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研究了MIMO雷达GMTI 性能及其DOA估计的克拉美·罗界(CRB)。首先建立机载平台下MIMO雷达信号模型,通过对系统参数设置,可使MIMO雷达工作在3种不同模式中。接着分析了MIMO雷达GMTI性能,并推导出了在MIMO雷达空时信号模型下,利用空时联合域信息时DOA估计的CRB。仿真结果表明,无论是GMTI性能还是DOA估计性能,MIMO雷达均优于相控阵雷达,尤其是发射稀疏阵MIMO雷达性能最佳。同时,利用空时联合域信息能有效改善MIMO雷达DOA估计的CRB,在目标多普勒频率相差较大时效果更加明显。 相似文献
该文研究了收发站运动情况下双基地MIMO雷达的参数估计性能。首先,给出了运动双基地MIMO雷达的信号模型,推导出多目标下参数估计克拉美罗界(CRB)的一般表达式;其次,给出了单目标情况下发射角和接收角估计的CRB闭式解,并分析了收发站运动时,各参数对CRB的影响。理论和仿真结果表明:增大某一站(发射站/接收站)的运动速度,将提高该站所对应的角度(发射角/接收角)估计性能,但同时也降低了另一站所对应的角度估计性能;当发射站/接收站的运动视角垂直于发射角/接收角,而另一站的运动视角平行于接收角/发射角时,发射角/接收角的估计性能最优。 相似文献
Hua Jingyu Yang Xin You Xiaohu 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》2006,23(2):165-171
The mobile channel is slow fading and time selective, thus the multiplicative and additive noise of the channel will smear the spectral line, or arouse Doppler spread. This spread will make the parameters estimation accuracy degrade. The goal of this paper is to analytically assess this degradation when Carrier Frequency Offset (CFO) and Doppler shift exist jointly. Then the finite-sample Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) is derived and close-form asymptotical expression is given for large-sample CRLB. These expressions give insights into the performance room for frequency estimation. Also the variance of Doppler shift estimator is simulated to illustrate the theoretical results. 相似文献
本文讨论在时-空二维信号模型下信号波达方向估计问题.本文首先对时-空二维信号模型进行了描述,然后分析了在该模型了信号时域信息不能利用、时域信息可以利用以及时域信息完全已知等情形时波达方向估计的克拉美·罗界(CRB),并讨论了这几种CRB之间的关系,最后给出了几点主要结论. 相似文献
随着宽带雷达技术的发展,经典窄带信号参数估计的克拉美罗(CR)界已经不能再作为参数估计算法的评估标准。该文以宽带频率步进雷达为应用背景,首先推导了宽带频率步进信号参数估计的CR界,给出了Fisher信息阵元的闭合表达式。然后深入揭示了宽带CR界的特性,证明了频率步进信号参数估计的性能不仅与信号带宽、信噪比有关,还会受到相对带宽的影响。最后验证了窄带CR界只是宽带CR界的一个特例,宽带CR界综合考虑了宽带模型下各种因素的影响,在理论分析中有更加全面的指导意义。 相似文献
YuanWeiming WangMin WuShunjun 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》2005,22(2):185-189
A novel algorithm based on Radon-Ambiguity Transform (RAT) and Adaptive Signal Decomposition (ASD) is presented for the detection and parameter estimation of multicomponent Linear Frequency Modulated (LFM) signals. The key problem lies in the chirplet estimation.Genetic algorithm is employed to search for the optimization parameter of chirplet. High estimation accuracy can be obtained even at low Signal-to-Noise Ratio(SNR). Finally simulation results are provided to demonstrate the performance of the proposed algorithm. 相似文献
在分析双绂幅度法(Rife)、修正双线幅度法(MRife)、傅里叶系数插值迭代3种算法的基础上,结合FPGA的并行处理优势,将迭代变为并行运算,由此得出了一种快速频率估计算法。并将新算法进行FPGA设计,给出了算法流程图。仿真结果表明,当Esn〉-14dB时,新算法的频率估计均方误差接近卡拉美一罗限(CRB)。 相似文献
Li Zi Cai Yueming 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》2006,23(2):197-199
Compared with the traditional channel estimation methods, blind channel estimation methods can increase the bandwidth efficiency of the systems, but their precision is low and they converge slowly. In this paper, the Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) for blind channel estimation in complex-valued Single-Input Multiple-Output (SIMO) channel is derived. In the simulations, the correctness of the CRB is validated and some channel estimation methods are evaluated by using the CRB. 相似文献
高动态多普勒频率估计及其Cramer-Rao界 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
用泰勒级数展开的形式表示高动态的多普勒频率参数,推导分析了对各阶频率参数估计的最大似然估计器(MLE)及其估计误差的Cramer Rao界;描述了最大似然估计器和扩展卡尔曼滤波器(EKF) 对各阶频率参数的估计模型;并以均方根估计误差和失锁概率为性能指标,通过对同一模拟的接收机高动态轨迹的跟踪估计,比较了两种不同估计技术的基本性能。 相似文献
多发多收(Multiple-Input Multiple-Output, MIMO)雷达在目标检测、参数估计等方面具有显著优势。目标参数估值的CRB被证明是系统设计和空时自适应处理(STAP)性能分析中的有力工具。该文针对采用频分正交信号的共置天线MIMO雷达,首先建立基于MIMO雷达的目标和杂波空-时-频信号模型;在此基础上,研究基于空-时-频自适应处理(STFAP)的MIMO雷达地面运动目标角度和多普勒参数最大似然估值的克拉美-罗界(CRB);最后通过CRB性能仿真分析验证了MIMO雷达STFAP有效消除动目标检测盲速,提高目标参数估计精度的优势。 相似文献
提出了一种基于尺度变换的宽带线性调频信号时差和尺度差的快速算法.根据两路接收到的线性调频信号间调频率之比为尺度差的平方的特点,利用分数阶傅里叶变换分别估计出两路信号的调频率,即可获得尺度差的估计.将估计的尺度差对一路信号进行伸缩,并计算伸缩后信号与另一接收信号的时域相关,根据相关峰的位置估计出时差.相比于传统基于宽带互模糊函数的方法,该方法避免了二维搜索宽带互模糊函数的峰值,只需若干次快速傅里叶变换即可实现,能够显著降低运算量.仿真结果显示该方法在高信噪比下逐渐接近克拉美-罗下界. 相似文献
该文考虑信息位宽的不确定性,研究了单个伽利略搜救信号FOA(Frequency Of Arrival)和TOA(Time Of Arrival)估计的克拉美-罗界(CRB)。推导了伽利略搜救信号Fisher信息矩阵元素的计算表达式,利用单位冲激函数的性质和Parseval定理,将单位冲激函数的平方和转换到频域进行计算,得到了FOA和TOA估计的CRB的解析结果。数值分析,Monte Carlo仿真及实测结果表明,上述CRB具有有效性,可以用于评估上述参数估计算法的性能。 相似文献
《AEUE-International Journal of Electronics and Communications》2014,68(8):730-736
An accurate position of a mobile user's location is substantial in wireless cellular networks with respect to location based services (LBS) implementation. Among the available parameters used to estimate a desired location, low cost measurement of received signal strength (RSS) makes it suitable for outdoor and indoor positioning. Our aim here is to look at the performance of a theoretically optimal user's position estimator. We examine the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB), which sets the lowest variance of any unbiased estimator. Due to the oversimplification with respect to reliance on detailed cognizance of environment, we deploy theoretical free-space and empirical COST-231-Hata, Stanford University Interim (SUI) and ECC-33 path loss models that are dominantly used in real scenarios aiming to form the system model equations. The findings show that the CRLB on estimation precision depends on the underlying path loss exponents (PLE) and the relative positions of the mobile and base stations. The calculated bounds provide a benchmark against which it is possible to evaluate different positioning algorithms, techniques and estimators relying on the specified path loss models. 相似文献
Deng Kai Tang Youxi Lei Xia Li Shaoqian 《电子科学学刊(英文版)》2007,24(4):455-461
The problem of estimating the carrier frequency offsets in Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) systems with distributed transmit antennas is addressed. It is supposed that the transmit antennas are distributed while the receive antennas are still centralized, and the general case where both the time delays and the frequency offsets are possibly different for each transmit antenna is considered. The channel is supposed to be frequency flat, and the macroscopic fading is also taken into consideration. A carrier frequency offset estimator based on Maximum Likelihood (ML) is proposed, which can separately estimate the frequency offset for each transmit antenna and exploit the spatial diversity. The Cramer-Rao Bound (CRB) for synchronous MIMO (i.e., the time delays for each transmit antenna are all equal) is also derived. Simulation results are given to illustrate the per- formance of the estimator and compare it with the CRB. It is shown that the estimator can provide satisfactory frequency offset estimates and its performance is close to the CRB for the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR) below 20dB. 相似文献
激光多普勒测速参数估计的Cramer-Rao下限 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
针对固体运动目标高速度、高加速度的特点,研究了高斯白噪声背景下激光多普勒测速同波信号的参数估计问题.通过计算参数矢量的费希尔(Fisher)信息矩阵,分析了实同波信号的多普勒频率和频率变化率估计方差的克拉末-雷奥(Cramer-Rao)下限(CRLB),推导了采样点数较大时同波信号参数方差估计的CRLB计算公式,讨论了各参数的最大似然估计(MLE).指出同波信号参数估计方差的CRLB与采样点数、信噪比及初相有关,采样点数较大时,实信号参数估计方差的CRLB为对应复信号的2倍.在不同的采样点数和信噪比下仿真表明,提高回波信号的信噪比和增加采样点数可以减小各参数估计方差的CRLB,结果与理论分析吻合. 相似文献
A fast parameter estimation algorithm is discussed for a polyphase coded Continuous Waveform (CW) signal in Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN). The proposed estimator is based on the sum of the modulus square of the ambiguity function at the different Doppler shifts. An iterative refinement stage is proposed to avoid the effect of the spurious peaks that arise when the summation length of the estimator exceeds the subcode duration. The theoretical variance of the subcode rate estimate is derived. The Monte-Carlo simulation results show that the proposed estimator is highly accurate and effective at moderate Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). 相似文献