局、林场和与林业相关的建制小城镇。采用统计分析法,对用地进行定性和定量分析。通过对69个县市林业局的统计分析表明:林区中心镇所处的自然条件相似,一般以独立形态存在,规模小,分布广,工业布局分散,以国有林工业为主,土地和空间的集约度相当分散。通过调研,对林区中心镇用地规划提出四点对策建议。  相似文献   

From the colonisation of the present Argentine territory by the Spaniards onwards, the foundation of towns and villages implied the effective occupation of the land. Towns were settled along the main commercial routes, while villages appeared in relation with the defence of the frontiers or the exploitation of natural resources. Most urban centres were the result of a pre-existing plan that included an urban layout and a plots system. After independence from Spain, new towns and villages were founded, especially in territories that had not been occupied in colonial times. The regular grid pattern layout introduced by the Spaniards continued to be predominant up to the twentieth century, something that allows us to refer to the typical Argentine urban feature and to its presence in the country's cultural identity. The purpose of this paper is to introduce the evolution of the most typical urban layout over four hundred years, including reference to the present situation of the main Argentine cities.  相似文献   

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